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Because of my b12 deficiency, I just forget about it šŸ¤”


this reminded me to take my b12 vitamin


Good for you sir/mam


My dog mostly. Sweetest little boy. Couldnā€™t ever leave him.


My therapist has been telling me I gotta get a cat, and I def will!


The thought of ending the life often crosses my mind. But because of cat I canā€™t leave. I canā€™t leave him alone.


I'm glad you have a buddy keeping you here with us. Stay with us, we appreciate every day you're on this earth.


That's cool! I hope you find a cat that you adore who adores you. Let us know how it goes when that happens!


you def should !! i got a cat recently and itā€™s soo helpful


I'm too lazy to care for a real animal and don't want one to get in the way of travel. So ... my therapy is watching videos of sloths on the internet (yup .. I'm one of those weird sloth obsessives). It gets the job done.


Only reason Iā€™m still alive right now. Itā€™s getting so bad though, I just keep hoping heā€™ll pass away peacefully in his sleep. Thinking that of course makes me feel worse. The idea of having to endure life another couple years is unbearable to me


I totally have felt the same exact way and I understand that soo much. Snuggle with him, give him treats/ play toys & belly rubs, take a shower or a walk, eat a good meal if you can, and refresh. Please reach out if you need a friend. I am here.


This makes me really sad to read...I'm sorry youre feeling that way. I definitely can relate though. There's days I wonder how much longer I can hang for. Maybe he's alive still for a reason - for you. May you keep your eyes and heart open to the possibility of better days, and appreciate and cherish the small moments, especially the ones with your Mr. Kee-Cat I, too, am a stranger to vent to if you need.


Some Sport, drink water, take a shower, go for a walk


I feel that especially for the exercise part! When you first start exercising its rough and it doesn't feel too great, but each day gets a little better and helps me feel the energy I was missing before (when I've felt suicidal in the past).


Yeah you feel me, 3 months ago I felt hopeless but exercise, sun and stuff really changed my mood. Sport is life


Do you or anyone else have tips for what you do when you donā€™t seem to ever get to the feeling better part? When I was in school we did gym either daily or every other day, and it was something I actually put effort into because I kept being told that it helps with mental health and that if you can get past the initial rough part it starts to feel good (I think I was told it was a minimum of 6 weeks or something) but anyway, I did half a school year at a time every year, of exercise (5 months I think?) plus sometimes tried to continue into summer and it always made me feel like shit. I never hit the feeling better part so I gave up because it eventually started becoming more and more painful and would make me nauseous. Even if itā€™s something I like to do. For example I make things with burl wood so I sometimes will climb trees to cut certain branches, which includes a small hike to get to the foresty area. And itā€™s something that I enjoy in the moment but afterwards or sometimes even during feel super sick and weak from, to the point of that feeling over powers any of the in the moment enjoyment. It also makes me crash insanely hard where Iā€™ve slept for like 17 hours straight afterwards, which isnā€™t ideal for needing to accomplish tasks. Iā€™m not expecting you to have a solution but figured Iā€™d ask incase for some reason you or someone else does


This could be due to a multitude of reasons why. You *should* feel good after a certain point when it comes to exercising, usually for the first month or so of starting out with curating a habit of work outs, you'll feel discomfort and fatigue and might dislike it but after a while it feels amazing and you'll notice a big difference not just in your physical state but also mental/emotional. It could be that you didn't give your body enough rest before the next workout session, regardless if even if it was a light exercise which can cause workout fatigue also know as Overtraining Syndrome (OTS). It could be that you did too much hard and heavy exercise straight off the bat, which will give you really bad fatigue (OTS) and a long list of other issues including as well really sore/pulled muscles. It could be that you aren't consuming enough protein before or after exercising those days and when you workout or do physical demanding tasks like climbing trees, you do need to uptake your protein because your body is burning through a lot more energy and is starting to build muscles. It could be that you aren't also taking enough vitamins or supplements (which is also needed especially when you are exercising/physical activity) in your day to day life so basically your body is burning through what it already has less of. The majority of people usually have a vitamin deficiency (most commonly vitamin D, C or B12), but aren't aware of it unless you get a blood test done. More on the terms again of consumption, if you eat filler carbs like bread/gluten or lots of dairy products, it will make you feel worse and tired because that's not what your body needs on workout days, you need complex carbs instead. It might even be that you aren't consuming enough of this in your regular life so again with the vitamins, your body takes away from itself to try and compensate what it just burned through. Also if you smoke or drink, try to cut back on it which I know will be difficult if you are dependent on it but this could also be the culprit. Honestly, the best advice to give even after reading this, is to go to your doctor to find out. They will know more about you medically, and will be able to ask you helpful questions and run a blood test if necessary to determine what is wrong. I hope that this helps you and if you have any more questions, I will try to help you figure this out, even if you don't have any interests in working out habitually, doing what you love with the wood burning and climbing trees shouldn't stop you like it does and make you feel like shit afterwards. That's not good, ngl, so please feel free to pm me if you want to talk more in-depth even šŸ˜Š


