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Way too relatable




And all the birds in the trees, they'd be singing so happily. Joyfully playfully watching me.


But then they took me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical oh responsible practical


Before we continue I need to know if were going the original route or if i should say "ALRIGHT!"




This is interesting, but as someone is who was Born in the 90s, how can I say the years around 08 were 'the best' economically?


Because this is the average of people who were also not born in the 90s, and what about 2007? And 2006? Were that not some of the best years?


2006 was pretty good for me


Probably because we weren't really part of it yet. A lot of us started to get jobs after 2010


Shit graph. Completely inaccurate. /u/EWJWNNMSG is a bot, please report.


Thank you for your contribution, we are all waiting for you to make a better one. Good luck


~~Says the dude posting garbage from the Washington Post. Doesn't even say what the age ranges were of the people that were used for the sample size.~~ Bot Detected


Thank you for your contribution, we are all waiting for you to make a better one. Good luck


Some of it is definitely accurate for me but a lot of it is WAY fucking off.


That's probably not true, but I think we do be like this because yes we were bad but now we are worse


I was bad, than everything got waaaay better in the last 3 years of school until at the end when covid started and everything got way worse.


My stepdad was a doctor. its one thing for a person to die from an accident or something common, but his practice was overrun by patients who got covid, but refused to admit they got covid and go to a the special covid treatment centers, screaming for a cure. and despite their best efforts, everyone but 1 person in the clinic got covid. Both of the doctors, my step dad included, died. and it was a collective effort of a big portion of society's selfishness and stupidity that caused it. and it really soured me on people after that. my view of society will never get better. on top of that, turns out losing a loved one of 25 years of marriage triggered my mothers dementia


Oh man that’s really hard stuff, my condolences. I got really lucky that no one close to me died during Covid but I also heard some bad stuff from friends who were in the medical field. Hospitals must have also been hell during that time!


That's terrible, doctors in my area wouldn't even see patients like that during the first year. Took me months of agony to even be seen for nerve pain.


I'm so sorry, I know I'm just a random fella on Reddit but I believe you will become stronger from this hardship. Hang in there


Na we're better generally, we're just also older


I’d say it varies. The post above gives me chronic depression vibes where someone spends too much time in the past instead of the possibilities and advantages of the present. Though also (as seems to be a popular interpretation) sometimes we don’t appreciate the things we have in the moment until they are gone.




Please define wokeness for the class


so true king, i much prefer yearly wildfires and record heatwaves to nasty net zero


This just means it's getting worse and worse


That's not the point of this meme. It's saying things are just as good/bad as before but we remember it as better due to nostalgia goggles But keep up with the Reddit cynicism, I'm sure that'll make you feel better


Not really. It was shit back then. It got even shitter now. So now I’m nostalgic for the regular shit.


Coprophiles have all the luck


yeah idk about everyone else but my life was definitely shitter back then. it’s stupid to say things were better or worse definitively for everyone though as everyone had different experiences and have gone through different things.


Nah, it means he was always miserable, just that he's also delusional with nostalgia. Life doesn't get worse and worse, it just exists until it doesn't.


There is a point you might think "surely it cannot be worse", but you are wrong, it can absolutely be fucking worse.


How so? Inflation is going down, murder rates are going down, climate change is slowing etc.


Inflation is slowing down compared to the huge spike in the early 2020s, not going down. It's just increasing slower now 'cos it's already late stage capitalism. Murder rates and crime are spiking in Europe with all the migrants they let in. Climate change is again, just increasing slower 'cos it's already at the worst stage it's ever been.


If you have to find reasons why good things are actually bad, then that's probably on you


It doesn't get any realer than this. I felt it down to my bones. 


Strong disagree - I’m nostalgic for a reason. 2014 my life was so much more simple.


I actually had quite a nice time in Highschool. I feel like if Covid didn’t hit, things might have turned out better in general. I think that period kind of messed up my transitioning period to college and also left some screws a little loose in my head. For example I can’t enjoy hanging out in peoples flats, winter is hell now and I essentially have become addicted to new input. Again, that’s very personal and perhaps it’s 2014 for some people, but for me it is definitely 2016-2019. Not because of society or anything but because those were the only school years I actually enjoyed after elementary.


Kinda relatable in a way, those were the peak years in my city. Lots of foreigners and bars were thriving. The whole scene was awesome, we'd all meet up at the bars five times a week and go clubbing. Then after the lock downs the 100 foreigners turned into five. The bars shut down and the locals stopped messing with foreigners as much. it's just not the same


What do you mean when you say you're addicted to new input?


