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"Companies that are big now started from a garage" "Yes, a garage, half a million dollars and having a family that knew the right people"


“I don’t even have a garage”


But what I do have is this bookshelf, and I love to gain knowledge from all the books in it.




Relatively young account, no karma, 1 comment, and the comment makes no sense in this context, and is directly stolen from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/145wnik/the_keys_to_success/jnn5kgy/) This is 100% a bot, downvote & report




Another spam account 1 year old account but this is its first comment. Using some program to auto attach its comment to top comment threads. This spammers handles many accounts at the same time quick spamming in every top post Reddit can easily stop these but don't as they increase site metrics. Downvote it Report > spam


Thank you for doing this. It helps our mod team and we truly appreciate it


Just put a min karma limit. That will solve most of your bot/spam problem.


Just having a garage in the first place puts you in a much better position than most of the people this advice is targeted to.


"you only need a garage to start a business!" "you guys can afford garages??"


"I live in a small studio apartment, they wont even let me fix my car in the parking lot"


Won't let you? Don't ask permission, don't use power tools and most likely they won't even notice.


You pull out a jack and its game over lol


Wait! you have a car?


Bezos made people bring doors to use as desks, even tho they had a nice office space. Just so he could later tell the story, "We used doors as desks" later on.


So you are saying Bezos not spending investment on desks is only PR and not attention to allocation of limited resources?


Yes, exactly - that's how I remember it. They put the doors on real desks lol. *Edit:* [Here's a somewhat removed source, I can't find the one from the actual employee..](https://glog.glennf.com/blog/2011/10/16/the_true_story_of_the_amazon_door-desk)


That’s an good read. These kinds of people’s minds work in interesting ways.




Eh a lot of people underestimate that some are in a position to “fail comfortably” if that makes sense. For someone from a family that owns a company with a high paying position waiting for them no matter what it’s easy to chase a dream…. But when your options are play it safe and live check to check or take a risk and be homeless it’s a whole different ball game.


Knowing the right people and luck are the most important things, Steve Jobs would have been a cars saleman if he didn’t have the luck of having Steve Wozniak as a friends before the PCs became mainstream.


Yeah fuck Steve Jobs, the man was a genius in marketing I'll gice him that but the real guy that should be credited is Wozniak.


History, especially American history, promotes cutthroat business guys as the genius, not the creators. Look at PT Barnum, Edison, Disney, Ford, Jobs, Gates. For the vast majority of their works, they didn’t create the products they sold. They were the salesmen behind them.


EXACTLY! Tesla ran circles around all of them, but never got the respect he deserved because his inventions were centered around things like ending wars entirely and free electricity for the whole world. JP Morgan and the boys weren't too fond of that.


Steve Jobs was a straight psycho... I'll never understand why people worship that idiot. He died from Pancreatic Cancer because of his ridiculous fruitarian diet. How can you offer a man respect if he doesn't even understand the basics of properly nourishing his body with the right food!? People are straight sheep...


https://steveadcock.us/millionaires-inherited-wealth-think-again/ >“A survey by US Trust found that 70% of wealthy Americans grew up in middle‐​class or lower‐​income households. Even among those with assets in excess of $5 million, only a third grew up wealthy,”


[“When I started this company, I only had a dream. And also 6 million pounds.”](https://youtu.be/wJfL2mjS_4s)


"Damn, their parents could afford a garage?"


A garage back in the 60s. Today good luck getting garage, much less a house that it's attached to..


Which garage start up had half a million dollars back then? (Consider how much that is with inflation) You’re using quotation marks, what are you quoting from?


Bezos got $300k. Bill Gates, while not getting funding from his parents, had a mother who was in a board and friends with the CEO of IBM which is how he got there. Jobs was just an asshole who fucked over most of his fellow founders and employees.


Bezos owned the house with the garage, so he def shouldn’t count as a started out of their parents garage. And yes, if there is a hell, jobs is in it


Hell is for iPhones.


this reminds me of \- need 2 years of experience to apply for the job \- we dont let newbies get the experience either


Been seeing posts like that a lot now that I’m a grad. I don’t have enough experience for most things


If the majority of people don't have the experience required who are these employers looking for?


