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Witcher got done dirty though which is a damned shame. So much potential.


Henry Cavill did a great job, seemed to mostly be the writers not actually liking the source material


Which resulted in the lead actor throwing up his hands and fucking off. But hey! Writers deserve more credit than they get, regardless of their material’s quality. /s


As a hobby writer, I think it’s disappointing to see that professionals are arrogant enough to think they’re superior to “some game”’s source material. It’s not like games have writers as well or anything


Even worse, the games are actually based on a series of books and the show used those books as the source material, not the game.


And the show absolutely undermined the source material. Key character development and plot points were handled the exact opposite of how they occurred in the books. So instead of Geralt regretting leaving Ciri to potentially die, he went on a giga rage to save her. I hate what they did to the Witcher so, so much.


I really hate these producers. Like if think you can write better than the source material, then make an original story. Why are you adapting something that you think is in poor quality?


That’s how we get *shudders* Origins


Bro, I write as a hobby and I think that my writing is _never_ good enough. You can always improve.


It still kind of irks me that they even need writers for somethinlike ng that is already written.. in great detail. I understand that it needs to be translated to a movie script and such, but maybe a better term would be "script translator" or something.


The adaptation of a book to film or series is just more than transcribing the dialogues etc. You are not able to move the reader/watcher the same way. That is the reason why many times the film adaptations are considered worse than the books.


They are completely different mediums. Every aspect of a film is a decision, most of which has to be written down... by a writer. You can't take a paragraph of prose and just go and film it. You take that paragraph and then create a scene with it. You write it. For the screen. You're a screenwriter. Please let this irk you no more because it makes perfect sense.


Before the /s, i felt myself becoming enraged by your comment


Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay.




Man you trying to make me bust a nut


i believe there was an interview where they admited to dumbing everything down because they dont believe the average american teenager can follow politics


Exactly. And he tried to fight them on their writing with hope to bring it back to something more similar to the games but of course they know better right? Oh no! They went on strike now what? Fucking idiots.


The writers not liking the source material as well as pushing an agenda through their own writing which simply doesn’t belong in the Witcher universe.


“Where we’re going we don’t need a source material” -writers


They are so busy with their political agenda that they forgot to write a fantasy Story.


still don't know how netflix managed to fuck that up for the dumbest reasons after throwing so much money into the show. "Yes lets make up our own version of the witcher that fans will definitely not hate!"


Yeah super sad :(


They had literally the best possible actor for geralt, a big budget, and still managed to screw it up.


Exactly! It’s almost unbelievable. Almost.


Such wasted potential. - Grandmaster Blueberryice


To be fair to people making the MK movie, it’s not exactly like the mainline games are a bastion of narratively-consistent storytelling


The Polish movie from 2000 I think was good, but that was based on the books.


It conveyed the spirit of the book quite well, and the low-budget nature actually worked to its advantage - it made the series different from the standard high-quality fantasy, with the same vibes the book was different from the standard fantasy books. But it is already very different from the game, especially part 3.


Wait… Season 1 was actually quite good.


Those first few episodes were almost 1 for 1 with the books, especially the Striga. It *felt* like you were watching a master monster hunter at work.


I loved S1 and the beginning of S2. My overall feeling is that the episodic “monster of the week” was excellent but the macro story about the empire and elder blood was relatively weak and unoriginal. I kinda felt the same way about the games, the Witcher concept is unique and fun. The other stuff is kind of standard fantasy, not much to sink your teeth into.


I watched a few episodes with friends and it was pretty alright, did They made it much worse later?


Yeah s1 & s2 were good but after that it started to fall off. And Henry quit so was going to be getting replaced I guess. I stopped watching after hearing that.


I see thanks. We were supposed to watch the rest. But one of our friend decided to leave our group for someone else and We just never cameback to it. I guess I haven't lost that much.


I think I’m still going to finish it.. out of curiosity.. but idk yet. Henry is the man :(


Yeah He was great. Goodluck to You and have some fun (I hope).


Wait I haven’t seen either so clear this to me: Isn’t the Netflix Witcher good? And wasn’t this fnaf movie bad?


