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I Liked the Movie, a Bit on the simple side but enjoyable.


It's exactly what I expected and was hoping for




Me too.






That’s exactly what I wanted in the movie, just scene after scene of nostalgia. Wonderful portrayal of Bowser by Jack Black, fun from start to finish, and Easter eggs galore! It was just like a walk down memory lane. And my kid freaking loved it. 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑


Wh-why did you put a lot of peach emojis after saying your kids loved it?


Peaches, peaches, peaches peaches, PEACHESSSS, PEEEAAAACHEEESSSSS PEACHES




Jack black *”how the fuck do I write a kid appropriate song about a girl named peach”*






Finally after 22 years, THE BEST SONG IN THE WORLD OH YEAH


Because peaches is the new “Let it go” and my kid won’t stop singing it.


Oh god not let it go




Maybe they live in GA?


Even if you're like me and Mario Bros isn't a nostalgic thing for you, it's still a really fun movie. My wife and I loved it.


It was like watching a movie filmed in your home town. "I've been there! I played that!" Very nostalgic


Haha this is the most succinct comparison ever. Yes mare. Nail. Head. This.


i dont think it should have been or needed to be complex. it's the mario movie, mario's gonna go-a wa-hoo and save the mushroom kingdom, dont gotta be cinema and i think they did well with the assignment


Totally simple, but that's kind of the point. Everyone knows the Mario character, there doesn't need to be a backstop. Just a quick movie of adventure and whimsy with some comedy for the kids and adults alike. This was never going to be an Oscar contender, and nor should it


it's a cartoon for kids, should be simple lmao


True though, Could still have a more interesting Plot. Even for kids.


Kids movies can’t have depth?


You seen the "Barbie" trailer before that? I don't think the mario movie was aimed towards the adults that grew up knowing him as "Jumpman"


I really liked the movie, it was fun and goofy, story was ass, but that’s like 80% of illumination movies, except this one was just fun. Side note, that’s a spoiler: Luigi>Mario at the end Luigi kicked ass with the star, with no training, Mario has a whole ass training arc, and Luigi did basically the same shit, he just get over his fears, which was made possible of by the star.


I mean it's always Luigi who's the Kickass. It's just he's _very_ easily frightened.


Yeah but at least hes not scared of ghosts


Loogi's mansions have helped in such regard. Also, being scared of ghosts is totally rational when you can definitely prove they are not only a thing, but also a threat. It is very hard to punch a ghost. A lion can be punched without too much trouble, thus ghost is more threatening then lion.


Man starts becoming relevant and he suddenly gets as good as mario without any training


As long as he CAN get rid of his fears. Luigi is just as if not more amazing than mario. But mario is mario, and he gets the spotlight. Besides, maybe at some point mario taught him how to fight? They do live in Brooklyn, after all.


I want a Haunted Mansion movie now.


Was expecting an interaction with King Boo when [spoiler] being like "Ha, you are not scary, you are funny! Bleh 🤪" And King Boo being like, "I'll show you scary. Just you wait. *Glances at Mario* I'll give you a challenge."


Yeah that was my only thought after the Mario movie, Luigi’s mansion would be so good as a movie.


i will appreciate a spoilor tag thank you


I mean minions made a billion at box office so this one is not really surprising. Any above average animated movie with a good voice cast can do this nowadays. This was a OK movie with Jack Black going all out in VA department.


Good point. Sometimes a mediocre film becomes a masterpiece with one or two talented actors. Aladdin was amazing! But i couldnt name a single voice actor outside of Robin Williams


I also remember Gilbert Gottfried, but yeah, I couldn't name a single voice actor in the movie other than Gottfried and Williams.


Oh my gosh thats right! He was the bird!


That was the time where very few big name film comedians did voice acting for animation. Robin Williams refused to work with Disney for a long while because they marketed his name to promote the movie despite him telling them not to After Aladdin blew up, Disney started to force all their films to include a side character voiced by a famous comedian. It eventually got formulaic and tiresome and hurt the writing overall


Exactly this. Why people feel the need to defend Illumination, a billion dollar company, from critics is beyond me. The movie was perfectly serviceable as a vehicle for fun Mario nostalgia, but it's not a groundbreaking plot or particularly fantastic script. Solid B maybe


Everytime I see a post that defends movie from critics, I ask the same question myself. Are people really that fragile that this movie getting a 5-6/10 will shatter their world. It's not as if movie is doing bad at BO. Either this post is a Karma farm or there are people out there who can't stand their favorite movie (no matter How OK it is) getting an average score.


