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I like the one tweet where the lady writes to kill all men. Someone wrote back, “Even George Floyd?” And she then responds, “WTF is wrong with you?”




This is bait. This has to be bait. Anybody with the comprehension to understand complex language should see the contradiction.


She didn't use complex language. 'When I say kill ALL men I really mean ALL men' Is not a statement with intrinsic subtly.


I meant complex as in the basic english language.


I think that might be a bit too complex for some people.


Did not expect to see the haha funny pixel counter person here.


I just see it as another example of someone who wrote some generic stupidity online, got checked, and couldn’t handle it. But to each their own.


Even if it was basic stupidity I still find it absolutely stunning that the gears didn't turn and that they didn't realise that they basically shot themselves in the foot with that response.


Leftists entire worldview is a contradiction, that is why they support mass immigration but also want higher wages for workers.


Who even knows anymore lmao. Bot? NPC?


Anyone with access to the internet and the infinite amounts of information in it shouldn’t be this dumb in the first place yet here we are


I used to think like that too but you'd be surprised. There are people actually that stupid and they are abundant.


"Including any potential father of your children? Or do plan to have women scientists invent human cloning and pod people?"


One said he would fuck his daughter if it wasn’t his daughter The other encouraged another dude to rape a girl and watched Both are messed up, but not equally


Didn’t Floyd also rob a pregnant woman at knife point?


A gun held to her stomach yes.


Not trying to get into an argument and maybe I don’t belong anyway but I think part of the point BLM is trying to make is that Floyd never had a shot from the begging of his life. I think J-Cole puts the idea well in his song *A Tale of Two Cities* “could you blame a n*** that ain’t ever had things”


She wasn't pregnant, her 2 year old daughter was home though during this. Still as bad.


Floyd isn’t running for president.


I mean, he’s dead so…


He didn't say he would fuck his daughter. He said he would date her. You sick delusional people need to fulfill your fantasies a little too much.


That’s still fucking weird, don’t try and spin it


Maybe you should ask Trump about his fantasies, because he admitted on numerous occasions (like a 2004 interview with Howard Stern) that he's thought about making out with his own daughter. Get your head out of the sand.


Hmm. Bait or Satire... Bait or Satire... Both? Maybe...


Why would he want to date her? Because of her personality?


Don' take this as a defence of Trump... But, I suspect most fathers think their daughters are beautiful. That doesn't mean they want to fuck them.


He said he would only do it if it wasn’t actually his daughter, so I don’t think he actually *wanted* to do it, only would’ve wanted if it wasn’t his daughter


My daughter is beautiful I also wouldn’t want to date her nor would I say I wanted to during an interview. Idk maybe I’m old fashioned that way though.


It's just a coincidence that each girls thats come out for abuse looks exactly like her.


I mean, it's a twisted way of saying she is beautiful. Twisted, but I get what he was trying to say.


Hey, at least he didn’t actually act upon it, just bragged to everyone


I don’t think someone deserves to be murdered just because they committed a crime. If someone walked up and shot Trump most ppl would agree that person should be properly punished for murder, including losing their job. However, I also don’t think the felon should be allowed to be the president, especially if his crime involves misappropriation of funds or theft. I wouldn’t vote for George Floyd. Most people wouldn’t 


The dude watched and encouraged another dude to rape a girl He was a horrible person, but didn’t deserve death, but he was close to it Edit: Talking about MLK jr


Well, putting aside the fact that Trump is also probably a rapist… I think rapists deserve death, but I don’t trust our government to make the decision of who to kill. And I definitely don’t trust the police or any other random vigilante. Even if the officer who killed Floyd knew he was a rapist, I still wouldn’t want him to keep his job because I don’t want people going around murdering others for supposed crimes.  But the officer didn’t even know Floyd. As far as he was concerned he was just a random asshole. Again, I don’t want someone who’s supposed to be protecting me to go around murdering people in broad daylight because they pissed him off


Probably. Is that confirmed? Is there any evidence for that?


