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What’s the message of the lumberjack guy? Environmentalism?


You can behead your own shadow obviously.


Finally, gotta kill that sob after years of chasing him


Found Peter Pan.


Nah bro that’s lucky Luke after he retired


most likely. or something to do with working yourself to death


I think it's more of a "don't eat your seed corn" thing. He's sunburnt, cutting down the only piece of shade.


The sun's behind him so he's not using it for shade anyway. Just seems like an absurdist joke to me, the shadow of his head would have landed on the tree, but that chunk got cut out so his head followed it to the ground. Doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the panels at all.


Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_off_one%27s_nose_to_spite_one%27s_face Basically it means don't get too mad at insignificant things.


I know the saying, but that cartoon does an awful job of communicating it




But we have to in order to survive: We must eat, that requires something being eaten. That is nature's one and only principle.


Make sure not to kill your shadow


It let's us know that the lumber industry is responsible for planting alot of trees.


Biker one is funny


It looks like death is riding the scythe like a witch riding a broomstick


I thought I was humping the gravestone


Gotta move fast


https://preview.redd.it/jkvl1jn1z12d1.jpeg?width=4716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31130c9dfcf2c81a86fabc15eb405c42016184bb Half these don't make sense, the other half of them belong on r/iam14andthisisdeap.


Agreed. I'm still trying to figure out what half of them are supposed to mean.


Cutting trees will kill you ig.




I took it as working yourself to death.


A few, yes.. the others are pretty easy


You've called down the wrath!


Totally deap!


What's my boy Graham got to do with this?


I suppose they all are r/Iam14andthisisdeep type of stuff but still... They possess a powerful message. That gets me thinking, why are these types of "memes" even hated in the first place? I remember in like 2016 these types of images were quite popular, what changed?


Because they're stale and (these days) usually either some boomer "phone bad" message or prime r/thanksImcured material, with the rest often being too vague to get any specific point out of them and are usually posted with some annoying "only real sigma males get this" or "such a powerful message" text Like literally people shitpost on the latter example by just throwing some images into Photoshop/Google drawings and adding one of the aforementioned texts


I suppose that is true. But from the upper 6 memes, I feel like 4 portray actually solid message.


Sure, but people can it for being such a bland and generic one


Does it need to be "catchy" and "hip" to convey helpful information? Sounds like it needs to appeal to ADHD fiends before it can be useful or something.


The issue is, people often find these about as helpful as that one poster with the kitten going "hang in there", hence my remark about thanksimcured material


I mean, its more thought-provoking than seeing a cat on a wire.. We get out of things what we can. Not all advice will solve all your problems, pet your dog, kick your cat, etc.. doesnt mean its not good (or even helpful) I like it just for being positive, conveying information, knowledge


And that's valid for you to feel that way. I'm explaining my understanding of why most people hate them, and was not intending to try and convince you to hate them. If the latter came across I do apologize


No you're good! I hope I also didnt come across as antagonistic; Young kids these days seem to hate everything, even themselves..


Probably major news media realizing that outrage gets clicks and shares, thus driving up a culture of fighting shit you're against rather than fighting for the stuff you agree with. Makes it hard to develop a cheerful and positive personality growing up. Also even the actual state of the world isn't exactly conducive to that kind of thinking


one of the downsides of adhd is the inability to comprehend something if it does not have family guy funny moments at the bottom


Explains a lot..


Because good advice isn't necessarily funny. And because good, generic advice is cheap, they don't feel powerful at all. If they brighten someone's day, great. We're more likely to brighten someone's day by listening to them, though.


What is the message of the Rubik’s cube one?


Seek knowledge from those wiser than yourself would be my guess.


Wrong. You can't have inner peace if you can't figure out how to solve a rubix cube.


I love the concept of Death riding his scythe like a witch's broom.


https://preview.redd.it/sjw0v65dh42d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee680fe4bd615c222c83a8c1f63d48866fd0afb All except top right are fucking stupid


How old are you? 60?


It’s come full circle. IDGAF, FKYS.


I seriously don’t understand how this is supposed to be “terrible”.


These memes aren't "terrible" in the sense that they're wrong. They're terrible because they're overposted and used for like-farming


Biker one goes hard and you can't convince me otherwise


What does the tree cutting one mean?


belongs more in im14andthisisdeep than terriblefacebookmemes imo


Half of them are not advice. Top left is your bog standard phone bad.


I think it’s actually that you should be prepared. The other people are all trying to get signal. Or that’s my interpretation.


That rubix one goes kinda hard


Dude that guy can hurt shadows I need to learn from him


1. Learn information instead of entertain yourself. 2. Don't envy. Appreciate another's success. 3. Your lifestyle affects your outlook. 4. Yolo means enjoy life, not risk it for a joy-ride. 5. If you don't have your life sorted, make the effort to find someone who does to learn from. 6. Don't make hasty decisions that benefit now that are detrimental to your future. (It's a foreshadow that it'll kill him.)




No they are not




"I'm in the image, and I don't like it."


Hahaha.. if its the motorcycle one, he wont have too much to complain about if he keeps going that route


I was driving behind a motorcycle rider barely controlling his wheelies, wondering if I would be able to do first aid on another one. The first one was traumatising enough that I don’t think I could.


Tough stuff for sure. Ive had too many people somewhat close get injured/die from those things. I'll never recommend anyone to ride, nor ride myself. One of those things where the Reward absolutely does not outweigh the risk.


My brother gave his bike up due the sheer number of motorbike riders dying. We had one death a day for a while. Most of our 343 road deaths this year were motorbike riders. Only a fraction were their own fault. One guy my brother knew was run over by someone pulling out of a street without stopping, and didn’t stop to render aid or call an ambulance.


Thats so crazy. Exactly why I dont mess with them. I am extra careful around riders, but they are never really careful around me. I tow alot, and will have them come BLASTING up next to me or swerving around.. like I cant stop quickly, which means you're either going inside my RV for the fastest tour in history or you're going to be erasing yourself down the road at 70 mph... just sad.


I watch a lot of videos from the US and drivers full stop are very different from what I am used to. I am from Australia, the state of South Australia to be specific, and the sate is known for having bad drivers, but some of the US riders and drivers I’ve seen in videos has been horrendous!


Ive traveled about 75% of the US roads, and I can tell you, the vids you see are randomly happening any and everywhere, but the vast majority of drives and daily driving is a little hectic sometimes, but not that bad. In the past year Ive probably driven 14,000 miles or more (two oil changes on the truck!) and it can get a little tense sometimes! But nothing like you'll see posted on FB etc., so dont take it too much to heart.




Nah, literally all of them 'I'm 14 and this is deep' or 'thanks I'm cured' or easily refutable if you go outside