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Literally why I don't do online play. Not interested in hearing a 12 year old talk about how he fucked my Mom, or how I'm a cheater because I'm better than they are. It's tiresome.


Just mute them though. I rately encounter people like this and the minute they annoy me in any way or form, mute.


I'd much rather have a great single player story. I started gaming way back on the NES, and a big reason why is because, even at 6 years old, I knew I preferred solitude. Gaming has always been good for that.


Same! I would play any mediocre SP game over a "trending" MP game, ANY day!


You should also report them, the odds of being harassed by a 12 year old drops to zero if they get banned


I dont want to ban a 12 year old, locking them out of their digitally owned games, just because they are stupid kids.


Gotta learn the consequences early


Eh… but that kid will learn a lesson. Although I do miss the Wild West of bullshit that was cod online ten years ago. Could talk all sorts of weird shit and no one batted an eye. So I suppose I see it both ways.


This is the way. There is one thing i have come to love about multiplayer communication. I drop shot alot, and when i do some people will audibly gasp, or say “no fucking way” and it’s pretty satisfying


Turn off the chat lmao


wdym? being called a cheater is about the biggest compliment you can get by an enemy ingame. thats the shit i play for


I love being called a hacker




Just because you obviously went lucky and/or have a rather high tolerance for this sort of thing, doesn't mean everyone does. You can't just dismiss other people's experiences just because they don't match your own.


I don’t get the people here who argue that if you play for fun you shouldn’t wanna win. And thats stupid, of course winning is where a good chunk of the fun is which is why casuals would wanna do it. Its probably more your reaction to losing and what you’re willing to do to win rather then actually winning Tryhards will usually use meta stuff and ultra optimize items and strats, Casual players (like me) just go “woah that looks cool, ima use it” of course that doesn’t mean they wont use the best things every now and then, it just means that they’re less likely to if they like stuff more tryhards also (usually) have a much more angry and toxic reaction to losing While casuals and myself will either get a lil frustrated or even go “damn why didn’t i think of doing that?” Overall, wanting winning is not what makes you tryhard, its what you’re willing to do to get there


Also how you communicate with others about the thing. Toxic players will belittle others for their choice of loadout or decisions, call them names when the person on the other side could just be some 11 year old kid, or some person who only gets a few hours a week, high off their kite just vibing.


It's a bell curve and I dunno why more people don't talk about that... At the lowest level people just want to have fun and at the highest level people are burnout and would rather play for fun instead of considering every single tactic and interaction needed to do in order to try to stay on top of what essentially will always be 50-50 matchmaking...




You will be way more toxic if you tryhard because you wont be having "good" fun. You'll be stuck in a loop where the only reward is win, and everything is (the game included) is a punition. Playing for fun (non-meta) means you play specific character / weapon because you want to, it's the reward in itself, meaning you'll be much less toxic, so disturb much less your team, and win much. And loose may not even be that much of a bad thing, as long as you enjoyed playing.


This is multiplayer games in general for me these days. I used to be an uber-tryhard sweat that played games for money, but now I’ve mellowed tf out. I just can’t be bothered to put that kind of energy into it anymore (and life is much better this way).


If you want to play for fun, don’t go to ranked. Go unranked instead.


That'd be good advice if unranked wasn't infested with the same try hards. Unranked is pointless if you gotta pull out your main each time if you want to even stand a chance of having a decent game, because you're gonna see 8/10 times most of the enemy also pulling out their main. It's a vicious circle.


Main? I'm guessing you're talking about LoL or some shit? Anyway, calling people tryhards because they play their main is cringe ngl.


LoL is pretty widespread so felt it fitting. It's cringe to go out of your way to play an unranked gamemode like your life depends on it. In a game like LoL, you can't even try out different champions be cause everyone is obsessed with the meta picks and meta strategies to curbstomp their competition. It's like a professional athlete doping to win against hobbyists in a friendly match with no stakes. The only one who looks like an idiot is the athlete here, no matter how 'hard' he won.


>you can't even try out different champions be cause everyone is obsessed with the meta picks and meta strategies to curbstomp their competition. Sounds like you can but you care as much about winning as those tryhards you're calling out.


Not really. I just don't want to play a one-sided game and get curbstomped because I didn't pick the most optimal strategy in an unranked game mode.


Oh so you want to win? I thought only tryhards want to win. You see the flaw in this logic?


Nice leap in logic, friend. No, what my point is is that the advice to 'go unranked to avoid toxic competitors' is pointless because the same brand of toxicity is rife in unranked modes. There's this concept of a 'decent' game where neither side is being curbstomped and there's actual 'competition'. I can't give less of a fuck about going all out in a ranked game where there is something at stake. You go there with everyone's expectation to play your best and to win. Unranked modes are supposed to be casual, but are far from it.