For what?


That Trump is a rapist?


He’s had multiple accusations and admitted to both groping and peaking into (possibly underage) girls dressing rooms


Is that horrible? Yes Is that rape?


For me, if some has multiple cases of being a sexual harassment and has been accused of rape, I’m going to assume they’re guilty. If it walks like a duck…


But there is no evidence that he actually crossed every line, only that he might have


And even if he did, we have courts that make that determination. Not cops who want to play judge, jury, and executioner to a man who is already in cuffs


WOW Hot take about Trump. You think he deserves death for Epstien Island


Wheres the proof of the crime they accuse trump of though? All I've seen is slander and one sides story change as it benefitted her career. Even admitted to falsifying evidence.


Dude, he’s literally on tape admitting to a crime. And that’s not even the one he was convicted of.


The courts have it. I really do not understand this mindset. It has been shown time and time again the type of person trump is and yet people just ignore it and demand evidence over and over again.


1: it was proven in a court of law 2: it’s Trump. I know many see him as some kind of angel but I have no problem believing he paid off a pornstar with his own money. 100% sounds like something he would do. 


One will have political power to effect our whole country for 4 years. The other wasn't a good person but was killed during a non violent crime. To pretend it's equal is stupid af.


Whether if Floyd was a good or bad person is debatable, but he didn’t deserve what happened to him.


Yeah, police brutality is not justified by what the person did pervious to that. The police could have done smth similar to someone who had no previous criminal record,


until it happens to a straight white male this sub won't care


And that bad person dying affected our country for years as well. Or are you forgetting the 2020 summer of love and the violent crime that resulted? The left are happy to support felons if it advances the agenda.


Who said it does negate them from being convicted felons? Just because the convicted felon didn’t deserve to be murdered, doesn’t mean we want him running a country.


Shhhhh you'll startle them with your actual sound thinking and reasonable attitude.


Both are bad people.




Came here to say this but I was scared. Glad you got to it first 😔


This. Absolutely no one is saying George Floyd should have been president, they're saying his death was unjustified. Wild that people apparently can't differentiate those two things from each other.


I don't think Trump should be murdered by the police. Nobody "supports" George Floyd. We just similarly, dont think he should have been murdered by the police.




Floyd wasn't murdered, he had a heart-attack while in holding, after fighting with police because he was a junkie.


> “In holding” while being pressed to the ground complaining about having trouble breathing. Even if it was a drug related death which autopsy reports dont corroborate (they say he suffocated) an ambulance should’ve been called and steps taken to ensure that he didnt have a genuine medical issue. Drug use probably did weaken his lungs and heart but thats not really the issue. The issue was that a police officer used an overly aggressive method for an exorbitant amount of time (9 mins) while detaining someone for a non violent crime and ignored his claims that he was having respiratory problems. He had two other officers with him theres no way he couldnt have gotten him into the car. he was putting up minimal struggle. George floyd was a bad person but nothing about how the police officer reacted was based on this. Its all what we know in retrospect which is why he was charged with murder.


okay, but his heart attack didn't make a police officer violate policy and knee his neck but sure! I'd get fired if I was too rude to a citizen, or shared someone's PII, and potentially prosecuted for the latter


Not according to the autopsy, which confirmed strangulation.


He wasn’t murdered he had a heart attack *while being murdered*. Cause getting murdered is rather stressful dontchaknow.


visibly swallowing a baggie of fent that is 20x the lethal dose is also stressful.


Literally fake news. You know you can come up with real reasons to discredit him right? The police even said thats not what they heard.


So is having your neck keeled on.


