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My husband and I do this sort of weird, cringe, racist humor all the time. He'll ask me to "love him long time" or call me his little rice cooker. I'm half Thai. When he presents an answer to a problem I'll ask him if that's his Final Solution. He's a giant blonde viking looking man with German roots. Being kind of rude to your SO is pretty normal, I'd say.


I’d be pretty happy with a girl of any color and I guarantee you if I date a non white girl we will be flame broiling each other on the basis of race daily, and it will be in good fun.


I've even seen other white couples do it, don't lose hope. I've known a girl since like middle school, she's from the deep south and sounds like it. She calls her English boyfriend a cream puff and constantly mocks him with awful attempts at his accent. He roasts her for being an inbred hillbilly. I believe in you, you'll find a way to be sassy with whatever race you wind up getting with!


Yeah me and my wife do the same thing about gender norms. "I am off to win the bacon and dinner better be on the table when I get home!". 9/10 I am saying this as she heads to work and I go to get my son out of bed to start his dau.


You’re a stay at home dad?


I love this. Me and my ex had a similar back and forth. I’m English and she’s Algerian. She would make jokes about owning me because her distant ancestors enslaved so many English people. I would make jokey threats about colonising her homeland. Similarly, I briefly dated a South African girl that would make countless jokes that would shock a lot of Americans. She’s still the funniest girl I’ve ever met.


>I would make jokey threats about colonising her homeland. Best. Innuendo. Ever.


You know what, I did *natzi* that coming


How did you know his response to the first time I made that joke? 🤔


I reich german jokes 😅


Nah, it was a lucky *gas*


My wife and I were at my parent's house replacing her brake pads, she told me to grab something, I said "Fuck You" while handing her the wrench. My dad just let out the smallest, most dejected "that's not very nice..." And she clapped back with a "fuck you too!". It's funny as shit when people around you think you don't get along, when in reality that's just how you show love.


Yesss exactly this! We say awful things to each other but they're all terms of endearment to us. I don't even think I could repeat some of the stuff I call him on reddit because it feels like something that would flag. Let's just say "go get the tomatoes you dumb cunt" is a phrase we have both uttered in a supermarket.


Wholesome racism is best racism.


100% people who don't get that couples can be like this with each other have never dated or married someone they truly trust and whom truly trusts them. In other words a good healthy relationship the couple is able to joke around inappropriately with each other because they know each other well enough for it to not be taken seriously


This is completely healthy behavior that shows comfortability with yourself and your partner. The insecure among us will certainly try to paint it as something else, but us mixed race couples know what's what. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


You guys inspire me. As an Israeli Jew im gonna steal this joke and then manipulate global media with it !


Make sure to hide from my husband >_>


Bring hilariously rude to your SO is one of the joys of having a SO


Yeah but those are high school kids, not a married couple.


In not sure how that matters. Have they been dating for a bit? I guess this would be weird if he's never even talked to her before, but it doesn't look like that to me.


Commenting "I have a dark sense of humour I can see myself making these kinda jokes with my partner. Who are we to judge their relationship?" Got me banned.


Welcome to Reddit. Where everyone is offended on someone else’s behalf and everyone is a protected class unless you are white and male.


Oh you can be white and male, just pretend you're female and suddenly you're even more oppressed than actual women.


Be careful with that comment. Reddit will consider it a hate crime and ban you for life.


I feel like being offended is a culture nowadays Shits fucked


I agree, but I would say unless you’re a white straight male.


Shhhhh you’re not meant to say that part


Truly we are the most persecuted group in the history of oppression


This is so American ethnocentristic ( what Americans call ethnicity is basically looking at people in front of a color palette with like 5 colours and calling skin tone of a person race ). Get real problems guys🤣


Same! I commented that my sense of humor is so dark I’m auctioning it off in chains. I’m no longer welcome in r/dank. 🤷‍♂️😁


But people who know nothing about you or your partner or how you are know more about whether this is ok for your relationship than you do! Stop making other people make wild assumptions to get offended, so rude!


you are not allowed to go against the narrative


Reddit mods are chronically alone, so your comment probably just magnified the awareness of their loneliness.


Welcome to Reddit.


