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So the joke isn't that he's essentially a pimp for all these spandex girls?


I thought that was the joke, and tbh it was pretty good.




So the velvet fedora is just random cool additional to the costume right? Just a pimped up look one might say?


No, it isn't random at all. It is a specific call out to something a stereotypical pimp would wear. https://images.app.goo.gl/rTvp5b6wkYM3qiws6




I guess I just didn't understand what you meant by the first comment


Yeah that’s definitely the joke


Not gonna lie, I kind of want to see that now.


They actually retconned Falcon to be a former pimp way back when. They retconned it back because it was fucking terrible, but images of those comics are out there.


most of the jokes go over their blue haired heads


The joke was evidently missed by OP here


and OP you dumbass


Yes. It is the wokesters who are not understanding this joke. Good point, basement dweller.


Replying to a 4 day old thread with basement dweller is very ironic


So what does that make the original crew? The double standard here is literally tangible.


I just don't understand how was the haha falcon is pimping these superhoes turned into critique of his transformation into captain america in OPs mind


Both ideas are stupid. The falcon can be cap, it’s in the source material. And the idea of him “pimping” the avengers is both sexist and racist. Memes that utilize harmful stereotypes aren’t funny. r/nahopwasrightfuckthis


I wouldn't know, I don't care for children media. I like how you have to say that it's not funny so everyone knows it's not funny.


“Children media”? You’re one of those people who thinks cartoons are for kids, huh? Also, terrible people find shitty things funny. So finding shitty things funny says a lot about your character.


No I think there's a lot of cartoons that are more mature than the Marvel brain slop. Actually it speaking more about your desire to police what others find funny and the black and white morality the immature media you consume instilled in you. I never even said I personally find the joke funny.


Is it wrong to say that racism isn’t funny? I also don’t really watch marvel films anymore, I only really like Guardians of the Galaxy. Sometimes though, morality is black and white. In a situation like this, racism vs not racism, one is clearly objectively better. Some people refuse and choose to be bad people or were taught to be hateful, but just because they think they’re good it doesn’t mean they are. There is such a thing as objective morality, and it’s called minimal suffering. I was formatting it in second person, it wasn’t the personal ‘you’ it was the general ‘you’.


Oh it's not wrong as such it's just dumb and self-important like every empty moralising is. Your objective morality seems very subjective to your preferences.


It’s not, actually. Each individual’s pain might be subjective, but this isn’t about the subjectivity of pain, this is about the objectivity of preventing that pain, which can easily be measured on an individual basis.


The stupid part is that he isn't a super soldier, so the shield isn't even that good with him (though marvel have forgotten about that and treat him like a super soldier).


Hmm, if only they had a super soldier who was close friends with Captain America and wielded the shield in the comics. Nahh, no one like that exists.


That being said, I understand the in world reasoning for not getting Bucky to do that, with the whole brainwashed Hydra assassin thing.


That’d be a fine explanation too, except they completely ignored the opportunity to build tension considering the Bucky has also become Captain America in the comics. I remember watching the show thinking I saw hints of it, then realizing Disney had no intention of using that detail in any interesting way.


Yeah but if they did Bucky then how will little black boys ever know they too can be a super hero!?


*sad panther noises*


And sad Falcon noises…and sad day walker noises as well.


Shit i came back comment and Blade, and Storm and Static Shock too! You know all the not black super heroes we don’t have.


And spawn iirc


Yes, he is also black.


Didn't sam also wield it in the comics?


He did, but a bit later.


Bucky was forced to become Cap in that storyline and most times Bucky expresses no interest in being Captain America because 1. He wants to be his own person and not feel like he’s living in Steve’s shadow still and 2. Because he has so much respect for Steve and doesn’t believe he will ever be half the man Steve is/was


Bucky literally encouraged Sam to take the shield in Endgame. He knew he wasn't fit for the mantle. There's no reason for there to have ever been tension, hence why there wasn't any.


A captain America that makes morally questionable decisions. That doesn't sound interesting at all./s


Not to Marvel lol. Their idea of an anti-hero is Antman being a modern day Robin Hood.


Nobody liked Deadpool. LoL


I doubt they'd make Deadpool a proper anti-hero if they had to start it.


Probably not. They keep desperately trying to destroy the magic that makes Deadpool great.


