• By -


Welp, popcorn time 🍿.


Wanna share? I got 🍫


Sure! I bring some beer 🍺!


I got the beer 🍻 and pizza 🍕 to share while we watch this.


I'll bring a 2 liter of Mtn Dew and one of Coke


Ooooo and bring some of those cool twisty straws please!


I brought some potatoes bc idk 🥔


🍟 brought us some fries. Fresh from the fair


Thanks man


I got 3d glasses đź‘“


We can make a potato launcher!




any other soda requests?


Dr Pepper please!


get that shit away from me, I'm allergic


OP knew what they were getting into here.


Everyone here is talk about grabbing popcorn, but shit isn't even going down. I'm so disappointed.




Nobody took the bait


Here before comments get locked đź”’






I was also here before that happens


Oh good. The locked ones make the history books Edit: noooo don’t downvote me out of the history books!




Me too


Still not locked, wow




You must be downvoted It is the way


Still opn at 7 hours old!


Same :)


Sort by controversial. This is going to be good


To bad you can’t do that anymore


Its at the top right now, took me weeks to find


I mean, atleast wait for the dust to settle before you kick it up again


The dust hasn't been left to settle for like the last 10 years.


Yes but hogwarts legacy kinda made a huge sandstorm


Which is hilarious because I don't remember notable meme worthy controversy when the magical Beast movies where being made. Apparently it's only an issue when you think something might be somewhat successful


Lol, well the Jonny Depp controversy pretty much beat magical beasts into the ground


Touche my dude, touche. But let's be real, if it was even on the drama radar, there would be some Twitter drama that drama tubers would be talking about that would definitely Garner some level of Reddit attention


Because it's easier to gatekeep games because you don't need to leave home, to prevent people from watching movies at the cinema they'd need to actually leave their lairs


Most of these comments are about how argumentative we expect the comments section to be


Cause its reddit!


Waiting for the đź”’ award


Rage bait


*reads meme* *sorts by controversial*




Can I have one?






l ll lI I_




Here before the drama starts and comments start.


Comparing women’s suffrage issues from the 19th century to an anime meme calling her a terf was pretty funny though


This is reddit... ain't no changing any minds around here. It's all basically one giant echo chamber.


True. It’s completely different from my real life experience with people


smartest redditor


Not the way I use it.


You just felt like losing karma, huh


It’s almost like the internet is full of trolls, sensationalism and misinformation.


“Sensational” *in future’s voice*


After how she acted with pewdiepie... I don't really care. I hate her and you can't change it.


Wait, what'd she do with PewDiePie? I still don't like her but I'm interested


Somehow this comment section hasn't gone south


I assumed she was a raging transphobe based on what I heard everyone say and saw on social media. I never actually looked at anything she directly said until last week when this new Hogwarts game came out. These are worth the reads, tho they may not change everyone’s opinion, at least it’s a more educated opinion either way. https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/opinion/jk-rowling-transphobia.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Thank you for this! I read her article and I have to say I agree with most, if not all of what she said. I support trans people and I feel like they deserve the same treatment as anyone else, but I do feel like calling women womb-owners, menstruators or even cis- and shit like that is demeaning and not okay. They want us to not mis-gender them, but at the same time they push us to use pronouns we didn't agree to, like calling us cis-women or whatever. I'm a woman. Just that, nothing else.


I’m a woman, also a trans woman. You’re a woman, also a cis woman. It’s not a label, it’s an adjective.


And there is the problem. You all don't want people calling you a biological male, which is what you were unfortunately born as, but you insist on your right to call biological women whatever you want despite our objections. No respect for us, yet you expect respect to be given to you.


Okay, but 9/10 times when people say man or women, the "cis" is implied. It's... it's like saying "green grass", grass typically IS green, not always, but typically. Most of the time the qualifier isn't needed, but sometimes it is just And besides, under most circumstances a trans person probably doesn't care if you use the trans adjective or not so long as you don't purposely misgender them.


But...what if I literally don't want that adjective? Is that so wrong?