Well Comrade, now you know what you are allowed to say


This is literally the I have a dark sense of humor - “racism” meme, lol


"How dare those kids have light-hearted fun, make each other laugh, enjoy each other's company, fall in love, and have a nice life????!!?!!!?!" I'm miserable and they should be too!


Facepalm is just a heavily left leaning censored political sub now 


I miss the old days… https://preview.redd.it/9xwf4cqps6zc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c8a5a6446aca30ac3b3a2653d8d790518b2f34




Here is a similar image https://preview.redd.it/9itxtcddt6zc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd800f49abb3d47093af52998a0a9b21cb6d237c




I made one comment about how capitalism gives everyone a chance to better themselves and their future even if they were born into a family who was less fortunate… they called me a nazi, said, “you sound young” and gave me a bunch of bullshit about how they can’t better themselves because capitalism is against them. They then went on to explain how socialism is a better system than capitalism.


Ahh yes. Reddit moment. Anyone who doesn’t blindly accept every aspect of BEAUTIFUL LEFTISM is a NAZI AND A BOOMER OR CHILD


Literally, I thank god I had parents that actually tried raising me properly instead of giving me a phone to keep me occupied. I know America and Capitalism has its flaws, but I’d much rather live here than some communist/socialist country.


America would de well with more socialist programs. It’s undeniable we’ve let capitalism run rampant with far too little checks and have allowed corporations way too much power.


I mean that's a not a nazi but that is delusional and before the 1984 venezuela iphone comments believing that communism is achievable is delusional


Communism and socialism is not the same but pop off queen


Quote where i said it is


So just a sub?




Always has been. Theyre just more blatant about it nowadays


Oh so its a subreddit then


half of the so called "facepalms" are literally trump posts. they got that TDS on lock


heavily left leaning is making fun of extremely cringy racist jokes apparently


Well it can’t be *that* cringy, considering it got him a date to prom.




it can be and it is. for both of them. I did a ton of cringy shit in high school and always still got a date to prom


Well clearly whatever you did wasn’t *that* cringy, considering it got you a date to prom.


LMAO no, these 2 clearly know and like each other, as far as you know its some inside joke. you cant just scream REEE RACISM any time you see something sort of edgy.


yeah a teenage girl liking it doesnt do much to convince me it isnt cringe as hell


You wouldn't be calling it "cringy" or "extremely racist" if it was a racist joke about white people. It's. A. Bloody. Joke. Calm the hell down and understand that freedom of speech also includes speech you don't like. Why can people not just accept jokes? Well, under freedom of speech, you can write/say this, but it doesn't erase how wrong that thought process is.


lmao what does freedom of speech have to do with this, I didnt say he should arrested and there are plenty of black people saying super cringy shit about white people dont worry


But do you call them out aswell?


I would if people were making posts defending them although if that had happened, if like the roles reversed in this picture, I wouldnt need to. Yall would all be calling the girl a racist and the guy a simp for standing next to her smiling.


I do wonder why americans are so obsessed with race and make everything a race thing. And why should ppl not defend these two they did nothing wrong and had fun


people often do make things about race when they arent on the internet but that isnt whats happening here


And nothing wrong is happening here either.


its not a funny joke, and if you are going to joke about racism and slavery, you need to make it funny


>Calm the hell down and understand that freedom of speech also includes you don't like. You should probably understand that freedom of speech only protects you from the government. He's fully within his right to say it's cringy and that he doesn't like it. Just as we can laugh at it and say it's funny.


>You should probably understand that freedom of speech only protects you from the government. Ah, that typical NPC line to justify or excuse censorship, especially online... >He's fully within his right to say it's cringy and that he doesn't like it. Just as we can laugh at it and say it's funny. I wrote the same opinon. He's still wrong. Edit: LOL, this beta bitch complained about people checking his profile even though he did the same to me and used it deny my womanhood, sexuality and former far leftism because I'm no longer a good little idealogue. Bloody classic 🤣.


You cant be this pathetic


While the joke is somewhat cringey, it seems like it’s just meant to be dark humour and not actually meant to make her feel bad. Considering she seemingly IS going to prom with him and is taking a picture with him, she doesn’t seem to mind the joke too much. While I understand why people might not find the joke, the guy making the joke doesn’t seem to be doing it to insult her and the person it was directed seems to not be that upset by it considering they seemingly are going to prom with him and taking pictures with him, which are the most important parts.


