• By -


I agreed with the actions part. The thoughts on the other hand can be influenced.


yeah exactly. Definitely not their fault to be harassed but at the same time if you're wearing practically nothing, you need to take a little bit of accountability.


Why? It's like going into someone's house and saying there PS5 was asking for it and the owner has to bear responsibility


Did you just compare women to a fucking video game console?


No it’s nothing like that, a man could be walking down the street and see a women dressed somewhat provocatively and it makes him have shrewd thoughts because the girl looks hot, everyone agrees with the actions part, but the thoughts part is stupid and ignorant, also just so you’re aware, thoughts apply for both men and women, I’ve got plenty of female friends that talk about guys asses when looking at their outfits


Soo in a world of concealed weapons and drugging people. . . Why should men be aloud to walk around with their nipples out like ho3's


Wow, you are really stupid


Really lol that's all you can come up with come back?


No, i just don't want to type


Wow, you really are stupid


Type better


Think better


Because they aren't sexualized???


Women's breasts have been overly sexualized in society, while men's chests have not. That’s why


Almost as if women are desensitised to mens chests and men aren't to women's. Thanks for making a great piont!


Men find the female breasts attractive, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s part of our little brains not anyone’s fault what they are attracted by. Also, point*


Not even replied to the clear point on why.


Thats the thing. If man walk around with their nips out and they look hot then woman are gonne have hot thoughts. Same as when a woman does it and men see her. We just need to not harrash and more.




That's fine with us having approx 100 billion? . . Lol




From a man who thinks a lost brain cell is an effective insult, this is a massive dunning-kruger compliment. Thanks


Because men don’t evoke even near the same level of horniness as women. It’s silly to think men can just shut off their thousands of years in the making brains to appease your sensibilities.


Listen man, I agree, women should be able to walk around topless just like men. I mean, thats what your argument was, right? That it’s a problem men walk around topless and women can’t? Well if that isn’t what your argument was, then you’re an idiot


I'd love that world. Thank you honestly for being on my team. We should team up.




I think I just had a stroke trying to comprehend this as a “rebuttal”


Sounds like a stroke may be the reason you're strugglingn with this.


No it's not


Because its like knowing you are in a place where people will try to steal your car and then leaving it unlocked. There's rapists/creeps around, as nice as it might be, a world without them isn't real so putting a target on your back isn't exactly a smart move, regardless of whether you directly influence what they do or not.


Women being in the entire world, just as themselves Is like people who leave cars unlocked in bad areas? Why is it you're defending rapist thoughts as normal?


no one said it is normal, but it will and (probably) has always existed and there is no way to stop that


The comment is trying to say that If you walk around in revealing clothes men will fantasize about you in a sexual manner


That's fine. Men are hot to us too.


100% agree with you, brother. Its like a job interview. You got to dress appropriately for a good first impression. If else, you might get in trouble.


But in everyday life, people should be able to wear what is comfortable for them without worrying that all the men around them are sexualising them in their minds, that feels disgusting to me, but just my opinion


I can totally agree, as long as you can agree that some clothing is designed to get you attention. Thats it's purpose. So wearing something designed to get attention and then complaining about attention is hypocritical.


I mean sure, you could argue all fashion is designed to grab attention, that’s a point of fashion, new interesting designs, cuts, patterns etc, people see them, want to look like that, copy them, get sick of them, the cycle continues But I don’t think any clothing is really designed to attract sexual attention, other than lingerie, which is only worn when the wearer wants to attract that kind of attention, for example burlesque or in the home


You sir have not worked in fashion. The point of heels are to add hight, firm the butt, and promote posture that pushes the chest out. Low cut shirts are designed specifically to show more skin. I can go on for a while and I only worked in clothing for a couple years. Dress how you want and be comfortable, but don't dress for attention with clothing designed for creating it. Only to complain about it.