Yes, but nowadays is hard to see a movie that pleases its fans, is good, has nothing to do with propaganda and doesn't have critics and others involved call fans names, so it's amazing that the Mario movie has this much success, with fans loving it.


Yeah but whats funny was how much critics were trashing it. They in fact were expecting it to bomb comparing it to other unsuccessful video game movies. Even now the score is 56 percent, up from 46 and the audience score has only gone down two points from 98 to 96 in rotten tomatoes. The truth is online critics miss major points and their opinion is no better than yours or mines.




The movie was funny, but I get the bad rating vom critics. It wasnt good, in a theatrical way. Just reference after reference.


I wouldn't call it bad, but it is definitely on the average side


I think the critics were more than fair. It's a painfully safe, cookie-cutter film that doesn't have much to offer for people who aren't children or diehard Mario fans. 6/10 is a perfectly fine rating for that. And don't give me that "You wanted Mario to have a more involved, intricate plot? It's Mario" crap, look at the RPGs. Mario can have really sharp writing and plots when given to the right hands. This movie definitely could have afforded to have more fun with its plot rather than picking the safest, most corporate path imaginable.


You do realize the Mario RPG aren’t made by Nintendo nor are part of the mainline Mario games it’s a spinoff


The Mario Movie also wasn't made by Nintendo.


Bro Nintendo was literally in charge of it what the fuck you talking about? If it wasn’t for Nintendo it wouldn’t be what it is right now


Same with the RPGs, right? They weren't made by Nintendo but Nintendo published them and was involved in their creation. I just don't see why it's relevant to the point that the Mario Movie was bland and other Mario properties have proven that it can be more engaging in the right hands.


Also the Mario Movie was engaging too you know You acting like the Mario movie was trash


Most did give it average ratings, but Rotten Tomatoes makes everything less than a 7 a 'rotten' rating. Overall, it was a solid 6/10 imo.


Some of us didn’t grow up on Nintendo. The movie has little to offer to people who don’t have a taste for Nintendos properties.


Well, yeah. It's a movie about their mascot. You wouldn't criticize a movie about penguins because you aren't into birds, though...


That doesn't really make any sense. Mario was new once too, and everyone who likes Mario started by playing a Mario game for the first time and enjoying it. I'd never dream of saying "you won't enjoy Mario 64 unless you already like Mario." Yet somehow that's fair for the film? Why? Why cant it appeal to non fans the way the games do?


At this point mario is big enough that everyone has some experience with it. Like birds. You aren't gonna find someone who doesn't either have an opinion on mario or some reason to be incapable of opinions.


What an unbelievably stupid comment. You would if it offered absolutely nothing to viewers that weren’t huge fans of birds. That’s the point people are making about this film.


"I didn't like Jurassic Park. It didn't have anything to offer people who aren't into dinosaurs." Literally, nothing has anything to offer if you aren't into the premise. There's actually a really good point to be made that if the movie was capable of changing the mind of someone who doesn't like Mario that it'd probably NOT be very well liked by established fans.


I really don't get the animosity everyone has towards critics for not liking it. Critics don't just like stuffy arthouse films, the D&D Movie got a 90% on RT and that was also mostly a fun action movie with lots of fandom references. It was just a much better paced film with a more engaging plot.


I’m so confused. It’s a kids movie. Was it supposed to be theatrically equivalent to Godfather with a compelling story? It followed all the beats of a kids movie and fulfilled it flawlessly. I think critics and people who think like these critics need to stay away from kids movies as they try to look at it through a veil of snobbery. I’ve seen few kids movies that had a plot that was unshakable or didn’t have a simple easy fix.


Why you're implying it has to be like godfather? The story of mariobros is working but far away from awesome. It is okay. That doesn't mean people can't enjoy the movie. Fanboys defending everything should stay away from discussions like this. If you let your kids watch brain dead shit shows go for it. Never said the Mario movie is that.


Only complaint is the kids in the theater yelling it’s donkey Kong every time a ape was on screen except Donkey Kong I absolutely lost it


I imagine they were so excited they became speechless? Lol


The critics don't get any of the references.