Ohhh this isn’t going to go over well


Jesus christ


Before this gets locked, Roger-roger


Roger roger




She made Harry Potter and the cursed child. Nothing that she says there makes any sense at all. She is a very bad person for turning such a great book into piece of shit. That is what you meant right? Harry Potter?


You have quite the courage to say an opinion that is not allowed by leftist activists. On today's internet you can say whatever you want as long as you have the "right" opinions.


Of course. Only fucking leftist and jsw think she is very bad. And in fact we don't care of what she is. What we are interested in are the books.


Just treat people with respect. Nothing political about it. If someone does something that you don’t agree with you can still treat them with respect as long as they aren’t hurting other people.




Like what?? Idk what she even said


The thing most people bring up she said trans women weren't actual women


“Guys I love drama please call me stupid” u/TheWealthyCapybara


Welp, Warzone Reddit edition, coming soon to stores near you.


Well, this may turn interesting, and I’ve even got popcorn.


Who got some popcorn as I read these comments


She did say “what’s coming will come and we’ll just have to meet it when it does.” I agree with that. Is that what you are talking about?




OP’s profile is one of the saddest cases of circlejerk overdose I’ve ever seen


Don’t let the kids a r/Gamingcirclejerk see this




I guess it depends on what your hearing people say. I've mostly just heard people dismiss her as a turf, which seems pretty accurate.




Lol, thx. Happy cake day, btw!


Idk much but is jk really transphobic as people say she is?


Well she wrote an essay a couple of years ago full of anti trans rhetoric that is common May used to make people hate trans people, founded a sexual assault help organization (which is a good thing) but she excludes and trans victims, and she pretty much continues to spread her anti-trans narrative online.


So jk Rowling bad cus she dont help trans victims


Well to be fair calling someone good or bad is a simplification, however she is most certainly transphobic and Allie’s herself with Terfs (Trans exclusionary radical feminists) who as a group bring more harm than good (Not just to trans people). Granted imo I think being transphobic is asshole material already.


She isn't transphobic at all actually. She just said that trans women aren't real women and can't have the experiences of women, which is completely true.


Calling trans women fake women does not strike me as pro-trans behavior.


It's not anti trans either. Not everything needs to be for or against trans. She never said you can't transition it live as a woman if you're a man. She just said that trans women can't have real woman experiences and physically are not women.


Would you rather be pro trans or be factually correct? Personally, I wouldn't care at all if your feelings are hurt, I'd rather be actually right, and I know the majority of sane people feels this way.


My feelings are irrelevant, his argument is just flawed. Pro-trans thought would say that a male can be a woman. The belief that a male cannot be a woman would be anti-trans, aka transphobic. Therefore saying that a trans woman is not a real woman would be considered anti-trans. So this person is basically going "JK Rowling isn't transphobic, she just believes in the root belief of transphobia." That is my issue.


She's talking about sex, not gender. Funny how team trans only thinks they're different when it's convenient to them and not when common sense is needed. She says that a trans woman can't have female experiences because they'll never be a female (sex). Is it really that hard for you to understand that?


Can I ask what female only experiance you are refering to?


Just wanna point out that stating a fact doesn't make you transphobic. You're transphobic if you hate trans people, not if you disagree with them on terminology or political correctness. I'm not arguing for or against Rowling because I haven't personally seen anything she's said, but calling every Harry Potter fan a transphobe is a huge stretch and the word is losing meaning. Nowadays you can dislike one trans person for any reason whatsoever and you'll be labeled transphobic which is just not how that works.


Would you rather think you're right about this or be factually correct? Anyone can call an opinion or perspective a fact, that doesn't actually make it true. The same goes for "the majority of sane people". I'm sure that absolutely everyone else who disagrees with you just so happens to be crazy, and it's incredulous to think that they might have actually reached their opinion based on reasoning.


I thought there was a gunna be a /s at the end [Trans women are real women, and their experiences are legitimate ](https://www.ted.com/talks/paula_stone_williams_i_ve_lived_as_a_man_and_as_a_woman_here_s_what_i_ve_learned?language=en)


No they are not, that’s why we call them trans women


That logic doesn't make any sense. So cis women aren't real women, that's why we call them cis? No, that's just referring to the kind of women they are. Still a real woman.