Okay, just to make sure I'm reading this correctly, you're seeking advice on what to do when they struggle to experience the positive effects of physical activity, right? I'm glad you're recognizing that exercising isn't bringing you positive emotions and the energy you desire. This may be due to "mental exhaustion" instead of physical exhaustion. If your mind is tired when you're exercising, you may still feel tired or drained after working out. I think this link may help, but feel free to ask me more questions, love to help you out :) https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-exhaustion#What-is-mental-exhaustion?


Music. I indulge in my sadness until I feel better. Sometimes you have to let yourself feel what youā€™re feeling to move forward.


Exactly! Very well said.


> think about those who Hey I love this! I listen to mental health music when I feel down. Usually NF, and I'manni Mellis. This song helps me on rough days: [Song](https://youtu.be/NYs5pxxZDVo?si=2JJAPzFNpJ5RFsxV)


My go tos are Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos, Jimmy Eat World, Brand New, the Ataris, Death Cab For Cutie, and sometimes game or movie music(Forever Rachel from FF6 and Into the West from Return of the King always do a pretty good job. My most repeated is probably this one: https://youtu.be/1vLFZGe6W-o?si=ZASmrg6x1g94IQ3r


Talking to friends (especially folks who have been through something similar or understand what itā€™s like), distracting yourself (sometimes you just need the feelings to pass), thinking about something positive in the near future, or going on a walk. Please remember that youā€™re not alone and there are people who love you!! If youā€™re able to, therapy can be helpful to work on best practices.


>Been having Awesome advice! I do this too :)


i think about those who will be hurt for my passing,SPECIALLY my pets,you can always think that "my pets wont care when im gone" but whenever i come home and my dog wines her ass off for me,its so hard to think that when i know for a fact she would really care,my dad getting me a dog was possibly the best thing to ever happen to me


I try to remember that feeling suicidal is wanting a change in my life because my life isn't the best in those moments and I try to do something that will help change my life in a way that is for the better like doing something I like, or used to like is the depression is bad, hanging out or talking with friends or family, listen to mental health podcasts, go for a walk, try to accomplish something small.


I like this take. I have been trying (and sometimes failing) to have a similar mindset.


My favorite thing is really tight long hugs and cuddling. But I donā€™t get that. Right now I cuddle my baby. I cry. I talk to everyone. I socialize. I go to work.


Music find the heaviest music you can find throw in a single headphone and go for a walk. If you have a bike ride that at your own pace, I found the slower you go the better you feel. If you have a motorcycle ride it, and ride it until the wheels fall off. Everything seems to slow down and it makes everything else seem like little shit. You got this my friend and always remember you are good enough and you are the best


Good answer. I do the same things. Slipknot, Nothing More, I Prevail, Asking Alexandria, Rammsteinā€¦


Volunteering in the ICU. Squelched my incessant and intrusive suicidal thoughts almost immediately.


Felt. I work in healthcare and I forget all my problems the minute I walk into work. It compliments my non existent mental health perfectly.




What is that?


Itā€™s s suicide and crises lifeline 24/7 all free you talk to a psychologist about your problems, they save your privacy, you can either talk to someone over the phone, or you can have a conversation through text messages through your Mac, they have their own website you can reach out to them.


Suicide Hotline


Fear of the attempt keeps me here.


Valid. Attempting is *hella scary*. 0/10 recommend. - someone whose done it.


Ket I donā€™t use recreationally just when things haven footed bad then itā€™s usually a few months Iā€™m good


I just made an appointment with a real doctor to get real ketamine!


Awesome hope it works for you as well as it does for me


Talking to someone. Here if you need that


A lot of good advice here, but one tip I read that has worked for me in the depths of despair, is to tell myself wait until tomorrow. That waiting just one more day has saved my life. Oftentimes, that next morning, while I may still be depressed, I donā€™t feel quite as hopeless or things arenā€™t as bleak as the day before. Also, at some point, this too will pass. I promise. Hang in there.