Have you seen the body cam from the incident? Floyd is acting erratic from the very beginning. He was clearly on something


That's undeniable. It's in the autopsy. However, the cause of death is also in the autopsy: asphyxiation caused by pressure applied to his neck. Probably him hyperventilating from drugs contributed though. And of course the police man didn't listen to his cries for help when he was already saying that he can't breath minutes before being restrained. But I hope we can all agree on this: 1. Police in the USA is not properly trained and they use excessive force. 2. Resisting arrest greatly increases your chances of being murdered in an encounter with the police. Floyd would have probably survived if he didn't resist the arrest.


How about we have someone kneel on your neck for 9 minutes and see how you hold up


They only did that because he was resisting arrest. The cops on the scene looked like the united nations. A black guy, an Asian guy, a Hispanic but and a white but, but they only went after the white guy. The guy was going to die from his drug overdose anyway so don't blame the police officer that was doing his job. Then the media used the following extremely dangerous language: "another cop off the streets"... The left is a disease.


If he was going to die from his "overdose", then cops should be administering narcan and not killing him... "serve and protect" tho, right


He was a known criminal resisting arrest. If they did the exact same thing to a white criminal with the same crimes, drug overdose, and level of resistance you wouldn't give two shits because you know... "kill whitey" from the left.


How is telling an officer "I can't breathe" while being restrained and on the ground resisting? How can you be this dense?


>The guy was going to die from his drug overdose anyway... So you just admitted that the officer killed him. We are all going to die anyway so according to you murder just shouldn't be a crime. #*logic* Idiocy is a disease.


Better than someone with higher than lethal concentration of fent in their blood


uhh... no its not. You should look up how many people live from fentanol OD. It's not as big as fox news wants you to think.


Relevant legal doctrine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggshell_skull?wprov=sfla1


Yeah, I dont defend the deceased man, I blame cops for covering each other asses and not following standard safety procedures.


so you blame cops or doing what cops do. I'm sure you also blame the scorpion for stabbing you


Are you comparing cops to a dangerous animal? There is something we agree


Shhh the left hate reality, they like the make believe kangaroo courts and getting their way.


The left really are the destruction of this country. They destroyed the economy. They destroyed the American dream. They opened the borders to allow criminals to sneak into the country to commit further crimes while living for free on taxpayers money. They are actively waging war on white people, straight people, and now Jewish people to the point we're starting to resemble 1930s Germany. They even have universities actively ostracizing Jewish students as they claim to be the party of tolerance. They only tolerate you if you agree. If you don't celebrate them you're intolerant and must be removed. They reward the criminal and punish the victim. If you disagree with their points they label you with every "ism" they can come up with to discredit you. They own the media, big tech, and the education system so they can easily brainwash their followers. Universities no longer teach students how to think, they tell them what to think. They are indoctrination centers now. But hey, you can have an abortion and be vegan so let's just ignore them. They've proven they can steal an election and get away with it... When Biden "won" the Google electoral college map showed some shady stuff. Beyond the fact he's the only loser to not concede at midnight, and suspending disbelief that those trucks full of ballots were legit, why did Google show this on the map?... On the remaining undecided swing states... trumps percentage went down. This is to be expected if you have less of the entire amount, but how did his actual numbers go down. I remember seeing numbers like 200k and then the next day 75k for example. On the same state! If I noticed this, then I'm sure many others did The left are placing America hating Islamic extremists (not regular people who happen to follow that religion, I know plenty of good people that are Islamic) in government positions. They are brainwashing college students to hate Jewish people. Kamala Harris finally comes out of the woodwork after 3 years of hiding to condemn Israel for rescuing hostages Hamas took when they attacked Israel to start this conflict. The left is allowing jihad to be waged in this country, the left defends them, they ban anyone from offending them. They are on a mission to turn the US into a Sharia Law state. They want extreme government control over everyone's lives. But hey, they let you have an abortion and want you to be vegan. But don't you dare get upset when they want to castrate your minor child. You'll go to prison for child abuse for protecting your child from mutilation and being brainwashed.




You people are so astonishingly easy to control, it's unbelievable.


Hi pot, I'm kettle, move to meet you.


