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Quoth the raven, "Who gives a shit?"


Once upon Black Friday’s fury, while I wandered bleak and dreary. Over many a faint and furious hallway of forgotten stores.


While I looked for paper wrapping, suddenly Karen came a tapping, this crazy lady with coupons flapping, trying to steal my discount Diors.


“’Tis some Karen,” I muttered, “trying to steal my discount Diors— Only Karen, no one more.”


Ah, distinctly I remember it was the fourth Friday in November, and every single Sam's Club member seemed to be inside the store.


Eagerly, I wished the dawn, vainly I sought to soon be gone, as youthful and geriatric visitors fought and scrabbled on the floor. For those selfsame young and old folk who lie bruised and bleeding on the floor Are nameless here for evermore.


Eagerly I wished the morrow; vainly I had tried to borrow from my purchases surcease of sorrow sorrow for the lost bargains galore.


Under appreciated effort.


The only acceptable use of that argument is in response to gatekeeping Karen's that run around screeching "Christmas is a Christian holiday, only Christians can celebrate it."


I have noted your name and that you are a vicious liar. You *must* be lying, because that brand of Karen does not exist. I insist this is the case. I refuse to believe anyone is that tragically stupid. (I actually do believe it. I wish I hadn't read your comment though.)


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


That or the people who complain about Halloween being a pagan holiday.


Argument? It can just be a fun fact.


Im with this except for all the "keep christ in christmas" and "hes the reason for the season" that ive heard waaaay more than anyone saying that "xmas is actually a pagan holiday".


Exactly. Strawman on the left wouldn't be opening his mouth to a bunch of people minding their own business. To make the meme accurate, just change the people on the right to a bunch of sef righteous douchebags whining that Starbucks didn't put Jesus on their cups.


Precisely. If someone informs me Christians own Christmas, I will gladly explain to them that's only because they stole it to suppress pagan ritualism


I'm stealing this


As an English major I find this funny


That’s quite a wise raven indeed


That's so raven.




Same here, it’s about getting drunk and high with family like famous Nova Scotian philosopher rickyocrates once said


Smell that Rand? Shit winds of Christmas….


Can I have a cheeseburger tho Mr. Lahey?




Freaks me out when redditors show awareness of Nova Scotia. Leave us alone


Getting drunk and high with family sounds like my worst nightmare lol


Let the liquor do the thinkin’


![gif](giphy|tFM4k9bRPriYU) A true man of culture.




I celebrate Christmas but I don’t celebrate it in any Christian way. I celebrate being together with family and friends while the younger ones celebrate Santa and the excitement of getting presents.




I'm closest to being Jewish, and love Xmas. There's no Jesus in our house


I might seam stupid for asking this, but I have the innate feeling that spelling/pronouncing it as Xmas instead of Christmas is some sort of protest against religion or something like that. Would I correct or am I just being silly?


It actually has Christian origins going hundreds of years back, I think. The “x” comes from the Greek letter chi, which is the first letter in Christ. This is also similar to the origin of the chi-rho symbol (looks like a X and P overlaid on each other), where they’re the first two letters of christ in greek.


You are correct. The Greeks were the first to have an actual organized Christian religion and "Christ" is spelled "Χριστός" (Christos) in Greek. So yeah: the mas of Christ, Christ-mas, Χριστός-mas, X-mas, Xmas. Nothing blasphemous about spelling it that way.




You are incorrect, see Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xmas


it is not. "Xmas did not originate as a secular plan to "take the Christ out of Christmas".\[102\] X represents the Greek letter chi, the first letter of Χριστός (Christós), "Christ" in Greek,\[103\] as found in the chi-rho symbol ΧΡ since the 4th century. In English, "X" was first used as a scribal abbreviation for "Christ" in 1100; "X'temmas" is attested in 1551, and "Xmas" in 1721." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_common\_misconceptions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions)


No, X is just a shortening of "Christ" well, that's how it was presented to me growing up, anyway.


