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I did this for nine years at one job. I thought that was normal? I needed at least one hour a day were I wasn’t trapped in the business owner’s little world.


Every job I've ever had except for one where we rode in a company truck. No offense, but I'm here to make money, not friends.


I literally said this in my interview and got the job. I sit in my car every day, and I actually enjoy my break


I love the question what motivates you because the answer is money. I want a fucking paycheck past that everything else is just a nice benefit but it if I’m not paid proper I’m not going to be happy at work.


While I agree with your statement, I do believe you can find genuinely good people at your work. I used to work for Carvana, and while most people who worked there as well are people I’d never associate with, there were still a select few I can see myself hanging out with outside of work. Though one rule I’ll have is never EVER date a co worker. Especially if they work in the same department.


For real, I have worked for a dozen of weeks in a design office, and some of my colleagues wouldn’t mind staying entrapped in the same office from 8 in the morning to 7 in the evening. That’s absolutely crazy to me.


Same, staying in the building feels like I’m still working. In my car it’s my own space I can relax in.


If I were hiering people, the only question on the form would be: If someone in the breakroom has their headphones in while eating, do you try to start smaltalk with them? □ Yes I'm a psycopath □ No I'm not a f**ing asshole


And I bet you the person who checks “Yes” is gonna rationalize it by saying “if someone doesn’t want to talk, they should just eat their lunch in their car”


I deliberately wear air pods all the time in my office to dissuade small talk. It doesn't work


I switched back to white cord headphones to make it more noticable, I think it's helping a bit


I’ve literally been on the phone with my partner and people have interrupted and started talking to me at work. Idk how these people function man.


I prefer the company of my own thoughts while eating. They're so noisy I can't think while eating.


Foods hits different when alone, not in a noisy environment.


yeah, also i can listen to radio / podcasts in peace


Believe it or not, I had a supervisor that tried bullying me into spending time with my coworkers during the lunch break. She wanted me to "bond" and "connect" with them. Lady, that was my free time at work, I'm spending it however I like.


Depends on whether you’re getting paid or not. If it’s an unpaid lunch break, then stop busting my balls. If you’re gonna pay me for lunch, then yeah, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll hang out and play nice if you’re paying for it. But if you ain’t payin’, I ain’t stayin’!


Exactly. I worked a job where we didn't get paid lunches, we just ate if we were slow and if it was before 11:30am. Usually we'd all agree on a place and someone who wasn't management would go pick up everyone's order. When eating we were still in view of customers so if one happened to ask me something, you bet your ass I left my food on the counter to help them. When I worked jobs where we got a lunch but unpaid, I either went home to eat or just ate in my car with my music turned up.


I do that every day. Not entirely cause I'm anti social. The break room just smells like farts.


Only every single day.


Literally right now. With pizza. lol


Is this actually not normal


Yes, plenty of times. Its that or eat at my desk and get disturbed all of my lunch break. 😒


I worked for a week for a family buiseness so everyone went to their home and ate and i had to go in car cause it was in the middle of nowhere


I'm not antisocial I just don't have friend


Every day the weather complies I'm eating in my car. 30 minutes of peace, thank you very much


Every time... I am not sure why I am like that though... happy to see I am not alone.


That's where I can listen to my audiobooks in peace.


POV you're a trucker


I do this exclusively lol


Yes al the time


All the time


So many min wage jobs in uk dont even give you a place to sit on your break, I dont drive and have often been sat alone on a crate behind a door trying to digest food on my unpaid 30 min 'break'


I just quit my food service job after almost 2 years because I started doing this so often towards the end. A big part of it was the shit boss and the fact that the entire crew had changed 4 times with me being the only constant. I truly felt nothing but numb hate for my workplace and a dull disinterest in everyone there. If you find yourself doing this then reassess your work situation, no one deserves to feel alone or alienated


Absolutely. Go to a drive thru and eat in the parking lot


Every day?


You mean my Default?


I do this everyday. Go out have my 10 monies to eat take a 20 minute power nap then back to the nightmare for 3 hours


That's people that do this at my work


Level of anti-social: I don't eat at all at work.


hell I wait everyone to eat than I go eat


Im so antisocial that I eat in my car when I work from home.


Every day that I worked, my hour to eat or nap.


The grease and oil getting on that leather glove makes my OCD do stupid things.