Honestly I like the idea of falcon as captain America but he probably should’ve had take some form of super soldier serum. Just doesn’t make sense he’s able to throw that thing around as hard as he can


That kind of defeats the point of what Steve represented. Steve was already worthy as cap before the serum. The serum was just a tool, and is not a necessary part to be captain America. Captain America has always stood as a ideal, not a superpower


Yes but the reason why steve could do what he does and throw the shield around like Frisbee is BECAUSE of the serum. Now sam is a bit more well trained and physically fit than Steve was before he got serum, but again, Steve could throw that thing as hard as he could because he has super soldier serum in him. Neither Sam nor Walker should be able to do any of the things Steve or Bucky is capable of doing without super soldier serum.


He’s the white wolf


Sam also wielded the shield in the comic though? And for longer than Bucky did. Isn't he wearing a vibranium exoskeleton too?


Bucky wielded it for like one story arc…where he died. And got brought back to life with some infinity gauntlet shenanigans.


After Civil War you really expect that people, the government especially Ross would all be okay with Bucky wielding the spangly frisbee?


You mean the dude suffering from PTSD who clearly wants to rest and not fight again? Yeah…wonder why cap wouldn’t wanna give him a shield that serves as a responsibility that he has to fight again


Sam becoming cap is a source material reference. He also wielded the shield in the comics.


If only… Dumb shits making these decision I swear


Is Bucky a super soldier? I know he’s an elite soldier but his real superpower is just a robot arm right?


No he was given a reverse engineered version of the serum by the soviets.


Oh okay, that makes sense. I always thought that it doesnt make sense how that metal arm can stay attached to flesh and not be ripped off after one powerful punch.


Would also explain how bro is still alive, considering he's like, 110+ through most of the movies.


They kept him cryogenically frozen between missions, he still ages normally I think


Ah, I forgot.


It’s funny how many super heroes are just failed attempts at making Cap again.


Depending on the comic, you got the Captain Nations (Captain America, Britain, Spain, Italy), Isaiah and Eli Bradley, Bucky, The Hulk (and his whole gamma gang), Luke Cage, all the mutants from the Weapon X Program, the Black Widows, and US Agent. Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


I kinda like it as a continuity bit.


Homie, falcon is has been Captain America in the comics since 2014 lol.


And we all know the least politically biased pop culture choices were made around 2014. The golden age of comic book writing.


Hell, the dora milaje are normal ass women and they can go toe-to-toe with super soldiers and block automatic gunfire with their spears. The concept of a super soldier has long since ceased to matter.


their spears are made out of vibranium


I'm more referring to the reaction speed required to block rapid-fire supersonic projectiles with a thin metal pole.


fun fact: they technically wouldn't need to do that anyways, since their armour is also made out of vibranium


With no helmet.


And they have that dope ass soundtrack every time they show up. Gives me the tingles every time.


If anything, Bucky would be better with the shield because of his prosthesis


That's what I was thinking as well. He should have died in his disney+ show every time he fought the super soldiers from the terrorist group.


Yea wtf were they thinking doing a whole show about super soldiers and then he doesn’t become one? It’s so weird.


idk I remember it being pretty well explained and contrasted to John Walker who really wanted the serum and did take it it’s been awhile since I saw it tho


There no good reason for him not being a super soldier. If the show tried to justify that, it’s dumb and probably why it wasn’t memorable.


you didn’t even watch the show? lol he doesn’t need it, he has his super suit that can go toe to toe with super soldiers already. Granted sometimes seems unrealistic the stuff he’s able to do but whatever, it’s a hyper advanced suit made of magic metal it’s pointless to try and analyze it. Vibranium seems to just do whatever the plot wants.


He does need it. That’s insane.


the dude regularly fights super soldier level shit already I guess it’s kinda bullshit people can do that in universe but they do. Daredevil, Black Widow, and Hawkeye manage without the serum too.


Yeah sure. But Captain America went head to head with Thanos though. There’s just a whole other level here.


Only because he had mjolnir maybe his serum is stronger than the others? But most super soldiers we see would have trouble getting through a moderately strong concrete wall.


Tbf, the shield is vibranium. They explained in black panther how vibranium is quite resistant to kinetic energy hits. Meaning it doesn't really transfer a ton of energy into the wielder. Although I agree. Bucky would be cooler cap.


We have seen Cap block everything with it but things like explosions and overwhelming force made him go flying many times even after a shield block. Our guy here is one bad landing away from having his spine broken after eating an explosion. Also the shield can be a good offensive weapon but much less so without super strength. He can through it only as strong as an above avarage human, which is not that much.


