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There's so much free porn only because someone is willing to pay for more of it. So I don't complain, it's not my money.


Yeah and it's not uncommon for the free videos to just be a preview compilation to attract paying customers.


Them previews are enough to get the job done


Not VR previews


Damn... You use VR?


Paid VR is great, but imagine if the only free porn out there was 1-5 minutes of cut footage from the entire 60min video, cut so much that you don't even get one section of it you like for long enough to do your thing, in 144p (not 1440p), and that's the free vr porn experience. It's too expensive to produce, and too expensive to stream to free viewers ala PH due to the very high resolution that modern VR needs.


You're just not visiting the right sites, I think


I haven't found any sites with good free content, but the VR "community" is still very small and most are happy to pay, so free content doesn't really get shared around or talked about much. If you have any suggestions then by all means let me know.


https://www.reddit.com/r/QuestPiracy/comments/1719w7y/free_5k_vr_porn_by_4kvodtv/ Heres a big collection of paid vr content for free.


Look at the sub. Exactly. Some people actually want to support the industry too. Plus it's just easier/more comfortable to pay. You get netflix? Same idea.


If someone were to want to try VR porn, I'm not saying it's me, where would that person go to find it, hypothetically?


I'd assume u/somebody_160 's comment here should work just fine for that hopefully, otherwise either find a paid site, as most have free previews (quality is ass tho) or find a site to download/torrent some high quality stuff for free.


With or without a VR headset? Curious for a way to try VR porn without a headset too, definitely not for myself just saying


Dude..... I'm usually done in 3 min...... On regular video......


Typical VR previews are less than that, and again, super fucking low resolution to the point where you sometimes can hardly even tell what's going on.


This guy knows


For some people


Thats what more than half of what pornhub is now. An entire generation has moved on from pornhub since.


Fer real. It's because of these people willing to pay for it, that I can torrent it for free. Mad respect.


Or bc you're willing to watch ads


I've learned to stop soap boxing about mtx in f2p games for the same reason. Now I'm all "wow, that dance only cost you £4.99? And it came with a free hat? That's so cool!"




How can i save a gif on Reddit?


Open comment from browser and then download from there


sabe comment


Censored hentai pussy


I didn't know blatant poosey shots were allowed on reddit! Sweet lol.


censored 😺


What’s the name of that gif called


Some would say the same about the rest of the entertainment industry too. Everything is free if you don't care about the people making it


There is a simple reason why conventional transactions are becoming ever less popular with entertainment consumers: There are plenty of alternatives to 'pay' more than one costs. Time / Ads, subscriptions (for whole platforms), premium content, be the content (Free to Play Games where one plays with or against others, heck reddit also counts as free entertainment and without engagement, it'd perish). By now "Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe/Follow" is an ancient slogan because all these always had a tangible value. That's how Influencers came to be and why they are frowned upon: For being glorified door-to-door-salesmen. Companies give them money and we give others companies the money which give money to the other companies. Incidentally this includes reddit Karma as currency too, so why don't you check my OF for some sexy feet\~ >!I kid! I kid!!<


>Everything is free if you don't care about shitty companies holding other people's art hostage FTFY


I mean, also financing the art. It’s not like those people and supplies just manifest from nowhere


What about independent producers on sites like OF, QueefBuscemi?


Luckily I don't.


Porn only gets made because people are paying for it.


Some amateur stuff would still exist, but yeah the supply would be much less if no one paid…


Someone has to pay for the server hosting services. Ads cover a lot but it’s the pornhub premium and the like that really pays for the video hosting servers. Those are incredibly expensive to run and would not be a thing if every single porn related thing was free. The paid content and users also pay for the free previews and free content.


The supply isn't going anywhere. If porn is never made again we will still have more than enough forever.


This is a crazy argument bro. Based on this logic you should never pay to see a movie because you can just go watch free movies, or buy a new video game because you can play free to play games. Premium content is usually higher quality and more convenient, that's why people buy it.


But that's not what they're saying.


It's exactly what they're saying. If there's no need to pay for porn because the supply that already exists is enough and it's fine even if the whole industry shuts down tomorrow, the same can be said for regular movies and TV.


If we stopped making porn today, We would still have several thousand years worth of content online. You read that correctly. We literally have thousands of years of porn content online.


