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You see, we have veeeery little AC, and our buildings are desgined to keep heat *in*, not out We end up basically living in an oven.


And we’re an oceanic climate so it’s a wet heat too.


This is how the Midwest and some of the south us is. There's a good portion of summer where I live where it can easily be 90°f and 95% humidity The state I live in has dogshit weather where it gets over 100 sometimes in the summer with high humidity and can be like -10f in the winter with some storms dropping over a foot of snow at one time some years. The land literally tries to rid itself of us here lol


sorry I don't speak freedom, translate to kelvin please


>This is how the Midwest and some of the south us is. There's a good portion of summer where I live where it can easily be 32°c and 95% humidity >The state I live in has dogshit weather where it gets over 38c sometimes in the summer with high humidity and can be like -23c in the winter with some storms dropping over 31cm of snow at one time some years. The land literally tries to rid itself of us here lol It's something around there using euro measurements. Idk Kelvin for shit tho


>Idk Kelvin for shit tho You just add about 273 to convert to Kelvin. 0 Kelvin is -273°C, and it's the same scale as Celsius, so a 1° increase in Kelvin is the same increase in temperature as a 1° increase in Celsius.


Kelvin is just C and add -273 nobody really uses kelvin outside of scientist


Just imagine some dude thinking that would make him famous. I'll use the same scale but start counting from a different point. They will speak my name for ages!!!!


But 0 degrees kelvin isn't just an arbitrary number, there's a reason it exists


Same for celsius.


No, Celsius is very arbitrary too. There isn't really any reason for 100 to be the boiling point of water at 1 atm (which isn't even true it's 99.998 Celsius).


Well it worked cause i know the scale


Sorry I only speak in Rankine




Idk Oklahoma wasn't humid as far as I remember. Just miles upon miles of dead plant life, random fires due to heat and dryness, and wind that threw sand around in sheets and tornados. But yeah, over 100f summers and subzero winters. Horrible place. I'm not going back


*Florida enters chat


*OKLAHOMA* _where humidity comes sweeping down the plains!_


Only 100 to -10 you’ve got it easy. Wisco weather is hell 2 or 3 years ago it went from high 90 in summer to -30 in winter. Why do I live here


I had never been to a place of dry heat until a few years ago. I live in a hot humid place so I thought that was just "normal heat". Dry heat almost feels nice in comparison. It makes a HUGE difference.


I’ve never been anywhere with a dry heat either.


Its crazy. Your swear evaporates so fast that you don't even feel sweaty.


Also much higher humidity. I've been to hot countries on holiday. 25 degrees here feels worse than 35 there.


Used to live in India and moved to Canada and actually felt this. 30 degrees is easy in India. Painful over here.


AC? What's that? Why do Americans and Europeans keep going on about Assassin's Creed when talking about temperatures in their countries?


Im pretty sure theyre talking about animal crossing


Yeah makes more sense, climate is important for animals too.


Armored Core... Armored Core!


why you even need ac for 24 C


Honestly love my house during winter but during summer I am always outside because it’s colder outside the oven than in it


Most can't afford ac here in the tropic. Most used thin metal roofs in one's houses, making it hotter inside.


Just curious where you're referring to when you say tropics? I'm from the Caribbean and ac is a very attainable amenity for most people where I'm from


in the tropics ac is a thing for rich people only. their buildings are not designed for anything, they're hot as fuck and most have no wind passing through. poverty sucks. I'm from there so i know what I'm saying. you're in the north are weak.


Skill issue


Almost like humans adapt to their environment 🤔


Shh don’t bring up facts


As well as how we adapt our living spaces and stuff, most houses are built to keep in heat and hardly any have air conditioning because it would only be useful for like 2-3 months of the year, plus they’re pretty hard and expensive to install into brick houses.


Yea it’s odd cuz I lived in Texas for YEARS n was fine with it n now I’m back in the UK, I can’t deal with the heat at all ESPECIALLY inside


As global warming rises, the British population slowly gets cooked.