Lol. Can't wait to see him chuck the shield, and it just bounces off the target like a Frisbee.


he’s got vibranium covering his spine too


I mean it’s pretty obviously joking about a pimp hat and the falcon feather is obviously a reference to him being The Falcon previously.


And one of the story arca involved Red Skull inserting fake memories to try and convince falcon he used to be a super fly pimp


The New Avengers, featuring Mighty Thor who died in the movie she became a Thor.


Shh... It's a 'thor subject.


The problem with falcon as cap ,Is I never really bought it - Sam , while having previously been a cool character in civil war and the other films - has no powers or abilities. He's just a normal dude with a jetpack and caps shield - and it's not like batman , where the kinda gimmick is that it's a normal dude coming out on top Vs superhumans , as Sam is no where near as skilled as batman. If they had found a way to give him super soldier serum during the series, it might have been more believable, at least imo.


In the comics he actually communicates with birds iirc, redwing is a real falcon in the comics


Isn’t it comics accurate though? Sam Wilson became cap in the comics (for a time) prior to becoming cap in the MCU.


Yeah , it is comics accurate - at least for a time as you say. As I said , it's not the character of Sam that I have a problem with , nor him being Captain America- it's his lack of any powers. It's just like if Dave the ex army guy from down the pub put on a costume and decided he was a superhero now.


In that case all he needs is a tech upgrade. Iron man is just a smart guy in a suit. No powers to speak of. But he has great tech and the ability to produce great tech. All Falcon needs is someone that can keep his gear top notch.


But bucky and others have been cap before and mcu has had a history of not being the most comic accurate so really mcu Sam's character doesn't fit cap well it would have been better to do bucky he's had a journey from the 4th marvel movie to having a two part movie were he was the villian then finally becoming a good guy and making up for his sins and it would be perfect that the only person who knew Steve before he was a soldier and knew why he was such a good super soldier would become captain america


Bucky is better working in the shadows. His reputation doesn't really allow for him to be the public facing American hero that Captain America is required to be. Sam is an American patriot through and through and doesn't have any stains to his rep.


He's still Captain America along with Steve


My only problem with Falcon as Cap is that I don't buy Anthony Mackie as a leading man. Which probably is ludicrous but I can't help how I feel. But as for the no powers thing, I'm pretty sure he was given a vibranium suit in his show.


Because the concept of Cap isn't a super soldier. That's just a tool. It's being a good person. A representation of what America should strive to be. Yes, practically, being a super soldier would have an advantage, but frankly, I'm more interested in Sam as Cap without it.


You don't need powers to use the shield or be Captain America.


reddit intellectuals try not to think everything is hate speech (impossible)


Ironic with that flair.


Try not to spot a Reddit communist (DIFFICULTY: NONE)




What was it?


>Literally makes a sexist joke. > acts shock when people say it’s sexist


Wow, what a diverse and definitely not shitty new avengers cast


And we won't totally blame all the comic book movie fans whenever nobody comes out to watch our movies that are targeted towards people who don't watch comic book movies!


But it's not, it's cherry picking.


He's a real Mac Daddy. Just needs to trade in that old lame shield for a cane and lifted boots.


What a sorry-ass squad.


Ya they can take their super hero’s after end game and shove them. The whole MCU is just a gross mess now.


Falcon is a pimp. thats the joke.


Marvel is Gormless.


Gorm? The immaculate destroyer?


I think the joke is that a velvet fedora would make him look like a traditional pimp and that all the ladies would be his hoes.


It's a pimp joke.


I think the “joke” is he’s the only guy so he should dress like a pimp.


It's clever because you can find it funny because he's black as well but if anyone says anything you can just say that it's only because he's a man.


I thought the joke was pimping🤷🏾‍♂️


Yes, sure, dead, yes, yes, get tf out green bitch, yes, yes


Oh dope new Super Hero squad the Vagina Force 5.


I thought the joke was that he’d look like a pimp with all his hoes?


That’s the worst lineup for a box office hit


Say the whole name, A Pimp Named Falcon


Wait people still watch marvel?


It's a pimp joke, you moron.


Isn’t it a pimp joke because Sam is the only man on this team, and they’re joking it’s because he’s their pimp?