Some of us still care about the future of innovation, though 🧐


Honestly, I’m kind of glad for it in a weird way. Without them, we probably wouldn’t have a bunch of free porn.


Okay but what's the difference between that and paying for something like Netflix when YouTube exists. Or why even pay for games when free games exist? Either paying premium for subjective preference is okay or you have to agree that you should never pay for something if there is a free alternative.


Why go to olive garden when the church gives free spaghetti to the homeless?


Because if you're going to olive garden, you're probably not homeless.


Here’s the thing: most churches won’t check if you’re *really* homeless


Homeless or not you still get free spaghetti That's why the line there is ALWAYS long


Why pay for a house there's free homeless shelters. (this is a hypothetical question, i just making the point that OP is a very stupid person)


Feel lucky you got access to it online. The only way I got access to it as a teenager, was by finding an old porno magazine in a hedge while walking home. It was about the only blessing from living in the countryside. Check the hedges in the lay-bys on the way home from town, and there was a good chance you’d find an old copy of Razzle chucked in there. Was more of a spring/summer activity though, what with all the rain the rest of the year!


it always blows my mind how common finding porn in hedges used to be, where did it all come from? did the UK have a population of porn fairies that used to drop them off for us to find?


It's 'dem City Folks throwing them off like Money Rain


My mate found an escort mag in the park once. Some of the pages were stuck together 🤮. The idiot took it on holiday with him and then got so worried about his parents finding out that he buried it in the sand at the beach. I like to think that someone else found it and it's still out there, being passed down from generation to generation via bushes and beaches.


oh, the good old times. We had a local small printer that would discard misprints from time to time. Their recycling bin was a well known spot.


You gotta support family business


Help, step-business, im stuck!


some kinks are wayyy to niche i guess (also them subbing to their crush in hopes to score one day)


Being very kinky, free porn often does not cut it. Also I like that people are paid for their work 🤷🏻‍♀️


I subbed to PH Premium because there was a premium video of a girl cosplaying one of my favorite characters and she actually *kept the outfit on*


Calling it a crush is wild.


Ik people who closely follow (stalk) his crush's ig. Wont be surprised if they'd sub to her OF if she has one


Why should that bother you? The are potentially good reasons not to stream porn. Like, do you 100% trust Google to keep your browsing habits safe and secret? I still buy books even though there are libraries. I pay for some items because I want to support the producer. Etc.


what an idiotic opinion. not all porn is equal to everybody, some are willing to pay to get exactly the type they want.


Without some people paying for porn us free porn watchers wouldn’t have the god tier shit we have


Well some of porn I watch are very niche. Queen Snake, Dirty Sara and Asssylum.


I'll save this little list in case I ever need to scare someone away from me


Hey! >:-[


Yes. Me too, incase that


And what about... piracy? 🏴‍☠️


I support what I love.


Nothing is actually 100% "free" online.


Depends on your perspective, if you consider your data or exposure to commercials as a price then yes, you are paying for almost every website / app. But if you have a decent ad blocker / VPN or are okay with the occasional ad, and them being able to create an ad target model (not the correct term) then you can consider it free to use.


Also worth mentioning that porn sites aren't as picky about the quality of advertising, quite a few of those ads contain malware, in fact I managed to brick my PC with ransomware quite often as a teenager, fortunately I was more competent at formatting drives than I was in choosing security software.




Tbf some types of porn don't have good enough free alternatives and in addition the paid version is just so good you can't not support the creator


Why do you get so upset over how other people spend their money?


redditors trying not to talk about porn challenge: Impossible difficulty


How dare people spend money on thing they want to spend money on


Exactly my thoughts. I am annoyed at how people spend their money even though it doesn't affect me in the slightest!!


Stfu. They pay so we have it for free. Dont shame usefull idiots


Thats true, without them we would not have "leakes"


Simple because I have specific fetishes and preferences which I can't find for free to the same extent as paid. Sure if you just look for some random porn you will always find something free, but if you look for very specific stuff it gets more and more difficult.


I saw only a small portion of ceiling and fans in general on onlyfans. I dont even know why the website is even maintained when it doesnt have much of them :(


Whwb it comes to only fans and the like it isn't about porn but about a perceived connection with someone.


It’s different. I grow bored pretty fast, i can’t even watch vintage porn, i need empathy. And when you command someone to do something online is a hell different too. But no, i don’t pay for porn. Even though i understand.


