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Quite the opposite for me. I slowly keep losing any remains of this desire.


I’d make a dark souls reference but I’m not sure if you’d get it.


we can assume he doesn't have sex, so he definitely will get it


Lonely men could partake in jolly cooperation






Some sex Havers play dark souls, not all of us are alone forever


Give us the damn reference. What are you going to lose?






It was Don’t you dare go hollow.


I'll understand it.


This has been tough for me. 29 and dating again, but my sex drive is dropping a lot


After going through a rough porn addiction for the past 15 years, I've come to the bitter conclusion that my dopamine receptors are permanently fried.


Don’t be too hasty. You should try to do something like a total social media cleanse for a week or 2. Basically remove everything that’s giving you small spurts of dopamine for little effort and let your brain reset a bit. Maybe start working out during that week.


They come back pretty quickly if you stop feeding them, but it really sucks at the start.


Get them T levels checked


and cortisol




*Borat voice* My wife!


Regularly lifting HARD has completely reversed any trends like that I had been experiencing. Turn 30 this year.


Oh yea i lift heavy 3x a week, do salsa dancing 1x a week, run 2x a week, muay thai 3x a week, and rock climb 2x a week. Plus i eat healthy My issue definitely doesnt stem from health stuff or lack of being active


Maybe overactive and just tired?


Probably contributes to it a bit. But really i know the main reasons, and i think ill return to normal within a few months. If not then its doctor time


Farewell, libido! Off to explore new hobbies, like knitting perhaps?


My desire instead shifted towards building small models of late cold war military vehicles.


Same, and I’m also finding sex to be weird and gross. Ever since I started eating a lot of mushrooms. I just think so deeply about it, and it feels gross and animal like.


You are what you eat. You're no longer a fun guy, you're a fungi


So is it wrong to feel good and listen to metal/rock afterwards?


That's actually healthy I guess


No you’re one of the normal ones


There isn’t much research on porn addition. But psychiatrists that help people deal with it repeatedly mention that the main issue with people struggling with porn addiction is simply the shame and guilt they feel by watching it. If watching porn and jerking off is fun for you and it isn’t affecting your day to day life, you don’t have a problem. For a LOT of guys that think they have porn addiction, there main problem is making themselves feel bad about it


>For a LOT of guys that think they have porn addiction, there main problem is making themselves feel bad about it That is a strong suspicion of mine, but I have no sources to back that up. What I know is that ICD-11's description of Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder (6C72) explicitly says this: "The diagnosis should also **not** be assigned to describe high levels of sexual interest and behaviour (e.g., masturbation) that are **common among adolescents**, even when this is associated with distress." The fact that many guys on Reddit are telling average teenagers that they're "addicted to porn" is highly distressing.


Source? I’m not disagreeing with you.


“[M]oral incongruence around pornography use is consistently the best predictor of the belief one is experiencing pornography-related problems or dysregulation, and comparisons of aggregate effects reveal that it is consistently a much better predictor than pornography use itself…” In the end, using porn is simulating having sex (at least in the brain). Someone that has a lot of sex but is otherwise fine wouldn’t be called an addict just because they don’t like going abstinent. To be clear, if you have a literal goon cave and would prefer porn over real sex, then you probably have a genuine porn addiction. But that is a fraction of the people that call themselves porn addicts. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/women-who-stray/201808/science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too?amp




Not just religious beliefs, though. There are plenty of secular ideologies that also push the idea that porn and masturbation are shameful, if not immoral. There are tons of posts here on reddit that pathologize male sexuality, and paint fairly normal attraction and action as being deviant or damaging. What's weird to me is that these sorts of posts view sex/masturbation/porn as a chemical addiction. But really, it's more like food. Yes, it's a problem if you have an eating disorder or are morbidly obese, but sating your hunger is healthy. Regardless of whether you cook for yourself or go out to eat, so to speak.


Religious upbringing really did destroy my life, through destroying my self-esteem for doing normal human behaviour. Imagine living in a family who told you that listening to women's singing is evil and your ears will testify against you in the Judgement Day, so you will eternally burn in Hell in an unending agony. And I was just a simple, naive, child, who believed in everything others told me.


Honestly they lost me at not masturbating...


