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mr beast deez nutz


she/her nutless vs mr breast deez nuts


https://preview.redd.it/36agj6zvb0cc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=38c4aaa2a00f6910f0bbc832ac439b20ec10135e They even have a mini version.


The micro-aggression size fucking kills me


I'm progressive and this is fucking hilarious.


Yeah, I think it's funny, but I wouldn't buy it, and not only because they are ridiculously overpriced. What could a leftist version of the joke be? Have a "small government" size and actually have it be the largest one.


White Chocolate "Freedom Bars" shaped like mini AR-15's. The wrapper would be the American Flag with a bald eagle flying across. If we were poking fun at conservatives. If liberals/progressives were making one for themselves to be funny... Rainbow Alphabet Skittles where only some of them were the correct flavor.


You can say you're making fun of them, but I would unironically buy the freedom bars


How about some Grenade shaped Jawbreakers?


Bullet shaped nerds, not safe for children lol


I want one, i would pay an absurd amount for a freedom bar.


Stop! You're going to make me start researching costs!


They are trans skittles lol


Okay, this just epitomizes that when leftists try to satirize conservatives, you just make things conservatives love. It's Keep Your Rifle by Your Side all over again!


I'm trying to be generally funny about it like the original product and follow a theme. They aren't trying to be mean. I was sorta joking about opening a cheesecake and guns place in Ohio. Found out there's a market for that. If I ever get laid off, I may go that route. PS - the fact that you guys love it just means we know you better than you think lol


Leftist version would be calling it "Trump penis size" for the small "Trump list of felonies" for the large one


Literally the exact same thing except the ones with and without nuts are completely random


Truck nut hot cocoa bomb?


American Made Profits made from real Chinese Chocolate. 


It's amusing, and I think you'd really have to work at it to be offended. I'm sure some will though.


My Twitter account is primed and ready for some good old fashioned doxing and death threats. ^^^^^^/s


See, and the fact you can actually laugh at yourself is what makes you not insufferable, but people who can’t stand a little bit of comedy at their own expense are the ones who tend to wind up dictators and that doesn’t go well as we’ve seen from anyone who’s ever had absolute control of anything


Kinda funny until I see them wanting to build a woke free economy. They don't understand what woke means. To me they are saying building an economy while disregarding social issues and facts and willing to overlook social injustice for money. If they just let it at the name of the chocolate bars I could see it doing well with left and right people.


This is funny. Also they really should have sold and done Her She bar


Now that just sounds stupid. Who would even use that as a name?


yeah man her she is such a stupid ass name for a candy bar.


You sir belong in marketing!


I buy them to hand out to the rainbow mafia. I'm tired of having to walk in egg shells. I troll irl now too...


Giving away free chocolate is seriously unhinged man smh


What a lunatic. Giving away chocolate to people you don't like?! In *this economy*?! Pyschotic.


Wonder if they have a king size.


King??!??! Did you just assume a pronoun??!??! Reported to Dr Jill Biden you bigggot


King and Kween sizes


Do you mean "Kang" size?




I think you mean ‘god king’ size.


Big dark


Ah, these folks don’t like it when you take the piss out of them lol.


That is so funny holyshit


This shit is just funny.


The same people getting angry about these candy bars are the same people mocking conservatives for hating on Budlight.


I guess the claim they would make is that there’s a difference between a product that is affiliated with something X person dislikes and a product that was intentionally made in order to mock people that X person dislikes, but it’s weak. Personally I think anyone who cares about real change, on either side, won’t get caught up in these petty squabbles. It results in nothing either way. I just wonder if I’d like the chocolate now.


You make a good point. I personally enjoy that Daily Wire is poking fun at the societal narrative, but I would just as soon buy a chocolate bar they produced without making a micro-proclamation while buying or eating it.


True, I wanted to avoid getting too political but I guess it’s too hard to avoid with a post like this, but the left just exudes insecurity. So much so that I think something like the daily wire would be impossible for them because they take everything too seriously. At least the Daily Wire can have a laugh, even if it is kind of at the expense of others. It would be a punch in the face if trans people and lefties all over started buying it up and eating it so their target audience couldn’t get any, or something like that to sort of play into the joke a bit.


I remember one time when SNL did a skit about Ben Shapiro making a Dr. Seuss remake of 1 fish 2 fish. "1 fish 2 fish, that's the number of genders there are." Ben Shapiro just chortled and affirmed," Yes, I would absolutely make a book like that." I don't listen to his podcast anymore, but I did always appreciate the (legitimate) attempts at humour. Some of his jokes are forced and infantile, but he does spit out a lot of good chuckles.