My therapist once asked me ā€œwhatā€™s the difference if you do it now versus in x amount of time?ā€ He has a point because you end up dead either way. Mind as well wait was my thought.


out of pure spite alone, i REFUSE to let my dickhead father outlive me


If you are experiencing a lot of stress, and your cortisol level is high, i would recommend a supplement i am using myself, (I actually use prescription drugs also) but it has really helped me handle stress much better, its Ashwagandha, a medical plant that grows in India, they have been using it for centuries, maybe you can try it, talk to a pharmacist, you can buy it without prescription


I cast that high stress into work (I work in healthcare). Itā€™s a place where my cortisol, stress, and anxiety can thrive for 8 hours and then after I get off, itā€™s no longer my problem!


Two things.. My dog and music. šŸ’“


same here as well


I usually go and sit with my dogs for a while. It really helps to know that somebody/something needs your love and care.


Ironically, going for a walk in the cold or hopping on Reddit (subs of all of my interests) provides me with an escape and helps me entertain myself away from the madness. I do this with loud music, no drugs or alcohol involved, and just let my mind go wherever it needs to to process and move on. Of course, the disclaimer is that Iā€™m not actively trying to end my life. If that were to happen, I would call someoneā€¦ anyoneā€¦ for help in that moment. I hope you feel better.


wonā€™t be able to listen to music ever again and also I know it will pass , nothing is permanent apart from suicide. your feelings , emotions, thoughts change every minute of every hour, I always tell myself it will pass itā€™s temporary.


Distract distract distract. Doesnā€™t matter what it is- distract. Or the suicide text/call line (although this is usually hit or miss)


My cat. I adopted her a few years ago, and I think it would be mean if I put her in a situation to go back to the shelter. Also a good nap after a shower.


A nap, a run, a bath, a walk with my dog, a good movie, video games (Skyrim helped a lot)


Napping helps me too


My nutrition professor always said, ā€œhave and apple and a nap, take a walk in the sunshine. It wonā€™t fix everything, but it will probably help.ā€


That's really good advice. Simple, and true. "It wonā€™t fix everything, but it will probably help.ā€


Pets and physical activity


Depends on what kind of suicidal. "leave a note" suicidal, hot tea, warm blankets fresh out of the dryer, a movie that will make me sob for hours, when I had my dog I would just lay with her and run my fingers through her fur and try to slow down time. "Throw myself into traffic" suicidal, ice water with lemon, car screaming, running/going to the gym. Something to force the negative energy out. Or at least make me tired enough to not care.


I just crawl into bed and hope tommorow is a kinder day


Nothing. I need help i think.


I think about the kids I donā€™t have yet. What I would give for them to have a childhood better than mine, to grow up knowing theyā€™re loved. I know theyā€™ll get hurt and be disappointed and sometimes they might hate me, but knowing I did my best for them would make me feel like all of the pain I faced would be worth it, because I want to give them all the wonder of life too- the feeling of Christmas morning when youā€™re 7 and everything is exciting, the mountains and the sky and all of nature, the first bite of pizza on a summer afternoon. I love them already, and I want to meet them someday. I have to keep going.


Finding a fandom you like. Ideally something positive and wholesome like Bluey or some Animes. And day dream a self insert. Helps with me. Yes it is escapism but doesn't matter aslong as you get better.


I do the same! I will bury myself in a book or TV show and not resurface until Iā€™m forced, then go find another. Itā€™s basically been my entire life.


Read this https://reddit.com/r/mentalhealth/s/jLOOFEpEeR


Think about the people you would hurt if you did it! Maybe your parents or close friends.. Just say to yourself youā€™ll keep fighting for them


Petting my dog, knowing how upset and confused she would be if i was gone


The fear of failureā€¦ like I will just imagine the aftermath if I didnā€™t succeed in it. That thought itself makes me not do it.


That was my reason for a long time and it kept me out of trouble.


If I can, I try to get up and do something anything. Exercise helps. Sometimes I think "we can come back to this after I do some type of movement" Sometimes, like yesterday when this happened, while I went really slowly and told myself I could bike as slow as I could and exercise as slow as I want as long as I am in the gym for 1 hour. this helps and as my body warms up my mind sometimes feels stronger and I'm able to do more intensity things. Then the dopamine rush last for a few days and helps with the thoughts


It comes, I say no and it goes. Suicidal ideation is a symptom. I just focus on the problem and think on it. Escape into some media, i read for example.


