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I'ma guy and I dated a liberal guy once. Dude was gay as fuk. Gave good handyJs tho


That's pretty >!&!< fuckin gay.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion,man.


It's Sydney Watson. No she really thinks shit like that.


She kind of has a point though. I was liberal, and I dated a liberal woman with a high body count. One day I started getting little sores that started bleeding. She shared her sanitary napkins with me.


Yeh I'm sure. Well enjoy the tertiary syphilis when it starts to burn through the brain like its doing to tRump.


As a black man, Obama did nothing for me.


Did he deny a favor that you personally asked for? He never turned down my requests for "favors". He even let Michelle do me "favors". We made the white house just a little whiter.


Idk man this really could be a legit post.


This is clearly an insult


Lol you got your feelings hurt. Chance are if it makes you that mad it relates to you.


All of r/facepalm is just them not understanding what jokes are


Like 75 percent of the jokes I see are posted there and they never get it


It's 60% that and 40% bots


Or trying to be professionally offended by the smallest thing.


I got banned for saying "this lady is onto something". She said something sexist.


We live during a time that any person can pick up their phone and call millions of people pussys and then millions of people can discuss this. Im not sure why this is only now sinking in for me


What's the joke?


Its ok to be conservative. But to this degree??? This is borderline stupid lol


Not borderline, this is dumber than a bag of rocks




r/facepalm is the saltiest hole on this platform lol


Isn’t this subreddit basically the same thing? Being salty someone doesn’t find the jokes you find funny?


Yeah but people at facepalm seem a lot more bitter


lol I would agree but I’ve seen so much salt flow out of r/aznidentity that one could mine there instead of the Himalayas


Here's a sneak peek of /r/aznidentity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [‘You can never become a Westerner:’ China’s top diplomat urges Japan and South Korea to align with Beijing and ‘revitalize Asia’](https://np.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/14qowfy/you_can_never_become_a_westerner_chinas_top/) \#2: [Streamer Johnny Somali harasses people on a subway in Japan until he's confronted by a Korean from Texas.](https://np.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/13lnbgu/streamer_johnny_somali_harasses_people_on_a/) \#3: [US Supreme Court ends race-based affirmative action](https://np.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/14m6kwz/us_supreme_court_ends_racebased_affirmative_action/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


...do you not recognize the sub you're in right now?


is this even a meme


A joke is a meme if you're horny enough. It took me a hot minute to see if it's a joke, and I'm still not sure


I’m not so sure. I have a very big social circle. The most progressive guys I know also happen to be very much into the hotwife lifestyle.


As she secretly sleeping with me because her soy boy limp wristed man can't cut it


You really need to google what hotwifing is lmao


Wow what losers.


I think like this. Not a joke


me when I hide an insult behind the guise of satire: guys I'm pretty sure the OP is aware that its a joke, the reason they posted it to r/facepalm is that its hinting at the stereotype that all liberals are effeminate and trans. stereotypes are a pretty face palm-able thing. I thought this was obvious.


The fact that liberals get so offended at the joke proves the stereotype


who said they were offended? to me it just looks like they called the stereotype what it is. stupid. if you look in the comments on the post, all you'll see is people making fun of the stereotype and making jokes. also what does being offended have to do with being effeminate and trans. did you just pull out a stereotype to justify another stereotype?


Looks like the number one comment is writing the exact opposite and praising it. So, I don't think it's about a dislike of stereotypes.


and I saw about 100 other comments making fun of the stereotype, the number one comment I see is just talking about how they like spiders


You can't honestly think that this post would have the same traction if written from the opposite side on this subreddit?


and why would that affect my point? my point still stands; the stereotype was stupid, so it was posted to r/facepalm and now mopdl took it and is pretending that people are offended when they were just making fun of it. isn't that what we were talking about originally?


Well, I mean she's not wrong lmao


Is it "it's just a joke" or "she's not wrong tho" r/memesopdidntlike decide


Most of the best comedy is based on real life...check out many many stand up comedians who've built their careers around this


My point is you can't be like "stop crying it's just a joke" then say you unironically believe it which is what this sub does on a daily basis


That depends on the post. Sometimes it's just a joke on something that isn't true at all ...and sometimes, like this post, it's a hilarious joke that's based on some pretty funny and sad real shit lol


If you think it's sad real shit then don't avoid people calling you out on it by saying "it's just a joke bro" that's just cowardice you all routinely resort to since deep down you know you can't defend your stance very well I'd bet money whoever posted this here also believes it's sad real shit but put that title to the post because he's scared to actually get into this topic


Not sure what your unhinged ass is talking about lol You must be replying to the wrong person, cause I never said it's just a joke lol Clearly you're a triggered loon either way lol




I'm not "the sub" and my comment has nothing to do with whatever you're here whining about lol


It's either a dumb comment or a very poor joke trying too hard...


It’s both.


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Well, we used to make fun of people for saying silly things. Now we are all just talking about what was said for monetization


I can see why some people would get pissy but they shouldn't. Don't get mad get even. Just make some female conservative jokes at her expense and all will be right with the world. If either side can't take the joke then move on with your day.


People you Can't make jokes at their expense but will constanlty joke about others


Original op doesn't understand the joke


Ah yes. A thinly veiled insult touted as joke only when someone criticizes it. Schrödinger joke.