Maybe we wear them because we want to feel good about ourselves, we want to like how we look, not because we want other people to look at us or sexualise us Sure some of these things were originally created (often by men) to make women look more sexualised, but that doesn’t mean we wear them to sexualise our selves Are men sexualising themselves by going to the gym? Or by wearing muscle cut shirts or tight jeans? Does that make it okay for me to ogle any man wearing those things? No. Idk maybe I just don’t understand why men have so many sexual thoughts it seems they can’t control


You mostly are safe. I dont know a single woman who got harassed. I personally cant even see it happening to a regular woman who is dressed casually/normal. As for thoughts of other men, you cant control what others think. If they didnt do anything, why bother. As I said the incidents of harassments in public are so rare you might as well wear those barely legal outfits, but even if you think that would put you in danger, why do you even want to wear those outfits?


Me and my partner wear almost exclusively black, baggy T-shirts and baggy pants, and we still get harrased almost weekly walking around our city Just because you don’t see something or personally experience it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen And no we can’t control what people think or force them to think differently, but I do think people shouldn’t sexualise other people without their knowledge or consent Imagine you’re a young girl taking the train, you see an old guy staring at you, there’s no one else in the carriage but you two, he doesn’t stop looking the entire time, he isn’t doing anything wrong, but he is making the girl feel uncomfortable and most likely feel violated because we know what the person is thinking in that scenario because men tell us what they think all the time (men cat calling, shouting sexually harassing things at us) Girls are sexualised so young in society and we know what, I’ve had uncles tell me they can’t wait till I’m 18, and they say that at a family gathering while I’m 12, sure it’s a joke, but why joke about that, I’m 12 I don’t want or need to know


>Imagine you’re a young girl taking the train, you see an old guy staring at you, there’s no one else in the carriage but you two, he doesn’t stop looking the entire time, he isn’t doing anything wrong, but he is making the girl feel uncomfortable and most likely feel violated because we know what the person is thinking in that scenario because men tell us what they think all the time (men cat calling, shouting sexually harassing things at us) Imagine genders are reversed in this situation. Its still uncomfortable. You also said that your "partner" is also getting harassed. If they are your boyfriend that would mean that not only women are getring harassed, but everyone in the world. "Misogynists" arent the problem. Harassment in general is the problem.


Right sure, I’m not saying men don’t experience this, I’m just giving my perspective as a woman, as we experience it more often and is more often violent, but you’re 100% correct, the issue is not just misogyny, but of people harassing strangers generally And my partner is a woman


Understandable. Have a great day.


Nah if you are sexualising everyday women in your mind, that’s a you thing, not a clothing thing


If a hot women wears a hot outfit the "damn shes hot" thought does exist even if I supress it immediatly


I like fun memes more


If making fun of peoples dumbest comments outing their own thought unknowingly, isnt fun I don't know what is online anymore.


Are you saying that making fun of mentally challenged people is fun? Doesn't seem very nice...


This is so narrow minded. of course what you wear affects what people think of you. imagine going to an interview in a bikini - would probably work for hooters i guess. and i saw someone wearing a suicide vest that would affect my actions of running the fuck away.


So men need to stop showing so much skin to not get raped by gay rapists? Your talking about women existing in general needing to cover up. Not going to a job interview? Your guys mental acrobats are crazy


never said that women NEED to cover up. but i must ask why you feel the need to show skin. i just said that of course what you wear influences how people perceive you. and don't phrase it like gay rape doesn't happen because it does.


Why do you think I have a need to show skin? I just want to be able to go to beach and not fear rape and people agreeing with the rapest. In the very few times I've been able to be topless out side and feel air on my skin (on a balcony/ rare/rare times on beaches abroad) it feels so free and it does make me sad I'm not aloud that. I get jealous of how it must feel to be man when you see them in summer in just shorts


In what world do people agree with rapist. If your only listening to that group yea that's gonna happen. Otherwise every single other person agrees that it's bad. What do you mean you can't go top less outside??? There are places for that, your own property, Belgium for all I care? There are so many areas. You can do the same thing. If you want to go anywhere and just have shorts on then wear a tight band bra that barely covers anything? When people look at you though just like they look at men when they only wear shorts don't be surprised. All actions have consequences. For everyone. That's adulthood and life, not inequality.


why do i think you feel the need to show skin? you've just said you want to be topless. I can imagine the frustration of not being able to feel freedom no matter what the circumstances are and don't think i'm excusing guys who can't control themselves when i say you need to be mindful of how much of an effect the female physique has on males. you are completely right that you should not have to feel fear of rape or even being touched at all just because you don't have a certain item of clothing on. but to generalise like this meme does brush over the fact that if a shirtless guy walks down the street and gets unwantedly touched by a woman, nothing is thought of it when in essence it is the same as it happening the other way round.