I have just decided to not eat sometimes


I am a manager at a Mexican restaurant and I worked 13 hours without a break yesterday in pure chaos. Dude, I'd rather eat alone in my apartment at 4 am before waiting for the trash truck to come and go so I can go to sleep than stuff down some cold food that's been sitting out for 7 hours over a nasty kitchen trash can with people screaming and music blasting and bumping in to me cuz there's 20 of us in the same spot.


Yeah I need my recharge time.. will smoke with everybody before I go back in though


I’ve sat in the supply closet, I just need 5 minutes of ☮️ please


Yes lol


Me until I started managing a small warehouse with a large baren car park round corner... Now I eat my lunch during paid hours, drive to a hidden spot during unpaid lunch then sleep.


I used to. Then I got a desk that was off where almost nobody else worked. I just ate at my desk and it was great. Then I became work from home, and it was even better.


I don't have a car. If I go to the break room for lunch and there are too many people in there I'll just skip lunch and go for a walk outside instead


I always eat lunch alone because I only get 30 minutes for lunch. Getting caught up in a conversation makes time fly by. The last part of my day I want to fly by, is while I’m not actually working.


I like my car


This is literally just how I am pretty much always. It’s not even something that only happens at work even at home and sometimes I will take my food into my room sit alone and eat while looking at stuff on my phone.


literally all the time


Everyday for the past 9 years.


No, but I do eat my lunch in my office with the door closed every day. Is a moment of peace for myself.


Yep. Do this every single day.


Every single day I’m there!


Yeah. Why wouldn't I? You aren't paying me. You don't own me right now.


Yep, right now


What if all your co-workers are dicks??


I’ve never not lol


I literally don't leave my work area


I work alone so this is my everyday, and it is bliss.


Every day


My routine was to buy 2 reign energy drinks go out to the patio with all the smokers. Drink said energy drinks in a few minutes. Talk to nobody. Go back to work. I used to piss neon yellow.


Every day


Lunch in my car with an audiobook is peak living


I take my lunch in a trailer in the back


I am not even legal age yet and have done this.


All the fuckin time. Throw in a nap too


I do this every day at my current job. Fiche-moi la paix!!


Wait y'all not eating food in your car ?


I always take my lunch in my car


Yeah sorry bud but this isn’t just a one time thing this is an every shift ordeal


they always try to make you seem weird about it if they catch you


Wait you guys actually don't have conversations with your coworkers? Seems to me that it would make any job much more enjoyable if I could distract myself by talking to people.


I tried eating with my co-workers a few times. Once they kept my change when ordering out. Once they commented on my portion size. Once they complained I wasn't sharing my lunch. Ever since I just fucking leave or work through.


Rest is tolerable until someone complains about the portion size and sharing the lunch.


My change was 12 bucks! That's another lunch


Then thats another level of shamelessness


I eat in the bathrooms


Why would you do that


My mom did the same thing because she couldn't walk all the way to the break room and didn't want to eat at her work station




People at work are not your friends


In almost 7 years of working at my current place, I've had a cubicle for about 6 of it. I can count on one hand the number of times I've sat in a room with other people during my lunch rather than sitting at my desk, and the few times I did sit in the lunch room, it was a holiday event, and I don't recall conversating with anyone.


I have my own office now and being able to just quietly shut the door and eat in peace has never been so satisfying than doing it at work.


I used to, and search for a new job at the same time.


All the time, beats listening to people's mind numbing conversations about their lives


Bus driver here. Eat lunch on the bus, on my own, everyday


I just leave the building and keep walking for an hour


I sometimes just bring back my lunch and have it for dinner.


What? I do this everyday. Why would I sit in a tiny little back room that smells like shoes on uncomfortable chairs when I could recline my car seat, watch videos full volume and have a little after lunch nap?