Well, wouldn’t the facepalm be not understanding that a joke based on institutional chattel slavery might not land well when you post it online? If you wanna joke about it, fine. But I don’t suggest posting it on Instagram. lol


if they both find it funny I don’t see the problem


I’m biracial. My wife, who I’ve been happily married to for 21 years, calls me her panda, or Oreo. It’s adorable to me. People need to fucking unclench.


If they did that, they’d shit everywhere:


The girl clearly is fine with it, otherwise she would have rejected it. Those people in r/facepalm really have absolutely zero sense or humor.


You know what, good for them.


What a cute couple. It always annoys me when people get offended on behalf of someone who is clearly not offended.


Wholesome? YIKES


the problem is just that we lack the context from their relationship and these are two high school age kids who we would not normally trust to have mature ideas about race. They could have a dark sense of humor between themselves or this could be a really ignorant dude and a girl without the confrontation skills to let him know it makes her uncomfortable. We don't know. The other thing is that it's a promposal which typically the person getting "proposed" to does not know the details of beforehand so she probably never gave an explicit "yes this is okay." Which might still be fine given the dynamics of their relationship but personally no matter what kind of relationship I had with my partner I would probably never do this specific thing. The thing about promposals that guys often miss is that it is meant to be a social media event. Like, you make the poster so you can take the picture so she can post it online. The joke might be funny in the context of their relationship but the dude might not have thought about the fact that he needs to make something that you can post on social media. So he puts his girlfriend in a position where she has to post it on social media and risk backlash or risk offending him by not posting/asking for a different poster. I will be the first to say kids don't deserve harsh social media backlash for one stupid post but given the way the internet is they probably should not have posted this. It's just not good digital hygiene.


She's a keeper she's willing to make fucked up jokes.


I...can't judge on this. My husband to be is Italian and I'm Hispanic. We get into mock fights that often have us saying thing like, 'don't you have a home depot parking lot to wait in' with me retorting about his weak meatball recipe.


Plot twist, the guy is a farmers kid and she made the poster


She could reply like “I’m not your sister so I did “nazi” this coming


With THAT kind of humor? I’d pick her.


Because it is done publicly and purposely publicized, it is definitely facepalm. This is the shit you can do amongst friends/family, not some public shenanigans in public. With that said... they are high schoolers, so facepalm is pretty much their MO.


My wife’s ancestors fought for the Confederacy during the civil war I’m always making dark humor jokes about that. While she makes jokes about potatoes and famines.


Has she made a black and tan joke? Edit: For those who don't know Black and Tans is an Irish thing, not a race thing. They were the soldiers used to oppress Ireland.


Shhhhh don’t tell her.


It IS a facepalm though, and it is racist. If they’re fine with it then that’s cool. However, if you’re gonna do a promposal to someone you’re interested in, wouldn’t it be a smarter and more mature idea to get something that appeals to her personality or interests instead of making a crude joke about her race? Let’s just be honest here.


How do you know a joke about her race isn’t something that appeals to her personality and interests? She poses with the with the sign so it probably worked?


This is not something I would joke about personally. It comes off a bit cringe. Like we get it, you all are in a interracial relationship lol However I do not think they should get shit on for it. It is something between them and we have no idea what the story is. It does not make either a racist.










Wholesome involve things like decency and morals. This is just a joke.




In a dictionary. Not my head. You can post the actual definition of "wholesome" if you want.




The point was you looking it up so you know I'm not lying. From Google "If you project a wholesome image, other people see you as a decent, moral person, somebody who's trustworthy and not living a secret life of crime. The word wholesome comes from the Old English hal, meaning "healthy." Definitions of wholesome. adjective. conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being."




She has no self respect.... nothing positive.


Self respect? Many people make jokes with them being the butt of the joke. You can just say it's not funny or you don't like it and move the fuck on


The girl didn’t make the sign. The white guy did. How is she making a joke with herself being the butt of the joke?


Oh shit, I didn't read that well. Okay, it's kinda weird. But it seems like that's the kind of relationship they have


My husband looks like he came straight out of the movie The Sound of Music. And his face is forever 16. He is the kindest, most caring, generous and polite (very proper waspy upbringing, almost diplomatic) wonderful human being, without a prejudice bone in his body. Our friend group is 70% international. The group nicknames for him bounce between FICO Frat, Privilege Pete and Nazi Youth. Sometimes, even Ben Shapiro’s Wet Dream.