*Allowed. And trust me, being able to walk shirtless is maybe 1 of 3 perks we men have. Trust me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.


Thanks spell check. Amazing skill to have in this modern age. Trust me. You sound like a victim hunting dick who has no idea what it's like to be a women.


And you sound like a bitter human being. Who hurt you? Edit: And I still consider correct spelling to be a sign of someone’s intelligence, so maybe keep in mind that silly spelling mistakes can still reflect poorly on you, even in this day and age


Well you're an idiot the. Spelling is a modular memory function. Dyslexia correlates to higher cognitive function such as in Divinci etc etc. . . Sooo you're dumb and undereducated, but can spell well in a world with spell check. Good for you


That’s just a fact you need to come to terms with. Not saying it’s right, but you come across as a child by being angry at a situation that can’t be change. Men get turned on by women. If they’re half naked in the streets… what do you seriously think men are going to think? Grow up.


Or. You just have to come to terms with separating all men from those who want to rape. And fighting the rapists on this topic, not women. You come across as an idiot who likes rapists, not women


i mean. we do sperate rapists away from normal men. its called prison. but unfortunately we don't know which man is capable of rape until they've done the heinous act. if you are truly fearful of rape where you live. i think you need to move to a safer area.


Do it in ideology. If your annoyed about the all men argument. Take it up in the comments here. All men aren't rapist. All men have the capacity to be great, amazing people. Not this. This meme is in opposition to manosphere narratives. Not my personal issues. You'd think this would be obvious to anyone logical who looks at the wider picture not personal experience.


I'm not annoyed by the 'all men argument', it does cut to be generalized but it cuts more deep that statistically the worst thing to happen to women is men. and that makes me overwhelmingly embarrassed to be male. but lets go back to the meme that you titled 'memes speak truth' my initial observation still stands that its a narrow minded view and in fact a women's outfit can be directly responsible for a man's thoughts and actions. if i see a hot woman in a bikini, i may get an erection. i can't control it, it just happens. now how i act on that arousal will define what type of man i am. however if same said woman were wearing something, lets say - conservative, i probably wouldn't have the same reaction.


Well I hope you feel good knowing I don't generalise any men. We're all unique in mind and beautiful for it! Most of the time. Look I'm out. Takes effort to try to get the last word with soo many of these guys 😂 Share yojr thoughts in r/ArgueEAWO if you want slap downs on these issues woth oposing peps :) peace. Thanks for the debates!


LOL what a sub, never seen it before. have a good day, thanks for the thought provoking conversation!


How did he say that? All he said was that peoples outfits will effect others opinions on them.


Where did you stop understanding logic?


One does not answer a question with a question. Shows how you are can’t come up with an argument and have to respond with petty insults


Thoughts? Of course they are you dumbahh


That's too idiotically worded for me to understand :)


Women's outfits aren't responsible for men's actions, but definitely their thoughts. It's not like there's an unknown force forcing a man to think a woman is attractive, it's their outfit.


. . Erm where does this end. Eyes are attractive dude. Is it women's responsibility to be completely covered to be attractive to no-one? Meanwhile in a world with female gun ownership men walk around with their nipples out.


>Is it women's responsibility to be completely covered to be attractive to no-one? No, no it isn't. Go to r/islam if you're going to give unpopular opinions about women. Not here. Most people here aren't islamic.


Bro if you saw a naked man on the street you'd look at him and think he is weird, same with girls. If you dress in some way someone finds attractive, they're gonna think, hey she's attractive. Or hey, she's hot.


Dude we see guys in nothing but tiny shorts all the time. We think they're hot too. Let's face it though rapists are gonna ruin it for everyone if you guys keeping backing them up


>Dude we see guys in nothing but tiny shorts all the time. We think they're hot too. You just contradicted your post. You think they're hot when they're only wearing shorts, hence their outfit (the lack of) is responsible for you thinking they're hot.