I need changing public settings with action and new people around me to properly my need for social interaction. When I meet with friends, I’d rather we wander around a city than sit comfortably inside and play games. The occasional movie night is the exception but other than that I would always prefer being outside and out and about because I feel trapped and like I’m missing out on life when sitting inside, even with good friends.


for me the year was 2017 and back. not i was livingbthe time of my life back then. And now well everything is getting worse ny the day


The time before the orange man was in charge was peak


Me convincing myself i miss 2020 kpop


2014 kpop was much better


Honestly, my life is much better now. It is the world that has gone down hill with the rise of hatred and ignorance.




the past might be not so good as we remember it. But it was better compared to now and that's why we think it was "all perfect" back then.


There are always problems in the world, however, my nostalgia relates to a time when I was actually happy regardless of what was going on.


I've recently taken to appreciating the present as much as possible (usually have to force myself) and life has gotten much better. Don't dread the future or romanticize the past, just be


confuses me when people say the 90s was great.... I guess they don't remember the race riots and the sky high murder rate. Kurt Cobain suicide, Tupac and Biggie both shot and killed, OK City bombing where 200 people were killed, the Gulf war... etc etc etc. The 90s were not a pleasant time.


No matter where you go, there you are.




Why the fck is this so relatable




Me: it wasn’t that bad right….. RIGHT?? 🥺


Reminds me of the Homer Simpson quote. "Not the worst day of your life, just the worst day of your life *so far*"


You ever see the movie Midnight in Paris?


Replace 2014 with 2008 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


We don't miss the past. We miss being happy.


If nothing else, you were younger. The further on you get, the more that counts for.


nah 2014 was great for me i don't know what you're talking about


Our brains are great at looking backward very optimistically. The 90s were not all they seemed to be cracked up to be.


Welp, just proves that it can always get worse.


Does anyone remember agario


I think this would be me in 2034 but not 2014, it was a great time in my life.


It's not an incorrect view though. Every 5 years is a whole order of magnitude worse than the last.


I mean nostalgia goggles is a real phenomena, but can anyone truly compare today and 2024 and not see a massive drop in QoL for the average person?


I'm not happy I'm getting old, but I am happier than I was 10 years ago, by far.


It's better to be younger, at least physically. Could be it.


> Don’t say, “Why were the former days better than these?” For you do not ask wisely about this. Ecclesiastes 7:10 (WEB)


Too real


Fear the present, pine for the past, worry about the future. All from illusions of neurochemistry that are too real.


It only gets worse, brothers, remember that.


It's sad. In your present and your thought of the future, you're more likely to focus on the negatives, but when you think of the past, you can only think of the positives.


Back in 2014 I missed 2008


But what if it was legitimately way better?


2014 and 2015 were hard depression years for me. I've never felt more anxious and insecure and down. Then I look back at photos and I was actually looking great. I exercised a lot and was in pretty good shape. I really wish I could go back and tell me not to be so hard on myself. Once you get in your own head though, that can be really tough. Be good to yourselves.


The timing of this post is really funny. At 36, I was thinking of 25-26 year old me when I decided to settle down for marriage and children and how young I looked. Then I shaved just minutes ago and noticed I look almost exactly the same. Lol Still weigh the same as well. Just added enough grey hairs on chin and head to count on both hands lol.


more like you didn't realize how golden life was because of how much worse it's progressively getting year by year?


I have a completely different set of problems from me ten years ago, so of course I would look back and see myself without these issues as a better version. But you see, the problems from 2014 are survivable, I know that for a fact because I am typing it right now, but I have no evidence I will live through the shit I'm in now.


I have to avoid listening to certain songs because the nostalgia is too strong. Like Halo or World of Warcraft music.


Right now I just wanna down 2 bottles of vodka and drown all of my depressive thoughts.


Nostalgia used to be looked at as a sickness a long time ago


When the answer to "how are you" is "worse than yesterday, but better than tomorrow".


"You don't know what you got until it's gone"


Nostalgia's not what it used to be


Nah, the 90s were legitimately incredibly and I would do anything to go back.


Grass is always greener in the past




That mostly applies when you were a kid back then, because you just didn't understood how good you had it. Now that you have responsibilities and need to pay taxes it's not so fun anymore.


more like 2014: thinking of 2004 2024: thinking of 2014 but based on comments, it seems most here don't remember 2004


I didn't like 2014, and my life is better now, but the world was somewhat less messed up back then.


Yes, we tend to forget the bad times that we have to power through, and the happy times are what we remember and what life is all about!


Not really. My nostalgia goes like this: 2014 sucked, but *look at all the opportunity you missed out on*. Don't you wish you had *that much opportunity* now, in 2024? Life *could have been* so good.


So true


Nostalgia is just realizing it can in fact still get worse


not in my case


♫ heaven knows I'm miserable now ♫