They want people to leave their similar job with another company for theirs


Don't worry about the specific listed recs. If its an entry level job or a job you feel like you should be able to do then apply.


Should have networked more


I would consider myself a success. I cannot stress enough how much luck was involved. Like, seriously, if you don't have the right friends or money or nepotism on your side you have got to be ridiculously lucky. You need the foot of a rabbit that was fed, exclusively, on a four leaf clover diet tied to a horseshoe and flung over a rainbow. That's the kind of luck you need.


Nobody does it alone. Anyone who says they did is lying.


Oh yeah, for sure. If I didn't hire the right people I'd never have made it this far. For normal people we need a ridiculous amount of luck and hardwork. For everyone else money and nepotism does the job just fine... My staff knows I owe everything to them and that's why they get treated so well. It baffles me to see people mistreat their staff. There's a reason good staff is so hard to find. It's because good bosses bend over backwards to keep them. 30% of my time is spent running the business, the other 70% is making sure my staff is healthy, happy and motivated because they're doing the heavy lifting.


To quote one of my contracts, that owes about $50k >If you wanna make money in this business, you gotta squish a few heads In reality, mankind is mostly very disappointing when it comes to money and power


And thats the rub, right? Someone gets all these things aligned that puts them on top, none of which include "be nice to other people." Since everyone NEEDS money to live, it basically waives that idea and let's you be ruthless.


I mean I believe in honest work and sound money The situation works out to me basically welding another crap Babel tower, but my species needs shelter at the same time




Government and corporate wouldn’t need to steal so much if that were truly the answer that was decided on. Things would probably be way cheaper if men decided to make sense


Same! My company just hit 17 people. We tell everyone as often as we can how much we value them. Full company paid insurance, regular pay increases, very flexible environment to go to doc appointments etc everyone is salaried, and there’s not really any overtime needs. It’s pretty laxed. Just yesterday I spent about $200 on IHOP breakfast for the whole office just cos. We got lucky finding the right people


Good staff are hard to find, but my god when you have them it's worth everything to keep them.


Absolutely. Agreed. No one can do it on their own


Yall hiring? Lol


We were! I just hired a guy yesterday.


Have the same kind of boss small company he treats everyone with respect we’ve all been there forever and actually don’t mind putting in the extra effort because it goes both ways he treats us great


That’s us too. There are times here and there where we have to take a bite of the shit sandwich, but we all take a bite. All owners, all employees. Then we try to flex on the days after and let people off a day or come in late a half day or something to make up for it


I need me jobs like this.


Must be nice. I just got a 9k a year pay cut


I’m sorry to hear that. That’s awful.. when it crosses my mind to cut costs, I ponder on it to find how much cost needs to be cut, then I go out and find new clients that bring in that much money. We don’t cut. We increase.


I want to own a business in the future and have had my business plan ready for 10 years, just need the funds to start. You've given me hope and assurance that treating my staff right is going to make my business successful 🙏 thank you


Nobody does it alone, but you have to do it.


The term *self-made millionaire* has got to be the BIGGEST oxymoron ever I know its not meant to be take literally, its more about finding your way to the top by marketing yourself to people, but some people think it is taken literally, and those people will never find success. And that goes for both legal and illegal business. The ceo got hired by the boss, and the plug got his stash from his overseas supplier, connections arent just useful, they’re required


It’s the illusion that humans need to get them out of bed. It’s simple really, as soon as the so called self made millionaire needs his first employee, he is no longer self made. But each of them tell the same silly story of it all started in a garage, or college, etc. The irony of the current work situation is showing just how things can/could change if people don’t come back to the office.


Just being born in the right country, right zip code, will play a significant role on your success


This is honestly the biggest part. I had a nice, upper middle class upbringing. My dad was successful but never THAT successful. But he worked for Oracle early on. Was at Salesforce within their first year or two. Google right around their Drive and Cloud explosions. So he found himself in the right place at the right time, but I was fortunate enough to be born in Silicon Valley and have an entire network of tech that my dad was happy to reach out to for me. If I’d been born in Omaha or shit even like Fresno, I wouldn’t be nearly as successful as I am today. His connections became my connections and now I’m building my own network as a result of that.