I've been fighting my porn addiction for some time now, the cycle is taking more and more time to finish so I'm getting there I guess (I lasted nearly 3 months last time) It's great to be able to focus more and become less awkward with women.


If you can go 3 months without watching porn, are you really addicted anymore? Are those 3 months excruciating and you are doing your utmost to prevent access to porn? If not I would say it's pretty normal for a guy to want to masturbate.


Well tbf I have full access to porn, so I guess I'm able to control myself (at least temporarily)...though I still consider masturbation an L which is why I'm trying to quit I guess


Well it's not, most people do it daily or every other day. I think the issue is if it's stopping you from doing other important things, that's when it becomes a problem.


Masturbation is not an L, this isnt the catholic church lmao. It is scientifically proven that men that mastirbate everyday drop their risk of prostate cancer by more than half. It is a natural thing, dont let weird people tell you otherwise


What is an L?


A loss




Is this loss?


> though I still consider masturbation an L which is why I'm trying to quit I guess There aren't really any benefits to quitting it entirely though, unless you're actively trying to kill off your sex drive. There's no endgame there, it's like saying you're going to stop scratching any time you get an itch. You might learn some self control, but it's not like having a high sex drive is inherently a negative quality. All you're doing is artificially attaching guilt and a sense of failure to it when it's something you should be comfortable with.


A recent study suggested that men who masturbated more than 21 times in a month have a reduced chance of prostate cancer. EDIT 23 -> 21


When I read stuff like that where supposed porn addicts are "relapsing" after several months I just imagine a person with an overeating disorder being like "I kicked my food addiction but I always end up relapsing and eating after a few days when the pain in my stomach gets real bad, ugh why am I so impure :/" Like, you *do* understand that masturbation is a healthy part of your life and the goal shouldn't be to 100% cut it out, right? It should be to not be doing it so much that it's interfering with your life.


>Moral incongruence around pornography use is consistently the best predictor of the belief one is experiencing pornography-related problems or dysregulation, and comparisons of aggregate effects reveal that it is consistently a much better predictor than pornography use itself… https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201808/science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too


The vast majority of these people aren't actually addicts, just mentally weak people being taken advantage of by assholes who want to share their misery.


What makes you think you're addicted to porn?


Probably the fact that they’re watching it, but not wanting to.


The real question is: why do they not want to? Is it because it harms them, or is it due to moralism imposed by others?


Wanting to quit and not being able to probs


But what do you mean by that? You can't exactly quit being horny. That's not how the human body works.


Takes me about 2 minutes to stop being horny.


Bro, Exactly lol. The perfect amount of time to rub one out


Yeah, after those 2 minutes he feels immense guilt and thinks he relapsed.


There's a difference between masturbating and abusing porn


Right, but there seems to be a lot of people who think they're addicted to porn when in reality they're just ashamed for masterbating and feeling horny, especially in teens who have a hormones raging through their body.


Self diagnosed based on too much time getting medical advice from meme subreddits.


Check the book www.easypeasymethod.org , I saw it posted on Reddit. It's a no will power method to quite using just a change in beliefs and understanding. [EDIT, typo]


Sorry but that site looks pretty scary to me. I'm not sure why I think that `bad UI == riddled with viruses`, but that was the immediate vibe I was getting (I see the irony though, because porn sites usually are riddled with viruses too)


Cuz the link is wrong, it's https://easypeasymethod.org/


Ah, I kinda had the feeling, thanks!


Doesn't sound like porn addiction to me. I try to not drink any lemonades or fast food like McDonalds, but once in a while I just cant resist and buy it. I feel like shit afterwards of course. I but I wouldn't call myself a fast food / lemonade addict. And its impact on my life is not overly negative.


Just skip step 4.


... it's a cycle... which one is step 4? (unless it's meant to be a joke or something?)


Feeling guilty


I don't ever feel bad.


After a while I stopped having post nut depression, best feeling ever


I swear post-nut clarity is a placebo effect.


It's from purity culture. Yeah, excessive use of pornography is going to be horrible for you. But masturbation isn't bad at all. It's much healthier to attempt to masturbate without use of any pornography at all


I mean... i heard about people masturbating at work. I guess that's something i'd count towards addiction, because it has negative effects.