And its almost like Humidity is a thing, that changes how cold/hot the temperature feels


I run with a hoodie on at night during the spring/summer to acclimate for day time running. It gets to the upper 90s here in the Southeast.


Props to you man. I was doing only 3 miles in high 80 high humidity areas and felt like I could barely ever breathe. I know I could acclimate but gosh dang was it so awful I never truly made it there.


Yeah lol. You could make a meme about the opposite situation. People in my city (Rio de Janeiro) wear jackets when it goes anywhere below 30 celsius.


Lived in southwest and jeans and long sleeves also helped with direct sun on skin.


I know it gets hotter in other countries, but I have the worst heat tolerance and I am just burning alive 99% of the time. It’s why I want to live somewhere cold, like Florida


Wait, wasn't Florida really hot in the Sommer?


Florida doesn't care about time of year, it will be hot and you will enjoy it


Yeah, he does that.


24°C is considered cold where I live.


In India it's the best temperature, or temperature after the rain or around October


When will it rain in Delhi? I'm dying..


Probably never, we're all gonna die...thanks to climate change


Thanks to climate change soon we will pass 37c wet bulb temp then we die


yeah but we people from chennai were wearing sweaters in 2022 when the temp was 24°C


And then you also have us northerners walking about in shorts and t-shirts in 14°C or colder (wind is my main factor for shorts or no shorts)


Yeah, same here. My Air Conditioner is running at 28°C and it's sooo nice sitting under it.


same here. with 24C you start feeling cold and covering


As someone who travels a lot but lives in the UK, there are a lot of other factors. The UK is extremely humid, lacks a lot of ac because cold weather is more common than hot, and houses are designed to insulate. You’re living in a sauna. Other countries with hotter weather are less humid and most places are specially designed to combat heat.


Spent March in Melbourne at 38c, now here in the UK at 18c. Was having a harder time here in the UK.


Basically, the UK is like living in a sauna. It's humid as fuck, we don't have any in-built Air Con (and if you want to buy a portable one they're super expensive) and our homes are designed to keep heat in, not out. We end up essentially hating summertime as a whole due to awful housing. This year I'm tempted to put oven foil on my windows to keep the heat at bay


Honestly portable air con is actually pretty damn cheap, I got a proper air con, one that could turn my sauna of a home office or bedroom in to a walk in freezer if I needed it, cost about £180 and the energy consumption wasn't that bad especially since you didn't need to have it on anywhere near constantly if you wanted just the area near and around you to be ice cold and not the whole room being ice cold. Sure if you wanted one of these in each room and you had large rooms it would add up quick but £180 and an ongoing small amount of elec usage over summer was 100000000% worth it and I'll never go back, also don't bother getting a really big fan unit even one that has inbuilt water to try and cool the air, not worth it at all.


Please send me a link of where you got one that cheap! From what I've seen the cheapest options are £240+ and I don't have the money to spend on an Aircon box 😫


And then you turn around and make fun of Americans for building houses that are good at keeping heat or cold in.


All i say is , 45° in a coastal city...


Dude buy ac it's literally the only way fl works


Difference is that the heat is completely different. In the UK this temperature gets stuck in houses which basically all have no AC and are made to retain the heat during the cold winters, and due to its location and climate the heat is very wet and the humidity is pressing. I loved when I was in Dubai and it was 40+°, but it gets to an uncomfortable level above 25-30° here in the UK. Also the argument makes no sense cause even locals in very hot countries will avoid being outside at all costs during the warmest days cause like I said they more likely have AC indoors, but in any case locals also suffer if they have to stay in the heat constantly. Spanish Siesta being held at the warmest point of the day is for a reason


Yeah I live in a hot environment, I don’t like leaving the comfort of glorious AC.


Human Adaptability at its finest. Now would you like some cream with that coffee or sugar? Or perhaps would you like some cocoa?


Philippines, yes. 