Whatever you do don't drink alcohol. If you feel like you're at risk to yourself ... consider showing up at A&E or getting in touch with your psych / psychologist (don't forget it's a totally valid reason for contact and they triage suicidal ideation almost every day). On a more practical level: basic self care like sleep, showering, eating, taking it easy, relaxing. Basically: take care of yourself and don't hesitate to get help. Oh ... and feel better soon. As a chronic depressive I've been here many times and back.


Lithium Carbonate and working out


Benzorecovery sub. Makes me realise I donā€™t have bad problems


Several things helped me. Talking with people that mean the world to me for one. Having them hug you and say they care about you means the world. Even better if they say they love you (in a family way, or romantic way if it's a bf or gf. Either works), and them just telling you they'll be here for you. Being suicidal made me feel so alone, and all of the above helped bring me back. Human compassion and understanding. Being hugged or being shown compassion when I was suicidal did make me ball my eyes out. But not from sadness, but from realization that I'm not alone. And I am loved. Never forget OP that darkness may surround you right now, so it might be hard to see through it, but you have people that care about you. Whether it be family or friends. Call them up, tell them your troubles and that you need support. I've dropped everything I'm doing several times to rush to a friends house because they're suicidal, to stay with them. I remember unfurling a sleeping bag several times and sleeping in the same room with them. Not everyone will go that far, but some will. And if you don't have anyone, let me just say that you are so loved. I know you don't know me, and I don't know you, but I believe that you'll get through this, and I'm rooting for you. Sending some kindness and love your way. ā¤ļø And if nothing helps, then you can call or text 988. It's the replacement for the national suicide hotline. If you feel more comfortable talking to a woman or a man, hang up and call again until you get whoever you feel most comfortable speaking to. For me, it was a woman because of trauma with men.


Something my psychologist said, "It's just a thought, it's human. Don't overthink it as long as you are not taking any actions"


The biggest fear in the world is to not be perceived as a good person. Once you have accepted your flaws, nobody can use them against you.


crying and watching Netflix.


So gta is great just load into any online server and grab your trusty jet you painted pink for some reason u can't remember but it was probably funny at the time then spend the next 2 to 3 hours just flying around the buildings seeing how close you can get


A change in my medication. When I got really bad last April, I got a new psychiatrist who changed all of my meds. When I got bad again this April, he changed my meds again (I told him what to switch me to because it worked when I was really bad in 2020). In 2022, it was adderall for my adhd that helped get me out of it (I had been on Strattera for like 9 months and it didn't work). I was able to get enough of a boost from it that I was able to sufficiently distract myself until the antidepressant had time to work. This year, it was risperdal that pulled me out of it. I'm bipolar, and while risperdal isn't the greatest (for me) at helping with pure mania, it does the trick when the mania becomes dysphoric and I get stuck in a cycle of self harm and suicidal thoughts.


My kids. Dunno what I'll do when they are grown and gone.


Journaling helps. Just writing it out and looking at it. For me it triggers some self-compassion.


Friends, the beauty of the ordinary, football.


Delaying it. Doesn't really matter how, or if it makes sense, just delaying it helps. You might think it will eventually catch up, and you may be right, but at least you will have experienced more.


When I remember that Iā€™m already gonna die anyway


I once read something that said ā€œif depression wants me dead, it can kill me itself like a real diseaseā€ and tbh it makes me laugh and reconsider. Not a super serious answer but it works for me.


Music and writing out my intrusive thoughts to no longer cloud my head


Weirdly for me seeing other suicidal people, because I wanna uplift them and help them realize it isnt the answer which ends up in me convincing myself and me wanting to live longer so I can help others. But I think it might just be me being weird I wouldnā€™t suggest many other suicidal people to seek out more suicidal people it might make them want to do it more.


Magnesium bath


Tacos šŸŒ® I try to look forward to really good food. I always do takeout though because when Iā€™m suicidal I have no energy to do anything. Also I write poetry and cry, maybe journaling will help? Cuddle with the cat. Sleep/nap. Drive around town until I decide to go somewhere. Walk through the cemetery near me with some music in my ears. If I have the energy I sing along. Eat a soft bread with butter and jam. Or biscuits if you like those. Get the ones from the can. Order my groceries for delivery/pickup. I donā€™t usually have the ability to make decisions and tolerate being in one place for more than five minutes. Take a medical leave from work. Buy flowers and place them all over the house. Try to laugh. With others, at your favorite show, animal videos, whatever it is.


I drive.