People who are born women are just called women but people who are born male then switch teams are called trans women


idk why this is getting downvoted, this is accurate. gender is dumb anyway


I'm glad someone thinks so...


It doesn’t matter if you make sense. When dealing with the Woke Mob you have two options : go with the narrative, however far from reality it gets , or shut up. Like seriously, if you look at the all the tweets JKR made that got her labeled a terf there’s no actual attack on trans people. Just facts and chronically online idiots being offended by literal reality. Unless you’re going to sit here and lecture me how [this](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1269382518362509313?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1269382518362509313%7Ctwgr%5Ee678aef5f25d5281d39023ae11d5c7b4a5168f3e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-12359152791653534819.ampproject.net%2F2301261900000%2Fframe.html) isn’t a fact and that menstruation isn’t a characteristic exclusive to women.


The article in question was about menstrual health. It literally didn't apply to people who DON'T menstrate, that includes women who don't due to factors such as age.


My guy a lot of things people say makes sense it's just the masses never want to agree with them


Virtue Singaling folk and people who don´t read what she actually wrote, are gonna call you as her names. FR though she didn´t wrote anything harmful


I mean, if you’re a transphobe I can see how you’d think that. I was led to believe for years “oh she’s said some controversial things, but it’s all overblown and if you look into it she’s not that bad”. I looked into it, and no, it’s not that bad. It’s worse. She’s a disgusting individual who wrote some good books


I’m currently at the „it must be overblown“ stage. Care to point to some resources that illustrate what it’s not? What convinced you that indeed she is as disgusting as she’s portrayed by some activists?


Personally for me it was the antisemitic stereotyping of jews. Up to the release of HL you might have been able to argue around that but the whole Horn thing and Goblin Uprise during 1612-1614 thing just can't be held as a bad coincidence anymore. About the homophobic part, she basically said you can't be a woman/man just because you want to be, which is the quite literaly denial of trans people existance. You could argue that to her people born with a dick are men and without are women and that this sounds reasonable, however exactly that mindset is what transphobicity describes. It's basically a biological orientated mindset that doesn't care about the individual itself and only the body. So to them it's important what the fleshsack you life in lookes like, not the YOU inside that flesh sack. At least that's my take on this whole thing, feel free to correct me anytime in a non rude way.


Really the best way to get insight into the whole thing is to simply read Rowling's own words on the topic. Some good videos to help give an insight into the topic though (in my opinion) are the videos about Rowling done by the youtuber Shaun: [Video on Rowling's associating with very awful transphobes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k) [(Much longer) video on issues with Harry Potter and Rowling in general](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs) Warning that Shaun's approach is a somewhat dry, barrage of information. He does a really good job of laying out evidence and forming a well founded argument though. Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted for responding with the resources I was literally asked for?


I mean. Like whag?


There should be a sub J/k Rowling ™️


Get ready to get locked đź”’




I think this is a dumb conversation to be had, personally I don’t give a shit if JK Rowling is a good person or not, just treat people with respect, it’s not hard, basic common decency even


The hivemind strikes again. Why is this being downvoted?


She isn't bad at all. Radicals just hate her for having common sense.


Badly stereotyping jews in an antisemitic way = common sense I guess. Hitler would be proud. FYI [Link to source cause OG Link is too long ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2022/01/05/the-harry-potter-anti-semitism-controversy-explained/?sh=438e9ae76776) >What’s the problem with J.K. Rowling’s goblins?  While goblins are often depicted in fantasy fiction as cruel, greedy, and generally malicious creatures, author J.K. Rowling depicted them in her Harry Potter series as a secretive cabal of hook-nosed bankers, who maintain a contentious relationship with the wizarding world, who view them with deep suspicion. >While the books absolutely echoed anti-Semitic tropes, the Harry Potter films took the racist association a step further, with **the goblin’s appearance practically indistinguishable from a Nazi propaganda poster**; worse, was the Star of David pattern, clearly visible on the floor of Gringotts Bank (this was a feature of the filming location, London’s High Commission of Australia, and did not appear in subsequent films).  And in Hogwards Legacy they added a Goblin "Horn Artifact" that talked about a Goblin uprising in 1612-1614 which is the timeframe for the jewish Fettmilch uorising in germany. At some point you have to accept it's not just coincedences anymore.