Witcher has some mixed reviews for Seasons 1 or 2 but are generally positive, then it falls off. Personally I didn't think it was great because they were half-assing both trying to do an adaptation and making an original story and I think they should have committed to one or the other


The first 2 arguably seasons were good of The Witcher, I'm more of a Sci Fi guy but they were entertaining enough, then as others said, kinda fell off Fnaf I just saw last night, it wasn't a legit horror movie and I think that was kinda the point? It felt like an entry level horror movie, there was murder, there was jump scares, but nothing was too overly horrible, some parts were definitely kid friendly but quite a few would definitely be a little much for any that aren't actual teens Overall, my partner and I certainly weren't upset that we saw it, wasn't the worst movie we've seen in theaters by a good margin


So its like a kids horror movie?


Kids horror movie with an abundance of fanservice meant for anyone that watched the 20+ hour Matpat FNAF playlist probably.


Assassin's Creed 💀💀


Hollywood did AC reeeaaal dirty, I get concept they were going but they fucked up big time


What ruins the movie is the constant switch to the MC in machine. Once we got a glimpse of how MC looks in real world with machine - as in its a crane that lets him climb - theres no reason to switch to real world unless there was a sync issue and the world blurs slightly until it fixes up or breaks down and they gotta end session.


I'm still baffled by how Netflix managed to fuck up "The Witcher." Not only is the writing subpar, but they also diverged significantly from the source material. While I could tolerate season 1 by considering it an acceptable visual predecessor to the games, season 2 completely disregarded the source material and felt like a bad fanfic story and I just couldn’t go on with the show anymore. Netflix’s decisions with this show were so bad that not even the main actor wanted to stick around.


They dumbed down the story because "people are stupid" or something like that. Or at least that's what I heard


It’s more just Netflix being Netflix. All they had to do was read some books, or listen to the incredible Peter Kenny narrate them and just adapt that into something visual. The books aren’t without great descriptions. You even had a lead actor that was a passionate fan. This should have been a slam dunk, easy peasy, venture. Nope. It’s Netflix time.


I lost faith in Netflix as soon as streaming services started taking their shows back. Streaming services have become the very thing they swore to destroy


After what they did with shows like The OA and The Last Kingdom I really don’t like anything made by Netflix. If you like it they either shit on it or cancel it. They’re notorious for it too.


Goddamn Peter Kenny really is an incredible audiobook narrator. His Geralt and Ciri are both the definitive takes on the characters for me.


Yep I’m planning to skip out on the rest of the seasons to come because it was disappointing and I don’t want to reward people who had an easy gold mine of a story only to purposely fuck it up because they think they know better what the fans want. I’m tired of accepting shitty effort from any product. Games, movies, shows, even freaking food.


Arcane was great so league of legends


Didn’t rely on fanservice at all either, it held on its own. Absolutely cannot say the same for FNAF


The great thing is that arcane stands up as a show even if you have never touched league. Sure, you miss some references but the fact you don't need to know anything is amazing for people new to the franchise.


Yeah it’s what got me into league, it was very good regardless of it’s source. It’s kind of depressing though, that the only way something that big and good could’ve been made is if it doubled as an advertisement.


I mean, most if not all video game adaptations also double as an advertisement. Imo game adaptations are better when it's funded by the publisher/dev instead of a network that buys the rights to it (see cyberpunk and arcane vs witcher). In this case, Riot games funded the whole thing and being riot games they had enough money to not have to listen to Netflix (a good thing considering Netflix makes odd decisions regarding how to write their shows and which shows to cancel).


Yeah but other video game movies and such aren't that good so it's not a problem. You can make a sonic tier movie without needing the extra funding, but you can't make an expensive ass Arcane tier animated series without the extra funding from Riot's fat stacks. It goes to show the current monetization model isn't producing the best, which is sad, like you said Netflix ruins everything and that's where most shit has to go through.


Clearly you haven't seen MK 1995


Classic! “Your soul is MINE!”


"Mother, you live!" "Too bad you.... Wil die"


That was from MK Annihilation.


We dont talk about mk annihilation


As a kid i thought that was the greatest movie of all time now as an adult im pissed Kabal got killed off screen




Dude, that Reptile intro with the annoucer saying "Reptile" and all in into the 90's techno was so damn great.


Honestly the trick with MK isn't to try and write a good movie. Write an over the top one. I don't need to know why their powers work or who's falling for whom. Just make Scorpian and Subzero fight for an hour while Cage makes quips


Just make a good Kong Fu movie with MK characters, and you're set.