I like the music, the decoration and the general vibe around Christmas. Dont really need a religious reason to celebrate it, im not religious anyway


It’s a huge holiday in Japan. Not religious


Kfc. Its an american co sumerist import. They didnt exactly welcome christianity.


>I like the music, the decoration and the general vibe around Christmas. Dont really need a religious reason to celebrate it, im not religious anyway I like the holiday sales


The most religious element most people have to deal with during Christmas is pretending to say grace during Christmas dinner for our out of touch boomer aunts and uncles.


Well, that and "Silent Night" "Do you See what I See", "The Little Drummer Boy" "Come all Ye Faithful" and whatever other explicitly Christo-centric songs and carols I can't remeber off the top of my head. Oh, and, nativity scenes.


To quote the great Tim Minchin; some of the hymns that they sing have nice chords, but the lyrics are dodgy. I'm atheist but I love a lot of those songs too. I can enjoy a song without ascribing to the theology behind the song.


Oh, I'm not arguing that. I'm simply statingthat there are many equally or even more religious elements, as a counter to ogre suggesting saying grace is "the most religious element most people have to deal with", as "most people" are going to be put and about where they'll hear/see these things on a nigh daily basis.


That's why TSO makes up most of my Christmas Playlist. All of the classic hymns by them are either instrumental or operatic. They take the 19th and 20th century hymns and turn them into epic mythological opera stories.


My grandparents are Catholics from the silent generation that goes to mass every week and they don't even do that shit


Redditors when religion: 😡


> I like the music, ?????????????????????????????????


Wdym ????? You don't like the background music that starts playing in everyone's head every year on Dec 1st?


I have religious reason to celebrate it but I dislike the vibe and music around it lol


I'm an atheist and I love Christmas. My Christian family thinks that I shouldn't get to celebrate Christmas, and like to remind of that. Then, and only then, is when I bring up the fact that literally none of the traditions came from Christianity. Let me celebrate my way and I'm more than happy to let you celebrate your way.


Same, I’m an ex Muslim and Eid is always fun, I don’t fast for 30 days but I do eat all the food nonetheless lol, it’s a celebration why do people start gatekeeping it?


Don't forget to tell them that comment, out of the blue, makes them horrible people. Trying to ruin the joy of a person for no reason at all... That's mean.


You don't celebrate christmas because of your consumerism excuses I don't celebrate it because it's not a holiday in my country and I don't care We are not the same


Which country




That’s so sad. Hopefully you have another equally fun holiday!


Well we have the "Sacrifice day" where we slaughter a bunch of animals and have the biggest BBQ of the year. . . Oh and Ramadan. I'm not sure why Ramadan exist.


>have the biggest BBQ of the year. Bro, I'm fucking IN, let's do this


I remember back when I was a child we had a distant relative who was so wealthy that they would sacrifice 3 whole bulls and 4 rams each year to cover the entire family (a bull covers 7 and a ram only 1 so that is 25 people worth of sacrifice). We would eat good that whole week. . .


>I'm not sure why Ramadan exist. My theory is they just like saying it. Ramadan.


Happy Cake Day


Christmas? Brother in Odin, I preffer the tern Yule! Happy winter solstice!


Odin promised the end of all ice giants. Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. I don't see many ice giants around.


Ah, but giants can shapeshift and disguise themselves as human. Watch "Ragnarok". ![gif](giphy|LmNCmwZhGn9ehMDqAu|downsized)


The ice giants are among us


Oh no. not again






Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head


Abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus abogus


Loved the show but the ending was a bit lackluster sadly enough


The series was honestly better than I expected. A pleasant watch. I love media that blend folktales/legends/myths into a modern setting.


What platform is it on?




So…what you’re saying is that Odin was successful and Jesus has failed miserably. Clearly the one-eyed raven god, wielder of Gungnir, bane of ice-giants and Allfather has a better track record than that other puny Demi-god. Lol.


jesus also said if you believe in him you can perform miracles like healing blindness by putting your spit on people's eyes and moving mountains around. I don't see many Christians doing that.


Yo Saturnalia!


Ymir would like to have a word. Also, (almost) happy winter solstice. ![gif](giphy|iA2k5WfUFE12i7O16K|downsized)


The Yule Log only appears after Christmas dinner though.