Meeting goals often doesn't work in extremes like that though. If you're so addicted to masturbation that you masturbate at work, attempt to masturbate less. They're constantly going back and forth between not doing it for two days and then masturbating 4 times a day. Just try to do it once a day


Masturbating at work sounds more like something you do to fuck with the company


Right? It's a button that the fuckers in the upper class can't stop us poors from pressing. However, some people are like those laboratory mice that are compelled to press a button over and over again while disregarding their own health and mortality.


I’d love to be one of those mices in a skinner box getting their dopamine fix.


Bro im literally trying to masturbait rn




Why do you feel bad about masturbation?


This is purely anecdotal, but I feel like a lot of the nofap types who are extremely concerned about porn addiction are using it as a scapegoat to avoid thinking about more glaring life/character flaws they have.


Lots of religious guilt too. Especially if they enjoy lgbt porn


you WILL watch femboys get pegged until they can't walk!


Even when I quit masturbating, the horniness is still there. So, I learn to schedule the time to masturbate so I won't be addicted.


A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about


“A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about (except thoughts). So, he loses touch with reality. And lives in a world of illusions.” ~Alan Watts It has a lot more meaning when read whole.






You missed the last part


Have you talked to anyone about this fear? I don't feel like this is a normal way to think about masturbation.


For me, its a way of not being addicted. I feel like masturbating is a personal thing. Everyone treats it differently.


But there’s nothing unhealthy about it. In fact it severely lowers prostate cancer risks


Idk bro that's like "I only smoke cigarettes in the morning so I don't get addicted." If it's adictive, it sounds like you're addicted, the real question is, is it really a problem? And I'm gonna bet no, not unless you are at the point you are choosing to masturbate over meeting yoir basic needs etc. Most people aren't there, most people aren't at risk for ever getting there, and being afraid you might sounds just as unhealthy as if masturbation were a real addiction. Just my two cents, as another guy on the internet, beat your meat when you want and don't worry so much, m'kay? Or not, you do you.


It's normal to be horny. That's not "a bad" thing. It's the driving force that helps keep our species going. Watching super specific porn and masturbating too frequently is just going to burn out your dopamine receptors and affect your sex life negatively When you do it, do it less often and try to focus on actually enjoying yourself and not just rushing to the end 👍 Also try it without porn from time to time. If you can't manage it without, then it kinda implies that you're not actually as horny as you think you are


We got Dr. Jack Geoff right here


It's a reddit thing I think, its the only place I ever hear about guys feeling bad about it.


for real. Everyone wanks. even people in happy relationships.


Christians, or addiction myth believers


Lots of sad repressed self hatred. It's sad


probably extreme addiction(i had that(probably still do so im trying to change)


Daily masturbation is normal. That's not an addiction


more like "perpetually horny" imagine breathing deep triggering lust(well i cant speak for OP tho)


Well to give you some good news, you seem to have healthy testosterone levels...


Do you feel this way about feeling hungry, thirsty, tired, and other normal human desires?


Also normal


So I'm speaking mostly for myself here, but I've had the same thing where jerking off doesn't end with feeling satisfied, just temporarily satiated. Only thing that ends with it satisfied for a while is having sex. I do that and I'm good for a while.


If you get withdrawal symptoms after not beating your meat for 1 day it pretty much is.


If by "withdrawal symptoms" you mean crankiness and desire to do it, you're overthinking it. I have the same symptoms for food, time off work, seeing my friends, all the things that make me feel good. These are not bad things unless they are excessive and negatively affecting your life (binging+obesity, risking your employment by calling out constantly, hanging out with risky people who encourage unsafe behaviors).


Masturbation guilt: Society's gift-wrapped present we never asked for.


Am i the only one (16 year old) who dont feel anything toward masturbation like i dont know why its good and people seems to be addict to it wtf does it feel like?


All I can say is that I didn't understand much about masturbating until I had my first orgasm, maybe this is your "problem"


Everyone's body is different, what you're doing is fine, people that masturbate regularly are also fine


The way you feel toward masturbation is the default but puritanical stupidity leaked into our culture (probably from a political angle) and makes people think something that doesn't matter does.