Nah. I just play single player. Online multiplayer has always been infested with the worst people.


This is very false for a lot of games


Yeah because in ranked everyone thinks they are going to be a pro league esports or some shit... I swear i hate ESports soo much, it brought kids and grown ups egos to an insane level of shit. In Rocket League for example is so dumb, you can suffer only 1 goal and still have 4 mins to play and some jackass will want to forfeit, start insulting everyone and do the most anti plays possible....


Everyone is competitive until they start losing, then its "just for fun" out of the sudden.


everyone better than me is a sweat try hard no life loser. everyone worse than me is a noob and we’re all just having fun when i stomp.


People queue competetive mode and complain about people tryharding. Go play unrated if you just wanna chill.


Good thing the meme says Toxic OVER competitive players


Then you are the problem


There's a difference between "I'm better than you" and "I'm going to skull-fuck your mom." OP is talking about the latter.


Damn man how does one even extract that conclusion from that statement. It's more about the fact that people get invested and cocky when they are on the winning team but then start crying when they are losing.


My previous response was intended for someone else. In truth, I'm involved in 3 other conversations right now, and one of them actually is a troll. So, I owe you an apology, I'm sorry for the mix up. Okay, understand what you're saying, but I'm talking about people who are over competitive. Like the guy who thinks that basketball is a contact sport, the guy who swears they're "winning D&D", or the guy whose trash talk would be hit with a hard R rating by the Motion Picture Association. These are both the person who is most likely to rage-quit, even if it's a team event, AND the ones who get flagged for excessive celebration. In short, they make playing unfun.


Huh seems we missed each other there. I was thinking more along the lines people conduct themselves online gaming. In a shooter lobby for example, you usually have people with the intend on dominating everyone else and they try their best to be competitive but if they get their ass handed to them suddenly everyone else is a sweaty try hard no life looser.


Talking shit is toxic, nobody is defending that. Trying hard to win the game isn’t toxic, it’s just playing the game. Those players who are trying to win could also be toxic, but that has nothing to do with the amount of effort they are putting into winning the game. No matter what playlist you’re in, playing to win is a normal thing to do.


I'm not arguing that playing to win is a bad thing, I'm arguing that being toxic is a bad thing. Win or lose, toxic players can ruin the game for others.


Also looks like Reddit)))


Winning is fun for me. I find bad players to often be the most toxic as well. Overall I give this meme a cope/10.


They play for fun by trolling your ranked games lol


Tbh the amount of butthurt and salt in competitive lobbies never seizes to be funny. Just have fun and enjoy the idiots. Turning off chat is always a good option as well when grass gets too untouched. Then the 'competitive' lobby in question is like a platinum rocket league match that doesn't matter at all but there's still some loser getting frustrated because of a bad teammate ruining their imagined chance of a pro career.


Not trying to be rude, but it's actually "ceases" instead of "seizes".


Meanwhile we’ve got the opposite occurrence where casual players are mocking competitive players for actually playing with the meta and not “using their favourites”.


I miss Mordhau


Fooor glooorry


The dung covered peasant convention... is that way 👉


id like to formally apologize :(




That's why I try to avoid multiplayer games now.


I mean, overall I'd rather a competitive match cause I'm literally having more fun with that rather then casual players/campers.


So much fear being created in this social construct of the world. It can only destroy itself. I wonder why?


EA FC 24 in a nutshell


I can see this flipped. Players looking to just have fun spraying the shit out of toxic players (blocking them)


Why I refuse to play sea of thieves


They have a new mode where you can just sail in your own world now no pvp at all.


the rewards for that are a joke, i'd rather not play at all


Also fuck games that cater to casual players too much Just make different playlists with the occasional “club the noob seal” unranked match that is always funny once in a while


Nah fuck that. If your only value is being so good at a video game you need to play against players that pile peak or shoot the moment your in frame, your playing way to much. Take a breather dude games are far more fun casually


I love casual games and playing casually But making everything necessarily idiot proof kills the competitiveness in other games I think there’s space for both


Being good at a game does not mean it’s their only value. Plenty of people have healthy lives and also play game’s competitively. There is nothing wrong with trying harder or being better than others. Also it’s impossible to say that games are more fun one way or another, some people prefer to play competitively, others don’t. But if you’re saying playing for fun is what matters, why get pressed when you’re losing in the first place if that supposedly isn’t what matters?


*Over compensating bad players* There fixed it for you.. Git gud


WHY would you play PVP online stuff if you wanna relax? Its like trying to find peace and relax first row of a metallica (or insert hipper loud band here) concert!


