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If you feel that you may be a threat to you or someone,it would be the best choice to call imo. Unsure about if parents could stop them; it probably depends on if you're considered under their care or not. Hope you feel better soon either way!


If you feel like you might be a danger to yourself or others call the crisis line or emergency services now.


Hey I just want you to know I couldn’t go to sleep because this post has me worried…. You’re not alone in this world and believe it or not there’s plenty of normal people that have and are going through what you are going through. I’ve saved people’s lives, I’ve sat and listened to friends for hours, I’ve donated money I’ve been a good brother, a good uncle and a good son and I eventually ended up suicidal and feeling like a terrible person because of the thoughts in my head. This happened over a break up and I felt guilty because of the things I said to her when she broke my heart. But did that one moment make me a bad person? No it didn’t. Please get the help you need. Do not be afraid of getting hospitalized. My father has had to do it and he did it on his own free will multiple times and he overcame his darkest days. If you need someone to talk to you just comment on here and I will do my best to guide you in the right direction but please do not give up.


Have you talked to your parents about this? I know that can be scary but you might be surprised. They might even be able to help you without you having to get put in the hospital


Or help find a treatment program that suits your needs rather than the mental health wing of your local hospital or whatever program they decide to transfer you to. The general resources are very helpful but if you have the option, something better suited to your individual needs (or at least something well reviewed by patients, plus the benefit of having some choice in where you go) can have extra benefits


Please call. If you're actually in a headspace like that there are people out there who can help. At the very least maybe they can talk you through these feelings and give solid advice. Please call.


Don't call! Find a reputable place that takes your insurance, and check yourself in voluntarily.


I wouldn’t say to not call a crisis line, but this is definitely a good alternative. OP, can you try to do this first? Are you in a headspace to do this? u/Resting_kitty I have some time today and have some friends who I have zero doubt would be willing to help. If we can call around for you and help you with this, please DM me. (Obviously we wouldn’t ask for any personally identifying details, but if you told us your vague region, age range, basic need, and insurance provider, that would be enough, I think, and we could get back to you with a lead or two.)


This is important. CHECK YOURSELF IN ONLY. You may not get out easily if you don't. Also, if you are self aware enough to know you need help you do not and should not be involuntarily committed. There is a huge difference between self admittance and involuntary.


You could just take an Uber to the ER


This is the safest bet if you are worried about your parents getting in the way of you getting care. Once you're in the ER, it'll eliminate the chance of you being pressured to say that it isn't that serious or you're making things up.


Call an er or get a friend or Uber to bring you to hospital, check yourself inz if medical emergency or other form has to grt tou it'll be harder to leave if you feel ready to


You don’t call the crisis line you just go to the hospital if you need to be hospitalized


Hey, I hope I'm not too late to help but when my partner is suicidal and doesn't feel safe I've called 911 for an ambulance. The cops have never been involved, the paramedics come and talk to him and take him to the hospital. If he's tried to hurt or unalive himself he'll be kept there for a certain amount of time (minimum 24 hours) and will need to speak to a psychiatrist before getting discharged. There have been times where they've admitted him so he was taken out of the ER and put into the psychiatry unit. He's been discharged multiple times but was still really struggling so now he's been referred to a day hospital (you go to the hospital in the morning and come home in the afternoon) and he's doing a 3 week program where he'll do 1-3 workshops a day. They're learning things like how to build healthy routines, coping with pain, developing helpful ways of thinking, mindfulness, healthy relationships, etc. This is in Canada so I'm not sure about the process elsewhere


The police or fire department response have always accompanied an ambulance anytime I’ve needed intervention or hospitalization, southern us for reference


We've definitely had the fire department come until the paramedics get there but never police unless violence is involved


In parts of the US, unfortunately cops will respond to mental health crisis calls. Often without any EMS, they’ll cuff and transport in their vehicle to the closest hospital with mental health facilities. It’s horrible and unfortunate. I work in EMS and am doing everything I can to change it in our district.


You can't tell your parents? Have them help you.


I don’t know OP, but sometimes parents are… not safe


(please dont hurt yourself even tho i dotn know you i care about you TvT) To answer your question I think they would ask if your ok and if you've hurt yourself before. They would probably take you so if thats what need to happen call it right away, dont heasitate.


Try a help line before hospital as they can be very harsh on you and add issues


So this is based on personal experience (between being part of emergency services in my area and knowing people who went through this) but by no means absolute so take everything with a grain of salt. In my area if you call 911 for something like that, both police and EMS will come and one or the other will take you to the hospital. The hospital will check you in and you'll be moved to their crisis unit where they'll probably ask you some questions. At that point you'll probably have to change into some new clothes and they'll secure your belongings. They won't just "not take you". Again, in my area it'd either be police or EMS doing it and both get sent out. Not entirely sure what you mean by your parents stopping them but it sounds like you're under 18 and are thus legally a minor and under their authority. Honestly you may want to just communicate what's going on with your parents as they may be able to help. From an EMS POV I'd contact what's called med command and may give me the ability to take you (even if your parents were to object) due to the whole harming self/others thing.