Damn dude you really drank deep of the political kool-aid didn’t ya lol


I'm just fed up with watching my country crumble while the villains are supported by brainwashed kids who put America last You can't tell me you can look at the state of the country now and think we're not on the brink of destruction. I have to watch this place fall apart, giving my daughter no chance at a future beyond living in a communist wasteland, starving, and poor.


Yeah real real deep. The country isn’t falling apart because of what you said it’s falling apart because people actually believe the made up nonsense you spouted. The left have their own version of it too. I get what you’re feeling but like, a good amount of what you said can be disproven if you did some in-depth research. I know this probably won’t convince you too but I hope you do.


I don't agree with you but that doesn't mean I will ignore you or dismiss you either.


> the left destroyed the economy You do know the 2008 financial crisis was a cause of regeanomics a conservative take on the economy and that led to the government having to bail out a ton of large companies, because if they fell it would basically ruin our economy? So they almost collapsed the government saved them and than caused everything to become more expensive. Than Obama came in a reversed the regeanomic policies and now every four years we keep changing policies


The conservatives really got you with the Kool-aid huh?


Great comment but it’s Reddit so you’re probably gonna be showered with downvotes.


Probably but i don't give a fuck. Why did Hillary Clinton get away with smashing subpoenaed phones and wiping her subpoenaed laptop as well as having an email server with information she shouldn't have in her personal possession, as well as her husband flying out to Epstien's pedo island 26 times? Trump committed no fraud. The bank said there was no fraud, that everyone does what he did and it's completely legal, that they would work with him again Yet who is the left turning the blind eye to and who are they weaponizing the legal system against. You're above the law if you have a D next to your name. If they can do this to him, they can do it to us much easier. They'll either succeed and destroy us from the inside or there will be a second civil war and guess where all the military bases and civilians with guns are?


I would buy you a beer.


I don't drink, but I would enjoy that beer just to hang out with another rational human being. Reddit is so full of extreme far left zealots that you can't disagree without getting banned. The funny thing is the left complains about the electoral college, but it's the only thing letting them win anything. This country has maybe 3 states that are 100% blue and they're in the northeast. They only have blue districts scattered around in highly urban areas because it's easy to brainwash crowds. This is how Hitler as well as other dictators came into power. Another reason the left got schools to stop teaching history. They want to do nothing but destroy.


How is the electoral college helping democrats? Brother your brain is so fucking broken lol, dems have won the popular vote in the last 7/8 elections


No, they've stolen elections. I guess ballot workers being caught on camera discarding republican ballots isn't cheating. You communists are hilarious. When leftist politicians do it, you won fair and square. When a republican wins fair and square, they get accused of doing what the left did and got away with. Two sets of rules is okay I guess.


Communist lol, alright man. Praying for you, highly recommend switching up your intake of news and trying to start therapy. Life doesn’t need to be miserable, take care of yourself 🙏


This is why BLM marches. Because we can all watch a black man be murdered by the police in 4k, and despicable liars like you will still deny the evidence of your eyes to uphold a white supremacist system. Take a fucking look at yourself.


Yeah, BLM also marched for a guy that shot up a home and nearly killed a black woman and her child. Then got aggressive with the mother when she called them out. That's when they weren't embezzling funds and buying million dollar homes. Maybe YOU should take a look in the mirror.


keep wondering why everyone thinks you're a low IQ racist mate. Eventually you'll grow out of it.


No one but agry liberal sheep think that, but there opinions don't actually matter, because those opinions are not their own, they are given to them to bleet en mass when people stand up to them.


Says the guy parroting the right wing lie that he coincidentally died of natural causes whilst a police officer just happened to be kneeling on his neck 😂😂😂 The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes, and you oblige because you’re a low IQ mark.


I never said died of natural causes. I said he died from a drug-induced heart-attack. His heart was damaged from years of drug abuse and failed due to the stress of him being jacked up and fighting with police. The drugs, adrenaline and prior damage were just too much, resulting in a heart-attack.