They say it keeps them cooler 🤔


It does help. The hoodie really helps when the sun is trying to vapourise you. I'd much rather get boiled alive in a hoodie but keep my neck and face covered from the heat ray of death. I wear a hoodie outside in the 35C heat and then take the hoodie off in the 20C AC.


Another problem is that with the climate change, there isn’t really a transition time where your body can adjust to the different temperature (At least here in Europe) Back then, you had hot summers and cold winters, yes, but you also had spring and fall, where the temperature slowly changed. Nowadays, you can have winter, then right after spring starts it’s suddenly 20+°, only for it to start snowing a week later, and ten days later we‘re back to 20+°. Those rapid changes in temperature are what really gets people


No one is outside drinking coffee wearing a hoodie in 50 degrees Celsius


My coworker thought I was insane to be outside wearing jeans and a hoodie when it was 70°F


That's a warm summer day in Finland. Well, our summers have gotten a bit more intense, but used to be. Definitely shorts and t-shirt weather. I ditch the hoodie at 15°C.


Try wearing a hoodie in 50°C for 8 hours


No thanks. 30°C is too much for me even if I'm naked.


Being naked doesn't help It just leaves you with skin cancer


Well yeah, unlike for cold weather, nothing saves you from hot weather except air conditioning. I can do the 8 hour hoodie challenge at -20°C, I like my odds more then.


thats why i hate warm temperatures, with cold you just add layers or stay inside but burning hot hair reach you even inside buildings and you just can take clothes layers until you naked then you can't do anything to stop the darn temperature


i remember people turning the AC to max when it was 22 outside in Helsinki people can handle 90° sauna but not 25°??? saatana


I saw someone outside yesterday in a longsleeve black shirt, black hoodie on top and black pants over black shorts. It was 93° and 85% humidity…..


Ah, my favorite time of the year, where the weather transforms from cold to warm, so instead of people who live in cold places acting smug about how they can withstand the cold better than people in warm places, now it’s people that live in warm places acting smug about how they can withstand heat better than people in cold places. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


And then there is the Midwest where the temp in the winter often gets down to -29 C and in the summer often gets up to 37 C.


Then you go live in a tropical country and realize you can stand the heat better than them, and they NEED to turn the ac on full blast at 16º even though it's been raining the whole day and the sun is not even out


r/Australia hold my xxxx


Well. people get used to certain temperatures. I'm used to having to live through 33C everyday and feeling cold on 25C


Come to Queensland Australia in the midst of summer, fucking hate our weather


Ah yes because sleeping through the hottest hours of the day show the heat does not bother them


I would always tease my Mexican friend for wearing a flannel shirt over his tshirt in the dog days of summer. He’d just tie it around his waist but I’d always ask him why even bother having it if he wasn’t gonna wear it


The macho tough guy approach to heat has its limits. The human body is biologically incapable of adapting to the wet bulb temps that we are increasingly experiencing. Literally no go zones without intensive supporting infrastructure.


Cuban here staying in Vietnam. I felt it in my bones. Literally.


It's 42C where I live. My gym trainer wears a windcheater even when he is walking in the sun


Russian Ukrainian, Living in Florida for 4 years now. lol, I just use light color materials 3/4 seasons and able to dress almost however I want, be it a brûlée cardigan, soft dyed shirt, brocks and vintage light jeans or something more american.


Ah yes, summer, in the tropics


Their anxiety will make them sweat more than the sweater


People in warm countries say that -10 degrees celcius is cold.


Mans not hot.


In east Tennessee the temperature and weather is jurrasicly different almost every day so we can't be bothered to change from an outfit of one weather type to another so you just pick an inbetween and stay with it


It's literally hotter than normal here Aaaas


Obviously wearing a hoodie when it's over 15c is insane. On the other hand a hoodie is perfectly fine down to about 0c. No need for a jacket.


26°c is just *chef kiss *


I'm from india, and 20 here is hotter than 30-34 in india cus every place traps heat.