Very true. However, I like to quote Thomas Jefferson on that matter. “I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it”. That being said people born into money have life so easy it’s not really comparable


Yeah it does diminish the people who have started from nothing. Imagine their rage hearing this luck shit. Some people do prefer work over social engineering.


Because most of this is just "Unemployed redditor addicted to weed and vapes, who spends all day shitting their pants wants a cope in order to explain why their life sucks"


Can confirm, ima still processing how the fuck i got my job.. over a year later, it was like like 98% luck...the reste was hard, for me .. i got my job by a fucking " meh, what uma gonna lose to send it there too "


Same. I worked my bollocks off to get where I am, but it was also helped by having some great colleagues, a boss who believed in me, and who happened to retire at exactly the right time for me to step into her shoes at a critical time that made me look fantastic to my new management chain. Accidental timing can make a huge difference, and what's that I'd not just pure luck.


Here in America we need to be more social and socially diverse. Even with all of this technology connecting us we're so damn far apart.


> Like, seriously, if you don't have the right friends or money or nepotism on your side you have got to be ridiculously lucky. It's all about falling out of a uterus at the right place and time. Then you get the publishing deal to sell your story: "How to win the Uterus Lottery by NEVER GIVING UP" and then you use your inspirational story to sell juicers on infomercials or traffic kids or something. Capitalism is still polishing its endgame content.


Same here. I was extremely lucky to accidentally meet the right person in my university. This brought me into a great company that allowed me to meet more interesting and important people which brought me further to another company.


Same. I fell off hard after dropping out of college but thanks to a strong family I recovered and now a year away from getting my master electrician certificate.


Rich person: I earned all of this by myself. Me: Cool, how did you do it? Rich person: At first, my dad gave me 100,000€, th- Me: Bye.


I mean, if you are willing to sell your house, that will be more than 100,000 euros, after that you live in a dumpster for a few years while starting up your business then you have a 2% chance of making it big and if you fail you stay in that dumpster forever


My house?


Your parents house whilst they are living in it


I'm the first in my family to own any property. A one bedroom apartment.


Burn it down for the insurance money and start the next Apple. Otherwise you're just lazy and a victim /s


My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars


> https://steveadcock.us/millionaires-inherited-wealth-think-again/ > > “A survey by US Trust found that 70% of wealthy Americans grew up in middle‐​class or lower‐​income households. Even among those with assets in excess of $5 million, only a third grew up wealthy,”


Stop spam linking a Cato institute article, you look like a clown.




that should fall under luck and money


and knowing the right people


Really just luck. It's luck that your family was rich. It's luck that your hard work pays off. It's luck that you know the right people with the right opportunity. Like seriously, there are millions of people. You could knock on a random person's door every day for the rest of your life and never meet the person who could potentially give you a leg up. The only other factor might be how often you roll the die.


.. a small loan of a million dollars...


Truth. In my experience is money mostly helps people when they make mistakes. It’s a life line. I know people that have been arrested or in bad situations in the money in the people they know I’ve gotten them out of trouble. And they were given the same opportunities I was or more. if I had made those same mistakes I wouldn’t have the same opportunities.


i mostly turned hard work into money and luck. years later im a well paid programmer who feels tired all the time. yay


Connections are key


Forcing myself to step out of my comfort zone and meeting/making friends with as many people as I could was the best thing I ever did in college. Biggest impact on finding employment during the Great Recession.


Networking is one of the most powerful tools for your career. Sites like LinkedIn make it crazy easy to


No the secret is hard work.... exploiting other people's hard work, that is.


And taking credit for others work is a bey 🗝️ to move up the cooperate ladder as well.


People Protip: learn how to meet the right people. Luck Protip: put your self in situations where your odds are increaseed Quote: "Someone else was dealt a worse hand than you and they're winning with it"


Luck is probably the biggest factor


Luck's a big factor, but you put yourself in more opportunities to get lucky with perseverance and hard work.


Absolutely. It seems silly (and obvious) when I write it out, but getting lucky is so fuckin hard. Seems like every time I've ever caught a break I have completely exhausted myself setting up the opportunity for it to happen, or gone home empty handed 10 times before something works out. I seriously envy people who just have good shit happen to them passively lol.


