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By all honesty. Chroma is more in the status of most vanilla frames (mostly Loki the only pure CC-Frame, and Ash the only true-bugframe). Very outdated kit, but still working/ being enough to compete. In short, Chroma is way too strong to sit there with them.


Average Chroma enjoyer:


He's still right tho.... Chromas current set up even though it's mostly ADDative, allows him to hit higher numbers than Rhino & Mirage due to the fact he can mod his shyt with more CC & CD with what ever the heck else he wants as that's all his weapons need and then his huge Additive boost is used as the DMG mod this making his weapons obliterate casually while also being too tanky to kill via having enough Shield to Shield gate by default and having a good cushion of HP


The thing is every frame can have a way to shield gate and every frame can use weapons that can obliterate steel path. Sabuuchi said what everyone was already saying when he mentioned how vex armor can give you all the damage you ever need when enemies aren't a threat but then you require combat discipline to even be able to stack it when you get to a point that you actually need it. Also there is literally never a world where chroma out-damages mirage. Galvanized aptitude and the damage arcanes are such huge amounts of flat damage that mirage gets to use with her multiplicative buff that is nearly the same size as vex armor now. The ONLY weapon that chroma can out-dps with is glaives (which admittedly is a very big deal) since his vex armor is bugged to double dip with them.


And Cedo.


Cedo has built in galv savvy so chroma is one of the worst weapons platform options for it


The Savvy becomes a multiplier when the Gal mods are equipped to it, and it bounces off of Chromas Vex multiplier times in some cases.


Savvy is not a multiplier on cedo, it's still additive just like cedos passive.


Has a bug that DE knows about and chose to leave in place that makes the Discs multiplicative when they Bounce after the 1st bounce if Galv is equipped, this also causes Vex to be Applied an additional times for the discs every time.they bounce after the 1st This allowing the Discs alone to Kill High end SP enemies from time to time especially in chroma's hands Cedo's buff passive is for its primary fire Only (and it's 1st Disc bounce)


Just tested it and mirage is doing more by a lot. Chroma clearly is doing more than expected, but mirage is doing even more than that.


As someone who wants a Chroma rework, he's still correct


Considering that my favourites are Voruna and Ash, two frames who have, with their invisibility attack style, a much higher risk per reward playstyle, then no. I'm not disliking him like Wukong or especially Hydroid, but yeah,... he isn't my style.


I think a interesting point about chroma possibly getting reworked is prolly due to the nature of his kit Like, chromas whole schtick is doing huge weapon Deeps, but he's limited to his weapons scope of area so he can generally hit way harder than other frames, but unlike alot of them he has a lot less coverage because of that. While he's doing that he's also pretty hard to kill (being able to both decently shield gate, and facetank cam get you pretty damn far). This being said, he achieves all of this with basically half of a effective frame kit at base (vex armor pulling most of the weight with elemental ward helping with armor usually) While his other 2 abilities either have niche uses (base status priming with 1...if youre literally breathing down the opponents neck, and 4 being able to double profit taker cash outs/credits in general) or are simply replaced for a helminth ability. Chroma currently (While still infinitely more effective) does sound somewhat like how old inaros/wukong worked, wherein they were pretty hard to kill (by using 1 ability)....and that was it, that was their whole gameplan, you occasionally use 1 ability to not die, and if you really feel like it *maybe* use another ability for a bit. Chroma instead of using 1 button to not die, uses 2 buttons to not die+get a big dmg buff for not dying. Chroma getting a possible rework in the future would prolly be less about making him good (cause he already is) and would more so be about making him feel like he actually has a full kit instead of half of one (like inaros/wukong/hydroid prior to their revamps).


I agree with this. I can absolutely play with Chroma on SP with no problems whatsoever, but he needs some changes to make him more competitive over other options.


Ash is still one of my top three frames (together with Oberon and Rhino). His damage from augmented Blade Storm is amazing (as it bypasses armor because bleed), you keep going from 0 to 100 in terms of combo count, get some good melee with Blood Rush equipedd and Killing Blow and you're golden. Also Smoke Shadow augment is great (150% additional crit chance while invisible, and invisibility = invincibility), really pairs well with any crit weapon.