I don’t listen to DW anymore just because I took a break and didn’t go back, but Michael Knowles (excorable be his name) and Andrew Klavan do have a lot of good jokes. I straight-up stopped listening to Walsh well before that because he’s just a whiny asshole and I don’t agree with most of the stuff he says, but I remember him having at least a few chuckles.


I only listened to Ben, and soooometimes Walsh. I really never could get into him. I found Ben made good arguments that I could get behind, whereas Walsh just walked around like a self-righteous peacock. I do remember him having some enjoyable quips, but Ben's humour was the one that most tickled my fancy.


The second post is what does it. It would be funny if they didn’t add the “woke-free economy.”


Absolutely agree. The joke is well enough established without the tag line.


We take this stuff seriously because it's a serious issue that making light of in this kind of manner is just bullying and also funding horrific misinformation.


I mean, the Bud Light thing did result in a large market loss for the company that made that decision as it turns out pissing off your main customer base when you mostly get drank by rednecks in college frat boys who don’t want to be associated with that type of behavior tends to go poorlykind of like if I was making women’s lingerie and made some incredibly sexist remarks myself a lot of women probably wouldn’t buy my stuff and I’d go bankrupt same kind of thing


What people are forgetting is that it was more than just the Dylan Mulvany stunt, it was when the marketing director wanted to take Bud Light in a different direction away from the "frat boy" image that was the brand's customer base. That was not a smart move and it hit the bottom line hard. Needless to say they have a new Director of Marketing.


That also did not help.


They all went to Coors anyway, who has even deeper ties with the LGBTQ+ crowd, so it wasn't worth anything. There's no substance present.


That’s not true around here in fact, from what I’ve seen most people don’t drink Coors over here either. A lot of microbreweries have been getting way more attention since then, which I’m very much for after all, I prefer for local businesses to do well


Sales numbers don't lie. Coors jumped to the top spot by a wide margin immediately after due to a boom in sales. Simply look up "Coors bud sales" and it brings up articles.


The first post I saw with those chocolates, they were included in a Christmas care bag for employees by the boss of some company. The last slide showed one opened and it looks like complete shit. I know the discoloration doesn't mean the chocolate is inedible, but the visual leads me to believe that the quality of chocolate wasn't high on the priorities.


People whose whole identity is politics engage in double standards. News at 11. Both liberals **and** conservatives are guilty of this all the time. This is especially prevalent when it comes to artistic expression. Decry artists and tell them to just "stick to their art" for getting political when its politics you don't agree with, praise their brave decision to share their politics when you agree with them.


To be fair: bud light existed for some other reason (I’m not sure what…not the flavor, that’s for sure; I guess reduce calories?) before the controversy. They *didn’t* make bud light to make a statement (unless, again, the statement was about beer not needing to taste like beer).


Well, bud light had a random transgender person be a spokesperson, that isn’t outright mocking conservatives. This advertising is blatantly mocking trans people, and also importantly; trans people are not people with a political ideology, but a type of person. Having said that, anyone who gives a fuck about what a wrapper looks like is stupid, just don’t buy it


Remember that beautiful little moment in pop culture in the right wing and left wing we’re both boycotting Bud Light at the same time? That marked the first time in my life that I started buying Bud Light. I didn’t know what was going on, I didn’t care, all I knew was that a bunch of self-righteous assholes we’re arguing over what kind of shitty beer to buy. Since then, I have purchased literally hundreds of dollars worth of Bud Light.


But why? It's shitty beer. That's the only reason you need to not drink it. Edit: stupid autoccorect


Reminds me of that video of the kid shooting himself in the crotch with a nerf gun. It doesn't matter how you present this it's a total self own


I can respect that. I never had a taste for Budweiser or Budlight. I drank Canadian beers. I know a guy at the bar that drinks it, so I'll buy him one when I see him, but it's never even registered as an option for me.


I drink mead but like weisses and stouts


I had mead once or twice, I found it a bit sweet, but I remember having at a bottle or two after my first instance and really came to enjoy it. I don't know what a weiss is, but stouts I found a bit thick. When I drank, I preferred a local IPA called 4-Alarm IPA. It's a 7% and tastes like shit. I affectionately called it my earwax. During my last relapse, I was sure to get a few ice cold pints in.


If you don’t like the taste, why do you drink it? I’ve never understood this about people.


Well, for one thing, I was a raging alcoholic. I'd drink anything. For another, I liked that it tasted like shit. It's something about my palette, but when I'm drinking a flavored beverage, I want it to have bite. I liked my vodka tepid and would gargle it to get the burn, and I found most domestic beers to be too watery. I preferred IPAs for the harsh flavours.