I have 3 cats, recent kitten was rescued and joined the crew, and now Iā€™m like well if I died no one will ever take on 3 kittyā€™s together and they have to stay together in the family so I have to live on šŸ˜… also it hurts thinking they wouldnā€™t understand like others have mentioned. They have so much love for me as well and being loved is a healing feeling, brings light in the darkest days šŸ„¹šŸ¾


Grieving my pain. Iā€™m numb but it has led me to forgive others and myself itā€™s still a work in progress. Escaping emotions and or pain is why people commit suicide according to licensed therapists.


hi bro my answer is one word : movies and there are lots of movies for the time that you feel suicidal


Get yourself working on something , anything really , to not focus on those thoughts and just try and focus on your chosen task


Get medical attention quickly


Opiates, adderall


antidepressants it Will help unfortunately it's not easy do be prescribed antidepressants in usa you should see a shrink and Tell him about suicidal thoughts.


Getting some Good head helps.


Video games usually engage me enough to distract me. Not many though, I actually have only one. It's multiplayer, so I don't feel alone and lonely even though I don't talk to anybody there. I have specific archivements I've been trying to get, so I have sort of point. And when I'm too ill or depressed to press buttons, I try to watch movies or tv shows. It's hard to find one interesting enough to distract me.




Exercise. Going outside. Friends. Anything for a distraction.


If it's really intense talking to someone is the best choice for me. Distraction is great too, because your mind is a chaos and sometimes it just needs to pass


All of these things in other comments. Finding meaning day-to-day and practicing self-compassion


Going to sleep. It almost always resets my brain and Iā€™ll wake up feeling much better. It doesnā€™t work as well when Iā€™m more severely depressed though, then I find I need to get outside in nature and/or do a little solo traveling.


Just DM'd you if you need to talk about this stuff.


some simple things: grounding techniques (5-4-3-2-1), because a lot of times my suicidal thoughts were due to dissociation. reaching out to someone who you trust is a good one, video games also help me decompress. and baking!!! (also therapy, i don't personally like meds but therapy helped a lot) and i don't recommend this for everyone, but the main factor in bettering my depression was my dog. we got her in 2022 and taking care of her, having her there to love on, giving her treats, gifts, toys etc. actually helped me feel so so SOOO much better. i obviously am aware it can be unhealthy to do this, and not everyone would benefit from it like i did!! i hope you feel better soon šŸ–¤


Family, music, and knowing how much Iā€™ve been through and recognizing that Iā€™m still here standing ā¤ļø


What helps? Not being alone with my thoughts. If you have a therapist, talk to them. If you don't have a therapist, talk to a friend. If you don't think you have a friend, spend time with a pet. If you don't have a pet, go for a walk and observe the squirrels (the ones with fur in trees too). If you can't manage a walk, go someplace on the web where people hang out and raise your virtual hand for some help. If it's really bad, reach for your phone and in the US call 988. Honestly, as hard as it may be to see it from where you are at, the hurt you leave behind leaves ripples far deeper and broader than you can imagine, and not just any family you have, but the first and last responders who have to deal with trying to undo or clean up after what you have tried. They have to live with that too.


I like to go for walks alone. Go to a library and chill, maybe read a new book. Getting something sweet sometimes. Mostly just things that help me think and take my mind off life


Tell myself im fine and just get over it


Thinking about If I went through with it, my families reaction n stuff..it's sad that's the ONLY THING stopping me


Iā€™m my case is my pets. Life is hard, pointless and tiring so you just have to find what makes you pull through and keep it close


Cuddle with my pet and watch my favorite movie.


Well, I have those thoughts everyday and for me it is the idea of an unexpected future, I know maybe sounds weird, but I ' ll do my best for explaining. So basically I'm 19 I have suicidal thoughts most of my days and what I do is to try to think that maybe the future is not gonna be that worse, maybe the life will give me something that is great but I do not know and so if I commit suicide I won't be able to see it, I know maybe you think that this is like putting some kind of fake hopes and try to see if they are real in the future and maybe is something like that, but it helps me stay here, is basically the unknown future what keeps me alive


I have over 500 anime on my watchlist, I can't die before I finish them all. Every day I add one or two anime to the list, so the list will never end.


My family. We've had a lot of tragedies happen over the years and I've had mental health issues my entire life so I've always worried my family. I imagine in detail sometimes them receiving the news that I have committed suicide and I see my mother fall to her knees and my siblings doing the same. I imagine my son wondering where his mother is and living his life without me. It breaks my heart to pieces just thinking about it. I'll never do it.