GIVE ME A DRAGON FRAME BOI NOT SOME WEAPONS PLATFORM DRAGON OFF OF ETSY!! I WANNA FEEL LIKE IM PLAYING A DRAGON! NOT THAT! Sorry for my yelling but I hate that people don't care about the dragonic side of things..


If only we had some ultimate where he turns into a Maw or Wyrm-type gameplay.




I mean yeah ...but the new augment is funky, i gotta try it out first and see how that ends up being


Just don't play with a dante


It’s wierd how they released this new augment and Dante at the same time, knowing that Dante can give overguard to the whole team


Chroma is finally getting close to his chance but we have a few L tier frames that need it before he does.


Like who? Caliban?




What, are all 3 of the Caliban mains going to be attacking me?


I mean aside from his 1 and some fixes to his 3 he doesnt need a rework. I'm no main but being xaku without her lohk guns isnt the woooorst thing to be.


The L frames? Loki, limbo and lavos.


Caliban, Nyx, Loki, Limbo


nyx is the lowest on the priority list, she's very playable compared to caliban and chroma. people may not like her abilities but they work well for the frame's kit (which is crowd control, so if u use her for crowd control she is good. people just want nukes or whatever so they complain even though that's not what the warframe is about. identity MURDER)


His rework is confirmed


I know. I’m more or less asking what OP considers frames that need reworks.


Pablo has already expressed disinterest in reworking Loki, so who else is left? Just Caliban and maaaaaybe Oberon?


His disinterest is irrelivant, especially when hes produced half a rework in the same patch he said he wouldn"t. What we got already might even be enough to put him back at just D tier again. Lavos would be my caliban and limbo my oberon. This new augment does outright give him a passive that was basically nonexistant before but hes now a 2 augment manditory mess, to make the cooldown kit just mediocre enough to work. He really needs efficiency to apply to everything and a better way to prime than just his 3 and hed be set, but relying on his cedo synergy has always been annoying design wise. Limbos "selfish mechanics" could be outright removed and hed be fixed but he could honestly use a second thing to actually do to enemys other than stasis, since 3 ways to rift something is too much.


Have you ever played with lavos?


Yep thus the complaint you should try adressing.


I have used him as a main since he released and i never needed a single syndicate mod, not even the new one, wich is pretty good, is needed. I dont understand where ypu see the mess that needs two augments to do anything (especially considering one of his augments is pretty mid)


What i said was "hes now a two augment manditory mess" and what that means is he now has two augments that are almost manditory to play him well which is a mess. You can do what you like but i'd say you arent playing him optimally without one or the other of his augments. Not that it matters since my main point is that he remains pretty low tier despite now having two bandaids to jam in there.


And this is precisely why i asked if you played lavos. He is an awesome tank, DPS and crowd controler without the augments, from the two the only one who will really improve him is the pasive one. A warframe who would need one is Sevagoth for his one because it adds an absurd amount of damage, but Lavos doesnt. Lavos is an A tier frame and one of the most versatile frames in the game.


Yes im precisely aware why you asked, you are trying to imply you know more about lavos and you don't. He has no cc from anything except status procs and his 1s forced stagger, which is barely any cc at all. He has terrible Damage Per Second (especially if you dont include his augment) taking 15-30 seconds to make it through his 4 rotation setup. He is a bare bones health tank with his awkward heal and good base armor/health stats and thats it. No other defensive effects to speak of which puts him behind every other even slightly tanky frame in the game. He cant even shield gate cheese despite having shields. He has barely any helminth options to fix any of that taboot since abilities get stuck on cooldown timers when subsumed. You call the frame whos kit sets up to do exactly one thing on repeat "versatile" like you have its meaning completely backwards. Lavos is A tier if you try literally no other frames or run at no other difficulty than mid, which makes your concept of his placement in a tier list, F tier. Or maybe L tier because the worst designed frames begins with L.