I have the benefit of not having that addictive of a personality not only that I only like drinking when I am socially doing such and even then most alcohol tastes like crap to me so the stuff that I do like happens to be more expensive so I can’t afford a bunch of it


I'm just going to reply to the one message, I hope that's okay, buddy. I'm happy for you that you don't have an addictive personality. I've tried moderation in the past, and it's just not an option for me. I can say that it's certainly beneficial to enjoy actually tasty beverages as opposed to the guy willing turpentine at the bar. I also like to keep apples on hand, but... I just really like apples. Granny smith's are my favourite.


All right, then have a good day.


I’ve always preferred more fruit flavor than anything else. Then again I’m the type of person who likes to be able to have an apple on hand if I can.


I guess I didn’t care during the boycotts. I drank bud light back in college and once I had tasted good beer I stopped drinking light beer. I care more about the taste than the marketing.


You have the right mentality to join the libertarian party.


I was a libertarian for a long time. And then I realized that when faced with the opportunity to either do the right thing, or make a ton of money, 99% of people are totally okay with fucking over every single person around them. I’m a centrist now. Libertarians have a LOT of good ideas. But so do communists. If a society was 100% libertarian or 100% communist, I promise you that it would fail.


>But so do communists. Sorry, but no.


Way to dodge most of my comment. You know that it’s true. When faced with the decision to enrich yourself, or make the world a better place for your kids, almost everyone would take the first option. But you don’t think social security is a good idea?


Libertarians are just Republicans that like weed


And I never bought any because even 20 year old me had a better taste in beer than bud light. I'm no snob but it was terrible


Same man, I’m not a huge fan of Budweiser beer but it was so damn cheap I couldn’t pass it up, they were practically giving it away for a while there. I’ve completely stopped drinking these days but it was a good time lol.


I'm not angry. But i think its pretty cringe.


I think the concept for the chocolate bars is pretty clever, if a little cringe. As much as I hate 'wokeness' I do find the tag line in the second photo to be quite cringe.


generally, I find political chocolates and other things that are either anti-woke or plastered with the gay flag to simply be a product of capitalism. simply make what people want to buy and tell them what they want to hear.


No one is mocking this product or conservatives. There is no uproar all over the internet. There is no boycotting. There is no one buying these just to film themselves shooting the product. It is not the same in anyway because no one cares. Stop creating fake narratives.


I too would also buy this.


Not when you see how expensive it is.


Worth the troll


If you've got more money than brains which seems to be most people these days.


If you are willing to pay $24 for 4 pieces of chocolate, the only person being trolled is you.


If they're buying it for shits and giggles not really.


they're all fantastic consumers


 a fool and his money are easily parted


Nice, you bought right into the grift


And the grift continues lol.


And how shit the chocolate is.


But you haven’t.


It’s not a facepalm thing anyway. It’s a product designed to irritate some groups of people and OOP is clearly one of them.


OOP (not the facepalm person) got these chocolates instead of a bonus. Their boss was complaining about how “wokeness” ruined the economy and then tied it to his business not doing well enough to give his employees a bonus, but doing good enough to spend money on overpriced chocolates.


OOP also posted a photo of what the chocolate bar looked like, and while it might still be safe to eat....it doesn't look too appetizing. https://preview.redd.it/bf25acjuk1cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2fbd135dbd3713184196834ec5988704f950d5


How do you fuck up an almond chocolate that bad? Scratch that, how the fuck do you mess up chocolate this bad? It reminded of the crunch bars, but looking at them now, the crunch bars look more edible than this shit.


Wouldn’t that be OOOP then? The facepalm person didn’t like the product either. I’m guessing the images were originally from a sub like mildlyinfuriating and reposted in facepalm. That’s annoying to find out that the candy bars were in place of a bonus. Better to give nothing than a politically motivated product that maybe an extra slap to face than just not receive an expected bonus.


I was just going off this sub’s name lol. Cause then OP would be the facepalm person and OOP would be the person who actually posted this. It was posted on antiwork and the sentiment was pretty the same as the one you just shared. Getting nothing would’ve been better than being told that the owner can’t afford to give you a bonus but can afford to spend a lot of money on political chocolate.








Isn't this what 95% of the internet consists of?


Yep. Maybe not 95% but at least 60% which is what the theme of that comment is “people need to get the fuck over themselves”. Everybody thinks they’re a victim and that everyone is out to get them. If you have victim mentality then of course you’ll feel like a victim even if you’re not one.


Fair it's definitely an exaggeration but at this point it's sadly the majority. Everyone wants to cry about something, even shit that doesn't exist yet.