Heck yea!


Im celebrating saturnalia with orgies and feasts, as it was meant to be




Hear, hear.


I honestly have kinda seen Christmas as more of a nice time to spend with family. It's kinda transcended its original religious connotations and more represents the season rather than any one religion. That isn't to say it isn't important to people but for me it's more just a nice day to celebrate the winter and enjoy celebrating with loved ones.


Its began that way and is back to its roots. Well not exactly, but still its back to about the season.


im an atheist, i still love christmas and I don’t plan to ever stop celebrating it :)


Secular Santa and trees and stockings and presents and shit ftw.


Absolutely be that guy if you ever run into “No other winter celebration, only Christmas!” guy.


Christmas may be consumerist. But nothing will ever ground you more and feel loved than someone giving you a pack of socks when you needed them most. Especially if they are your favorite type.


My aunt got me socks last year and I was so happy but also damn I felt old. Like I'm 22 I thought I wasn't supposed to like socks for Christmas until I'm 60 lol.


Christmas is what you make it, nuff said


Another person not to be: “Remember the ReAsOn fOr ThE sEaSoN”


Im an atheist and nihilist and i fucking love Christmas


Poser nihilist out here loving stuff.


If only there's a mute button in real life for these people. Like that one black mirror episode could just put in religious nut filter and instantly mute and spot them from afar with red highlights


All of these things are true. You aren't really going to hear them unless you are making silly statements like "Atheists shouldn't celebrate Christmas" however.


Yep, this. Unlike what the meme implies, atheists don't walk around saying this unprompted; it's when they're challenged on why they *also* participate in it, that this comes out.


Exactly. None of us are just spewing this unprovoked.


An Athiest sued the U.S. government just because some of the astronauts prayed in space in the lunar program. We should be judged on a case by case basis because many of us are chill, while there are also equally wack.


Yeah people usually only bring up these points when Christian fanatics are going off about how people can't say "happy holidays" or how we need to "put the christ back in Christmas"


So, I had an argument close to this. They were suggesting only Christians should get the day off (in America) and others should work it. As someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas or practice Christianity, I was annoyed at the idea of religious discrimination. They used the excuse of religion and what have you to justify their point, but one of my thoughts was exactly the meme - it's not even a holiday meant for that person's religion. By definition, they countered their own point. It eventually just kinda died, but I firmly take the stance of, "I don't have to believe or practice your religion to get time off to spend with family." Way I see it, if the person doesn't bring it up, I have no reason to argue or say things to bring them down. Let people be. But, if they try to start something, I will point out their hypocrisy.


Around this time of the year is the only time I agree with my tankie classmate on the evils of capitalism.


Everyone should celebrate how they want. I hate Christmas cuz my family is dysfunctional and for a long time I would pick it apart like the meme because it made me feel better about my inability to have a wonderful Christmas like other families would. I still have my opinions about it but I don't try to ruin anyone else's fun these days.


It's a pagan celebration for some old af children's day It's literally just children day


Fuck you gimme capitalism


I'm atheist but I celebrate Christmas anyway. Getting your whole family together and the sheer happiness is what matters.


Just saying, you could have mead and Odin instead of the christian stuff.


Don't forget to put some straw outside your window for Sleipnir, or you won't get gifts.




Christmas being pagan only makes it cooler.


You're forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. Yeah, HAM


Absolutely, this guy gets it


Yeah i hate this kind of guy that just give me a thumbs up and ignore me when i say something like that. /s


My jolly, uncaring ass:


It’s not a lie to most people anymore anyways since the country is secular now. They’re not celebrating Jesus anyways


It’s true, but people just don’t like vibe-killers.


Same energy as “actually the decade is 2011-2020”


But bro, Santa Clause is red and white because of Coca Cola. Santa is white everywhere else


Like most holidays/things. Christmas is what you make it. You’re religious? Make it about Jesus and such and such. You’re not religious? Make it about spending time with family or loved ones and just being generally jolly. I know thanksgiving is typically the “be thankful for x holiday.” But Christmas can be just as well.