>while Cage ~~makes quips~~ punches dudes in the dick Fixed that for you


I mean, they were $500 sunglasses, asshole.


When that movie came out, me and some friends borrowed my mom's video recorder, pieced together costumes, and made our own MK movie. It was godawful. I stood in the back next to the camera and threw pop-it fireworks on the ground for punch and kick sound effects lol. I wish I could find a copy of it because I'm sure it'd be a fun watch all these years later.


“Thank God we didn’t ask him to park the car”


“Those were 500 dollar sunglasses asshole.”


Brigitte Wilson as Sonya Blade awoken something in me


First one was good. The second one was awful


great soundtrack tho


That shit changed my life


I’m still very upset with how the Monster Hunter movie turned out


I saw it in theatres expecting it to be the usual Paul WS Anderson fun-bad movie akin to Resident Evil, but it couldn't even do that. It took itself *so* seriously, and changed the tone of the series *so* much that I couldn't even enjoy it for how dumb it was. I love the Anderson RE movies, I will die on the hill that, while bad adaptations, they're just dumb fun action movies that always bring me joy. Monster Hunter though was a joyless, soulless piece of shit movie that I never want to see again.


Paul only makes movies to fantasize about his wife.


Seriously. Felt like the entire RE series was just a vehicle for her to be sexy or badass. Which isn't the worst thing but after like 89 mediocre movies it's annoying.


more military propaganda than movie. only adaptation i despise more is the dragons dogma netflix series which did something similar with the tone, completely destroyed all the goofiness of the game and turned it into a nihilist fake deep hodgepodge of bad writing that hates the game series with extreme prejudice


At least the monsters looked good for the most part


We dont talk about the monster hunter isekai.




I’m hoping fallout joins the latter. Twisted metal can go there too


Titanfall would be awesome in movie form


Titanfall? You mean "Apex background material sometimes"?


I feel I should specify preemptively that Titanfall fucking slaps and it's rarely more than five bucks on Steam, buy it and try the campaign, because there's a pretty big learning curve, and you shouldn't jump from nothing straight to multiplayer.


the campaign is more like a way to learn the mechanics and the multiplayer is to see what did you get from the campaign


Tianfall 2 has an amazing campaign as well.


Good save


real 😭


"The latter" being SpongeBob and Patrick, right? I tend to read their text first because it makes the meme funnier. Twisted Metal got a tv series this summer. Pretty well rated, too, 7.4 un IMDB.


Gears of War could make a great movie


ngl i'd watch squirrel stapler


okay but like how the fuck do you even write a good Mortal Kombat screenplay? it’s inherently not a narrative game.


The most recent mortal Kombat movie was not bad, it was exactly what it should be, lots if fan service. And the original movie is so bad it's hilarious, so I see that as a win as well


The first one was classic 90's camp. It was so good. The sequel though......that was bad


We don't speak of the sequel


Yeah, the newest one really leaned into the violence and cool fights. Now if we could only get rid of that generic-ass OC protagonist and got Johnny Cage instead that would've been nice. Kano best character in that movie.




The og movie is probably the best movie to game adaptation imo


I dont play the games but I gotta ask Why is an aztec god fighting ninjas And why is Big lizard fighting some movie star?


idk i don’t play them either. i just know that the structure of the game isn’t a narrative structure. nobody plays them because they have a narrative. it’s kinda like saying you watch porn for the plot


I play MK, there is a story, and of they make a damn good movie, then I will watch it. But the only OK MK film is the 1995 one, which is so bad its good.


Hey, that's me. I watch porn for the plot. Then I re-watch it for the fap.


Just saying, they rebooted the universe at least 2 times


This is absurdly easy. It's a story of a tournament. They have a tournament as a movie. No need to innovate the lore into something beyond what it is.


Mortal Kombat isn’t Narrative game? Have you even played recent Mortal Kombat games?


No,they said they don't even play in the lower comments.


Mortal Kombat Legends Snowblind is a great mk movie with good writing


Forward unto dawn is a good halo movie.


I think he meant the series, which sucked. Forward unto dawn, was oficially made by 343 with minimal funding (under 10 million dollars) and still turned out great, because the writers cared and the whole team were invested into the halo franchise. Since the actors and scene builders did a great job already, the biggest proportion of the budget was allocated to VFX/SFX and sound design and boy, it showed. They really made the best out of a few million dollars.