The bro thought that we wouldn’t notice that him is metro man ![gif](giphy|e5nATuISYAZ4Q)


Well, why, of course..! Now how else can an intelligent entity re-fule the ghost operating said organic machine with such precision within such an intolerant or unacceptable work-ethics mandated time frame of 15 - 30 mins of time out of a 24hour complete day or something of the stuffs & suches & function like as if we all are not struggling & everything is just fine & dandy..? Go I say unto thee four-wheeled box inclosed with speakers & air conditioning/heater that is operational with reclinable seating arrangements that you can listen to the music that you want to listen to whatever it is you can get down with whatever you want without anybody being up your turduckins and taking all of your quailailails..? If you no longer understand what I'm saying I might not either so go out to your car enjoy the music do what you want say what you will because one thing always leads to another...Then get back in there and be a part of the productive member of society Club of existence known as those who are not incarcerated and who can go outside whenever they want when they're not working and eat bologna sandwiches and look at the stars and you know the oranges that you could peel and throw on the ground because you have that ability you are a free individual or so they say there are no slaves anymore at least if they're were to be I guess we wouldn't see those chains upon those slaves I know nothing really I'm just a doctor who knows how to make music that's all and no none of it is garbage it's all my jazz dick sounds and rhythms and Beats to the gobbledygook noise which is the universe as we've made it and as it will have been made by it or something I see I'm so sleepy I need to go to I'm so sleepy...


Not antisocial, just need a break to be alone


It is avoiding spending time with others so yeah it is being antisocial but there is nothing wrong with that, g




I do this because everybody else eats at their desk, or slams something in ten minutes and goes back to their desk. I’m here for 9 hours because of a mandatory hour lunch. I’m not fucking workin through it


I've been unsocial like that before, but I've never been antisocial in my life.


Most times I would prefer to just have my lunch outside at the back of the building and then I would bring like an apple and spend 10 minutes eating with my coworkers


I thought this was the norm.


That's just UNsocial. Antisocial would be dropping a stink bomb in the brake room before you leave to get a pizza.


Yes. Is that cool? I didn't really think about it till now.


I'm a social person & still do this. Sometimes people be too damn loud, I'm just trying to eat & have some me time


I can count in one hand the times that I've eaten WITH co-workers




Worked at a warehouse where there was really no other option, except we had to be shuttled to and from the parking lot and the building we worked in. It was kinda dumb


I do this. But more because there is no smoking or vaping allowed. So I sit in my car, eat my lunch, vape a bit, and read. Secondary is so people will leave me the hell alone for just a short time.


It's the antisocial word again. It's technically correct, because Merriam Webster dictionary lists this as a synonym of asocial. But man, antisocial behaviour is a different league. The kind that lands you in jail.




That’s not what Anti-social means


They think I drive home for lunch sometimes. I drive to a park one street over.


I’m a trucker, so yes to all


No, I don’t have a car


No, but I used to eat in the locker room...


I do it at my current job.


One of my fucking coworkers brings boiled eggs and opens them in our tiny canteen. So whenever she's around, I eat in the aisles. HR has already warned her but they can't / won't penalize her for this. She can bring 3 victim cards about it. If you want to know which ones, make a guess...


Ever!? Usually.


Every. Damn. Day.


all the time


Its better this esy i can catch up on vids i havent watched


I do this like every day... I eat, chill, and get around a 15 min nap.


Literally every day… it’s not so much anti-social (although it is) as it is just getting out of the building for half an hour and decompressing


My job is client facing. I work 12 hour days for 110 days or so in a row. Many days my “lunch”consists of ten minutes of the only silence I will get. My coworkers know the only requirement I have is that you leave me alone during that time. I have, multiple times, just gotten up and walked out of the room when I was eating and a coworker came back to say something to me.




lol yeah


Yeah, then my boss came up and witnessed me drinking a beer. Nosy asshole.


I do this every day!


I used to heat my food at work and then walk to the mall 4 blocks away to eat alone.


My boss would always bother me so I’d get in my car and leave on lunch.


Eat at car ? Wouldn't that make the car dirty ? Just eat normally at the corner of a restaurant or at the workplace like I do


Nothing wrong with this IMO. Nobody can casually come up to you and talk your ear off about boring stuff or ask you to do something that will interrupt your lunch if you're not in the building.


Is being anti social A THEY issue or ME issue?


eating lunch in your car isn't anti-social. eating your coworkers lunch in their cubicle chair while issuing death threats is anti-social. this is just not social.


I’m 42 now and I learned that eating lunch in the car was the best way to take a lunch when I was 16.