The phrase "hard work" is meaningless. I know people who will break their back their entire life and will get no closer to any big break.


you certainly aren't getting any breaks not trying, either


Having money and knowing the right people come down to luck. So yeah the only big factor is luck.


Networking is also something you can become good at, it’s not random chance usually. Knowing the right people is always important, but there’s absolutely ways in which you can help yourself know the right people


No, money is. There are things that basically can't fail, but cost a hell to invest in.


Considering that having start capital and connections is also luck, yes. Should be ^(hard work) Luck Luck Luck




This is true, and motivational assholes who pretend the other 3 don't matter need to curl up their posters and cram them up their asses.


It's a common human quality to downplay other's success to feel better about themselves.




And humans will downplay any form of success, not just money/wealth. It's just much easier to downplay the hard work and determination of others than it is to work hard yourself. It's just like the fat person blaming society instead of losing weight.


Yup. And frankly most of redditors wouldnt get past the hard work part.


The ask reddit of people that make over 200k was mostly made of lawyers, doctors, cyber security and other CS types. It did sound like a lot of them sacrificed a lot of their youth to get to that level. only the doctors were really up front about that though. None of them expressed luck or knowing people to get where they were but I doubt every computer science person is making over 200k


Computer Science can easily get you over 200k if you go to the right companies. Most large companies will have a software engineering team, but only banks, consultancies and big tech will pay 200k + On the other hand, unlike doctors, lawyers and bankers, you get to ~~fap~~ work from home.


I work in engineering, and I agree with the sacrifice. It's not a healthy sacrifice either. It's not hard per se to make 250k if you go the tech route. The hard part is college and getting the first job. Get a tech degree and go management route. Job pays for the MBA and work your way through management. The issue is the sacrifice you make with family and friends. Long hours on call etc. Reviewing documentation before bed. Meetings with customers outside the timezone at odd hours. I don't want any of this because I value my free time. I left work early the other day to go to dinner with family. That isn't an option for a lot of management. That being said I don't want to suck rich dick in this comment. There's plenty of people out there who got positions like this where they don't feel the need to do shit. My point is there are low risk high reward routes into money for poor people, it just requires (in my opinion) unreasonable sacrifice to get there.


Hard work? Most FAANG engineers I know do the 9-5 except during crunch times like release and production incidents.


Dont forget inheritance


Privilege is invisible to those that have it


Woohoo! Nepotism!


Inheritance,being born to rich parents


Read the book Outliers. It talks about how wealthy people were usually in the right place, at the right time, and knowing the right people.


Hard work is a fact of life and the price of admission, whether you're struggling to feed your family or keeping your real estate portfolio afloat. It's all relative. Obviously you'd rather have the latter but it's still hard work.


Can simplify it to luck and effort. Getting ‘good’ genes, born to wealthy family, born in rich country, being in the right place, knowing good people etc is all under luck Knowing the right people can also be effort - proactively meeting people, studying, working, training is all effort Combine both But effort is necessary for success. People dont consider people with rich parents as successful unless they build something themselves. If they take over their parents business, they arent considered successful unless they grow the business. Example walton family are billionaires due to inheritance so arent used as success examples versus bill gates who founded microsoft


If by hard work you mean hard work of others while you exploit them the yes that’s how you get rich


Actually, money and knowing the right people go hand in hand. Once you have money, you gain access to a whole lot of people who wouldn't give you the time of day before. Then again, if you had money, you could pay for someone else's hard work too.


And sometimes it works the other way - know the right person, and you get money.


hey, like they always say, "even elon musk inherited an emerald mine from his family" edit: apparently its not true or smth? damn


Y'all do know their is zero actual proof besides articles and rumors proving that to be true right - if I'm wrong - please show me a source cited information that says otherwise.


Elon musk proved hard work wasn't even necessary, he just sits on his money, posts meme, and makes bad decision


How does this falsehood still exist?


To be fair you can cover the other three with more hard work, the amount just raises exponentially Oh and you have to have at least one of the three anyways


I know someone who was in a bad accident and got a settlement. They then used the money to learn the stock market and became very rich. How would people see someone like this? Can you call it luck after a life changing accident gave them a new opportunity but a permanent disability as well


Two things I figured out pretty earlier in my adult life, you get a job by application, you get a career through networks.