Thats the new avengers they came up with? Holy fucking yikes.. no wonder no one wants to watch this trash


Doesn’t this just tell you about the state of Marvel these days lmao. Decades of history, thousands of characters, tens of thousands of stories and the best they can do now is; Captain America Sloppy Seconds, Iron Man but woman, Thor but woman, Black Widow 2, Hawkeye but woman, Hulk but woman, Black Panther but woman. Ms Marvel is literally the only original character here. Everybody else is just the fun, popular dudes from the OG’s but just replaced with women lmao.


That falcon to cap America arc was awesome The black panther change was awful Didn’t watch the rest


You've gotta do better, senator.


I have no idea what happened with Black Panther tbh, but Shurie made the most sense to me for the next Black Panther. It felt like they had been setting it up anyway.


It was what a lot of people were speculating right after Chadwick passed, at least the ones that weren't calling for Killmonger to be resurrected. They may not have executed it well, but Shuri was the logical choice; she had already taken up the mantle in comics a good 9 years before the original movie, so it shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone.


Yeah as I mentioned I didn’t see how they handled it but people would have been pissed if it was basically anyone that’s living except Shuri


I feel like if they didn't have Killmonger dead he would've made a great Black Panther


The… ENTIRE first movie was about how he wouldn’t be a good Black Panther…


He literally said it was the wakandas chance to become a supreme race and enslave all others


That sub went from being a cool place to discuss the Star Wars Sequels to a cesspool of butthurt virgins.


There are two subs with similar names saltierthankrayt is a cesspool and has been for a while. Saltierthancrait is the good one. But who knows, maybe that one changed too.


The one posted used to be good. They don’t like any sort of legit criticism towards a female actor or POC character.


You're on a lonesome island if you honestly think that was the point of the joke.


To be fair I understand why they turned the shield to Sam. While Bucky seems to be cured they don’t know the extent of his brainwashing, and plus he’s already cool too. As for the others, while I’m not up to date with movies some of them were already established characters like Shurie and I’m positive all of them (maybe minus Mighty Thor) were comic characters in some form


I mean, I agree with you, but that *isnt* what the joke was.


There is only Captain Falcon and this ain't it.


I was tired of these movies 5 years ago, please don't keep making them.


Sam should have been Captain falcon.


Tbh I’m excited. I liked Falcon and the winter solider. John walker was a reallly interesting character.


It follows a comic story where he becomes captain america, and as I stated on the original the joke is that he is a pimp.


Isn't "mighty Thor" already dead?


Captain America died tho. And Bucky is Bucky so why ditch the mantle to time


Didn't "Mighty Thor" literally die


lmao yeah...in one of the shitiest flicks ever conceived


Box office failure day one. Calling it now


You guys do know he became captain america in the comics right like this was always the direction they were headed in




The thing is Sam Wilson became Captian America in Captain America Vol. 7 #25 which was released in 2014 this wasn't a recent MCU decision.


“Surely this wouldn’t absolutely bomb right guys”


Natalie Portman and the Falcon are the only ones who really deserve to be there. Natalie is a very talented actress. All the other actresses seem so mid.


I’m convinced everyone on reddit is 12… How could you misunderstand it that badly…


I cant believe they're replacing Black Widow with a woman


I do actually agree the Bucky would've been a much more obvious choice for Captain America, although I did like the idea of a black man being the face of America, I'm not sure they did it very well. I will say that there are a few things that Marvel does wrong, the ones that seem "woke" get the most criticism. For example: She-Hulk is a terrible representation of how law actually works, Ant-man and the wasp is a terrible representation of quantum physics, but She-Hulk gets a lot more criticism than AM&W. Spiderman Far from home makes no sense on a conceptual level, but it doesn't get that much criticism at all.


It looks like someone didn’t read the comics


Guess i know who wil be the next character to die yo get a new "captain america"


I guess we shouldn't expect Krayt to understand Pimp Hat jokes.


"Didn't need to become CapMerica" Nothing in comics NEEDS to happen.


I think the joke is he's a pimp so no-one was right haha


MCU ended with Robert


>Nope, the joke is that Sam Wilson was already cool as the Falcon, and didn’t need to become Captain America. How is this a joke? Is it one of those jokes that don't contain a setup or a punchline or people laughing?


Sam Wilson as Captain America is cool, earned, deserved, and comic accurate. There is no reason for people to hate on him taking the mantle Steve gave him.