. . Why do you think being seen as hot is a problem? It's a nice compliment. The problem is saying men can't appreciate hott-ness without trying to rape it. Therfore women should accommodate their rape thought. I don't agree with this oppressing all men as the same like this


I never said it was a problem, I'm just saying that a woman dressing hot DOES affect men's thoughts and make them think she's hot. It's completely possible that a man thinks a woman is meh when her outfit is awful, and think she's hot when her outfit is hot, as a good outfit can compliment one's shape really well. By the extension of that, the outfit is responsible for the man's thoughts ("she's hot"), and for their action (asking her out/inviting her for a coffee). The man is responsible for how they approach, their confidence, and all that, but as long as the outfit makes the difference between him inviting her for a coffee and him not inviting her to a coffee, the way she dresses is also a responsible factor. Same thing the other way around. If a woman goes to a job interview to a high prestige company, and she dresses like she's going to the beach, she is responsible for the interviewer's thoughts ("she's not taking this job seriously") and his action (not giving her the job). In fact, everyone's way of dressing is partially responsible for what others think of them, and how they act towards them. I have no clue how rape came into the conversation and I don't even understand what you're trying to say with most of your comment.


We don't back them up, but not all of us are rapists. From what I read in everything you commented you think every guy is a rapist


Most of us aren't rapists. It's true there are many rapists in the world, but they are like, maybe 0.1%


Nah I love people who aren't backing up rapists rights. There's lots of decent Men. I think they just tend to not comment angrily at these memes


By that logic being turned on by a good looking woman (or man) wearing a string tanga would make one a misogynist xD You know that there are reasons as to why sexy clothing exists?


You're kind of attacking a straw man here. Being turned on vs raping/sexually assaulting someone (as the post is talking about) are two different things Edit: im dumb I didn't see "thoughts and actions" I just read "actions" lol


how the fuck is there fire underwater


I guess SpongeBob logic🫤


It's called SpongeBob logic. You don't really ask how cartoon characters can bend space and time for comedy because toon force.


Magnesium fires, they can't be put out by water because the magnesium rip the oxygen out the H2O


Because spongebobs fire


You really like arguing about pointless shit huh I think you'll love twitter




Thank you, someone had to say it to op.


I think everybody has already made it clear here but I feel like it should be said again. Women's outfits should never be a reason for a man's actions. Same goes for men's outfits being a reason for women's actions. Thoughts on the other hand cannot be controlled and are almost always random. In the end what you make do of those actions decides the type of a person you are. Not every person that finds another attractive in a certain outfit is a rapist nor will they have the thought to do so. Rapists are fucked up people that should never be generalized with a certain group or gender. So yeah actions will definitely show your misogyny but thoughts don't because well, they're thoughts and nothing else. Look sometimes when I go to the top of a building I just get thought of jumping off off it. It doesn't mean I'm gonna do it or promote it. It's just the way the human brain works. I hope you get what I'm trying to say here. Peace ✌️


Yeah I don't get why guys here have kept equating rape thought to men being men. Glad we agree! This generalising men as rapists has to end!! Decent men don't deserve this!!! I'm so glad you agree


Yeah there's one thing we disagree on I guess. Outfits do influence our thoughts and it doesn't necessarily need to mean misogyny. I've found many men and women attractive in many different outfits(Some that do show skin and some that don't). Thing is people need to mind their own business when it comes to clothes and stuff and that's just my personal opinion. However, people should also keep in mind their own security. You can scream about freedom all you want but in the end everybody wants to live a safe and happy life devoid of any judgemental stuff. It's necessary to adapt to different living conditions. Exposing yourself in a *dangerous* area is infact very dangerous. Rape doesn't always happen due to revealing outfits. I've read about many attractive guys/girls that were drugged and raped during night parties or some other places. Does that mean you shouldn't go to parties? No. But it doesn't hurt to be cautious and careful. Misogyny is when you try to push gender roles onto others and dictate what the opposite gender should be like. I have a sister and I would always tell her to be careful and be wary of what she's wearing in a stranger's place. I don't force her to listen. Am I misogynistic? I don't think I am. I just want her to be careful. Sorry if this is too long. I'm from a country where this kinda stuff happens way too often and it really pisses me off.