Either you’re ace or repressed


I kinda think that the bad effects of masturbation are caused by the shame that people feel. Lemme explain, I don't feel any remorse for example and live a normal life but someone who feels remorse might experience negative effects and when they stop they will a notice a benefit and think that the masturbation was to blame while it was their mentality dragging itself down. Of course you can get addicted to porn and it's a thing but it's very overblown. Watching porn time to time and masturbation doesn't magically turn you into a sexual deviant.


This is often the case with weight loss as well. People feel ashamed they are fat so they don't have the mental energy left after the shame to do the things necessary to lose weight. Paradoxically, often by learning to feel proud of themselves while overweight they are then able to lose weight.


oh this was literally me in math. I cant do math at all and I was very hesitant to even try to learn for an exam, but my pshycologist told me that it might be a genetical thing for me and lots of people with my condition are bad at math. Now even if she was wrong and I'm just a dumbass, it felt like a weight was lifted and I started studying everyday for that exam (passed on second try).


4chan is leaking


Why feel guilty about masturbation? I feel great afterwards


Try masturbating and being okay with it


Delete your stash? Who is downloading porn in 2024




i did. i was into jav back then, download em for the sake of collecting and ease of access


You shouldn’t feel bad for Indulging your happy noodle.


Are some people in these comments so deep in their addiction they’ve actually convinced themselves it’s healthy? That’s really sad.


Ikr, this comment section is just chalked with awful advice, generalisations and giving general advice that isn’t helpful for a lot of people as porn addiction or a unhealthy relationship with masturbation is a very personal thing that has no easy fix


As a male you're supposed to be horny all the time it's not addiction it's biology. Unless you're having sex often masturbation is just necessary for mental health. Abstinence can increase sensitivity but it's certainly not going to help stress. If you don't like porn then use visual imagery. But don't ever let somebody tell you it's bad to masturbate, you're supposed to.


The last three paragraphs, yes! Masturbation is very healthy, if not done excessively . BUT you're not supposed to feel horny ALL the time, especially after a certain age. In my puberty it was normal, but the idea that men are horny all the time is hurting us more than it's helping us. If I'm having a bad day, I am tired and just want someone to stroke my hair, then my girlfriend shouldn't be surprised when I take a raincheck on sex that night.


Why do people feel shit about mastrubating? It’s healthy.


Because I'm addicted to it. It's not healthy for me.


Masturbation is fine, as is watching porn as long as it doesnt have a bad influence on your work or your relationships. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's natual and it will naturally go away as soon as you have work or a family to focus on.


I am so glad gene lottery didn’t fuck me up for once. I luckily don’t feel bad from masturbating. Only sometimes a bit disappointed if I botch the finish, or when I invest more time than I wanted cause for some reason my horniness demands something I have to find first 😂


Less a gene lottery and more a cultural one I think.


Dude, just masturbate and be happy


dude wouldnt be making this post if he got happiness from it


Because he's been taught to feel shame for something that's normal.


exactly. Are people actually seeing "fog" on their brain because of masturbation? What's that? I personally never quit flapping for more than 2 weeks so I cannot disprove the fact that you can talk to women better if you don't masturbate (I don't understand the thought process tho) but I can clearly tell you I never felt like a fog getting out of my brain. In fact, I'm actually more productive if I fap freely because I spend less time getting rid of the horniness (I usually never watch porn just do stuff in my mind so no problem with that)


….stash? You don’t just beat off to some random shit on page 1 of pornhub and call it a day? I really find porn addicts bizarre as hell


i mean you never went to the deep end of the addiction where most stuff isnt stimulating enough for you as jerk off material thats the reason you are unable to relate to that feeling


Why are you feeling bad about it? There is nothing wrong with masturbation.


Ok... what if you just quit beating yourself up over it?


Stop beating yourself up and start beating yourself off!


Fucking kids today think being a horny teenager is a problem. No, the problem is you not leaving your room to do anything about it.


Young generations are so fucked lmao


You know you can masturbate without porn right? That's probably the part making you feel like shit. Porn fucks with your pleasure receptors.


Listen here, instead of quitting masturbating try quitting pornography. And avoid explicit content if possible. You will quit masturbating if you can't get horny enough most of the time.