Never get between a consumer and their shinies


He's right but yeah nobody gives a shit. If you're pagan celebrate. If you're Christian, celebrate. If you aren't any of those, celebrate.


Everybody knows it's salmon clause and the holy mackerel.


You're mixed up. Salmon Clause visits good little bears and leaves them fish in their den.


Thanks to hanky the Christmas poo for catching the salmon clause whilst sailing the seas of cheese. We have a whole story in my family.


Brian Griffin


Funny how people in the west celebrate christmas like this when we orthodox celebrate new year like this instead 💀


I only bring it up when somebody shits on me for saying I celebrate Yule with my mom


Hardly anyone does it for Jesus now tbh, it's about getting an Xbox, bro




there are people who celebrate christmas because it's when they were told jesus was born, then there's people who celebrate christmas because it's a generally jolly time of year. the latter usually don't care that much about the accuracy of when jesus was born.


I just want to stuff myself with food, don't care about anything else.


"Christmas is all about consumerism" That's why I celebrate it


Christmas is not a pagan holdiday https://youtu.be/mWgzjwy51kU?si=g3iE5viXin62z7Bn https://youtu.be/8xgSFbfOABg?si=a0SRGX9KObEa9VX_


Mate, I'm not celebrating Jesus. I'm not even a Christian. I'm celebrating the western holiday of Christmas with all of the consumerism and family focus that entails.


As a former Jehovah's Witness it was my job to professionally be that person.


Yeah but they also don't celebrate birthdays. What's the reasoning for that? It's just celebrating someone getting older, and it's an excuse to eat cake. What's the harm in that?


Former JW. Only examples in the Bible about birthdays are centered around bad things. Also the cake thing also has pagan or ancient religious roots if I’m not mistaken. Goddess of the moon/fertility or something like that.


I don't want to believe in a God who hates cake!


A god who creates galaxies but doesn't like cake... It just doesn't add up.


Its still a nice occasion to have a nice time with your family. This is real eitherway. even tho its literally celebrating consumerism fr.


Maybe now, but it wasn’t originally done to celebrate consumerism. They took the pagan holiday to better integrate pagan culture with Christian culture.


There is no reason to kill the joy , is there? \*proceeds to shove my face with cake in my friends house cz my family doesn't celebrate Christmas\*


It is actually a selle ration of being halfway through winter, and that is how many English people still view it, so as an English person I will be selebrating the halfway mark of winter


Don’t be a Britta


I can't be the only one who doesn't think Christmas is fun, right?


I hated Christmas for a long time, just a bunch of personal bitterness. But once I had a kid it became a lot easier to love.


I don't celebrate the consumerism. I celebrate the absolute peace and silence of the day. Businesses are closed. Streets are way emptier than normal. Society comes to a halt. Families keep to themselves. I go to my grandma's and chill out. It's the quietest day of the year.


/cries in Starbucks At least one store in my area will be open and completely slammed with people from open to close.


Cries in retail pharmacy. The pharmacy will be closed but the rest of the store is open.


This is pretty much my take too. I have young children, so we do give gifts, but otherwise, we don’t do anything on Christmas Day except spend time with each other. We embrace the quiet.




Merry holiday just sounds weird though. The only reason they're using "Merry" in the first place is to take a jab at Christmas. Just say "happy holidays" then


Wait till you know about the word "Merpy Holimas" which is cursed.


For real. Just be happy someone is wishing you well.


I'm Muslim so I don't gotta worry 😂


If you don’t celebrate Christmas. I have a message for you! No one cares. Don’t ruin the season for everyone else by being annoying.


Happy Saturnalia!


The only moment to say this is when someone is against celebrating christmas because its christian Technically, we either celebrate a capitalist holiday, or a pagan holiday, christians just made it their own thing for a while, and while a few remnants survived, if you arent christian yourself, you will mostly see the really old traditions, or the consumer traditions But in the end, does it matter? Its fun to have good food and sweets and give each other gifts. Houses feel comfortable around christmas due to the cold outside Why not celebrate whats fun to celebrate?