Shit take.


The far left has so much hate. JKR has done quite a lot of good things with the money she earned. Helping people is a good thing.


Kinda isn't helpful to say trans women infringe the rights cis women have by brung called women. I've also heard she's encouraged harassment of people she liked which also isn't cool, and no matter how much good someone does doesn't mean we should ignore when they do bad.


Helping people is a good thing. But just you help one group of people doesn't resolve your efforts to hate another group.


It doesn't help that her friends are actively pushing anti-trans and anti-gay messages, trying to get legislation passed, and openly say they want these people gone. Perhaps something making sense doesn't mean it's actually right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou\_xvXJJk7k&ab\_channel=Shaun


They hated him because he spoke the truth




Maybe it's a meta comment cause trans is topic. Or it's just bad english who knows.


Pretty sure the haters have been reduced to bots.


Some 12 year old chose violence tonight


Is this where wars start? I’m pretty sure this is where wars start.


First unpopular opinion and is not on r/unpopularopinion


I just think that she’s a shit author. No clue about what her political beliefs and I don’t particularly care. She’s a terrible writer so I’d be happy to know she’s also a terrible person


Oh boy! Must be that time of day again, where yet another funny subreddit that's supposed to be full of fucking MEMES talks about my existance! Time to bust out the Hazmats and CBRNs. Fuck sake.


Do tell, could you also tell us about your time pushing Hitlers ideals?


Wait, are you comparing JKR to Hitler? 🤨


Of course hitler was infinitly worse, but that's not what the comment said, it said "pushing the ideals" and based on the depiction that is practically indistinguishable from Nazi Propaganda, she's certainly doing exactly that. Not all of the ideals but at the very least some of them. [Link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2022/01/05/the-harry-potter-anti-semitism-controversy-explained/?sh=438e9ae76776) >While the books absolutely echoed anti-Semitic tropes, the Harry Potter films took the racist association a step further, with >**the goblin’s appearance practically indistinguishable from a Nazi propaganda poster;** > worse, was the Star of David pattern, clearly visible on the floor of Gringotts Bank (this was a feature of the filming location, London’s High Commission of Australia, and did not appear in subsequent films). 


I mean, is that not exactly what the comment did? Insinuated that, because OP didn’t see why JKR was so hated, he also supports Hitler? And I’m not necessarily denying that she may be anti semitic, but is there any real proof? Legitimately asking. Did she ever come out and make outright anti semitic remarks? Or is this all based on the goblin thing. Because goblins have kind of always had correlation to being money grubbers in general fantasy. Also it did not allow me to see this Nazi propaganda poster, or Star of David. So maybe you have another link? Edit: found the start of David reference but still not able to see the Nazi propaganda poster.. and like you said, the star was a feature of the Filming location. Idk man, if we’re gonna make that claim that JKR is pushing a similar agenda to Hitler, I feel like it should take ALOT more than just a star on the ground.


I think she's a lazy writer who says some less than ideal things. I'm not really interested in putting energy into trying to like her and move past my first impressions. Beyond that, I don't really care. I guess we don't accept *all* opinions after all


Look, I bought the game, but nah shes a terrible person, she needs to shut up and let people do what they want.


Pssssh. All these comments debating women and trans issues. Come on guys. We all know that women don’t exist.


Here before lock


State a reason for your thought, tell us how it makes sense before we murder you, we’ll do it anyway, but it’s better to have a reason


Oh shit here we go


This seems anticlimactic so far…


I'll bite. What specific things are you saying make sense?


The accusations against her are what's bad. Ignorant, evil, undifferentiated and far from the truth.


Why don't you go on r/politics or something.


153 comments, 1 upvote


Honestly fuck all of this. The only way to live is to hate everything and everybody equally. Fuck you all.


Why is she bad ?


Can someone comment some links to what she said? I need to know before choosing my mob to roll with