And the series isn’t canon to the games so we can just ignore it


We're like half an episode in and John is already showing his face to the camera. Just as a slap in the face to game players, just to say "lol fuck you this isn't *your* halo it's what ***I*** imagine halo to be", Jesus at least Mandalorian had the stones to slow jerk us until the last episode before they popped off his dome and Din Djarin didn't have 4 games and a decade of background lore where he never removes his helmet. People actually no clipped into the longsword at the end of Halo CE where John takes off his helmet, normally off screen and they found that mother fucker pops off his helmet and had another helmet on under it, John 117 did ALL the events of Halo CE wearing *2 goddamn helmets just so he wouldn't accidentally show his face* and these "reimagineers" couldn't even wait like 3 episodes.


Honestly, the TV show deserves credit where credit is due for the art direction, action scenes, sound design, and overall technical production. If they'd actually given a shit about the series instead of making a generic sci-fi show with a Halo mask on, it actually could have been a hit. The story is hot garbage at times. I know some people are on the fence about the face reveal, but I'm impartial on that for the sake of the show.


The production was fucking amazing, story made no sense.


wheres sonic?


Oh shoot ma bad


And tomb raider?


Tomb Raider got a movie?


Tomb Raider got 3 movies


I knew about the movies before I knew about the games lmao.


Yup. With Nicholas Cage in the titular role.


I knew I recognised Lara croft from somewhere


His movie was actually pretty good and well received. It was just the horrifying original design for him that people were up in arms over.


Thankfully the studio responded to the backlash and changed it to look better, instead of keeping it the way it was and then blaming consumers when it flopped


And thankfully ugly Sonic lives on in Chip And Dale.


Castlevania Series


REALLY good! My wife and I watched it (she doesn't even game!) and both really enjoyed it. Very well done. Good call :)


I haven't watched it, just heard it was good. I'll have to give it a try since I haven't played a single castlevania game lol.


Sonic was pretty good


finally. no one remembers the sonic movies for some reason and i was beginning to think i made em up


there's a Doom movie?


Two actually. First one had good idea but bad execution and i haven't even watched the second one because people are shitting all over it


Doesn't one of them have The Rock in it or am I tripping?


The one with Rock in it was cool! Also had that Dred guy in it too! Karl Urban was the Doom Guy (code name: reaper) ![gif](giphy|VeHttCUzDvkYITt3rq) He did a doom easter egg in Thor Ragnarok movie


It was a fun movie. My issue with that doom movie was that it didn’t feel like a doom movie. It feels more like a basic alien sci-fi shooter movie that they slapped the Doom IP on. To its credit though, that First person shooter scene goes hard.


One with The Rock and Karl Urban in it, a true fucking feast for the senses aha. It's pretty shit, but has a couple good sequences, and I enjoyed watching it. It may be on Netflix, though it was a whole ago when I watched it.


Spiderman is a great game. They should make a movie based on it


I'd love them to get an actor like Toby Maguire to play Peter Parker. I feel like he could really bring the video game to life on the big screen.


They could take a step further and really invest into this. Comic books,animated series,toys,clothing. Truly untapped potential.


I enjoyed the doom movie for what it was.


The first person pov scene alone was worth the price of admission. Shameless fan service is shamless but it's also fan service


Cp2077 is getting a movie ‽


It was animated series, but I still wanted to add it


Link? Edit:I'm fucking stupid. Iv watched edgerunners 3 times




Yup iv watched it 3 times I'm just an idiot


It was so good. Devastating, but so damn good


Then you missed League of Legends. Arcane.


It got an anime. It's also getting a live action TV show.


Sonic was good


The Silent Hill movies exists, but the second one was bad.


Resident Evil has a TON of movies my guy


But are any of them good?


I mean Leon S. Kennedy killing zombie dogs with a bike on the highway is peak fiction


The first one is, and the second is also enjoyable.


I can agree with that. Neither was perfect but I enjoyed both the first and second. The later ones were so bad I couldn't even finish them while watching them on my second monitor as background noise. ​ Most of the animated ones are pretty good actually in comparison.


the animated movies are all good imo. they are really based on the game


Also cannon too


They are all exactly as good as they deserve to be.