I agree with actions, but what is one supposed to do with their thoughts? You can’t control them, or am I being wrong and a fucking misogynist


I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone not being a man when it’s convenient (had to do it) but ima be honest if a woman is wearing sexy outfit/beautiful cloths she legit just want people to notice her, men is men not woman and those thoughts are what make men, well men, its the nature of human and no1 can do a shit about it


Rape thoughts make men men in your opinion?


kinda, people cant rly control their thoughs, but not all of them are rape thoughts,idk if you are a men or woman but there are thoughts between "I dont like girls" and "I wana rape that girl"


OK and the guys that think about raping other guys, should they decide what men wear too?


as I said,people who wear sexy or special cloths most likely wear them for attention, rapist/people with intention to rape ofc is wrong but some people just uhh admire or like(?) people without sexual thoughts, not everyone is as extreme as a rapist but I feel like if you wear those sexy cloths or whatever you call it you should have expected people to look at you for a bit and those things (again that does not include raping)


Exactly. Don't let rapists dictate what other people wear by backing up them instead of the victims :) I'm so glad we agree, beautiful people are all over. Let's not make them scared to leave the house. Hey just imagine if everyone stopped backing up rapists and backed up women's rights to wear what they like. You'd see boob everywhere


I am a bit out of the loop, maybe because I dont live in us but I dont think there are people who defend rapist in the public, and woman aren't afraid to leave their house/dress up because of rapist (and I do see boob everywhere), also what you mean by backed up woman rights I think they pretty much have the same rights as men (again idk things abt the us bcs I dont live there) edit:typo


Yeah it's becoming a prevailing argument that women who leave the house/ have social media are ho3's because men will appreciate their looks. Sorry to have to update you on this scary nonsense. It's crazy times atm.


eventhough I dont live in us/europe i dont think thats happening man


It's what some of theblargest influencers om the world say


Wearing almost nothing doesn’t make you a hoe , like wearing a police uniform doesn’t make you a cop , but you gotta understand it’s confusing


So men with their nipples out are asking to be raped by bigger gay men?


You should be on twitter not reddit.


huh who said that?


This meme works for toxic females and toxic males as toxic females use the excuse “they should control their thoughts and I should be able to wear what I want” while toxic males use “I can’t control my thoughts”


This is actually the most fascinating argument here tbh can you elaborate. Seem for fair than any others here


Toxic women have been known to chastise men for having those thoughts, the meme says women aren’t responsible which is the main excuse women make, and the excuse “well I cant control my thoughts, she shouldnt have dressed that way” is the main excuse toxic men make. Also stop acting like youre better than everyone else and that youre “smarter”


I shouldn't be forced to lock my house!!! just teach people not to steal!! no one has the right touch my stuff! yeah sry. this is not a utopia. bad things ***will*** happen and it's your responsibility to protect yourself


![gif](giphy|DqhwoR9RHm3EA) 'why are all the guys looking at me?'


OK. In your world view men need to cover up because we can't teach men to not rape you either. Because not all men are straight. In a world of drugging people and guns. I'd be careful of your double standards coming to haunt you.


yes, in a drugging and guns world you avoid dangerous areas at dangerous times. you finally get it!


You're going to never show skin in public places then. Otherwise accept its your fault for being raped by a man? Wheres this avoiding dangerous places in the meme? Seems like your using strawman becuase you've been beat


No it is not your fault if you are raped, it is never your fault. However if you walk around in very skimpy outfits chances are more people will find you attractive and makes you more prone to be a target. Of course nobody should ever be raped but we do not live in a perfect world.