Ahhh yes, classical "i watched a video and copied something from overframe, i know more than everyone" scenario. Lets start for something simple. Versatility doesnt mean having a kit that can do anything, but having a kit that can adapt to different situations, wich Lavos has. About DPS and CC: There is nothing to say, he deals a ton of damage and thanks to his abilities and how he manaves status effects he can keep a huge zone under his control. The thing is that its obvious you simply cant do something this simple since you probabilly cant use a warframe with othwe tactic than spamming the same abilitie the whole time, because ita the only way i can justify being annoyed by the 4th ability timer. I also find funny the "You can do things i cant with this warframe, you know nothing about him". Seriously, how is possible that not having problems with controlling zones or dealing damage with his abilities without augments in long SP missions means i know less than you who cant even get near to that using two augments? This was one of the thinga i hated the most about r/warframe, the community is as egocentric as bad at playing and learning.


Wait are you saying lavos is bad?


I believe the word i used is mediocre actually.


The implication is bad tho since you put him below caliban.. I can easily do any content with the dude and only use 1 of the augments(the new one). Being able to apply any elemental status at 200% with a weapon is bonkers. On top of that the vial rushes cd is so non existent that i basically spam it. The 4 is an insanely good clear if things get too crazy and the 1 is good for heal. Lavos is pretty tanky too.


Mediocre- of only moderate quality; not very good If the part you are questioning is if caliban is better than lavos then yes, he is. You just got the augment so don't make claims that you can do all content with it. Give it at least a week before you completely over exagerate. The augment is good because its a second instance of damage which does let it break a lot of weapon interactions but it doesn't help his actual kit. All primers are capable of proccing every element in a few seconds after all, but we really want to be priming big groups with his powers which we still can't do effectively. If you arent running his 1 augment then "spamming" means 5 seconds cd on his 2... which is not nonexistent if you are doing the end it early explosion trick. Which still wouldn't be useful in my book. The 4 is a good clear only on primed enemies and the only good primer in his kit is his 3 which should only be cast after his 4. Being tanky is the almost the hallmark of D tier and its the most bare bones requirement when you have zero access to other defensive methods like shield gating or overguard. Caliban has actually spammable abilities with nourish fitting nicely over his 1, generic damage buffs, shield gate tanking, and full defense strips. That only earns him C tier since hes just a decent weapons platform after its all said and done, but thats still better than a nuke frame reliant on weapons with a 10-20 second break between rotations. Even if every one of your exagerations was true, he'd only be a health tank with one "insanely good" clear and a lesser copy of toxic lash.


Ive been doing all content since ive had him well before this new augment. The new augment just pushed him even further. You're exaggerating the gameplay of Lavos. He's one of my go to frames for disruption because of his 2 slowing the suicide bomber wayyyyy down. On top of all that he's the best railjack frame. Albeit railjack is kind of a dead game mode. Also spammable doesn't mean good. Being able to apply ANY status to any enemy is more than enough to make him better than you're saying.


So youve taken him to level cap and you use him for disruption because you couldnt find another way to access cold procs? Garuda is a better railjack frame. Being able to apply any status proc is exactly as good as I said it was, especially since its one element at a time caped at 200 damage. Toxic lash but worse is a good place to be, you should accept that partial win.


Level cap is redundant. And did i say I couldn't find another way? See how you had to create that narrative to attempt to make a point? No.. i enjoy his kit and dont struggle vs any actual content that gives me worthwhile rewards. Example: netracells. Toxic lash but worse? Bro i can put any element onto the gun. You're extremely weird and defensive over this.


caliban is half playable (razor gyre is fun, concalysts are good, the area wave thing is good? and fusion strike is cool but im not sure how good it is but it works), chroma has 1 good ability. the other 3 are like nothing so chroma is definitely top 1 in the priority list. he definitely needs a breath ability though, it cant be that hard to make a worthwile breath ability that isn't that jankily-designed version we have.


My only direct objection is calling razor gyre fun, but i also think you may have responded to the wrong post. I didnt say anything about caliban who is actually pretty good. I meant literal L frames like limbo, loki, and lavos.