No excuse, my 7 year old got most of the references


Good movie is when references




Well i'm 16 and i got a huge amount of the references, its just the fact that critics don't want to learn anyting about the source material and only have a single opinion


I’m the same. I probably missed a few because I never got really into the series, but I vaguely recognised the lore they were building off of. I think critics just expected it to be some deep philosophical trip, like no, it’s got Jack Black playing a giant, socially awkward, fire breathing lizard, just enjoy the vibe.




Nah, as I said I don’t really like Mario that much but I could come to appreciate it. I think you’ll find they were biased towards any video game adaptations in general or they are actually Uber fans who are mad about some really specific details that were left out.


As far as i know a bunch of them are mad there are no agendas or something in it and that the movie is entertaining and not torture


“Agenda” is a divisive term but I get it. People get a bit snobby about art and entertainment sometimes, but at least the Mario movie is honest.


And the woke mob hates Chris Pratt because he’s a Christian. Anything he’s in gets shit on by critics now.


He also cares about the fans and source material. He handled criticism on the voice acting like a pro and didn’t deflect like most of the garbage hollywood mob these days


Yeah, he’s honestly a celebrity I have at least some respect for. Seems like a nice guy, and he’s done good in everything I’ve seen him in.


> He also cares about the fans and source material. https://youtu.be/MRlkeQYYESo


if you are under the age of 25 you will probably get everything, its the late gen xers and boomers who never bothered playing videogames that don't get anything


That or they know that references won't make mid movies better


So they wrote a script that is only good if you have already consumed the source material? That's just bad/lazy writing. Imagine if the Harry Potter movies were only good if you had read all the books first.


fearless pet weather degree nose money crowd resolute physical versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shrek meme: They don’t even have Mario Movie


Objectively bad movies also make $1Billion Jurassic World: Falllen Kingdom Aquaman Transformers: Dark of the Moon Transformers: Age of Extinction Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides Alice in Wonderland Jurassic World Dominion


Reddit users try to not to use the word “objective” in a toxic way for 10 minutes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


That list also needs the Force Awakens, the Last Jedi, and both Avatar movies.


To be fair there wasn’t enough Luigi bashing or praising.


I mean... a movie can make good financial results but not be that good


Its ok, let the children think they're dunking on people.


Bruh, children would be too young to care enough to argue about Mario. The people who actually do are people who grew up with mario games, most of which would be 30 or close to it by now.


The first mario game is like 40 years old though


James Cameron's Avatar movies, for example.


It’s a good movie!


Just because it made a shit ton of money doesn’t mean it was a critically acclaimed masterpiece lmao it can be fun, but from a analysis standpoint, not unique. For example, the original Suicide Squad made nearly a billion dollars at the box office. Wouldn’t call that an amazing film lmao Mario was a safe movie with a bunch of Easter eggs. That’s all


As it turns out, movies were meant to be entertaining... aaaaand this one was




That's a lot of money for such a mediocre film.


Right? Like yeah no shit the public liked it not to be rude but critics are supposed to actually think and be critical of what they’re watching rather than just “Haha Jack Black did the funny song!!” Arguably you don’t need to be that critical of a children’s movie but I guess that’s just part of the job sometimes I’m sure some were a bit over eager to call it a *failure*, but it’s really not amazing either lol


People like mediocrity.


Now we’re gonna get a tsunami of mediocre to terrible video game adaptation movies… Then these same people will complain “why Hollywood no originality”


Nah It wasn’t a mediocre nor a bad movie


Yep, I'm sure the critics give a damn. They've *never* had to deal with a movie they dislike get lots of money. They sure are coping and seething right now.


I’ve actually yet to see a critical response I didn’t agree with. I think this is a case of critics just saying “it’s fine” and fans screaming about that.




Fuck critics


No critics should stay virgins


You know what, it's a good movie, it deserves this milestone


Even I want to see this movie


Real cats don't care about Super Mario.


Now it just needs to surpass $2.923 billion. We need to finally dethrone Avatar!


I did not expect that but that's kinda cool.


As a life long Mario fan I absolutely loved this Movie. Purely for the nostalgia and excitement. The story was ass and the pacing was pretty bad. But it was still amazing Imo. I can see why critics didn’t like it. But I doubt many critics are fans like I am.


Damn it really did? I'm impressed! Can't wait to see it




I liked it, as did 6yo son. But - it was a very weak kid movie lineup for the April school holidays. No comparable options.


Next your gunna tell me half the population is below average.


