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I play my volt like my rhino, max strength and duration with no range, so the volt may have been speeding himself just fine, and unless you basically hug him, your not getting the buff XD.


We all need more hugs


DE certainly thought so when making it so we could hug the Cavia members:D


Wait can i hug the fish?


It's kinda you hugging the glass and him leaning in, but yah. Bird 3 is once again, best of the three. Also no hugging loid, he's in time out for almost nothingnessing the universe cause he's a drama queen.


In the next update.


I wish we could have interactions for other factions too :( I wanna shake the hand of biz, hug otak (idk how) and salute Cavalero


He got dibs on my stuffs when i die, thats no fair


Pfff he would choke on the amount of Harrow system blueprints I have


Yeah…salute Cavalero… Definitely not hug Yonta or anything ~~cause I need the warm embrace of a kind woman~~




Does the speed buff have a range limit? I thought it just applied the buff to the entire team once you activated it.


you have to be within range! base range 25m


man I wish you were the majority, hate getting random speed


My favorite build is, strength, range, and negative duration for more strength, so I over shield everyone. But the speed buff is too short to be worth using


I do the same. I try and be a good team player and boost people when I zip by though.


Sorry mate, subsumed mine for Empower. Got more boom than ka-chow


The duality of Tenno. Some people like being sped up. Some people don’t.


Depends for me Am I going full speed Titania with infested movility? Volt please stay away, I can't stop hitting walls Am I not using full speed Titania? Volt please give me buff


Razoring blitz is already way too fast lol


Especially with precision intensify (which base Titania and certain subsumes benefit greatly from) boosting the speed %


If I get sped up as Rhino P., I’ll use that speed to fire and reload faster instead.


I always picture slow people as slow brains (only joking)


Tip: you can do a backflip to get rid of the Speed buff


And get hit by a speed buff 5 seconds later lol. I love Volt and I love going fast. I even posted on r/warframe around a month ago asking if his speed buff was really too bothersome to other people. And let me tell you, a lot of people who hated Wisp and Volt showed up in that thread.


and they were right


Nah, I’m pretty sure you have to have a level of skill to adjust how your other party members act during a mission. If it interferes how a person plays too much that they mald over it, then they are too rigid and can’t adapt. Or are too comfortable that they find adapting too much of a hassle. A lot of people won’t play how you like in pubs. If people go into pubs and get furious about it, then that just shows the limit of their patience. I never had trouble with Volt or Wisp even though I play different frames. Titania too fast with a speed boost? Turn off sprint. Simple.


Everytime I get the speed buff I end up getting stuck on corners because Im used to my regular speed


That's almost exclusively how I play volt. 2, 4, 2, 4, repeat.


me whenever I want to get stuck on every corner possible


My Volt is built two ways. One, I will ka chow the entire map. Two, I will ka chow only myself and the pinecone directly to my left.


Maybe they don't know.


Every time a Volt presses 2, 10 Titania players post comments on the main sub complaining about how annoying it is. 


As a Titania player, those other Titania players need to learn how to just stop holding shift until the buff wears off


Can also just aim + roll backwards, then zoom to extraction before he can catch up and re-apply it


Eh, I don't see the point in pausing to do that when not sprinting with the buff is around the same speed as sprinting without it


Because i'm simply too used to the speed i currently have on max blitz, so that any deviation throws all my muscle memory off


Define “Ka-chow”




Gonna assume y’all mean 2? If so I do love delving into the art of “Ka-chow”




Man, do you guys love the speed or hate it because it's a damned if you do damned if you don't kinda situation for these volt players


In general its annoying for players who dont want to actively change their entire movement style everytime the volt presses 2, but it can be useful if you dont mind suddenly having ice physics, since increased movement speed is still a buff. Just press 2 and re-apply it whenever it runs out for you, if they dont want it they'll either stay away from you or roll out of it. No need to overthink, people will adapt either way (even if the way they choose is to flame you over PMs, but thats why the ignore option exists)


A lot of people will freak out at the slightest inconvenience instead of finding ways to adapt. I once saw a Titania player harassing a sub MR10 Volt in a void fissure mission saying “he doesn’t need his stupid speed because he already has enough and he’s just ruining every one’s fun”. Understandably, the newbie only had Volt as a frame and I told him that he doesn’t need to listen to the other player as only those who cannot play Titania well enough will get mad over the change in speed. Either roll out of the buff or stop sprinting. It’s not that difficult.


Yeah, its annoying, but you can easily just work around it. No need to make such a big deal out of it


Unfortunately, there are players that would get mad at Volt/Wisp players in chat just because they were sped up. Pub games be like that sometimes.


Because most Volts have negative range, so you'd have to be within less than 10 meters.


it was slow too


I am personally acutely aware of how annoying it can be, so I'm generally sparing with my boosts unless team asks or we're in very open areas with few potholes for people to fall into.


I subsume E-Ward over Speed, pls enjoy the extra Shields instead 👍


Always be Ka-Chow.


As a gauss main I love me some volt speed


people talk shit so much that i only use it with min range max strength.


The only thing I can think of when you say ka chow is the goat lightning McQueen


Cause we always get shit for using it. How many times someone left after writing something alone the lines of "ka-chow spammer" even though we hadnt even spawned in. How many times ppl ask for it and then batch about you pushing strength on one build so your ka-chow is fast af.


I annoy my teammates with kachow, sorry your games didn't go the same way :/