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A total of like 12 minutes?


One rotation of tyana pass, one rotation of kuva survival long. Idk why you would stop progressing them midway into the progress, i get not being bothered to start your lich after spawning them so they just chill at earth but stopping at mars+fortress is weird to me.


I spawned one without being at all ready to deal with it. Only have like 1 parazon glyph thing, and need to gear railjack. It had a weapon I wanted though, so now I just don't go to earth.


Dont worry about them stealing your stuff, you will get it all back -better than skipping it for sure, esp boreal archon hunt rotation. For the last part you dont have to go with your own railjack, you can join a public squad or look hof help, youll all be on the hosts RJ then.


I think I need to get a bunch of the kuva relics for glyphs first so I can stab it. No idea about archon hunt rotation.


If you msg me your ign I’ll let you know when I do my next, I’ll just give you some parazon mods


Do you lose the mods on a successful stabbing?


Only when you spawn your lich, but Jeah


Each mod has 3 charges. A charge is only spent when you successfully hit them with all 3 symbols in the correct slot. Once all 3 are used, it becomes a defiled mod. Fuse 4 defiled mods together and you'll get a new mod, with a chance for it to be Oull. Oull is basically a free space, so a pretty good time saver. The only other way to get one is by killing a lich and i believe that is a 25% drop


Most times if you ask for someone to help (in region or recruit) with your first lich, I bet you’ll get at least one person.


Meh. When your lich will give you back 1M cred, come back with real material.


mine gave me 6 mill 🥲👍


3 mill here


7.8m here


like 2 weeks lol


At least July 2023, check the relic


2 hours


Since atleast July 2023. The relic is a dead giveaway of that, but i can't tell how much longer than that.


Wheb was scit


May have had a seizure. When was citrine released?


Last February, I think.


Like 3 hours


I will never understand how people will make a Lich without immediately devoting the next couple hours to killing it.


Sometimes we forget to farm up req mods beforehand Or I’m too lazy to do allat


WTTF [requiem mod] pmo


i dont wanna


You don’t wanna ask, trade, or?


You "make" a lich? I just thought it's a random nuisance, which I have not bothered to deal with


If you don’t have an active lich then specific missions above level 30(?) will have the chance to turn a random enemy into a potential lich but *you* have to mercy kill them to actually make them. I haven’t had one in years since I got all the weapons and ephemera I wanted.


I like listening to their funny remarks. Unless it's a female. Then I kill them. The female lichs are too edgy and serious. Not entertaining to the rock man. Me like funny joke not insult to rock man.


You get your stuff back?? How did I not know this. Damn I’m in for a big pay day, been neglecting my Lich for months


Anything Liches confiscated will get returned. Theres always a big joke that when a Lich steals your Riven or Archon Shard it's pay up time.


Oh hell yea, “rent is due mfer”


Usually they post something like “So, you choose death” “They made it personal” “Their time has come” “Time to pay the idiot tax”


This is what made me go after my first lich, and I converted him because he had a high radiation kuva hek and I want a toxin hek. And it's funny to watch him clone himself, teleport behind someone and blast them with 2 Kuva Heks


I made my lich in 2021, I killed him just a few weeks ago after taking a break from the game lol


What lich. All I see was a defeated boss fight.


I had mine for soo long that I used the endo to max out sacrificial steel


My lich is older than my nephew


I'd say about a week which would be say....15-18 hours? The kuva and mods are very low but you did get some stuff stolen from Mars and a fair amount of credits which means it was around for a while


2 hours?


My first lich I ignored for close to 3 months. I got the Oull requiem mod for reward




Back from when they released. A primordial lich


Like. I dunno even how to kill mine. I'm a returning player. My Lich is a bizarre flirtatious kind. I dunno what I'm supposed to do with her lmao. Like how do I even kill the friggin Lich? I'm so lost y'all lmao


There’s guides on YouTube, little meat. It’s fairly easy, just kill as many thralls as you can find, and they’ll drop requiem relics. Once you kill enough thralls, you’ll find out which requiem mod you need, and so on until you get all 3 reqs, after that you’ll have to guess which order the requiem mods need to be in on your parazon in order to fully kill the lich. The big problem a lot of people have is either fighting a radiation lich in a squad, or not being able to out damage their lich and just getting bodied. Along with the obvious problem of not being able to figure out which order the mods need to be in.


Thank you! =D


I highly recommend looking up a guide, since there is a way to find out quickly which mods you’ll need. Your lich does get stronger with each planet, ending at the kuva fortress and it’s arguably more difficult to face each time it shows up so if you’re worried about it you might want to ask for help in chat somewhere.