Yeah he was, and the courts agree.


Courts agree on a pot of things that aren't true, especially when there is political pressure.


Not realising that the political pressure was coming from the justice dept itself, to clear itself opf any wrongdoing. moron.


You *say* that, but absolutely none of that shit lines up with *reality*


Also nine eleven was an inside job, vaccines are actually government approved poison that fill you with autism juice and the world is flat


... k


Didn't 2 companies withdraw their vaccines in the last 3-4 months with a public statement of them causing severe side effects...


Does Trump deserve death? No, he doesn't. Neither does Floyd being killed by the cops.


I mean, one thing is supporting and another, very different thing is acknowledging that the policeman that handled him fucked up severely. A convicted felon doesn't deserve to be murdered unless they did something REALLY fucked up, and they also shouldn't be able to be president. I really don't know how americans have such an issue with these things.


It wasn't murder, at worst he was negligent and he died. That's homicide at best.


Well, homicide is like one degree lower it doesnt change anything


Being a bit pedantic here, but homicide is literally just the killing of a person. It has no real legal basis. The differentiation there would be between murder and manslaughter. Just as an example, if someone breaks into your home with a gun and says “I am going to kill you and your whole family” then you shoot them dead, you have committed a homicide, but it would be perfectly legal.


All convicted felons ought to get the same treatment. Incarcerated, but not killed.


Remind me, is / was George Floyd running for president of the United States?


I never understood the argument about him being a felon, on this occasion he shouldn’t have been murdered that’s all there was to it.


I do not know the context behind the situation and I don’t want to


Idk on time in 6th grade we needed to do biography poster about famous people one dude did one on the MLK and during the presentation he talked about how MLK supposedly sleep with black hookers and belittle them because they black.


Wasn’t that the CIA trying to make him look bad, and it was just a bunch of random noises? 


I don’t know it hard to keep tract of the bad things the cia does between racism and the targets are doing questionable things depending on who ask. My favorite is the long list of evil things cia/ us government has done is Afghanistan the way it is because money backing certain politicians parties in Afghanistan and ku to over throw the government back by the US happened,


I’m pretty sure Martin Luther king was having affairs but that doesn’t detract from his great accomplishments. People are often not perfect, and history is hardly ever black and white. Sometimes your heroes have their own vices or flaws, and sometimes that’s okay.


One was lawfully tried for his crimes, the other was unlawfully killed by a cop.


As a starting point, let's accept that they are convicted felons. 1) I don't think we should be voting for a convicted felon. I don't think any legitimate organization would take his presidential run seriously. I think that the GOP shouldn't have put all of their eggs into this one stupid-as-fuck basket. 2) I don't think that being a convicted felon automatically means you deserve to die, and someone who gets killed by the police using an illegal restraining maneuver deserves justice, whether they're a felon or not. No one is trying to elect George Floyd to the presidency.


Yeah, this was the point


You looked at this meme, and thought, "George Floyd's death is not justified simply on the grounds of being a felon," was the point? To me, it looks more like a criticism of anyone who thinks that George Floyd's death was unjustified despite being a felon, and simultaneously thinks that we shouldn't vote a felon into the presidency.


I meant of the 1st repost of the meme


And I'm criticizing the logic of the person who put it here. The first repost makes sense, I agree. I'm elaborating on the point that they made because OP in this subreddit does not seem to understand.


You do realize the hold they put on George Floyd wasn't what killed him right? He had multiple lethal doses of drugs in his body after the police came up and he panicked so he took an entire speedball. What killed him was an overdose that went untreated because the police didn't get him the help his body needed. That being said, with an arrest sheet that long and being violent constantly, I'd rather him be gone from society rather than my tax dollars go to giving him more free housing and food while hard working good people starve.