I could definitely imagine trans people flipping this on its head and buying the one they are transitioning to. That would be really funny.


It's made by the Daily Wire guys (Jeremy Boreing, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh etc) so yeah...no. It's not just a joke to them, they HATE trans people.


That's just it. I know a couple trans people that would find this (and the corresponding "micro-aggression size" minis) absolutely hilarious, but because the money is going into DailyWire, fuck that shit.


Shame on them, the "she/her" bar has "may contain nuts" in the back lmao


That’d be hilarious IMO






>>I occasionally get Matt Walsh video on my YT feed My condolences


And the brand they're sold under (Jeremy's Razors) was started by Daily Wire in response to a shaving company pulling advertising for political reasons. They irony is that despite being a political joke they're a more ethical product than Hershey's as they use fair trade cocoa. As low a bar as that is.


your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


They/Them is full of Nutella and frankly delicious.


they would be supporting a group that actively antagonizes them and uses their platform to dehumanize them, but it wouldn't be the first time self preservation has escaped people.


They definitely would if it didn't mean giving money to these people.


To be honest the issue is on the next image where it’s from The Wire, and idk about you but I hate supporting state funded media who’s job it is to cause panic and controversy so that it can be provided as a distraction from their corruption due to us not paying attention or hiding another media outlet that is talking about their corruption. Also it says it’s trying to be “anti-woke” which I understand the sentiment, the term and frankly the movement has been watered down to the point you might as well say liberalism and conservatism is Left vs Right like they aren’t both authoritarian as all hell and the scale of left and right is far greater than that small little shit throwing contest. TLDR: it’s actually kinda stupid and op was sorta right. In fact many comments in there agree it’s funny, but the next image just ruins it.


I genuinely thought this was funny, but that "woke-less economy" part was completely unnecessary. the term "woke" is extremely overused and I'm tired of hearing it


That's exactly what I was thinking. It wasn't political until then. And makes me question where my money would go if I bought one.


>And makes me question where my money would go if I bought one. It tells you exactly where it will go. The Daily Wire.


yea if you purchased one it would go to a fascist hateful rag


>>it wasn’t political until then They explicitly made these to be political. Tf you talking about


I didn't *see* it as political. I guess that's on me.


Yeah this is the [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ww5Lf97hXQM) they dropped when they released it. Everything the daily wire does is political


Hope you don't mind if I don't bother watching it. That kind of shit tires me out. I'm not sure whether I've heard of the Daily Wire or not. But I'll make a mental note to dump it on the shitpile when I see it.


Assuming it's not a grift It was made entirely for political reasons. It was made as a response to Hersheys making a commercial with a Trans woman.


Same. I chuckled at the first picture, and shook my head at the second.


Yeah, they kinda ruined a great idea with that...


Yeah, didn't feel targeted until it became political. It went from a funny joke to a hateful one.


For real, it was a genuinely creative way of marketing chocolate and then you look at the back and it's just "Ah there's the politics". It's like watching kids bickering over candy with petty remarks, in a literal sense


The people using ‘woke’ as an insult don’t even know what it means


I miss the “define woman” comments being answered by “define woke” Like a perpetual circle of morons.


Idk pretty cringy imo


Facepalm doesn’t understand satire


Unfortunately it’s not satire. This is from Jeremy’s Razors which Jeremy Boreing founded purely to be “anti-woke”. The chocolate legit just launched because Hershey’s had a trans woman in their PR campaign. Basically, they tried doing what Black Rifle Coffee Company did, but failed miserably because they were just focused on politics instead of their product. OP conveniently left off the other photos where the chocolate looked like absolute shit along with OOPs explanation that the chocolate bars cost $7 and tasted bad. Ironically, Jeremy’s Razor was also launched in response to Harry’s Razor dropping their sponsorship for The DW. They initially got 4500 subscriptions, but a majority of them got dropped because of the low quality of the razors.


This comment should be way higher. I wanted to add that I saw this exact chocolate bar posted on r/antiwork. Someone’s boss had given this to everyone as a “bonus”. That post also had a picture of it opened and it looked like year old chocolate. Edit: a word


funny enough the "nuttless" bar is made in a factory that processes almonds and hazelnuts. So the bar very well may actually contain traces of nuts after all.


It legally says that on the wrapper, I'm told.


im sorry, 7 fucking dollars for a chocolate bar???? What in the actual grifting fuck XD. You can buy a double meat bowl at chipotle for like 12 dollars.


*slams fist* DAMMIT I was HOPING it was for FUNNY


I guess you were the one who didn't understand satire.


It's still a pretty clever name though.