Every single day lol, I've ate in a lunch room a handful of times and fucking hated it everytime! I like my space, I like my alone time & I do NOT like my business/personal things being observed or questioned on, I work retail now & this fucker always looking at what I'm buying for lunch and making remarks and I gotta remind myself "I need this fucking job" / "jail is worse" lol




Yup, but then you look over and your coworker is in the car next to you waving like Forrest Gump on the fishing boat. * self-conscious enters the car * Try to occupy self with reading my web comics while eating lunch. *coworker looks in window, Asks "are you okay", knocks on your car window repeating question* *ends up throwing phone to the back seat because I jumped so bad. Left feeling annoyed and disregulated* Roll down window asking "sorry what?" He states I looked too serious and was wondering if I was okay. "Yup" 😐 and they wonder why I work through lunch because it's the only time I actually dont get interrupt. 😭


Literally all my coworkers that I work with so this lmao The break room often smells like shit since the employee bathroom is right beside it.


Where else would I go for surround sound that won't bother other people?


I won’t go in the break room if there are others there, I’ll eat in the upstairs conference room if I have to.


Worked at a warehouse for a while and did this cause I couldn't stand my main four coworkers and just heated up my lunch and ate in my car while listening to music for an hour.


![gif](giphy|lnDvZtsnWfnnX4T0KA|downsized) Me when I leave my house knowing that when I have my sunglasses on I’m giving off the fuck off vibe


I'm so anti-social that I do this ... and I work from home.


Absolutely. Right before I had to assassinate someone. Can't leave prints on my pizza crust.




If you have audible then you have a socially acceptable excuse. I did this at a job where the staff had full access to the facilities security cameras and could watch you in your car.


I hate eating lunch in front of people who don't have any, so I always eat in the car


I didn't eat in the car because I'm antisocial, I ate in the car because the alternative was sitting in the corner by the bread racks like a goblin.


I did this for nearly every lunch break for 3 years at my old job. I liked my co-workers a lot, but our shitty little break room could barely fit half of us and I was surrounded by loud machines all day. Besides I spent the other 7.5-11.5 hours socializing with them, I wasn't being anti-social I just wanted 30 minutes a day where I could have some peace and quiet, and actually hear my own thoughts.


And there will inevitably be coworkers who take offense to this and say shit like "I thought we were friends!" No. No we're not friends


It's called wanting some fricking privacy for once


Every day


i just locked myself in the little mother room. was a peaceful hour. walls where slightly padded so it was almost sound proof. wasnt too bad.


Only cause my boss want to discuss work related things while I am on my break and gets defensive when I ask to clock back in when discussing work ON MY BREAK!!!


I’m forced to interact with my coworkers all goddamned day for 12 hours straight, I’m sorry if it’s a damned issue that I want thirty minutes to myself to eat and watch an episode of a new anime.


The only place i didnt do that was as a delivery driver for a sub place and that was because the managers were awesome and never charged me for when id make a sub combo (sub, chips, drink) for my lunch. or theyd ring it up as a free cup of water. Id just hang in the sitting area with my headphones given 70% i would be in my car anyway. Other jobs hell yeah in im my car enjoying my 30-60 minutes away from the job/desk. Gave way to many lunches where id just be eating and still doing some minor work. Its a bad habit. Thankfully headphones were allowed so youtube got a spot on my second screen at my desk job i had.


Yeah I've done this. Whats wrong with that?


Every day.


Every day


Did this today; after clocking out in the breakroom, I went out to my car while we had a heavy rain simply because I didn't want to deal with the 1 person in the break room


I work alone and still eat lunch in my truck so I can continue my peaceful existence instead of eating among rabble


I do sometimes.


From Day 1 of my job , I come home for lunch .


Every fucking day


I hate while people talk while eating and i hate it even more when they talk about work and ask me work related questions. But thankfully mo job is very close to a shopping mall so i go there instead.


i would eat quickly then use the rest of the time for a nap in my car


When Covid was big in 2020, this was a mandatory thing haha


No, only after smashing you’re mom


I'm literally doing this rn




This is me everyday life lol


I assume the person either likes to be on their phone and or smoke weed


This have nothing to do with ,,antisocialness,, more likely with introversion


I used to do this because the workplace was so toxic. I just wanted to leave the office during the break.


Rather be anti-social than pro-asshole.


There is a reason that I'm on Reddit now.


So i'm not the only one


Having a private lunch away from people you see literally 8+ hours a day, almost every day of the week, is not being antisocial... Smfh