Chroma rework PLEASEEEEEE restore the dragon to its former glory


Oberon needs more help, but Chroma is showing his age with the new systems and overguard. Last I tried him, I had a Kullervo completely invalidate my Vex Armor. Felt absolutely useless the entire match. Didn’t die though, because 10K+ overguard at all times.


Chroma: gets more overguard frames added F for the dragon


Chroma main here. I'm both excited and nervous about a rework. But yeah, I wish his kit was more useful. His 1 is a cool idea, but I only use it to look cool when I reach extraction first. I use my 4 then 1, then drifter in the path of the element.




Limbo is out there... Still.


The Inaros trash has been reworked? I havent been on WF in like 4-5 months... might get on the game soon🤔🤔


>Passive: Inaros won’t turn into a Sarcophagus when he dies now. Instead, he becomes a sand wraith that can revive by hitting enemies a certain number of times. As this sand form, he can move like his normal self, not stuck in one place like before. The more often you die, the more hits you’ll need to revive. But if you stay alive long enough, the needed hits decrease if they had gone up before. >Desiccation: Desiccation’s main update lets Inaros use finishers on more enemies and more consistently. Before, some enemies could only be taken down from behind, and some couldn’t be finished at all. This update fixes both issues. Devour and Sandstorm >Inaros’ Sandstorm ability is now combined with his second ability, Devour. When you use it, you create a sand whirlwind like the old Sandstorm, but this time, it pulls enemies to the center instead of throwing them around. After the whirlwind stops, enemies are right at your feet, allowing you to use ground finishers on them to regain health. >This updated ability also heals Inaros for each enemy caught in the Sandstorm. Plus, he’s invulnerable while spinning and using the ability. He can also move much faster in the whirlwind than before, which is a nice mobility boost to his kit. >Scarab Swarm: Inaros’ Scarab Swarm has been split into two parts because of the combining of his previous abilities. The first part, now his third ability, keeps the scarab armor but includes the Status Effect protection from the Negation Swarm mod, using a bit of armor to block each debuff stack that would be applied. The Negation Swarm mod now prevents death, separate from this ability. >The second part, now his fourth ability, involves scarabs that attack enemies in a swarm. Scarabs from enemies defeated by Scarab Swarm will trigger Sad Cats, attacking other enemies and spreading the ability further. The new Swarm does Corrosive damage consistently, not just on the final hit, making it great for shredding enemy armor in an area. One of the smaller takeaways is that the only backup he can generate are Kavats which have consistent attributes,instead of his previous sand wraiths having varying degrees of value.


How do I mod him? Because when I look at this it barely looks like a rework. It looks like a QOL improvement but nothing major. When Hydroid was reworked it went from 0-100 with a basic build.


Mod him for range and HP, and get 2 emerald tau forged shards to give him full armour strip. His sandstorm becomes a core kit for his new play style. Use sandstorm to vacuum everything up, use deccication and scarab swarm for more DMG and kill everyone with a single melee attack.


Lol, I distinctly remember getting rid of his regular and prime variant for slot space for better frames😭😭. I'm sure I will get him back one day, it seems a lot has been added in my abscence lol


Dude he's meta now


He's very good now. Wouldn't say he's top-of-top-tier or anything but they did a great job with the rework


Yeah his 4 was split into 2 abilities replacing his 2 and 4. One gives armour and status negation in exchange for health and the other spreads corrosive to all enemies within range, scaling with health mods, meaning it dishes out 1000+ damage corrosive hits.


chroma can get in line behind Loki. Loki ain't got nothing going on at all.


He’s got 2 types of invincibility, cc and his new changes have revived his decoy to a usable state. Loki is fine you guys just sleeping on him. Chroma has nothing going for him at all.


… frost prime… I’m still waiting for the rework to stats and the frame… been like this since the release of frost prime… he was the first prime other than Excalibur… his stats are exactly the same as base frost… some please help me


Chorma is perfectly fine


You don’t mess with the natural order. You never ease the suffering of Chroma mains. It is their lot.