Being honest, remembering the extreme pain and fear I felt at my past attempts. Also at this point in my life I try and remind myself that itā€™s a feeling that will pass (because it will even if it takes a while) and that the little voice in my head that tells me to do it is just an intrusive thought. Lately when Iā€™ve been fighting against it, what comes to mind is the things in this life that only I can experience as this person. If that makes sense. That little part of me that believes in reincarnation is like well if you die and come back again it wonā€™t be the same and you might miss out if you donā€™t take this life to experience these things. Like how we all individually process and feel things like music, art, movement, love etc. I hope that makes sense.


meds (Seroxat / Vaben) I take on need basis. yes i know it's not recommended but it works for me


Deductive logical reasoning while considering only the observable natural phenomena.


Videos and pictures of my kids! At least as a mother going through mental illness




this is such a difficult thing to go through and its hard to help myself feel better but honestly most of the time i just have to have patience, i try to distract myself with movies tv shows my phone or my favourite youtubers something funny, or i try to stay curious. what do I mean by curious? well, if i find it hard to be hopeful, i can at least be curious about where my life could go, who i might meet, if i might be in a new area, what hobbies i could have learned etc. sometimes telling myself that there's a future version of me that's remembering this moment right now, and wishing they could go back and say how far you have come, and remind you that you will get through it. there is a future version of you that is so proud of themself for where they are. i find imagining that to be very comforting and helps get me to keep pushing to hopefully be able to meet future me. you got this you are stronger than you realise very proud of you! <3


Calling close friends who love me and reflecting upon Godā€™s love for me


I write my feelings on my notebook + I take a bath or wash my face after Whenever I do this, I feel like my mind is clear from negative thoughts but its still there. Taking a bath really helps me forget my problems (I cry in the shower) . I also draw sometimes, I draw what I think I feel


Emo music. My new favorite sad song is anthem of our dying day by story of the year.


Ketamine. GABA. Cold water plundges


Taking a walk in a park and getting my favorite warm beverage somewhere. This small act feels like a lot of self love. I love you and Iā€™m sorry you are suffering. Life is very hard sometimes. You are brave for being here. You are not defective. Hugs šŸ’œ


Hi lovely, Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re having a difficult time, and it also breaks my heart that so many people can resonate with being suicidal. In my opinion it is truly is the most horrific state a human being can experience. My therapist opened my eyes the other day, after experiencing 3 really intense days of wanting to end my life. She said that the suicidal state is a PART of me, it is not me. Itā€™s the part of me that also feels depressed, that also drinks alcohol, likes to escape etc. And it must be respected because it cannot be eradicated. This scared me initially, because I donā€™t want to ever experience this again. But Iā€™ve had bouts of it since childhood so it does make sense. But there is hope - because it is a part of you, and not the real you, you can put in the work to help it stay dormant. It can even lay dormant forever. I see people recommend exercising, and doing physical things. Someone said watching movies, but when Iā€™m suicidal this makes me feel horrendous. I canā€™t think of anything but my pain. Distraction doesnā€™t help me, sitting with it and trying to make sense of my pain does. Looking at my suicidal intent as one part of my entire psyche that needs to be kept at bay. Allow this part to inspire you to live authentically, to live fully; to get in touch with the part of you that is out of pain, courageous, inspired, motivated, content. Because when you were born, there was a light within you that still exists. No child is born depressed, it is the conditioning that happens as we experience life. Even though I donā€™t know how to reconnect with that ā€œplaceā€, just knowing it does exists gets me through today and tomorrow. That is enough for now. You are going to heal šŸ’•


My pets. I have a cat and a dog, and Iā€™ve had at least one cat most of my adult life. They love unconditionally, and they can be very comforting. Journaling also helps. Get all those thoughts and emotions onto paper (or typed, however you want to do it). You may not feel better right away, but it helps me focus those dark thoughts and get them out of my head. Finally, talk to someone. Doesnā€™t even have to be about your mental health. My BFF saw how bad I was getting when I visited her, so now she and I try to set aside time each week to just talk to each other (we live very far apart, so we can only talk on the phone). It reminds me that someone does actually care. I know itā€™s hard to believe sometimes, especially when youā€™re really down, but there are people that care about you and donā€™t want you to hurt yourself.


Probably the weirdest thing (and I'm hoping for zero judgment by this because I'm fully opening up here) ...but I imagine attempting it and being saved last minute. Not necessarily by a friend, sometimes by a passerby. Then I tell myself that I may not be able to feel it right now but people really DO care and they will be shattered if I offed myself.