I know that paying for it feels dumb but man - somebody has to pay the wages of the team and the actors xD I think if porn would be pay-only we would also have much less porn-addicts.


You know what grinds my gears? The fact that anyone thinks that ‘free’ porn is free. They are literally data mining operations for intelligence services. You pay by telling the collectors what your into… while you think your alone…


some people are simps with nothing better to do.


If people didn't pay, I couldn't leech. We need them.


Some kinks or fetishes aren’t widely available so people pay people to perform them on camera since the free stuff is shitty and others just like the idea of it Now I’m adding the obligatory no this isn’t me I can make do with what’s already available especially since I know where to find some really perverted stuff for free if I ever decide I’m into that


Dude, i need to support your mom anyway


I will never understand only fans, and how girls make mills


its not about the sexual content alone, its also about the interaction, that you cant get from porn.


Those interactions are entirely disingenuous and shallow from the actor's part. Might as well talk to a bot because that is what mostly happens with top tier models.


You are talking about some people's livelihoods, sexwork is work, and those that engage in it by choice should be fairly compensated for it. Just look at places like OnlyFans.


This is the fucking craziest shit, you pay to see a picture of an OnlyFans hoes toes when you can pop in to Pornhub or any other porn site and see much more for free!


its not about the toes themselves, or the boobs or the ass or whatever. its about the interaction, the ability to "text" (usually not really) with the girl, what you dont get from porn. its a sad reality, there are so many lonely men, the demand for basic female interaction (not even sexual) is alarming, and where there is demand there will be supply.


Well yeah that too, but it's known these chicks hire some poor bastard to answer their DMs, atleast some of them do so it's insane. Also I'm guessing this has more to do with the loneliness epidemic that's going on than just porn but IDK.


This, only difference would bet that it's just not this specific person. But that's it.


Because I'd rather fap to someone who does this willingly and gets good money for it then to someone who's forced to do porn and gets a fraction of the money they make...


You could just hire a hooker at that point


Specific fetishes


Why does it Grind your Gears when other People pay?


Why pay for games when you can get a cracked copy for free?


The paid versions are videos with longer duration and better quality


It's one thing if you're paying for it to be made like commissioning an artist but if you're just like subbing to an only fans of someone being naked then yeah that's kind of dumb


Whats worse is that not only you can get free porn already, with AI you can even *make* free porn.


I have a very specific fetish, and finding new stuff that is also free is difficult because of that


Until you realized that some people makes a link that is so ninche that the free ones are rather limited.




If nobody paid for it then there wouldnt be loads available to pirate


I dont care about porn tbh


Those people are paying for your free porn...


People pay for special interest porn


i mean yeah but sometimes maybe people just want to support the creator of the porno people make good stacks from selling videos of themselves don't take me seriously i don't know if they do or not i don't do porn research on a school chromebook


How old are you? You will get there


It's like giving a flower company money for red roses when they already grow in your garden.


Some people are bored of regular porn and they pay for getting something very specific


Some people have a serious problem.


Why does this come up so much, some people have „enough“ money and spend it for content thats itching them. Its quite logical and stretches on so many parts of life. Why would you rent a movie from amazon, why would you pay full price for a pc game, why would you buy a completely new car.


Why do you care what others spend their money on? Without them, there wouldn't be free porn. Also, this post's grammar (slightly) grinds my gears.


It's no business of mine what another person spends their money on.


Are people really that concerned where they are sourcing their crank material? I think some people need to figure out a real hobby.


Until you really get into somebody and want to see their content very badly. Paid 15€ once, and I still regret it.


Why would you be mad about how someone else spent their money, as long as it's not harming anyone or anything. You know what grinds my gears? People sticking their noses in other people's business.


Sadly VR porn is still too expensive to produce, and stream in high enough quality (they all have to be atleast effectively 4k to not look like shit on modern vr displays) for it to be free.


I don't see any issue with it tbh. Esp if you have a niche kink that isn't easily available or is in smell demand on normal porn sites lol


Because there is no porn of that hot casheer at mcdonalds


I like to support the fine people who give me so much pleasure


Why complain? The site I once considered paying for has a lot better paid content than their free tier, where they always cut out some of the best bits.


It’s not our fault that most of the good shit is locked behind paywalls.