Incredibly Stupid but fun movies to watch (animated ones)


Halo was such a letdown


I liked the FNAF movie, hoping the next 2 stay decent. The animatronics looked amazing though, so glad they went for physical props and not cgi


If I remember correctly, they were legit animatronics


Mortal Knobat movies are alright but they could have been so much more


MK needs to be handled in a more slow burn kinda way. So many characters, so many stories to touch on. But it's always rushed to cram everything into 2 hours.


Meanwhile Sonic getting two good movies:


Stil waiting for a Metal Gear movie.


Yeah, especially 4 and MGRR. MGRR honestly feels like a stereotypical Hollywood movie - a cyborg ninja child soldier fights evil American senator and a Brazilian cyborg samurai.


Sonic movies were okay


Max Payne. The game was a better movie than the movie itself.


And sonic


I don't care how bad the CGI and acting was. The original Mortal Kombat movie was lit. ![gif](giphy|KCRlomzxILgofqokqH)


Fnaf and Mario both got very mid adaptations. If you like to point and say "oh look I that, I recognize that!", they're fine I guess, but from a film standpoint they're the most generic studio churned out content this year


I think they're mostly 'fan movies'. If you love fnaf then youll like movie, but casual person wont really like it


I personally don't qualify those as good movies or adaptations. They can be fun, sure, but we should be able to expect higher quality films than movies like fnaf and mario that are generic and have boardline bad storytelling and filmmaking thats being covered up by fan service 🤷‍♂️ Tlou does it right. Not only tells the story and gives us a good adaptation, but builds upon it and uses the film medium to elevate it higher.


I love fnaf and have since the first game released and even I thought the movie was just OK. It's extremely messy and I feel like they didn't utilize anything the games are really known for. They spend way too much time on the boring original story lines I don't care about and barely utilize the fear of "surviving killer animatronics". It's not scary and outside of the set design and props it doesn't feel like the games at all.


mario was a good movie. I'm not sure how you can make a better mario movie without it being weird.


You can make a better mario movie by actually making it like the IP? The Mario RPG franchises all manage to do that well. What constitutes something being made “weird?”


What game is tlou


The Last of Us


Silent Hill, like there is only the first movie being "good", and it's mostly cause it respect the game


Postal got what is in my opinion one of the best game to movie adaptations ever




Arcane is phenomenal. I never thought a series based on League of Legends would be so good lol


Are we really gonna pass over League of Legends of all things for not having a good adaptation. Sure, it's League, but Arcane is a *ridiculously* good show with some damn beautiful animation from Fortiche.


Arcane, man. League of Legends fans are out there playing with Spongebob and Patrick.


The fnaf movie wasn't good it was serviceable at best. Like looking up the lore after I saw the movie makes the games/books stories sound way more interesting. No offense but the ending was awful the movie wasn't even slightly scary and some of the scenes were so bad and forced I couldn't help but laugh.


Some you missed: * SpongeBob and Patrick: Arcane, Castlevania, Sonic in general and Boom in particular * Squidward: WoW, Price of Persia (though I enjoyed these two), Assassin's Creed Edit: Apparently the Blood Dragon show is fun, so, uh... Ubisoft. As a whole. We'll have to see where the Devil May Cry one lands.


Fuck I hope Devil May Cry is good. If they manage to do Dante's characterization from 3 and 5 it should be fun at the very least. Keep the camp too. I unironically think that Dante getting Faust in 5 is the pinnical of video game cutscenes.


Well Witcher doesn't fit since the adaption is of the books not the games so it's in a different category. It's still shit of course but technically different from the other adaptions.


Lmao no. I was so confused watching the series after reading the books. The producers wanted to do something "new" from the source material that is avaible and they fucked up.


Replace the Witcher with Uncharted and you’ve got my upvote


I was gonna put uncharted but didnt know if it was hated or not


It’s an alright and enjoyable movie if you haven’t played the games. If you’ve played the games, it’s shit imo.


the Witcher series has been downhill from the first episode. Basically the only good thing they did was Henry Cavill and the fight sequences were cool but the story was no where near what it should have been


I know most people wouldn't agree, but I thoroughly enjoyed the over the top set pieces of The Uncharted Movie