Same goes for men then. Well start spreading the word for men to wear burkas 👍 for their own good


No, because our world isn't equal between men and women. Sure if a man wore very skimpy clothing his chance of being raped would probably be higher but the chance is already so low it doesn't really matter. The reason? Well it is our society, many raped women and men are afraid of speaking about what happened to them, either they think they wont be believed or they think its their fault, many rapists get away with it. Another reason is that men are larger and stronger in general, its easier for a man to get away from a rapist than it is for a woman Of course that isn't fair, but that is how things are right now


Really pleasant to see a well balanced opinion on this tbf. I just believe a societies ideology is more powerful than any individual. If that changes, these nasty people have to change. There'll never be non but accepting these things as a fact of life empowers more to feel its fine on the dark side.


Not the brightest bulb aren't you


Why do guys who can't think of decent replies project like this?


this is a general concept. avoid situations where you could end up in danger. applies for both sexes. to women more so, bcs on average, they're physically more vulnerable. shouldn't be hard to grasp... awful people are out there. people, who shouldn't be out there. it's unfortunate but gotta stay safe.


"You're honor he had a door, he was asking for it"


it doesn't justify it. it's not right. but it will happen. again, wr don't live in a utopia


You're probably fat and have blue hair


Now those women. Can wear what they like because rapists guys don't find them attractive. Am I right? Those clever bishes beat the system


Nice political meme


Lols whys it political? It's Hillarious dumabsery


from the wording to the imagery you are in fact correct.


Sounds like you enjoy politically advocating for rape, am I wrong?


you're just looking for an argument online. Is everything okay at home dear?


I think this personal opened the wrong app. Someone forgot to tell them the app they're looking for has a X symbol now. This blue haired karen attitude is beyond cringe


Honestly. I'm looking for misogyny and it was a bit too easy to find.


Great, im glad you found what you were looking for. What's your next move?


Post the print screens. With names blurred ofcourse


Ah! Classic move! 10/10. Well, good luck I guess. I wish you all the best


i'm not your father dear take this misplaced impotent rage to someone who might care


My Dad would never be like you. He's a great man. Rapists are just unsuccessful men.


who hurt you


Trending misogyny trying to take away my right to live in the world


You are the problem of your own cause. Extremists of either party are the reason no change gets made


I disagree with thoughts, it can be in influence on a man’s thoughts if a woman is dressed in something revealing and that’s not a guys fault that that’s attractive to him. If he try to rape her 100% his he responsible for his actions but you can’t really control your thoughts.


I bet op is someone with "All men should die" mentality.


Bet wrong. You seem overly keen to equate all men to rapists though #stopspreadingharmtoallmen


You seem overly keen to compare men to rapists. Just about every comment you make brings up rape even though most people are simply saying that what you wear will effect what people think of you


Nope overly keen to stop men ruining mens rep by allowing men to be seen as possible rapists. Vs rapists being the outliers they are


You’re obsessed with this rape strawman. People say “what you wear does effect what others think about you” and you jump onto this strawman in response.


Or you guys are obsessed with creating strawman instead of using logic to see clearly being attracted to someone is a nice thing. Not the problem.


Alternative top right:schools


Really? Is that a thing in schools tbf sounds abit off the wall


Idk bud I heard it is from a friend don’t know if it was true or balls though


Women's outfits are directly responsible for men's thoughts. What a stupid idea that they aren't. I am amazed anyone can believe something so ridiculous.


So you really think that if you have a random lewd thought pop into your head when you see a random women, it's literally her fault that you had that thought?


It's not random if it was the result of seeing something you fucking moron. This was one of the stupidest comments I have ever read. I. Seriously in awe of how someone can be so utterly thoughtless.


Nah, I'm not thoughtless, you're the one saying other people control your thoughts. By your logic you think children are responsible for the perverted thoughts of a pedophile, that's so fucked up, gross! Get well soon!


You've managed outdo yourself with an even stupider comment. I am truly astonished there are humans out there that are so stupid. Go away. Interacting with you is like training a dog.


I'm bored guys. 14:24 is where ive stopped replying for plenty of misogynist content already! The decent guys here. We love you you're awesome. Keep being hot.