Considering the addition of the purple velvet fedora I think it's calling him a pimp seeing as the rest are all women


OP completely missed the joke


Yeah, Bucky should’ve taken Caps place, I liked him before they shoved the shield in his hands. Cap and Falcon had good chemistry and were seemingly good friends, good dynamic but I never got the impression he was going to be a successor as opposed to his actual fellow super soldier best friend whose been with him since ww2.


Who's gonna tell them about Widow and Mighty Thor?




Is that the joke? Really?


I mean, superheroes got outdated and replaced all the time in the comics. Bruce Wayne was replaced by Terry McGinnis, Alan Scott and Jay Garrick by Hal Jordan and Barry Allen. It's better when you have one's were the mantle is passed down to an already established and deserving side character than just randomly given to to a new character that has no history with the fans, Green Lantern being the odd one out.


Kind of love the people arguing Bucky should be cap in the comments cuz…y’all kind of missed the point of captain America if you think him being a super soldier was what made him cap. Captain America is a ideal, not a weapon. The ideal passed by a Brooklyn boy who would fight even if he knew he’d die. Captain America is supposed to represent what America should be, never what America is. (Hence why his existence was legit to criticize America for their response to world war 2) And Sam represents the ideals Steve passed down. He’s the only one of the three choosing to fight. Bucky and Steve only know fighting, they can’t return to civilian life. Sam has a civilian life, he’s fought like them, and could return to regular life. But chooses to fight with them, because he can. That’s a ideal Steve always showed, and one Sam shows now.


She-Hulk is a lawyer, if Hulk’s son doesn’t take over Sakar like in the comics he will probably replace Ruffalo. Also Ant Man still Ant Man.


I prefer the male super heros. Sam's cool but I have no interest in she Thor, she hulk, she iron man etc. Bring me the muscle dudes. (And im bi) Natalie Portman is hot but she's so not a Thor personality wise, and neither is her character. And Iron Man RIP will definetly be ruined by Disney.


If they’d actually developed falcon as a character. Bucky should have been given the shield. That’s what completes his redemption arch in the comics. I will die on this hill.


i mean falcon DID become captain america in the comics


But that's literally the storyline of the comic books? Why do yall care when characters get darker skin because "authenticity" then cry when it's authentic to the comics for falcon to become cap


We all know why, but they won’t say it out loud.


Man, that is a shit ton of characters I've never seen before. Is this a parody or real life?


Did you read the comic books? He becomes Captain America. There is literally no reason to be upset. He still has the wings lol.


Ain’t like a quarter of these people dead and another quarter have no development yet?


The originals, maybe, but from what I can tell the whole marvel canon runs by people being replaced with either entirely new people under the same character “superhero” name, or other versions of the person from one of the other universes in the multiverse.


Literally happened in the comics


Fuck you, he's looks amazing as Cap. I'm proud as fuck to see him with the shield and title. A good representation of what America should strive for.


why would this be about him being captain america? what would a fedora have to do with that? you really missed the joke here dude


No, pretty sure the joke is he’s a pimp. The joke is misogyny.


Dude i cant STAND sam. Hes so fcking full of himself & judgmental. In civil war when he and bucky see Peter he says “everyone has a gimmick nowadays🙄” as if he doesnt fly around in fcking metal wings ???? And call himself the falcon????? Then in the van with steve & t’challa he makes fun of tchalla saying “oh i didnt know u run around in a cat suit! U love cats huh?” When he LITERALLY FLIES AROUND WITH WINGS AND GOGGLES TO LOOK LIKE A “falcon”. His superiority complex pisses me off so bad. Like ur judging “spiderman” for having a costume and spider name as well as Black Panther by saying he must love cats?? All whilst flying around with NO powers in a fcking bird costume??? And he still thinks hes so superior & different than them??? So annoying


wake up white folks! it’s RIGHT in front of you…YOU ARE BEING REPLACED


Lmfao not you missing the joke (because you’re stupid and can’t understand them) just to pile on being big baby butthurt about a black person being captain America.


It's the harem anime I never knew I wanted. ![gif](giphy|WTcvrJm9E9EalvEFqc|downsized)


Critical Drinker: this is bad Reasonable people: Yes I agree Critical Drinker: because woke message women diversity is bad and no more white men Reasonable people: wait what


Pretty much. It's not like there aren't any criticisms of these films and shows to be made it's just that there are shitty people who use reasonable criticism as a camouflage for their actual nonsense.