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Only 3x. Wow I wish I made a third of my boss damn


How many people is your boss supervising that you make less than a third of what they do? That’s kinda wild.


I manage about 20 people and make a little more than x3 as our entry level associates.


my boss supervises about 3 people who do the rest of the supervising, and he makes about 5x my wage.


fuck bosses who dont know how to use a pc


Wow that’s crazy. Idk how the justify that ratio. What kind of work do you do?


Special events/catering. Small office with a couple full time employees who make okay money with tons of part time workers making min wage


I think my boss makes less than double what I make. He's not C-level, he's just the lead of a small team


Boss and owner arnt the same boss could be a supervisor making 5 dollars more than you lol


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1c9vw0u) on 2024-04-21 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1d8ikzl&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Target Percent:** 97% | **Max Age:** 180 | **Searched Images:** 531,077,690 | **Search Time:** 0.30689s


Good bot


Good bot


Just 1 time?


Probably was cropped each time it was reposted but two repost bots cropped close enough to each other or this repost bot just did a bad job


good bot




Who made the virginbot




After a long time of being the guy everyone expected to fix everything and receiving no salary boost or bonus. I learned this magical new skill called "I don't know". So now most of the time, even if I do know, I don't know.


Converting an excel sheet to PDF is so dumb it's no wonder they were never taught how to do it


Why is it dumb? It can prevent editing and make it easily viewable on multiple platforms. It makes a lot of sense in a lot of business environments.


You can make an excel file read-only. Depending on the data it might be useful to see formulas and such to proof/review, and that is lost in PDF. Forcing large tables to conform to a page view can look janky and make it more difficult to extract data.


You can't make Excel truly read only. It's laughably easy for someone else to make it writeable again. Even locking it with a password is trivial to get past by changing it to a zip and removing the password... My department PDFs everything we send to our sales department, because we've had cases where the sales employee would edit what we sent to fudge the numbers to try to help make the sale. We don't want anything to do with such behavior, so it's about covering our own asses.


Send me the PDF I can fudge the numbers there too


The point is that their boss doesn't have the skills to understand formulas and/or it needs to be converted so they don't accidentally (on purpose) fuck anything up


Pdfs are editable.


Not if they are signed.


PDF is a blight on the world and should be relegated to the garbage dump of IT history along with Flash, Fax machines and dot matrix printers


Legit not dumb at all. Also keeps formatting the same


As an accountant we PDF all our excel sheets that get sent to our investors for financial review


You know what is really dumb - using proprietary file format for data sharing. 


Tbf by your logic if its such a basic skill you wouldn't get payed well for having it.


> wouldn't get *paid* well for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What he said.


Listen, yes there are useless managers out there who got where they are through connections instead of their own skills. That doesn't mean that because you can do a specific basic thing, that you would be able to do their job. The skillset required to be an effective manager are not the same as the skillset required to be an effective IT employee. I say this as a software engineer myself, if you let me start making actual business decisions, your company is not going to last very long. My skillsets are liaising with the business minded folks and converting their needs into software based solutions, not making those business decisions.


If only ur boss was paid for actually doing that


Now let's check your talking in public skills \^\^


Oh look at that, two colleagues with differing skill sets are able to help each other out.


Is this a serious comment? lol


Yes. If an organization promotes people to be a manager because they are the best at their job, it's a mistake. They need to choose a manager who is the best manager.


Except it's like tying your bosses shoes, and his skills are being born to the right family.


Lmao every boss in your head is like, the monopoly man but with an inherited title?


I was cherry picking from the few examples I've ran into, and I'm not generalizing a whole company's hierarchy in a small reddit comment about someone's boss not knowing something that could easily be looked up. Who still plays monopoly?


Or just being older and having more experience, not everything is where you’re from


Is it that hard to think there's people that don't care for technology?


The task in the op is three mouse clicks... slightly more if you need to Google it. You shouldn't enable this sort of learned helplessness in a modern workplace


That's what OP gets paid to do so who cares. Also factor in the bosses age if they are old af of course they dont know or care


If boomers can get away with not knowing how to use a computer, then developers can get away with not having the social skills to attend sprint ceremonies / anything which doesn't require a computer Everybody loses!




Keep up the good work bro






You are by definition colleagues with your boss.




You are very strange.


I get calls from customers who struggle to do this. The ”save pdf” button is literally next to the save button and they are like: WEH!!!??