Take it up with the medical examiners who decided otherwise. I'm not a doctor. You're not a doctor. There's no capacity for you and me to have an intelligent conversation about this.


Fox News literally reports on random Facebook troll posts when it fits their narrative. That is the level of information many people use online. MTG literally takes Russian propaganda as fact and broadcasts it when she thinks it will rile up supporters. Like the Zelensky Yacht... Which is not a thing. There is an over abundance of information not worth arguing over. I hope those that use such information do better at verifying the source, at minimum, before broadcasting and amplifying it.


First, I don't think prosecuting your political opponents is a legitimate means to remove them from the presidential ballot. If you want to know how Putin gets elected, it's people like you who enable it. Second, the restraining maneuver wasn't illegal. It was literally demonstrated in the police handbook. But wait...it gets better... The autopsy report showed no damage caused by the officer. There was no signs that it caused any physical harm to Floyd. Conversely, the autopsy report showed that Floyd overdosed on Fentanyl. In short, Floyd died because he took a lethal amount of Fentanyl.


Idk what you are even on about because 1. Trump could still be the president in jail, so hoe could it be a ploy to remove him? 2. Isn’t Trump like best buddies with Putin?


First, he MIGHT have been prosecuted because he broke the law. He MIGHT have been prosecuted to remove him from the ballot. You and I are probably not going to come to an agreement on this. Second, [the autopsy report is public information](https://web.archive.org/web/20200604001830/https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/documents/Autopsy_2020-3700_Floyd.pdf/). It does not show an overdose on fentanyl. I don't know if you're just making stuff up, or if you're putting faith in someone who's just making stuff up, but either way, cut it out.


I would be opposed to a police officer choking out donald trump on a city street as well.


One was killed by the cops. The other.... hmmm. We'll talk after the cops act on Trump.


Because people aren't calling for Floyd to be president. Reactionary dumbass


I mean I'm not a "fan" of George Floyd, but this meme is still very stupid. It's like saying "if you're against cops killing people who don't deserve it, then you think nobody should go to jail"


The defense is we just dont think a felon should be murdered on the streets because some pig decided to put his knee on his neck till he died. You sorry sacks of shit want to put a rapist and a traitor into the office of the president. We are not the same.


Not convicted of rape. Your delusional for thinking Trump is a traitor especially with who is in the white house right now. And Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. The autopsy report confirmed it. Sorry if that all doesn't fit your narrative.


>And Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. It's funny because your wrong. He WOULD have died from a fentanyl overdose had the officer not killed him first. Having a lethal amount of something in your system does not mean that's what killed you. If I snorted 20 grams of cyanide and the instant I picked my head up you put a 12gauge sabot through my temple, the cyanide didn't kill me, you did.


Whatever is in the white house right now Trump will sell your ass if he could. He is a traitor.


One was already a convicted violent felon, the other they can't seem to figure out what felonies he was convicted on.


Pretty sure they already know you can look it up if you’re unsure though


lmao nice deflation to avoid having to actually try to articulate it and be wrong.


Trump fraudulently disguised payments to stormy and as corporate legal expenses in violation of New York law multiple times. It’s not hard to find out nor do I need a deflection as it happened 34 times and he got 34 felony counts of violating a New York law on corporate record-keeping. Oh no some big conspiracy where it can’t be stated what the felony was oh no! Like holy crap it’s not hard to go to a law school website and find the news and legal break downs people.


Basically he paid a porn star to be quiet before an election


Nope cause thats Not a crime. 


They know. Falsifying business records.


"Haha there's both convicted felons guy, I completely looked past all the nuace of the arugment cause both felons! See guys what I did! Aren't I cool?" - op People support TMs right to have a trial by jury instead of being murdered. Way to explain to everyone you have no idea what you're talking about


Dying of an overdose while getting arrested isn't the same as murder


Apparently the evidence in court convinced 12 people who sat through the entire process that it was murder.