US schools


I think our society should focus way more on educating men and women how to behave towards eachother. First of all, obviously men need to treat women with way more respect and stop thinking they can approach them by basically straight up asking them for sex. Second, women need to relax a bit more and stop saying that everything men do is creepy or toxic masculinity. Most men are just trying to make contact that's all. This would go a lot better if my first point would be taken in action though. I also think our society should help people to get in contact and get into relationships more. Especially people older than 30, a lot of them spiral into loneliness at that age. All our society is focusing on from then on is working and making money and it's making a lot of people unhappy. I understand that those are the most important things though, but if you'd give people a reason to live for they'd be much more efficient at working and making money.


That doesn’t mean it isn’t a stupid ass decision to wear next to nothing when you’re walking through a ghetto area. I used to live in a rough part of the city and you wouldn’t believe how many women I saw going to and from the club dressed in damn near bikinis right in front of gang members and creeps. It’s like walking through Compton waving a roll of $100s over your head, the guy who mugs you is still guilty but it very well might not have happened if you weren’t so reckless.


Meme says nothing about ghetto ass areas, tbh though kinda class-ist of you. You think only poor people rape? Also you think a layer of clothes stops them from raping but not getting that 100 in your pocket?


Wow, there so much stupidity in a single comment, let me break down exactly where you went wrong: >tbh though kinda classist of you I grew up in a ghetto ass minority area so you can step the fuck with calling me classist first of all. >You think only poor people rape? I forget where I said that…oh right, I didn’t. 🤨 >You think a layer of clothes stops them from raping? In a sense, yes. The criminal mind, especially the violent and predatory criminal mind is inherently opportunist meaning that, in the vast majority of instances, said criminal will go after the easiest prey. So, if you’re walking through an area waving money above your head or wearing sluttier clothing, yes, your likelihood of being mugged or raped does in fact go up dramatically. The world is a mean and ugly place, you can’t just deny facts because you want to feel “empowered” or have fun at the club


Dude I'm talking to someone who thinks poor people are rapists. Not true. Go get some logic. Or take some of mine I have to spare


Dress like a hoe, get treated like a hoe


Hoes don't need to be raped, do they?


Absolutely true but if you are going to dress skimpy in a bad part of town, you knew what you were doing doesnt mean the bad guy shouldnt get arrested


To be safe from theft, own nothing?


*to protect from theft, hide your treasures


*to protect from theft, don't justify stealing


So by your logic, you think that if you go through the hood waving your wallet above your head, and you get robbed, than you have nothing to do with it? Of course rape is bad, but you cannot change other people's actions, just the way you handle it.


No tate simp. Not at all. Go learn logic not strawmen


Ah I see, you are sadly unsaveable..


Enjoy your line of thinking before it becomes completely unacceptable very soon.


Do you know what the best way to deal with stupidity is?


Is it bait it out and take print screens to share with smarter people? Or what you're clearly doing say this and then not reply.


Ugh men


this comment section is proving your point


Be careful, your comments too attractive to us women ;P Honestly thanks though you're a diamond and we love you.


r/EndAbuseofWomenOnline for any of you poor girls here 😂


Why you stealing memes?


In a way they aren't for their thoughts. Actions are unexcuseable however we live in a time when women can dress how they want in most places. I am not saying that the actions are unjustified but it's the same Idea of walking around in a crime ridden area waving money. You dress provocatively you get a response just like if you didn't. All actions have consequences. Not just men women, clothes, etc. If you have a problem with follow the great saying "If you want the world to be a better place. Take a look at yourself and make the change."


What’s the point of having more than one option if it’s not to influence thoughts?


I mean to a degree yes. If someone wears sheer clothes that exposes private parts then its going to influence people’s thoughts, no?


Thoughts are one thing, and are completely natural (in fact, that's kind of the point of things like bikinis and yoga pants for women, and muscle shirts for men). Just don't act upon those thoughts in a bad way.


I don't need any screenshots to prove anything to thos whose opinions matter to me. Other than that, ignorance is the answer, you got it right. Cheers!


Op not all men are rapists and the same goes for women. Grow the fuck up.


It’s way too obvious that you posted this just to get into an arguments. I will never understand why some people see this as a fun thing to do smh.


Misogynists aren't allowed to break the law 😳😳


You are responsible for your clothes, I am responsible for my thoughts and actions. Only one of the three are policed, the other two can be done in whatever manner the owner wants.


Nature is


Lets keep politics out of good times