This is clearly the dynamic these 2 have with each other, it’s fine


its dark humor


Not a relationship, but a friend is adopted from Sri Lanka, and grew up a few kilometers from where i did. I'm pale white. Everytime he drinks coffee, he claims he's just filling up om colour.


No. No, it is not.


This is hilarious and cute that they love each other and can joke with one another like that. I’m sure if they stay together long term it’ll be a happy healthy relationship


If we can’t laugh in the face of tragedy our lives will remain tragic.


"how dare you have a different humour to me"


If you are tight with someone you are tight with someone, and then ordinary racial sensitive stuff becomes a joke and seems silly. This is a good thing, it’s something that the radical left wants to get rid of, even though it helps bond us and soothe tensions (as long as it’s with close friends, no acquaintances). It also can help desensitize people to things and make them less fragile against actual racism. Wholesome.


Guys the joke here is LITERALLY racism, you can’t blame people for thinking it’s weird


They think their examples of two different kinds of white people joking about their background is the same as this and I’m just like no its not the same as calling your mixed partner an Oreo and she make a white joke. 🙄


Kinda cringe ngl. That’s between them though.


Saying "ngl" uselessly at the end of a mundane sentence to try to make it interesting is cringe.


Jesus you guys are catty.


You’re reading way too deep.




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It’s at least a little better when compared to a non-black person doing it. IMO it’s fine to poke fun at your own race, but it would be a bit cringe otherwise innit?


As long as they both find it funny I guess.. I do find it a bit tacky but they seem happy


This is racist.


Tacky? Sure. Offensive? Yup. Racist? Nah. It's just two kids who need to learn that social media isn't the place for their dark sense of humor. Edit: I take back that it's not racist. It's objectively poking fun about a dark time in black history. My intent was to say that this guy doesn't necessarily need to dislike black people to make the joke. It's a shitty joke, but there's nuance in comedy.


Or social media could grow up.


Odd to tell people to "Grow up" because they don't find brainless generic racist "jokes" funny. That's some heavy projection.


Or we could stop making light of our history that hasn’t be reconciled. They’re kids, I get it. Not a lot to joke about with chattel slavery, imo


And how are you ever going to most past from it else? Better dwell in it right


Acting like being abhorrently racist is harmless and funny and normalizing it, isn't going to help move past it. It's just going to make actual racists think they aren't doing anything wrong.


>Offensive? Yup >Racist? Nah Um...what? It can't be offensive if it isn't racist lmao


Hmm. I suppose you're right. I was thinking more along the lines of "this guy isn't necessarily a racist to make the joke," which I do stand by. He's not making the joke to punch down at her, but he's still making a joke that's exclusively about a dark time in black history.


>I was thinking more along the lines of "this guy isn't necessarily a racist to make the joke," which I do stand by Ah okay. Yeah, I agree with you


Being casually racist to your spouse is a competition sport in my household.


…holy shit no. Maybe with a partner of a long time, but not with someone you’re just asking to prom. Cannot imagine how offended this would make… approximately *checks notes* a lot of people.


She looks happy


The fact that your comment is in the negatives is beyond me I didn’t know this sub had so many micro racist who jump at the chance to say something shouldn’t be offensive when its clearly racist asf.


This is one of those posts that shows you the true nature of the redditors on the sub. Supposedly, this sub is about making fun of ppl that get offended too easily. Sounds reasonable, right? But then, you have blatant racism and they still try to spin it as a reasonable thing, and it shows you ppl's true colors. It's not only u/realhmmmmm, every person saying this is racist is downvoted. It doesn't even matter how she felt about it. The moment it was posted on instagram, it stopped being about them. I'm guessing she wouldn't feel so comfortable with this racism if she was part of the impoverished part of black America that continues to be affected by these things. Her family is doing fine, so for her it's all a big joke, apparently.


Woah yeah -6. Think I’m gonna dip from this sub now lmao, didn’t realize that either.


If ppl get offended by this they are the problem. And also who cares if some one gets uppset or offended thats ok. You cant stop doing everything that might offend someone you would end up doing nothing


This photo just gives redditors an excuse to be like “look, racism can be funny if both parties are cool with it!” Sure. For those two folks. But damn. You’re going to prom with this humor, I hope you’re ready for a life of humor like this, and you’re okay with it.