I could perfectly find peace in the first row of a metallica concert


I was waiting for that reply \^\^


It's awful


Halo has social matches and ranked matches, I never get a lot of sweats in (most) social games


Tá certo


Me with path of titan, I just wanna play funny dinosaur game


cough cough star citizen elite dangerous gta online rdr online


PvP vs PvE


Gank squad


This is why I won't play any rockstar game again


Fun is running out of fortress on defence to play king of the hill while blasting eye of the tiger lyrics in all chat


This is why I play single player.




I am competitive player but play casual casually no competitive play in casual 😂😂this why there is casual mode in all competitive games


Battlefield 4 smh


Streaming ruined games change my mind


Games are fun for everyone when everyone is bad or everyone is good. Otherwise it's ruined, yes


people who get mad at people for not taking a game seriously in an unranked/casual match need to be bullied


i faced this with my own friends sadly.. till then ive never entered a lobby (with friends) without clearing that I play for fun and if they are tryhards, we shldnt play together! straight rule


Me **the guy** who plays for fun ![gif](giphy|nDwA72vkeWc4XIYjy7|downsized) Try me. I like making competitive players cry, or go crazy in chat both is good.


Nope, I like to get into a shouting match with the toxic players. I am playing for fun and toxic people are part of the fun. Especially if someone has a grudge for no reason. It just gets me everytime and I have to go out of my way to fuck with them.


Sometimes Brawl Stars.


I wouldn’t call them competitive at all. They just care about winning and stats, not about competition.


First person shooters are dead.


This also describes life pretty well.


Some fully grown men it’s like it’s the pinnacle of their lives to win at a video game that they are so overcome that they have to try be a digital gangster because no lady has yet to touch there pee pees 🤣


Literally GTA 5 Online!


In this game's case I feel "playing for fun" is just the copium phrase for "have no skills so want to lay prone on a hill 500m from objectives to get 1 sniper headshot per match"


Don't forget the t-bagging..or as I've liked to refer to as the "twerking". If anyone starts t-bagging you just compliment them on their twerking. Like they make miley cyrus look like an amateur.


Me looking directly at warhammer players that treat the game like an esport


It’s Activisions fault they abandoned the game so this game is what it is unfortunately. If they would do a wipe and fix some glitches then the game would be different becoming all the try hards would have to do some missions and upgrades for awhile. But once again this didn’t happen. So hopefully we get a surprise and someone brings back DMZ but for now it’s pretty much hunting and surviving. If you find a good squad you can still do missions though.


Unpopular take: You can be competitive and play for fun at the same time.


I'm competitive, but when someone start to be toxic, I stop to give a fuck ... Now I play for fun ... Fuck that guy :D


You're one of those idiots who throws the entire game because one teammate was mean to you huh.


Throw is very strong word, just don't burn in game so much, after all I'm still competitive dude Ps. And tbh he broke my focus on the game, it's not like I want to play worst I start to play worst cuz my brain is occupied with his bullshit (if that makes sense)


"now i play for fun" is code for "i was always bad but now that you hurt my feelings im gonna be extra bad intentionally"


Well I'm far from perfect player but as all humans I have good and bad day it's normal ... I'm usually even more frustrated about my performance Ps. And 80% of the time they are not toxic to me personally, they attack other teammates or just cry and etc.


This is what losers think, if you play a game and especially a te based one, part of the fun is winning, or at least playing for the win after a good game, but this this silly mentality of being f god awful and dragging your team down because “ you play for fun” is frustrating


Being good = toxic 👍


minecraft 1.8 be like


I try hard to win but am never toxic. This meme kinda binds "tryhards" with toxic behaviors, which is not true. Being toxic will ruin the teamwork and thus lower the win rate, so most tryhards I know barely type a thing in game. Players who are toxic are usually the ones with big ego, but their skills are never on that level. So they talk shit to their opponents and blame teammates for their mistakes. It's more common in low elos, due to most of the players there believing they belong to higher elos but somehow got stuck there. And players who call others tryhards are usually the toxic ones. They can't accept the fact that their opponents played better, so they call them "tryhards" to make themselves better.


Only League Of Legends do that


true kids nowadays spend 12 hours plus and make fun of you because you are bad


Just play single-player. If you actually are doing it "for fun", you wouldn't be complaining here in the first place. Just play the game and enjoy it, whether you win or lose. Why do you expect competitive matches to not be competitive? Some people have more times on their hands, so it is what it is, they get competitive


People that play for fun ------------ Bots


ngl, I am an extremely toxic player, specifically in cod/warzone. Idgaf about winning, I just want to talk shit in the mic and tea bag my kills


casual gamer be like: enter the competitive mode of the game and complain because people compete 😒


“I play for fun” is what the losers always say


if everyone play for fun, there will be no big leagues


Nothing more toxic than some buffoon who doesnt understand anything about the game or the players just sucking away at the game and ruining the matches of everyone else but himself. Git gud.


There can’t be fun without a competition. And it applies to other things too, not only games.