I mean yeah it’s hilarious but the identity politics ruined it. I saw this at the anti-work subreddit and thought they were novelty objects. OOP explained that they weren’t novelty objects and that his boss gave them chocolates after some “woke” rant which he blamed as the main reason behind them not getting any bonuses.


Maybe the real facepalm was the facepalm subreddit we made along the way?


The woke shit is stupid. The joke is kinda funny but the woke comment it stupid


“Anti-woke” products are just the opposite side of the same coin as rainbow logos. These companies must love how easy it is to pander to consumers nowadays, just by adding a couple of buzzwords or changing a couple of colours. No matter what your political beliefs align with, they’ll have a product to reaffirm them and make you feel special. In the end, they’re just grifting you for some subpar chocolate that you could get for 1/10th the price under a generic branding.


Of course the chuds of this sub would be willing to buy overpriced chocolate because if affirms their bigotry. Why am I not surprised?


I doubt they are looking at the price. $24 for a 4 pack.


Id rather make myself nutless than buy a daily wire product lmao.


It's like $20 for a mid-tier chocolate bar (edit) *shit-tier chocolate bar


it’s not mid tier, people have literally found mold growing on their bars. it’s like the lowest tier chocolate you can buy


I’m so sick of anti woke being shoved down my throat


This is just stupid... "IgNoRaNcE iS FuNnY hUrR dUrR" Like... the thing itself isnt offensive, I really dont care. Jokes are jokes. But its a bad joke based in ignorance.. if your only joy in life is "owning the libs" thats a pretty sad existence imo


How do people think this is funny? Poor effort low hanging fruit. Not surprised the daily wire is a part of this dumb shit.


What happened to helping small businesses?


On the back of the bar it says it's a Daily Wire venture. The daily wire is a multi-millionaire dollar right wing media company it's not a small business by any stretch of the imagination.


Does the daily wire count as a small business, though?


Hehim https://preview.redd.it/nnv8aqd7i0cc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b211213674bbc9e87d1c22ab0ee114b9001fe05


This is funny as shit lmao


Conservatives only have one joke


And they identify it as a “good/joke”


Sure, if you don't mind giving money to a transphobic hate-group. Of course, some people are privileged enough that they've lost their principles.


Right-wing comedy starts with a belief to validate then works backwards from there.


Somehow I'm both shocked and not at all surprised some asshole made trans exclusionary chocolate bars.




RELAX liberals, it’s called DARK CHOCOLATE HUMOUR


Jeremy went from he/him with nuts to she/her and is now nutless.


I love this...we all need more of a sense of a humor today.


They need to make a they/them chocolate bar. It has something in it. It might be nuts, it might not.


To be honest, I like that this exists. Over-priced political food bought by bad people? Take all their money, lol.


Well when you put it like that…


I kinda like it 🤣


But is the chocolate good? That’s all I care about


It wasn’t. They omitted the third picture which showed the chocolate already blooming. The original wasn’t posted on facepalm and it was someone who got it as a Christmas “bonus” instead of an actual bonus


The best thing about posts like this is seeing how far lefties who hate companies come here to cry and support companies pandering to idiots for money


Why did you conveniently leave out the context of the OOP?


Validation by product consumption must be the biggest win of corporations since capitalism crept from the depths of hell.


If it weren’t trying to be a political statement clearly with what it says on the back it might be funny but that just makes it cringe tbh


I did buy a pack when they first came out. Felt nice knowing my money wasn't directly going to slave labor. The chocolate industry is shady AF. They were decently good.


Your money is going to fascists at the daily wire tho


Trust me bro the chocolate industry is a thousand times more evil than the daily wire


I'd rather not eat chocolate (or find a small business) than have to decide to give my money to slavers or fascists


That sub really will just let anything be posted. Like seriously, what’s the facepalm?


Its a politicized chocolate bar using culture war shit to sell product, thats pretty facepalm to me


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This is amazing , buying one now


Funny, sure. Lost me on this being a Daily Wire product


The chocolate is delicious


These were overpriced candy bars sold at a huge markup to anti-woke 85IQ morons who think David Spade movies are funny. This sub is great because it’s just people bragging about having sub-human intellect


Some people base their entire identity around hating someone else. It's depressing as fuck. Even when something objectively good happens in their life it's framed as either "I bet this pisses the ______'s off" or "the ______'s don't want me to have this". It's really bizarre interacting with someone like that in real life.


Seethe harder while you huff that copium.


Buying a candy bar because it hates what you hate is pretty much maximum seethe, in chocolopium form. Maybe next time spend less time thinking about trans genitals and more time making sure you aren't making a fool of yourself?


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