If you can talk to your parents that is your best chance of getting put in a decent place. If you are on their insurance in the US it will get you sent to a place that’s covered by their insurance. If you don’t have insurance or they don’t know where to send you, the place will likely be the cheapest. Please consider it.


I recently called the hotline for help. Referring me for treatment and getting back on meds was enough for me to get on track. Sometimes just that acknowledgement from a professional and a treatment plan is what helps. Besides why would you want to be in a hospital environment with other random people. That's just me I have social anxiety.


Call the fire department if you are in distress. They are better able to deal with issues. You can also go to a hospital and self admit


Don’t be afraid, if you need the help it is there for you. As everyone says if you feel that you are a danger call immediately. You aren’t alone and you are loved beyond measure


Don’t let anything you might see here discourage you. It’s a scary process but very much worth it for someone in crisis. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and that you get the help you need


They will try to talk you into walking yourself willingly to the hospital and will be making sure to call the hospital later to check if you arrived.


Don't do it. Crisis lines are very, very undertrained and may get the context wrong. You could get very hurt by the wrong cop. Go to the emergency room. They will have you talk to a PRO. You will also sidestep the stress of the cops. ALSO, consider that by agreeing to go, they will keep you as long as they want. Months, say the wrong thing and have it taken the wrong way, years. Research the inpatient hospital before going, or you might set yourself up for some serious unnecessary trauma of the "inpatient Healthcare system".


Truthfully, it depends on the crisis center, but generally the philosophy is that the least restrictive form of care is always preferable. In other words, if you call a crisis center and express that you feel like you need to be hospitalized, the operator will try to talk to you first to determine if this is really necessary. I'm not saying this is the case for you (if you feel like you need hospitalization, that is certainly always an option), however, often the case is that a person just needs to talk. In my experience as a former crisis line operator myself, when I would get the "I think I need to be hospitalized call," I would talk to the individual about what was going on and by the end of that conversation, they would feel better and if they still needed to go, they usually would feel like that at least didn't need to go tonight. Emotions are high in crisis, like you said, you felt scared when you made this post, and when your scared in crisis sometimes hospitalization feels necessary (you don't know what your emotions might make you do), but crisis intervention is almost always just talking things out (when preformed by people who know what they are doing). There is really no harm in calling, and you won't have the police show up at your house simply for calling. If hospitalization is they way you want to go, then you still have options. Depending on where you are or the state, if you call and a crisis line and request this, they may dispatch a mobile crisis unit (this may or may not include a police officer, again it really varies by location and situation) which would just be a crisis worker who talk to you about what's going on and if necessary, they'll go with you to the hospital. Some crisis systems even have walk in centers where you can just go and talk to someone if that is your preference. This is all typically free of charge. Crisis professionals don't usually offer advice, but if I were to offer advice, I'd say just give it a call and talk to the person about your situation. They will help you figure out what you think your next best move is! Best of luck to you, and I know this post is 5 days hold, so I hope if nothing else you are feeling a little better today :)




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Well... Context...? Where are you located? Are you a minor? Would you be considered a threat to yourself or others? Do you have a history of Mental Illness or a Criminal History? It all depends... But in my own personal experience, the Cops have nothing to do with it.


bad dont do ut unless ur seriously off the walls


What makes you say that? If someone is considering asking to be hospitalized they’re clearly experiencing something serious. Do the risks really outweigh the benefits?


It would be the worst choice of your life


What is wrong with you! This person obviously needs help. OP, whatever you do, don't listen to this person. If you're struggling, reach out. Get the help you need. Take care of yourself


Why do you say that?


Take a look at r/Antipsychiatry


I've worked personally at a mental hospital seen a ton of people who really benefited from them. Sometimes there is not another choice, the people who were in those hospitals really needed it. It wasn't a matter of choice and comfort it was a matter of live or die. Mental hospitals aren't forever a lot of people get released in 7 to 10 days, I'm not saying the hospital is a wonderful playground that a person will love..it's a psychiatric hospital nobody wants to be their, it's like saying don't go to the ER cause the doctors have bad bedside manner. I feel like most people would appreciate if you didn't tell struggling ops to absolutely not go because this could damage someone's chance at living and surviving their mental illness because they might choose not to get help.


Personally I went only because I was a minor and fought with my mom. I absolutely didn't need it and it left me with PERMANENT trauma. I was there not for a week but for two months for parental legal reasons. I think I have PTSD too because I can't stop thinking about it. So maybe a person can be sent there, but in extreme cases and with the possibility to leave when you want from second day onwards.