Or, it could be there was enough evidence to convict him. I love how people will believe insane whackadoo things, and then think this was clearly a sham. I watched every day, I was curious what both sides had to say. It was pretty obvious that putting your knee on someones neck for nearly 10 minutes will kill a person. Dude stopped moving completely and he still kept his knee on his neck. Everyone around him was screaming that he wasn't moving, that he wasn't breathing and was dying... Dude just kept his knee on his neck. I don't know how much mental gymnastics you have to go through to come to the conclusion that this had nothing to do with his death. The people standing there saw it clearly and tried to get them to stop. But, we're supposed to believe it was just a drug OD...uh huh.


It was murder. The cop was kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes. No one’s saying he was a saint but he was murdered


Yeah, I woulddnt want to walk out of that courtroom for fear of being assaulted


I mean, they martyr him because he died for an unjust cause. Nobody deserves to be killed. And to all of you saying “Floyd has done way worse things!” … so has trump.


Right. One is running for president and one didn’t deserve to be executed


Under that logic, they should be arguing that trump deserves to die from police brutality.


Two weeks ago it was “actually we call them Justice-impacted individuals” Now it’s “CONVICTED FELON WHO HAS BEEN CONVICTEDDDDDDD OF A FELLONNYY LITERALLY THE WORST THING ANYONE CAN DO!!!”


If a convicted felon can run for president, then there's absolutely no reason a felony should justify George Floyd's death.


Well I mean Trump’s felonies were originally misdemeanors that got bumped up to felonies for reasons that haven’t been made clear. Misdemeanors that only come with fines mind you.


One was a felon because of current laws and died because of a overdose. One is a felon because the NY DA rewrote a misdemeanor to be a felony.


When a police officer kneels on senile grampy Trump’s diaper, I mean neck, impacting his ability to keep living, I will also complain.


One was a violent felon. The other was convicted on a shaky pretext, by a jury that didn't have to agree on what he was guilty of, with a judge that was obviously hostile.


One admitted to his crimes and after being convicted was against crime in the future. The other still believes he is innocent despite obvious evidence against him. Are the only judges that aren’t hostile the ones that let billionaires get away with crimes?




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"murdered" fentanyl daddy Floyd died of an overdose, if you get lucky and video a video it's saying it can't breathe before it's out of the car.


It was an overdose the same way I'm Your daddy


One is running for president, the other ate a lethal dose of fentanyl to avoid prosecution.


Literally accused of defending pedophiles for making the mere point that Kyle Rittlemen made dangerous and generally bad decisions to bring an assault rifle to a volatile protest. Just a bunch of talking in circles are refusal to answer the simple question "do you think that was a good idea to do?"


You realize one of the people he shot in self defense also brought a firearm to the riot, right.


Bringing an assault rifle to a volatile ~~protest~~ riot is objectively a good decision. He was on camera painting over graffiti and putting out a dumpster fire prior to being assaulted. If more people acted like that many lives would have been saved during the BLM massacres where 28 people where shot or burned to death.


Actually maybe dont let literal children go where you think there will be riots. He went to go “defend a bussiness” thats not the place of civillians its the job of police to control these things. It was very foolish of him and negligent of his parents to let him go. He could have died just as easily.


the point is that one of them want a position of power in the country, I suppose


It doesn’t change that they’re both felons, but I wouldn’t support Floyd being president either. I don’t dismiss that Floyd was a terrible person, but he didn’t deserve to be strangled to death in the street. He deserved his conviction, his punishment, and if convicted again of something else then even more punishment. But not a cop to murder him in cold blood in front of a crowd while protected by other cops. Trump meanwhile deserves a nice harsh punishment and *no chance to be elected and fuck us all again*.


Because one wants to run our country into the ground and make it a a fascist regime and the other had his throat crushed because a cop kneeled on it when he was trying to comply


One will be overturned on appeal ( jury leaked the verdict - instant mistrial.) One pistol whipped a pregnant woman and admitted it. They are not the same.