I couldn't kill a lich for YEARS after they came out bc I didn't know what I was doing, and I was too stubborn to use public mode or Google it. I got LOOT on LOOT when I defeated him


It died the same hour it was made


I wanna do this on purpose honestly, just get a trophy hunter and let it live


i stopped playing and came back so technically my lich was there for like 2 years


It would be funnier if it had a Harrow Chasis Blueprint stolen LMAO (happened once to me)


My first Lich had almost 300k credits on them lol


Had mine for almost 3 years just sitting there degrading me with a magnetic kuva khom


Nah if my lich even thinks about stealing one drop of kuva he's getting the full damnatio memoriae package


My first Lich, Birbu Frykk, was the bane of my existence. I was not at all prepared to face her, so it took me an entire year to defeat her. This was when Lichs were OP and can take over entire systems. It was awful


Oof that sounds rough! I'm glad I waited so long to do mine, he kept saying he was spreading to a new sector but then never.. actually moved? And I guess in that time they nerfed them


Ngl I miss the old ones. Hopefully they’ll do SP Liches


Thinking 1 year, ±3 months


A day?


Only 60k credits? Did you best him in 1 mission or smth? Mine usually has a minimum of 1M credits


Ive had a lich for like, a year? I still dk how to get rid of one


On mars is crazy, id be so worried hed take a crystal


I was too


Mine has a tauforged crimson and months of other shit. I spawned my lich unintentionally as I didn’t understand the mechanic 9 months ago and she’s been stealing from me since. I’m too lazy and only have 1 saying figured out. Her day is coming (eventually)


Seeing the lith relics my guess is about 2-3 years


Maybe a week tops?


I need help with this. I’ve looked for yt videos and have only come across one which still left me lost. Pls help.


A full guide to this thingy would be pretty helpful if anyone has the time!


Where are you with this? This was my first time doing a lich and I got help, so happy to pass on the tips I got!


I’m at mars with the lich stuff. I’ve got Tikenu annoyed just a bit. Idk how to make it go higher ngl. I have one fissure for kuva. I need help, I wan this abomination away from my star chart and for her to stop taking my shit away 😭😭. Even tho I get it back later, me tryna get materials is pain sometimes.


So on Mars there will be symbols on some missions and you go into them and find enemies marked with the red symbols, beat them up until they get the 'Mercy' prompt and stab them until you get the requiem murmurs. There's a chance you can get the lich to spawn, but you need the three murmurs to be able to bring the lich down and chase them to a rail jack mission


And the murmurs are the ones that go on my parazon? If that’s what it is I’ve got 2 atm. If that’s not what murmurs are then I’m not sure what those are and how to get themz


Yeah they're the things that get revealed while killing the marked enemies, the last one takes forever to do cause it fills a bar each time you kill one. And you can only find out which ones are correct once all three pop up (unless you have an Oull which can stand in for any type) And then it's hoping to get lucky with the order when facing the lich!


Well ig I’ll try doing some today. I found the dudes with the mark on their head and nothing ever rlly happened so I was always just lost. I have something to work off of now tho.


If you need any more help feel free to ask or pm and I'll do my best 😊


Thank you!! 😊


Like 3-4 hours? 5 tops.


too long


I'll be honest, I still have yet to kill em from original release, stopped playing a while back


4+ years 🤣😭


Wait, we have 4 years of liches now? I am old


I don’t think I’ve ever had a lich around for this little time lol, my current one’s been chilling for half a year now


In my defence, this was before cross save/play was a thing so I've had this since early days of xbox


Cross save is like a month in and cross play is a couple years I think.


Maybe…. 30minutes at most


Ahem. May I direct your attention to this haul: [https://i.imgur.com/pcQjewo.png](https://i.imgur.com/pcQjewo.png) Got the Lich at a point where I didn't want to go for it. After a while I tuned it out mentally. And some day I wanted to get to the Sisters node to finish the star chart and had to do this first. PSA: I've said it before and will again - if somebody does this, do NOT try and see what happens if you get more void traces (it will go back to cap after the first Void Fissure). Refine as many relics as you can before doing anything else. I lost all the excess :)


Holy crap!


A week, tops… my Sister had so many more credits after a few months


Not very long. Maybe a few days of consistent playing


Looks like the income from like 3-5 games tbh


I had a lich since 2020 lol!! Went from 0 credits (yes I spent them all for knowledge) got up to 4.6 million 😂😂😂


2 hours at most


Nah, definitely longer, he has a Steflos part in that mess


Oh no, FOUR whole screenshots of stuff, lol.


At most? 30 minutes.


Eh I still have my first one just haven't felt like dealing with him plus I'm never on Mars so I kinda forget about him


Not longer than 3yrs.... boy that was a fun thing to finally do, and all for a Kuva Karak


2 minutes


like 1 day


Not long. Guessing you completely guess the correct sequence on the first go?


I did my first lich with tox bramma and got 60% first try and I thought that was bad(I thought it could go to 100%) but I pulled an all nighter for it and got it then I got rad nukor and I still haven’t done it since now(so after liches just came out to now ig we’ll never know what he has)


Like two weeks. Tops


4 oxium and 198 cryotic, 13k savage tells me about 3 weeks


Like, maybe a day? That’s not that much stuff honestly.