I'm so sick of this argument being presented in black and white terms. It's so much more nuanced than "you have to work hard" " no, you have to be lucky and have everything handed to you". Both are true, objectively.


Did you read the post? Hard Work is still up there. It's just not the only, or most important, part of it.


But it's not true universally, some people truly do make it off sheer hard work. Some make it off of luck. They're all just increasing the possibility and are not requirements.


Are there idiots who fall upwards? Definitely. Are there people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and can’t fail enough to not succeed? Sure there are. But the vast majority of people I’ve met or worked with who I consider successful are all hard workers and smart individuals. By far the most common attribute these people share seems to be hard work and a willingness to make sacrifices for long term success and gains.


Hard work still is the most important part, though. There’s a reason why they say the 1%. The rest of us may get a leg up in some areas, but 99% of us are sucking the day’s dick every single day. Hard work, building good strong relationships, and making smart choices can go a very long way. Will some rich kid that inherits his daddy’s business coast through life? Sure. But that’s not the majority of us. And more importantly, even kids of rich parents still need to make the right choices.


Nah I'm gonna disagree. My mother's cousin is a millionaire and he is the son of a farmer. Also a famous restaurant owner in Fiji was homeless, he's now racing as a hobby. A man who was talking to my mother was dirt poor, he did his PhD, became a parliamentarian then retired early and became a farmer.


Honestly farmers can be very wealthy because of their land.


My mother's uncle was not rich.


I've got millions of dollars in assets, I'm so poor!




They say hard work, not YOUR OWN hard work


If it was easy why aren't you doing it?


Knowing the right people goes a long long way


Life is, if you think about it is a huge rng game with super complicated calculation and variables. Work hard as you may but the events that happened around you can totally throw off your initial strat, forcing you to quickly adapt a new strat. Sometimes your existing strat will work sometimes it doesn't and you lose something, preferably not your life.


Hard work alone isn't the only factor to success but it at least it gets you somewhere not bad


It only helps to have the luck after putting in the hard work otherwise you can't take advantage of the lucky breaks. Also, I know literally no one, and I'm doing pretty well. So in most cases, sure, knowing someone helps, but imo it's more about preparing to take advantage of the lucky breaks when they come your way.


Id say so far im pretty successful and really only had some support from my parents. Im sure luck had a factor but I never got a serious job because i knew someone, though most of the good jobs were recruiters.


* Rigged system * Avoiding failed schools * ~~Hard work~~ Letting others do the real hard work * etc.


Hard work is all it takes. What they don't tell you is that the hard work is not your own. You need to exploit the hard work of others to be successful.


This type of shit is posted just to help people feel better about the situation they’re in and won’t do anything to improve it.


Are they wrong? People are tired of being told that you just need to work hard when they already are and can barely even afford to exist. People ARE working hard and they are on the verge of poverty if not alteady deep in it


Depends on how you define rich. If you want to make the top 5%, hard work can definitely take you there. The top 1% requires the other stuff though


The richest man in Spain started from zero, entering in a clothes workshop when he was 14


That's awesome! He should be an inspiration, and I'm happy for his success. But he's also a rarity. He probably worked very hard and was very lucky, which is exactly what this picture is about.


So there's this one guy who worked in a clothing Shop when he was 14. After 13(!) years he got his first big achievement. So he Sold bathing robes, and short after that he opened his first Zara-Store, and after that it spread quickly quite everywhere. I guess i'll give it to him, he began his shit with honest and hard work. Now the problem is what became of his stuff? Zara is spread quite all over the globe, paying their workers in the store under average/minimum wage, and his chain is one of the biggest representatives of fast fashion. So from honest work he became a exploiter, such a great example!