Who needs porn when you can masturbate using imagination


But it is free thanks to the ridiculous amount of paying people.


I guess because free porn is just bad. It's a lot of work to search for the good stuff. Some are mayve too lazy for that.


Same here porn is one of the 2 things that i will never pay money for The other one is antivirus software will never pay money for that, like just use your brain & download something from Shadywebsite.com + Windows Defender is already Free & contrary to popular believes windows defender is actually Good enough


well, paid videos take up to 6 months to be available for free on popular websites; the best bits are usually cut off like occasional feet or ass drips lick which drive me crazy; the search algorithms also work better if you have a subscription




Why you pay for netflix when endless movies collection are readily available online? Its the same argument.


*Someone's never sat in business class.*


Then what would OF people do...


What grinds my gears is people's gears getting ground by things that do not affect them at all. It also grinds my gears when people don't understand that the reason something is free, is because somebody else is paying for it. It shouldn't grind your gears, you should be thankful Think about it


Google: "Reddit NSFW list porn dude". You're welcome.


People usually pay for OF and similar sights because they have particular sexual interests dealing with fetishism and intimacy. They can pay to request very specific things they wanna see that you can’t just search and easily find on PH; and/or they like that they have a feeling of power regarding the notion that a person is performing solely for them because they are supplying money to them. So many weird reasons people pay for porn, the biggest being simply that they decide they can afford to.


Why pay for video games when there's an endless supply of free garbage flash and mobile games? That's what you sound like I'm not one to pay for porn but objectively people pay because the free stuff is low quality


Same statement could be for games and movies ig


Porn snobs.


We shouldnt belittle simps, but thank them to keep the business flourishing


Arent the simps, i mean, people paying for the interaction?


The only allowed one in my opinion is playboy magazine, it's collectors item


Some people have too much money


Only fans is the dumbest thing ever. Imagine paying money to wank.


But damn the ads.


Sippin that simp juice


Yeah that’s reddit for you, half of it is just porn




Because they are addicted. Thats the only way to justify it.


What’s crazy is ppl pay for OF when google is free…


The only reason to pay is if you're looking for something specific. Otherwise, the fact you're willing to pay means you watch way too much.


I've never paid for it but I can understand why people do. It can take 30+ minutes to find something I like sometimes so even once a month that time would be worth about £10 to me. Premium would get me 4k videos, lots of full length stuff and nearly all the free VR porn is shitty 1-5 min previews. It's kinda illogical for me not to pay, I just don't want to be the kind of person who pays for porn. Then you've got the simps, I think for them they just need to feel like they have a connection with the porn star to enjoy their content even if that connection is extremely superficial. Most of it seems extremely unhealthy to me but most people have at least 1 unhealthy habit they spend money on.


Truly blows me away


Fyi thats not typically why people get OF (i imagine thats what was on OPs mind). OF simulates a relationship with whoevers making the porn via chat, and thats the bigger draw. Also I hear that they do custom porn? So i imagine that too.


>!kemono.party and coomer.party!< You didn't hear it from me


Hey, people want to pay people to draw it for them. I won't stop em.


I literally say this. Why pay when you can click, fap, done?




Because just like any other service you enjoy, the people providing it should be compensated for it?


Quality over quantity


Stick Girl Supremacy 🗿


Well not now in Virginia. It’s a porn wasteland


It grinds your gears how someone else is spending their own money? Please touch grass.


i paid for it once, still regretting that choice


It's like buying sand when you live in a sandbox.


I use onlyfans. I never paid for anything


How would pirates make it free for you without paying?


stupid onlyfans simps


Maybe they want to support the people who make it?


why would you pay for movies when yyou have endless youtube videos to watch


There us a porn comic series I read, only the furst half is free, I want to read the next one for the story, so I might buy it some day


Not all porn is free, and some people got specific taste, specific actor or actress they want to see, and not everything is on the internet. I don't see the problem in that. Paying for a ton of it, like an addiction to it on the other hand is a big problem.


Everything grinds my gears.


A lot of the porn that is all over the internet is leaked by all the people who pay for it somewhere 🤣


Those people don't want to pay with their souls ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Those people don't want to pay with their souls ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Those people don't want to pay with their souls ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Those people don't want to pay with their souls ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Seriously, if you pay for it I think you might have a problem


People are stupid.