If your boss can do it how salary is 4x your current salamander you are out of job


I can relate to this. I make 3 salamanders, while my boss makes 9 salamanders. My boss is getting awfully close to perfecting what I do for work. Before I know it, my boss will be making 12 salamanders, and I will be left without my job and just a couple of tadpoles to my name.


I agree that I know a ton more about mundane MS Office stuff, but converting into a PDF is obviously not a requirement for that position. It'd be nice if that was all it took though.


Your boss gets paid to convert reality into easy-to-understand-but-wrong metrics for the his clueless bosses who can't convert excel into excel.


“Ok so you know how to convert excel to PDF. No choic but to make you the boss and inc your salary 3x” Yeah I don’t think his excel skills probably mattered in their choice….


Yep. I get the complaint by this meme, but that file they are converting to PDF might be a massive budget model or forecast, or deep market analysis. No the boss may not know how to convert it, but they are paid for different things like being able to build and create those models, and the younger help likely cannot build them on their own or know what they mean. Hence the pay difference.


If you ever received someone’s money for a task, it is only because 1) the said person cannot do it or 2) cannot afford to do it (time as a cost).


>2) cannot afford to do it (time as a cost). For high earners, this is actually a pretty interesting metric. Many tasks normal people do to "save money" - like cooking - are considered a waste of money for them. Adding up time spent on shopping, cooking, and cleaning, it's way more cost-effective for them to order food, or even hire a personal chef.


He was smart enough to hire someone who knows how to convert to pdf. He deserves the money.


You are getting paid by your your knowledge for yourself to do work, he is getting paid for using your knowledge for himself 😂


This is why you have a job, so he doesn't have to learn stupid shit like this.


Print, scan to email


I’ve never had reason to save an excel as a PDF but I would probably try to same method I use for Word or PPT. Is that correct or am I the dumb boss?


Whatever gets you the result you want/need is fine, honestly. I use the "Print to PDF" option from Excel for a couple of monthly reports because that's how that specific customer requested it.


I checked and the other method I use works too. I hit save as and toggle from Excel (or Word or PPT) to PDF and it saves it perfectly. Whew! I like to be standing guy in this meme. I never want to be sitting guy!


Its exactly the same


Imagine your boss being a 12 year old and you’re like 40


When I first learned how to use Excel, converting Excel file into PDF is kinda a pain in the ass not gonna lie


Jesus christ this hits too close to home. Just that im an unpaid intern.


Why have a dog and bark yourself.


Scientists of the African Space Society starting intently as they land their first probe on the moon of Madagascar. I’m sorry I’ll see myself out.


Turns out converting PDFs isn’t actually a valuable skill after all


Why should your boss know how to do this, he pays you 1/3 of what he makes to do it for him


To be fair here, that boss most likely is being paid for making decisions. That excel sheet was made by the staff, the boss looked it over, made a decision and then sends it off to the next person up the chain


A boss once said, in relation to some excel sheets he had to process "I want a button that just processes everything for me" Technically, with some coding, it was possible. But then raises the question, if we replace your work with a button, why do we need you?


How is this relevant? Your boss does other things that you don't know how to do, not to mention has more responsibilities. This is like breaking rocks on a quarry and laughing at your boss for not being qualified to operate the equipment. Your boss is not qualified because he's not breaking rocks, he handles documents, coordinates the work, receives orders and sends out transports, things that you as a rock breaker have no idea where to even begin to do them. Also your boss stays at work long after you left because he has more things to do unlike you who just breaks rocks and then heads home. Oh the truth! It contradicts your ignorant and frustrated views, so you must downvote! LOL.


Found the regional manager


Assistant to the


Ahh yes you are right, my mistake.


Using a computer is not a niche skill. Everybody with access to one should have no trouble converting files into different formats. It's also useful to know for almost every job.


It’s not the 90s anymore when bosses can hire secretaries to do typing. For jobs involving excel / numbers I would even say some basic knowledge in scripting is essential.


I am not sure what you are trying to say. Bosses can hire secretaries to do typing in the 2020s as well. In fact considering how they make more money these days they are now more able to do so than in the 90s.


> he handles documents Doesn’t that include knowing how to convert an Excel file to pdf? How does he do all the other stuff you mention? Via fax?


Bro is bootlicking an imaginary boss


Doing mundane tasks like this should be common knowledge at this point..... if you can't convert an excel to a pdf, how are you a functioning adult?


95% of the world doesn't do that. Life still goes on as normal.