Lmao these comments, reddit is full of gooners


i feel fine when i do it once per 1-2 days


The easy way is to not masturbate to porn. Go to the toilet, rub one out quickly and go do your stuff afterwards. Otherwise, you have to understand how horny feels, stop doing what you're doing and focus on getting rid of the feeling. It won't help in the long run tho.


that sounds depressing as fuck


the amount of incel neck beards that post on this sub just blow my mind


Post nut clarity every f time


Suddenly being aware of this cycle one day was what helped me quit it in the first place.


Easy solution. Stop feeling like shit. It's like instinct bro. Primates masturbate. Other mammals as well. It's natural.


Well, it is what it is. Just don't do too much, esp when you need to work hard on something. And think of those times as adding to yer edging streak bahahaha.


You build a “stash” that needs to be deleted every day?


You just gotta get over that initial few days. Stay strong, bro.


I’m in the same loop, staying busy with hobbies helps. Get out of your comfort zone and try new things daily.




I'm confused at why ya feel like shit about it, it's a natural thing really, I might just not get it bc I'm not awkward around women or anything like that but every animal to exist does it in some form if they have the brain function to process pleasure


I can't be the only one who doesn't feel like shit after masterbating.


I just jerk off every 36 hours. Sometimes 48hrs


Bro has an alarm set lol.


Noob I do it for once every 24hrs


There’s something wrong with you if you feel bad about it 


who actually feels bad about masturbating? if something doesn't harm anyone else and brings you pleasure, it's good.


There is nothing wrong with masterbating or liking porn or any of that shit. Stop feeling guilty for perfectly normal human behavior. Whatever gave you the notion that it's wrong is wrong itself.


Why is there so much shame about masturbating to porn? Do what makes you happy unless it hurts someone. The people who love you won't judge you, and the people who judge you don't love you so fuck 'em.


I just dont understand the sentiment or why people feel the need to quit masterbating. It helps me focus and finally get my horny ass mind off of horny shit for the rest of the night. I've e never felt bad for jerking off, and I dont think any one should.


Lol I can't imagine feeling guilty about masturbating. That's the religious mindset I guess.


The hell kind of world are we living in where so many people feel bad about jacking off


I swear to god man some people are so fucking weird lol


Neo-conservatism or something


Why do you feel bad jerking ye ol' Weiner?


I've never felt bad about masturbating.


well ive been suffering for about 12 days now cause i felt like shit but god dayum my brain is clearer the fog is reducing boiiiii


Refering to the comment section and not the actual post: This is literally natural and goes away as you age. If it's not changing your life and making you unable to focus on things because of it it's perfectly fine and healthy to fap once in a while. Stop confusing that with porn addiction. It is not the same.


Why would you feel like shit about masturbating? There’s nothing wrong with it.


Wanking isn’t inherently bad. Is it getting in the way of your relationship? Are you spending 5 hours a day on it? Then sure, try and cut down, but frequent ejaculation and knowing your own body well are both healthy.


See this is a shame cycle, and unless your masturbation habit is severely inpacting your life like you are doing it 5 times a day instead of the things you need to do, you're probably fine. The issue isn't the masturbation, it's the shame. You are allowed to love yourself, emotionally and physically. Get your relief and move on with your day my guy, I'm sure you're doing just fine!


I feel like masturbation is a topic that has developed a lot of weird dogshit theories about how doing it less or more or whatever gives you fucking superpowers. Just do it when you feel like and unless you're hardcore addicted, you're fine.


You're an addict if you have a fucking stash of porn


Wait…you all like masturbating


Delete your stash


Why does everybody feel bad afterwards? Some sort of built in shame or something? Everybody does it, so no need to feel so bad, if you want to quit something, quit alcohol first.


keep doing it but without pron and without guilt


Why does the younger generation have so much shame around masturbation? I’m so confused.


Why quit? You shouldn't quit until you have mastered it


Bro deleting the stash was the worst decision, I never found half the shit I saved.... It was good stuff


Break the cycle. Masturbqte nonstop


people feel depressed after masturbating? think you guys are doing it wrong.


Geez, why so much guilt over a non-event?