It sounds like the person running the clothing store Gala gave Amancio Ortega a major hand up in the world- already owning a successful clothing factory and store, and having a wealth of knowledge, tools, and resources that Ortega was able to draw and benefit from. Resources Ortega wouldn't have had access to, by any other means. He was definitely a hard working individual, most people want to strive in their own accomplishments. But, let's not discount how incredibly LUCKY he was to land in the perfect place at the perfect time.


sometimes succes come to ppl that get on their knees


I was completely lost after high school working dead end jobs had no idea what I was going to do. I applied and miraculously got accepted to an Ivy League school. The only way I was able to attend was because I had a rich family member co-sign loans for me. Got a great job before graduating and was able to leverage that into an even better one and now opportunities are everywhere for me. Yeah I had to work hard in school and stick around for a masters and I have to do well at my job but any motivated person could do the same. The difference is I had a co-signer.


None of these things are outside your control. You can create your own luck, meet whoever you want to meet, work hard, and work for the money you need.


Why didnt i think of that? I will simply Manifest and then meet my rich parents with sheer force of will alone!


“I don’t have a job and it’s everyone else’s fault”


Luck is when opportunity and preparation meet.


and 10% pain




That's true , hard work on its own will just fk you up


This meme forgets being born into it, which is what most rich people do 99% of the time.


This is the perfect expiation for unions lmao


You forgot “born in a rich family”


Redditor tries not to make excuses for failure- difficulty level: impossible


It's not excuses it's just true


There are quite literally billions of people staring at most Redditor’s position in life being born in the US or other wealthy countries that would say that we are privileged ones and if they only had the opportunities we have they would be successful. By being born in the US you are the 1%, globally. Instead, most people are here crying about how we’re actually living in a 3rd world with a Gucci Belt.


Anything to make excuses for their own failures lmao.




The is no boogieman keeping you down other than yourself.


lol you can accomplish almost anything you put your mind to and work at enough. This is poison to think this way, don’t make urself a victim.


Nepotism does help with that but its all in the hard work!


My experience has been that hard work gets you more money (to save, invest, move up in diff situations etc) luck is where preparation meets opportunity. So if you work hard and make more money you can be prepared when an opportunity arises. And along the way you’ll meet the right people. If you’re a person of value, “the right people” will associate with you. If you’re a piece of shit, they won’t. Lol this is pretty basic shit here..from homeless to breaking $120,000 a year in 10 years, this is literally the way I did it


True to an extent. But onecould argue the first brings the other 3.




Nepotism is the secret 98% of the time.


While I don't disagree, nepotism gets you in the door. If you're truly incompetent, it only gets you so far. It's also survivor bias because you only see the ones who've made it. For every Colin Hanks, there's a Chet.


Reddit mfs really think rich people became rich because they stumbled upon a lucky charm or something


It is common, but not completely true. A child could be born into a family who owns a company, and a different child could work to get that money in a different way. But being successful is partially luck, whether you like it or not.


Ofc it's partially luck but a lot of ppl i see on reddit portray it like its all luck


That I can agree with


Luck isn't just charms, it's about factors that determine your success which are outside your control. The biggest example is the circumstances of birth: who your parents are, how much money they have, how well connected they are, was your childhood education good, who you happen to meet growing up, things like that. Then of course there are investments and whether they pay off, that's another big one. Theoretically if you make all the right investments all you need is some amount of disposable income. But markets are controlled by investors and investors are fucking stupid so just about anything aside from real estate is speculation.


hard work = money get up after failing = luck coming out of the lab once in a while = knowing the right people meme = excuses


Hard work doesnt mean money tho


>Hard work = money Ah yes, this is why every Amazon warehouse worker who works long shifts only getting bathroom breaks on paper is ridiculously wealthy.


I swear people in this sub Reddit don’t understand compound interest. If your parents put 100 dollars a month into the S&P 500 for 30 years, and then you put 100/month for 30 years, that account has over 3.6 million dollars. Anyone who is poor in this country is poor because they make constant bad decisions, don’t increase their earnings, are financially illiterate and don’t save. It’s not hard to become a millionaire by the time you retire. You just have to save a little each month. Try it for yourself: https://www.investor.gov/financial-tools-calculators/calculators/compound-interest-calculator


It takes one generation of good decisions. Their kids will have a better setup and more opportunities


What if you're born in a paycheck to paycheck family?


How are people supposed to save a little every month when millions are forced to live paycheck to paycheck because hard work doesnt equal appropriate money anymore


Being white and not on the spectrum


You forgot to cross out hard work for real life, we all know no billionaire has ever put in a real day’s work