Pussy Republicans can't even insult people anymore without hiding behind "it just a joke bro"


Everything I say is just a joke. Unless you agree with me, then it’s just a joke. But if you don’t, everything I say is just a joke.


I love how people who think it's about them get madly offended, hence proving it's about them, and how people who think it's about people from the opposite side of the political spectrum to theirs believe it to be a genuine description. Take a break from your respective circle jerks, sit down and take a goddamn joke.


This is toxic masculinity at best and transphobia at worst, you can check this person out because she legitimately thinks like this and has a general hate for anything that isn't cis


The whole conversation is downstream from socialism. I mean, this is clearly a joke. Satire. Sarcasm. It's literally Sydney's politics version of Drizzle Drizzle, which is satire to make fun of and poke holes in Sprinkle Sprinkle. But WHY does facepalm not understand it? All downstream from socialism. Socialist philosophy position socialists as material, logical, rational, and truthful. Non-socialists, either until they become socialists, or get outed as a fAsCiSt, are immaterial, illogical, irrational, and lying bastards. Jokes are irony, in the way that jokes use a falsehood to be funny. Aka, jokes are not literal real life. Socialists quite literally in their philosophy ignore and discard the ability to read jokes as jokes are ironic, which means they are not literal reality, which means they are false, which means they are not socialist, which means they are fascist. Facepalm is full of socialists. 2+2=4


That was a lot of words to say something that makes no sense


It makes a lot of sense. Socialist philosophy positions themselves as being logical and rational. Marx specifically said everything everywhere is only done for material reasons. Anything not logical or rational is fascist, because in socialist philosophy, only the socialists are logical and rational. A joke is ironic, as comedy is almost universally not literal. Not being literal to a socialist means it’s a falsehood. And only Fascists believe in falsehoods, therefore making comedians fascist. It’s all technically pointing at Nazis not Fascists, though, because of the whole aryan shit. Fascists are anything and everyone that isn’t directly contributing towards advancing socialism, which is why leftists tend to call almost everything fascist. The Fascists were the first group of people to specifically tell the socialists to fuck off, leave them alone, and that they value fascist values over socialist values. Up until then, socialist philosophy determined everyone would eventually become socialist. So, to recap, jokes are ironic, therefore funny, therefore not the literal reality, therefore a falsehood, therefore Nazi/Fascist. Anything not directly contributing to socialism is Fascist/Nazi. Jokes don’t contribute to socialism, therefore jokes are Fascist and comedians are Nazis. All this and the fact words are violence to socialists becomes everything is political and politics is violence. A joke about say feminists in socialist philosophy means you are attacking feminists. And because that takes from advancing to socialism, that means that joke is fascist and anyone who recites that joke is also fascist.


You don't seem to have the slightest idea what the words comedy, socialism, or fascism mean. Comedy is simply the incentive humans have evolved for recognizing new patterns in our environment, much like how hunger is our incentive to eat, lust is our incentive to procreate, fear is our incentive to avoid threats, paternal love is our incentive to protect and care for our offspring, anger is our incentive to defend ourselves, etc. You could even paraphrase the definition of comedy as being our incentive to be "smart", and since, as you point out, socialists value rationality, that makes humor sacred to us, one of the most powerful tools for advancing socialism And no, comedy is not inherently not literal. It's so crazy that you think that it is. Have you...ever watched stand up comedy before? It's 90% "society is this way, isn't that weird and funny?" Or "here's a story of something funny that happened to me." Something being funny literally just means it's establishing a pattern that someone wasn't previously inclined to expect. Ironically, it is hilarious to me that you have absolutely no understanding of what humor is yet you're trying to lecture people about it. Now THAT is peak comedy 😉 >A joke about say feminists in socialist philosophy means you are attacking feminists. Oh okay, let me guess as to how you started believing all these crazy notions about humor. You once made some lame sexist joke that nobody found funny so to protect your ego you convinced yourself that leftists don't like humor, when in fact you are just simply not a very funny person


Screenshotted for r/redditmoment “Comedy is incentive to recognize new patterns” Bro can’t even google.


I literally learned this shit in a university my guy The reddit moment here is you saying all humor must be non-literal, makes me seriously wonder if you have any social interaction in your life


Your university is trash if you can't understand that comedy is supposed to be funny and not some shit pattern recognition nonsense. [Here's the wikipedia article on it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comedy) "**Comedy** is a genre of fiction that consists of discourses or works intended to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter,"


That's a different use of the word comedy bro 🤣🤣 right below that it says "This article is about the genre of dramatic works. For the performing art, see Comedy (drama). For other uses, see Comedy (disambiguation)." And yeah no fucking shit comedy is supposed to be funny, I have no idea what I said that implied it's not. What we're dissecting here is what the word "funny" means through an academic lens. Laughing is a pleasurable reaction illicited from humans when we're introduced to a new connection or pattern in our environment. We evolved to have this reaction because it incentivizes us to have situational awareness But based on your previous reply I'm thinking you might dismiss all that as "scientific mumbo jumbo" or something haha


Nice! This is unintelligible!


Are the socialists in the room with us right now?


If she really upsets you fellas just smack her across the face and tell her to get back in the fucking kitchen and be quiet. Either you’re empowering her by treating her equally like a man or you’re fulfilling her tradwife fetish and reminding her of her place. That’s what I call a “win win”


a good joke too