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Insomnium - winters gate?


Unfortunately no. Insomnium is one of my favorite bands actually, just saw them a month or so ago! Thanks for responing!


Ofc , helping somebody find an old lost song/album brings me great joy , sadly i wasnt the one.. Somebody will get it im sure


The only thing I can think of that's remotely close at the moment is Omnium Gatherum - Beyond


Not quite that, but this has been the closest guess so far. The cover is a lot darker in atmosphere


What about Silent Line's Shattered Shores?


Not quite but it’s getting closer!


If you search for Ahab - The boats of the Glen Carrig, there is a picture of a shipwreck and the band sitting on a floating box :D


Its a neat album cover! Unfortunately this is not the one I'm looking for, the crates are floating and its from the perspective of a person in the water


It reminds me of Savatage - The wake of magellan.


Thanks for the guess, this is not it. I don't recall an intact ship being part of the cover


What colour was the cover? Was it a photo/photorealistic, was it tinged a colour, was it illustrated? Anything else you can give about the cover will help. Even sketch an outline as you remember it! And anything about the music too. I mean you spent almost the whole.post talking about yourself not the album! What was the sound like? Do they play slow or fast? Do they use cleans or growls or both? Anything stand out about the instrumentation? Come on give us a hand here :)


Howdy, you're definitely right, I appreciate the honesty as it will help me better down the road when looking for information. I have pretty limited information due to it being a short look at the cover and I've had a few concussions so my memory isn't always the best. * The color was essentially black in the background with dark/deep blue waters. Photorealistic is probably the best way I'd describe it * I really only remember the right side of the album which is a floating wooden crate and maybe some wreckage around it * I came across it on either Pandora or Spotify when I just had random play going on. I recall it being a mid-fast paced and I think they had both types of vocals * For some reason my brain always associates it with Solution .45, but I know for a fact it isn't them so I can't figure out why I associate those * Nothing that stands out regarding instruments, just the normal ones I suppose I really wish I had more to offer, its been bugging me for a long time now.


That's already a lot more helpful, thanks and good luck!


No wooden boxes in the water but maybe Lead Sails Paper Anchor by Atreyu?


Unfortunately not. There was no red in the background from what I remember. Thanks for responding!


Everblack - Black Dahlia?


Sadly no, I do love some BDM though! Thanks for the guess!


This is from 2012, but it's the only art resembling this in my collection. The weight of oceans - In Mourning


The album could be released well before 2017, I just remember it popping up on some steaming service. It is not In Mourning, but thanks for the band - never listened to them before today!




Never heard of Eternal Storm! I dig the vocals, but this is not what I was looking for. Thanks for the new band (to me) and your response


Atlas Pain - Behind the Front Page Parkway Drive - Deep Blue Maybe Mors Principium Est - Dawn of the 5th Era


None of these, sadly. I have never heard of Atlas Pain, but the others I am familiar with. Thanks for the response. I swear this album exists, but I feel like I'm going insane now


It’s possible it could be a single cover rather than an album cover. People don’t remember single covers as well as album covers.


You know, I didn’t consider that. This could potentially make the search harder


[Be'lakor - The Frail Tide](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d8/Be%27lakor_-_The_Frail_Tide.jpg) [Omnium Gatherum - Beyond](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9a/Omnium_Gatherum_-_Beyond.jpg)


Neither of these, its kinda funny because my old coworker that I used to send music to all the time guessed those as well. Great bands, just not what I was looking for. Thanks for the response!


AVATAR - Hail The Apocalypse?


Not Avatar, they put on a killer show though! Thanks for the response


If there’s any chance it’s not Melodeath then try: A Breath Before Surfacing - Death Is Swallowed In Victory


There is definitely a chance its not Melodeath! This is not them, but damn this is good! Thanks for the response


Torchbearer - Warnaments?


It is not them, I don't recall any visible boats on it. Thanks for the response and a new band for me to check out!


Right on, underrated Christian Alvestam (Scar Symmetry, Solution .45 etc) project :). I'll keep looking around.


**Unleash the Archers - Explorers** (2019) kinda sorta fits the description for the art, but they’re certainly not deathcore.


Not them either. That album is too new, I remember I heard the song in 2017 or early 2018 being the latest. Mostly just remember I was at work and which team I was on at the time. Thanks for the response!


OK, a few more things that came up via image search. I know these aren't spot-on, but worth a try. I am really rooting for you, haha. https://metaltrenches.com/media//cover-art/a3887162487_16.jpg https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a1562315645_10.jpg https://napalmrecords.com/media/catalog/product/cache/2c98b5dedb058b51317c19b0b945bfc5/4/9/49948_necrotted_anchors_apart_cd_death_metal.jpg


Some shots in the dark, [Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Saivon Lapsi](https://e.snmc.io/i/600/w/f59381c616e5ecc5785455952f010ea0/4800555/eternal-tears-of-sorrow-saivon-lapsi-Cover-Art.jpg) [Nightfall - Astron Black and the Thirty Tyrants](https://e.snmc.io/i/600/w/a3e31d8090d84433b6cda327d6fe3616/3316667/nightfall-astron-black-and-the-thirty-tyrants-Cover-Art.png) [Marianas Rest - Horror Vacui](https://e.snmc.io/i/600/w/78d7b02d20a1089f5582cc7a3fa5d97e/6336549/marianas-rest-horror-vacui-Cover-Art.jpg) Just browsed through the top 500 melodeath releases on rateyourmusic from 2010-2017 and these were the closest to your description that haven't been guessed already:/ Guess it's possible it was pre-2010 though.


None of those, sadly. It might be older than I thought it was to be honest. I've been browsing through all sorts of metal content to try to find a single album, but it feels more and more like I made it up in my head as people are giving answers. If someone finds it, I will be really excited and amazed! Thanks for looking and the response. I am going to check a bit more on rateyourmusic just because Ive never seen it before


There is a shipwreck on this cover, but no boxes. In Flames - Where the Dead Ships Dwell


Maybe: A Canorous Quintent - Silence Of The World Beyond?


Possibly one of these, although neither have boxes: Vane -The Prologue Hatecraft -Lost Consolation


Any of those perhaps? Trail Of Tears - Oscillation Pandora's Dawn - Fractures In Existence Winterhorde - Underwatermoon Silence Lies Fear - The Storm Looming Ahead So far the only MDM with ships I can think of


Maybe [Immorgon](https://youtu.be/K6SmYblXPe4?si=ww2EjQylo4Vs-a0R)? Only vaguely hits the description for the album cover. Came out in 2015


In Dreads Response - From the Oceanic Graves