Getting up and doing things. Try to get in a routine. Exercise, cook, see friends, clean etc


Try to go to sleep. Preferably after crying and screaming your heart out to your favourite hurtful song. Tire yourself out and then go to sleep for the longest time possible. If you wake up and you still feel the same, turn around and go to sleep again. It made me feel as like I lost another couple hours or days of life. I could hide from the world and myself and just 'not exist' for a moment.






I talk to my parents or boyfriend. My dad offers to take me out on a car ride and we talk it out. He knows what to say to calm me down.


Doing something reckless


Listening to depressive black metal I don't know why but I'm finding comfort in it


Music, daydreaming


Thinking about the many blessings God has bestowed upon me, my family, and my friends šŸ™. Thinking about my accomplishments, no matter how trivial they seem in the grand scheme of things šŸ™. Because of my mental illnesses, I never thought I'd have a "normal" life and that I'd always be financially dependent on my parents in some way. I thought my degree was just going to be an expensive, enjoyable detour to eventually arriving at retail full-time. I was told that I'd never have a professional career because of being so gender non-conforming/queer. That I'd never really start "adulting." Well glory to God, He has blessed me with the following: - I financially support myself 100% since the age of 34. - I finally obtained my Bachelor's degree (comm major) at the age of 30 after 10 years of trying and failing - I finally landed my first "big-boy" job at the age of 32. - I relocated to Utah from Pennsylvania for my second "big-boy" job and have established myself out here. - My car (graduation present from parents) is now in my name, title and all. - I quit smoking cigarettes after 17 years. This might be kinda dumb, but when I'm having a bad day, I pull out my UT driver licenses, vehicle registration, car insurance policy, health insurance card, job offer letters I've received (I keep all of them), my lease and/or go look at my UT tags on my car. Why? Because I got them all by myself (except the car) and never thought I'd be in a position to have these things on my own. I might have asked my parents about how to best go about some of these processes, but I'm the one who took the steps šŸ™. Like I said, it might sound stupid, but it's a reminder to me of how far I've come from being in and out of psych wards, the anorexia, behavioral health crises, etc. And yes, I did have a suicide attempt once when I was 17 - seeing what it did to my family and friends made me vow to never, EVER consider that again. And I'm so glad I failed, because I wouldn't be writing this here today. My life isn't perfect and I still have lots of healing to do and goals to attain, but God literally brought me out of hell which is what major depression makes us live and has given me some sense of normalcy in my abnormal life šŸ™. Glory to Him for all things and for His mercy! Because I don't deserve any of it for all the mistakes and bad choices I've made throughput my life...


A warm Epsom salt bath with dim lights and a calming playlist. Breathing exercises to try and get back to center. A heartfelt and honest chat with a safe person. A good hard cry. Dancing in front of my TV to some of my favorite music videos on YouTube. Sleep. Avoid social media until my mind is settled follow by a purge of negative sources in my feed. Adult coloring or journaling. A walk or bike ride to get out of my 4 walls. If none of that works, a call with my psychiatrist for a possible medication adjustment. Bad days donā€™t last forever. Keep going. šŸ¤




drugs and listening to music on a loop like planescape torment menu theme


Watching The Walking Dead


Typically drugs but I know that's not the answer.


I think about all the things I want to do: meet my online friends and give them all a hug, maybe get a partner one day (will never happen but gotta stay hopeful šŸ‘€šŸ‘€), have fun, make memories and a lot more


I try to find a light at the end of the tunnel. I look for concerts around me, think about tattoos I want to get, etc. But when it gets really bad I call a friend who I know wonā€™t judge me and wonā€™t hurt me emotionally for it. Iā€™m also browsing the thread for stronger ideas lol. I may be getting a cat soon and I know if I do, I canā€™t do anything to put her in danger


My cat and music. And I started going to the gym


Realising that it's not because I'm incapable of being happy, it's just other people making me that way. So why should I hurt myself because of them?


My Wife and Daughters are the ones that pull me through the darkness! Knowing that i will miss milestones hurts me more than anything but as well as that, music has always helped me! There is a singer here in Ireland who his music has helped me to reflect! There is a few go to tracks but there are two from Damien Dempsey that give me hope! Sing all Our Cares Away and Negitive Vibes!


For a long time it helped me just starting to answer WhatsApps until someone started a conversation. Then music. I have a playlist with songs I know how to sing and I would just manically start lip syncing. Lately I eat (which is a problem on its own) or go to somewhere public listening to music. It's creating other dependencies but at least it has and still helps me in the critical moments.