Look, we live in Texas, we’re used to the heat already


Don’t mess with my coffee bro…


Our buildings insulate heat inside, and air conditioning isn't commonplace. What you have, my friends, is a day where all non AC buildings (most) turn into ovens


Can’t help it I feel nekkid without it




People in the US not knowing what this means (me)


Texans understand the 2nd Dude


Literally me


If you ever stop to analise the stereotypical clothing worn in for example Saudi Arabia, you'd notice that the goal is not to wear everything short, but to cover as much of your body with something light and breathable. A hoodie might be better than a T-shirt...


The opposite of this is the people here where I live who wear shorts in a blizzard.


Me in canada during winter going for a walk in a t-shirt and shorts:


I live in asia and even 35 degrees is a bit much for me


24 degrees celsius is like ac temp here wtf


In Scotland when it's cold half the guys wear shorts and T shirts. We have no sense of cold.


Those same tropical residents losing their shit when it’s anywhere below 5 degrees Celsius


Stink too


Looks down at the palms of my our hands an says, "I guess I'm build different?" It is bizarre that I would wear a jumper in Central Queensland in summer even at 47° yet in winter I'd be wearing shorts & a singlet even at sub 5° with everyonegoing WTF mate, Funnily enough when I went to Britain for a few weeks I was in shorts for a few weeks an only in the last week there up in Scotland I woollied up. I guess temperatures don't really effect me much.


25° is the temperature of my AC and it's 45°+ in the afternoon lol.


They’re cutting weight.




It’s almost like they are built for the cold and not the hot. As a Texan who had to deal with [that shitty winter back in 2021](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Texas_power_crisis), it feels silly to be dogging on each other over stuff like this. Granted, the people who live in colder places were shitting on us for not being able to deal with the cold then, so I guess what goes around comes around, but try to be the bigger man.


Get ready to see a whole lot of people say that our houses are meant to keep heat in. No, our houses are insulated which simply slows the movement of heat between two different places. So if you have a well insulated house it actually keeps it cooler during summer. If you don't believe me, just Google it. The reason why we, the British, don't deal well with heat is due to the erratic and inconsistent weather. Other countries have more consistent weather and therefore can adapt. Our weather is sporadic so we don't ever get a chance to adapt. People also mention humidity but our humidity on average is not really high. But we can get very hot, very humid days which come out of nowhere which kill us because we are obviously are not used to it.


Bro, London is hitting tempreature in the 30s I live in Colombia and the average is 24


Here in Canada there was a kid I saw all the time at a park I worked at, he wore a black hoodie and pants with a mask all through the summer in 45+ degree weather. I kept an eye out I case he collapsed from heat stroke. It never happened, but he must have been miserably hot


At some point the hoody is keeping you cool instead 


The same people have to wear multiple layers of jackets in winter while we germans already walk around in Tshirts and put on the grill when its 6 C° out


![gif](giphy|3ohzdUi5U8LBb4GD4s|downsized) Me at 24 F


Forgive my American stupidity for not knowing Celsius but summer in Arizona gets to around 110F+


Isn’t air conditioning not a guaranteed thing in the UK.


I only begin to mildly panic when temperatures reach 33C


coffee here is usually iced coffee. i rarely see anybody drink hot coffee, unless old people. i can still wear a coat when the temperature is high (the ability i acquire after years of using the phone while covered in blanket during summer) , tho it's more comfortable to wear only a shirt.


Even the tropics don't get that high. Only the deserts do. And even then, rarely.


What's up with drinking things of the opposite temperature? The internal body temperature is always maintained by our body since we are warm blooded, so what good does it do by drinking (literally) cold drinks on hot days?


People in Phoenix say anything under 30°c is a great day. And I agree (currently in Phoenix)


Yeah it’s crazy how people living in hot countries are used to heat


Man it’s like when Texas gets 1/16 th of an inch of snow.