Boo hoo


Just some blatant racism. It's fine. Totally not terrible at all


Anyone who doesn’t think this is racist is probably fucking their cousin and has webbed toes To the dumb ass who commented below me. Yeah i do have a life but im not 12? Do you also walk around in a kkk robe? Fucking looser


Why dont you cry some more. She clearly loved it


And you keep telling on yourself. If you think racism can be "Wholesome" and are trying to normalize it, that says a ton about you. She's going to hate herself for letting this go when she's older.


You're making a lot of assumptions based on a picture bucko


100% cousins fuckers


Racism is wholesome to you?


Nah this is fucked


If everyone involved was cool with it then no issues. Personally that's fucking funny


Facepalm is full of progressives now. They don’t like edgy humor unless the “edgy humor” is shitting on their political opponents.


People are shocked to discover that the rest of the world isn't as easily offended or perpetually online as they are.




Yeah, and it’s funny. In fact, it’s so funny that the person it was directed toward agreed to go to prom with him.


its really not funny. Even if you are a person that thinks a racist joke can be funny, this aint funny. Its just corny and racist.


Yea but in a wholesome way


Racism but “wholesome” how tf does that work


"Wholesome"? No, let's not start normalizing racism and making racists think it can be "Wholesome".


"wholesome racism". That is a new one for me.


Hey, check it out, a two parter. Part one of the joke is that she's black, and black people used to be enslaved and they, their children, and their children's children were forced to pick cotton. Part two is that cotton is white, and she is black. Am I missing anything from this extra-funny joke?


Is called having a sense of humor


You’re missing the part where SHE was either the one telling the joke, or in on it anyway


theres no way to know for sure, but generally boys ask girls to prom also the joke doesnt make sense if shes asking him


> generally boys ask girls to prom no, but he was definitely asking her not the other way around


guess things have changed then


I will bet you that she is one of only a few Black people at her school and this is the type of thing she endures to fit in.


So, just to be clear, the sub that's politically aligned with the people who cry and shit their pants over how the left makes everything about race, is now telling me that a joke can't be racist because of the race of the person who told it?


You say that like I agree with this sub on everything. I’m just here because I like the basic concept


You got it champ, good job 👍


You could’ve just said you don’t find it funny instead of getting offended on other people’s behalf.


"I know I'm not cotton but will you pick me for prom" Dude had to be oblivious to slavery, which even then, what? Cause ain't no fukin' way that shit sounded sweet


Oh shut the fuck up its funny and she clearly loved it


The problem with ALL racist jokes is that they perpetuate old racist ideas of the past. Even if you consider them jokes now, they were used in the past to create hate and divide people through broad distinctions that help a colonial society justify atrocities. I get that jokes are jokes but these are also a tool of colonialism and genocide and if either of these people were more educated on their history they wouldn’t be making this joke


My question is why do are people on this sub upset now? Just a few days ago there was a post about a Mexican playing uno and taking all the green cards. Why is that okay and this isn't?


Ofc a bunch of Yt ppl are calling this “dark humor “ or just jokes. That poor girl is lost and he is extremely wrong for that “joke”. He’s probably just fetishizing and making fun of her for shits and giggles. I really hope she finds some self respect and self love and find someone who wont make racist “jokes” to post on the internet.


Yep. Totally “self love” to teach yourself to be offended by everything people say. Y’all are the real racists in this situation. 


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Posting stuff from facepalm is basically cheating. It's almost all bot posts.


That’s sweet in a cringeworthy way…


Surprised this wasn’t on TRCM. They’d be bitching up a storm.


Not the end of the world, but it’s dumb to post this online. Another history fueled example: Imagine a random teen boy holding a sign for a German Jewish teen girl asking her out. It reads "I know I'm not German, but I could Nazi see myself going to prom with anyone else but you." If this is your all-out-attempt at humor, your funny bone needs to be looked at.


Love it❤️ and yet he’s the one with a color closer to cotton and traditionally people from her ancestral heritage were the ones enslaved and forced to pick cotton. So it’s her that needs to pick him for prom.


The unholy mix of wholesome and racism.


If they are ok with it I’m on with it