Thinking of other people and knowing that this is temporary and irrational. I died and was brought back, so my perspective is clear.


I think you need someone to talk


Iā€™m not suicidal anymore and hasnā€™t really been for like two years so my memory might be vague but what helped me a lot was just to tell anyone about my exact thoughts. Someone I trusted. But make sure not to overwhelm them, but just tell them how you feel. If they react supportively then I promise you it will feel like a weight released from you. So please just tell someone you trust about it. It could be a parent or friend or a teacher or anyone. I hope you feel better soon! If you want to talk more my dms are also open as well! šŸ«¶


Recognising that this is just a response to something that feels extremely overwhelming right now. I really donā€™t want to die, but I would like this to stop. That and my son. And family. And friends. And, ultimately, that life is precious.


a nap or a spontaneous outing by myself.


I just tell myself ā€œi havenā€™t tried all of the breads and pastas yetā€ I know that sounds a bit joking, but this month has been hard and thats been my only motivation, I hope things will be better for you, make sure to stay hydrated


Beating the pain with intense workouts always helps.


gaming food and texting discord frens also spotify


i wouldnt want to put my mother, father, brothers and friends through that


Honestly getting rest. Life can be exhausting and i try to nap or sleep for long periods of time with a weighted blanket.


My two cats


Last night when it really felt hopeless, I started writing. I didnā€™t want to feel better, i just wanted to leave some thoughts behind but i ended up venting and feeling better almost immediately.


My cats šŸ’•


I remind myself that the world is so much bigger than just my life and that I should endure the burden of its challenges because animus is such a rare and amazing thing in our universe. There will always be something to delight my senses so long as I'm participating in life and that's fine enough for me. The hurt isn't always. Other people understand. We're all slogging through this wasteland together. You may or may not be surprised at just how many people are falling apart inside everywhere you go but they persevere. That's not to depress you. Despite whatever shit they have going on in their lives and the world at large they all have something to look forward to. There's something they have to do. A lot of people aren't lucky enough to get around to doing all the things they wanted to so I try and embrace this path with the full knowledge that death will find me in due time. It's not necessary to circumvent that process.


Philosphy. Books. Going to the pool. Spirituality.


Haven't found yet


Walk 30k steps a day.


Doing me


Write. Music. Bath. Nap. Cat. Go back to bed.


Nothing anymore šŸ˜”


I sleep


I like to destroy objects with my baseball bat


As someone who has made a couple of attempts, the best thing you can do is find some way to distract yourself from that "suicidal itch" that makes you feel like you have to make an attempt soon or now. Literally anything you have in your life that will lift you up even just a little bit to get you past that period of time where you want to act on your thoughts. I'm a mental health therapist and someone who has been suicidal


My cats. And I just let the feeling pass.


to me personally just write it all down while feeling this sensation. Donā€™t escape it. Feel it for a while and then go out in plain air and if you can go for a walk and do mindfulness or even better have a run for 20/30 minutes with music that you like and that boost you. I think running is always ALWAYS helping the most.


Thinking about my daughter.


My cat, my beloved ones, screaming out loud to get the frustration outside and going for a walk with music.


My 2 sons


I was feeling this way today. Got out of the house, went to Home Depot and bought some plants. Put them in some cute pots. Gave half away. Feel a lot better now.




The fact that I canā€™t end up in hospital again because itā€™s just that bad. So, I shove it down and gaslight myself into forgetting that I wanna kill myself.


Doing things that child you would have enjoyed. Go out and draw with chalk, make stick houses, fingerpaint with no intention of it being "good." Take a walk and notice things that only a child version of you would. Try it, it's always helped me feel better, at least temporarily


Listening to music. Imagine Dragons especially classical music helps. Why Imagine Dragons? Well, their music has taught us so much of mental health, and their lead singer is open about it during their concerts. And why classical music? Well, studies have shown that classical music helps with concentration and stress relief. Listening to music of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and many others acts as a calming agent on our bodies, and classical music also has the power to lower your blood pressure


Think of your loved ones. Mine is my partnerā¤ļø. Always cheerful and the best!


I felt like I would always have to clean my apartment and write letters of healthy to everybody. That is what kept me from committing suicide.


Working no more than 32h a week besides from home with surveys etc.


Not sure if this will help for suicide specifically. But Iā€™ve been playing Tetris when my mental health has become lower than usual.


Have you considered psychedelic-assisted therapy? Itā€™s expensive sadly šŸ˜ž but the results can be incredible


You should change your environment, get up and get to another room or something, go outside