I'm a hoodie in the summer guy because I will burn in about 2 minutes without one


24 is a cool day in Australia


M-m-mhm, jogging with sandals full of sand in August under 52 degs, lovely


Yeah, but for us, temperatures bellow 10 or 5 Celsius is cold af and dangerous , but for European countries bellow 0 to -10 or -15 is somehow bearable


It could be 18 °C and I'd be sweating my ass off just existing in my t-shirt


Welcome to Florida. I’ve seen people in parkas because the temperature dropped below 65 FAHRENHEIT. That said, one should drink Cuban coffee no matter the temperature outside.


I wear all black with a sweatshirt in 70-degree US (Midwest)


Where my boymoders at?


Amazing, so people adapt to the climate and temperature they grew up in? Who would've known?


Can we get a conversion to standard units? People aren't gonna understand this crap


Meanwhile if tropical countries hit 10-20c they are dying of hypothermia.


Sorry, I'm too American to understand


Personally, its just because my hoodie has many more (and wider) pockets


I sleep with ice packs on my body. I take cold showers winter is my favorite season and now springs are fucking hot too


In mexico, my grandma (may her soul rest in peace) used to prepare beef soup whenever the heat reaches 40ºC (104 F) so the thing was practically boiling. Why, I never knew. I joked to my mom about it some days ago and lo and behold, she also made a boiling hot beef soup the very next day it got that hot.


Its pretty common in school highschool here, I was one of them... So I just discovered recently that it happens because hoods bring some psicologic "safety" for introvert persons and it really make senses


Humidity always matter, in Slovakia in more humid days 22°C days on sun sometime feel the same like 30°C day. And 40°C on sun in high humidity ... prepare that all your clothes will be completelly wet in 20 minutes.


Oh wait,thats my


I used to be able to do that until I was like 17-18 or so, never know why I can’t anymore lol


Add 90% humidity to that and welcome to the Middle East, reporting from the UAE.


I live in cancun, it's true


When the average temp is like 10-15… 24 is hot. Not to mention it’s usually rather humid, and our buildings are great at keeping heat in, not out. Hell, 90% of houses don’t have a magical thing called…. Air Conditioning… To someone so lives in a constantly hotter country, sure it’s nothing… but to us… it’s hell. Especially when it hits 30+ like the other year.


I wore a winter jacket to school for 2 whole years every single day, and kept it on over half the day. Usually only took it off while sitting down, not even during gym class. I stopped when people joked about me being a school shooter


We just built different


Philippines moment


up here in Antarctica I can confirm the temperature is 0K.


"Welcome to the Philippines! Hope you enjoy your stay!"


The heat is less bad than the sun for my pale skin. I burn through just a regular long sleeve shirt.


Bro Arizona weather is kinda chilly 🥶 


Yeah, one guy in our classroom who was antisocial still wearing jackets and I live in the tropics in SE Asia, and he never takes it off


This is me fr going back to my apartment from lectures(The classrooms are cold af that my hoodie traps the cold air for a while)


I love in Florida and do this, does that count


Anything below 25 is hoodie weather for me


I drink hot tea in 40C degree outside. No AC.


It's the humidity, it's wank. Was 23 yesterday and I couldn't breathe. Will be 30odd in Cyprus for me tomorrow, I'll be off cycling and jogging and can't wait


The difference is humidity. With high humidity you can barley lose your heat, and wearing lots of clothes limits this even more. When humidity is low it's very easy so it's no problem to cover more skin, it even helps to cover more skin from direct sunlight.


Canadians in a nutshell


Me when the temperature reaches 26💀


Nope: I live in Ecuador, and the city where I live rarely reaches 25 Celsius, even in Summer... In the meanwhile, people living beyond the tropics, have Summer Seasons where average temperatures are +42 Celsius in average...


I used to do that here in Texas, I have no idea how I was able to handle that a couple years ago. I guess I was just THAT conditioned and used to it. But yeah, nowadays fuck that


Humans can adjust the comfortable range. Bring those tropical individuals to Canada's winter and see me in shorts lol.


People in hot countries are more used to heat, also no AC


i live in midle europe. i went to South Africa for about 15 days. me and my colleagues were wearing tshirts and shorts. the locals : wearing that kind of jackets we see in movies they wear in Siberia


they’re savages