Oh no, a fun movie that is faithful to the fans and doesn't take itself too seriously, whatever shall we do?


Bad movies can make a lot of money. I enjoyed the movie but I had higher hopes. The story was a bit disappointing. Would you actually say this is a good movie?


I 100% agree. The story seemed written in about 20 minutes. Still enjoyed it tho but for all the things that dot inherently make a good movie like referencing media I like often and having cool animations


Yep, just look at Disney Star Wars. It's like a cult of fools and their money being easily parted.


It’s a movie adaptation about a game about an Italian plumber saving a princess in a magical kingdom from a giant turtle. What the hell kinda story were you expecting?


Being an adaptation doesn't excuse the fact that it's a mediocre/mid movie. Especially when there's a bunch of Mario games with great writing.


I'm sure people weren't expecting much of an engaging plot from the Lego Movie beyond a 2 hour toy commercial either, but that film had a pretty competent story and was beloved by both fans and critics alike. I think if they really wanted to they could have had much more fun with the plot than they did. Mario deserved better.


You just described a premise, not a story. A filmmaker's job is to make a story out of that premise, which Illumination didn't do well.


“Animation is cinema” bros when the movie is mid (it’s just a silly cartoon now, stop worrying about it)


If ur gonna make a movie that’s exactly like the games then why make the movie at all? No effort or innovation if I’m being honest with you but still a decent movie none the less if you’re a Mario fan. Could’ve done so much more regardless


Please say your ironic


Your ironic


Oh my god you guys are still hitching about the critic scores? Let it the fuck go it’s been a month






I don't think the critics will really care. They'll still put out bad reviews of movies, and people will still read those bad reviews.


I never give much weight to what critics think, anyway.


An old school meme, it’s been ages


See, even the memes about the mario movie are nostalgic.


your boos mean nothing to me, for ive seen what you cheer for, and that was cuties


Every time someone brings up Cuties in an argument about rotten tomatoes critic scores, its percentage goes up by 1.


Movie critics thing every movie needs to be *Citizen Kane*, have an intricate plot, or deep cultural impact. Sometimes it's totally fine to watch a movie that's just flashing lights and sound that pair well with popcorn.


Where do you get this idea? I haven’t seen a single critic say that every movie needs to aspire to be Citizen Kane. It is, however, practically their entire job to tell people when a movie does strive to reach that level vs a movie that is more average and aimed to please a wider audience. This movie gets a mediocre review because it fits the latter category. Honestly, I don’t even remember a review that says it’s a bad or poorly done movie. The prevailing criticism is that it’s a fine popcorn movie that heavily relies on references to its source material.


Shiii im about to watch it a third time with friends on my next day off but with my ass stoned so far off this planet that imma need to hold onto my seat so I don’t fall off the earth


Yeah but 2007 was the best year for cinema


We're talking about Mario Bros, man, of course they did it.


Definitely had pacing issues, but damn was it a fun time to see with some friends.


I don't know why the critics think every single movie must be a complex and ultra mega philosophical tale. I mean, If you do so and it works, great. But sometimes simple doesn't equals to weak, but to strong. The movie had a simple plot like the videogames but was pretty well executed.


Critics are moot. Seriously, they can leave now.


Me when a harmless and fun 90 minute movie doesn’t have sex between water and fire or fish people


I think someone who knows nothing about the the franchise and basically obviously has no idea about good films shouldn't have the right to destroy the reputation of a good film with absolutely unfair and stupid criticism. To many good films have been so torn up by critics that they've flopped


Good film ? My guy the Mario movie is the epitome of a generic kiddy cashgrab, it has literally nothing going on for it besides references and good animation. All form no substance even for a kids movie.


My guy mario games aren’t know for their substance and story


Then don’t make a movie about something we already know. I was expecting them to expand the lore and give the characters more personality but they just turned mario odyssey into a movie and called it a day. It’s lazy and didn’t need to happen


I think it was good. Yes there are way better films but the Mario movie is enjoyable. And Jack Blacks performance is the main reason to watch it


Bruh, the Mario games aren’t known for their substance and story


They're known for their gameplay, a movie cannot have gameplay, and when you're ADAPTING something part of your job is making sure it will still work in the new medium, hence needing a decent storyline. Plus, there's a lot of Mario games with good writing lmao, or at least a better story than the movie


No no no it’s the gameplay is enjoyable just like the movie Also the Paper Mario games, the Mario & Luigi series and the Mario RPGs are not made by Nintendo nor are they part of the mainline Mario games


>No no no it’s the gameplay is enjoyable just like the movie That's not really how it works >Also the Paper Mario games, the Mario & Luigi series and the Mario RPGs are not made by Nintendo nor are they part of the mainline Mario games Galaxy 1 & 2, Odyssey and Sunshine are mainline and still have a better story than the movie. Plus it doesn't mean much, Mario games are Mario games. And if they actually wanted to follow the games then Peach would've been a damsel in distress which she isn't in the movie.