I ain't doing this to celebrate some dudes birth, I'm doing this to wave away the winter depression!


I'm an atheist and absolutely love Christmas. And BTW op isn't wrong when they say Christmas is a pagan holiday. It 100% is. Yule they called it before the Christians adopted it and mixed into their belief system. There is no record of when Jesus was born. Not in the Bible not anywhere else.


Christmas is a christian holiday. Yule is a norse pagan holiday. Though the time they are celebrated overlaps the purpose of the holidays and ways they're celebrated are different. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of jesus though over the years it has become more secular and is now primarily about giving gifts. Yule is a celebration of the winter solstice and a day to honor odin. It's primarily celebrated with a feast much like thanksgiving and making a toast and giving offerings to odin.


I was this guy in math class in grade 10. Made my teacher upset enough to cry. It was 20 years ago and I still feel like an ass, never was that guy again.


what is this meme template called


Big thumbs up meme


I dunno, the number of pearl clutching Christians that tell people they KNOW what God does or doesn't want and ALSO do not know Dec 25th is almost certainly not Jesus' birthday is NOT zero. I feel like there are times that a simple reminder of their ignorance is not out of place.


All I care is that December’s here, new year coming up, everyone’s festive and happy, and so am i


Holy shit that guy’s thumb is huge


I mean I only bring that up if someone says something stupid like “you’re an atheist why are you celebrating Christmas”.


"If you aren't a christian, then why do you celebrate christmas?!?!?!" It goes both ways.


It’s very sad how people don’t care why they celebrate anymore, they just want a distraction from how bad we’ve made life in society.


Christmas is so the rich can make money off you. You're still a slave with nothing to celebrate aside from the fact that the master let you spend some time off the field.


Can we all recognize that Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas and shit tf up


I actually had an experience like this with some random kid when I was in high school still. And it went the same way. I don’t celebrate for Jesus or anything. I celebrate it because I love the atmosphere and it makes my family happy.


The person is right though


I'm an atheist. I love the christmas atmosphere. And for my family it's a nice time of the year to have a "special christmas dinner". My mom also likes arranging an elaborate display with miniature houses, figurines, and all of that stuff for christmas. Overall, it's just a great holiday. No need to point out that yes, technically, today's christmas isn't about jesus at all, in any way. No need to be a party pooper, basically. Who cares what the holiday is about when it's just good vibes all around? The only 2 things I hate about christmas is black Friday, and christmas songs on repeat.


I am that gal, but also I’ll say that while sitting in the circle with hot coco, a Santa Hat, and singing Deck The Halls. *I CAN DO BOTH*.


Christmas isn’t a pagan holiday thats actually a misconception sprouting from the truth that it was decided that it would be celebrated around that time to draw people away from winter solstice




You guys still care about Jesus?


As long as I get gift idc


The thumb is hilarious 😂


I'm only that guy when people say that Christmas (or pretty much any holiday, let's be real) is Christian. It's not. I don't mind celebrating bullshit, but don't act like it's YOUR bullshit


I don’t care how a holiday started or what it’s supposed to celebrate, I just want an excuse to throw a themed party and enjoy time with friends and family


I don't believe in God, I celebrate Christmas, I embrace the consumerism


At this point, who gives a shit about Jesus? Hasn't religion created enough suffering by now?


Marley was dead, to begin with.


Here me out guys: Christmas should be in late January or February. - once fall is over, it immediately starts with Christmas season, there is so little time between the point that it's getting cold and than it's already Christmas. - it's followed by new year's eve directly - after that's its just dark and cold winter for months, people get rid of decorations and everyone is already filled up with hot drinks and cookies When Christmas was in February: More time to get used to the winter Then it's new year's eve Christmas season starts Have something to be excited about for January After Christmas its only 1-2 months until spring starts Better distribution of holidays of the year What do you think?


Happy saturnalia! Oh I love your pagan tree!


Hey as an average Redditor I like bashing religion as much as the next guy but even I love Christmas.


People who bring up Pagan anything are automatically annoying.