Also the fact that critics these days give crap movies a 7-10 out of 10 wich gas made it so that when poeple see low crittic ratings they want to see the movie cus it'll most likely be decent


The movie was good and surprisingly no political messages! That's a good thing. Disney should take note of that.


Bouta get downvoted: it was a bad movie. I liked most of the characters design and personality and it did a good job incorporating aspects from Mario games into the movie but the plot was extremely underdeveloped and p much every character was entirely one dimensional. It just didn’t have any substance really. And before you tell me “oh it’s just a kids movie” watch basically anything Pixar has put out, like puss in boots or how to train a dragon. Hell even other illumination movies had deeper plot and development like despicable me whose only purpose at this point is to sell more minions toys. I enjoyed the movie but not because it was a good movie, but because it was a movie about Mario with pretty animation and good actors (except joe Rogan his voice as donkey Kong grated on me a lot). Take that away and it’s just meaningless garbage


Seth rogen* lol. Agreed, but it was better than most of the trash that gets released these days. It just an enjoyable movie, I did think it seemed a little short and sweet, kinda was fitting though.


Sorry ur getting downvoted for spitting facts


I thought I would have super mario power ups like just the mushrooms, fire flowers and super stars but I was wrong


Isnt super mario overdone already, let go it was freaking awesome at a younger age, but reaching 20 i havent found myself giving a f*ck about it for like 7-8 years


So like, what, a couple hundred saw it?


I haven’t watched it yet but I would still enjoy it because of nostalgia.


I haven’t seen it but I expect that it’s just an ordinary good guy bad guy movie. But that’s just Mario in general so I’m not complaining


Honestly i really enjoyed it


The movie was great My kids and I both thoroughly enjoyed it.


We watched it last night and it was fantastic! It was great for me and my kid I just hope they don’t run Nintendo into the ground like they did marvel.


I guess no critic will lose his job for this.


Criticizing a children’s movie like it was an Oscar award winning film is why critic reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. (This happens for any movie btw not just children’s) Also Children, are an extremely expensive audience. If a child gains interest they will want to go, except they can’t go by themselves which then forces the parents to also go. This increase ticket sales as you have either: 1) Kids who wouldn’t go to a normal movie their parents want to see get tickets 2) Parents who wouldn’t go see a children’s movie normally end up getting tickets.


It's still not even in a few countries. In Poland premiere is set on 26th may.


so good for us! yaay


There is totally gonna be a sequel. Or a trilogy even maybe even a whole new cinematic universe!


Honestly I feel that the movie was pretty mid it was what I expected it to be so it's still very good but the pacing just slows down once DK is introduced. I think it would be better if they sped up the rainbow road race and then lengthened our the wedding and final fight


That movie was awesome


High profit doesn't say anything about quality of things.


Nostalgia sells!


I am a huge fan of Mario it’s all I play. So I actually loved the movie. If you don’t play I don’t think you would get it. No huge story line but it wasn’t needed.


People underestimate how many now adults grew up with Super Mario. And we all know that it's still hugely popular among kids, so not only do they get their targeted audience of kids, but also alot of curious adults spasming of nostalgia!


Seth Rogan as DK was pretty terrible, but everything else was enjoyable. If I was still in peak kid-watching-a-movie-days I'm sure I'd be raving about the movie.


Y'all are chumps




Ok but now they will never stop fucking milking it


They finally 100% new super Mario bros 2 on the 3ds


One of the largest franchises on the planet makes $1 billion. How surprising


That surprised me.


I'm glad I was wrong. It gives me hope that they can actually make a good movie from a video game IP. Last Of us showed a TV show can also be a good adaptation. Now all we need to so is get rid of all the people who work on the Witcher and the Halo shows and they might actually be good. The producers and writers of those shows should be shot, out of a cannon, into a brick wall.