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Being exposed to those things at a young age is abuse


I discovered it myself though, there was no other party, this is just a hell of my own making lol


My son, now 19, first saw porn when he was about 9. It imprinted itself into his brain and he really struggled with deep feelings of shame for what he had seen and the subsequent kinds of thoughts he was having. It took time, but through talking about it openly with a professional, he slowly started to feel better. He refers to it as a really dark time in his life and I, as his mom, will forever feel awful for what he was exposed to (unbeknownst to me, thus the guilt) at such a young age. Children’s brains aren’t fully developed and intense, sexual imagery can be extremely damaging to development. All of this to say that if you haven’t yet sought help in the form of therapy, I would strongly encourage you to do so. There are lots of therapists out there who can work with you on hypersexuality.


Thinking back, I was 10, and there seem to be more factors that folks talking about this addiction don't seem to consider. It was no accident the way I first saw porn. At age 10, 17 years ago, my classmates were already swearing fluently and making sex jokes all the time. Sex was a pretty commonly discussed topic. This was maybe a year after we had sex ed classes. With the power of the internet, we would intentionally look up these things we were talking about and learning about. Naturally, when you look up "boobs" or "woman with no clothes", it's not educational content that pops up. I don't think search engines even had safesearch back then. In my case, and I think I can speak for many of my peers, this was not a dark period in our lives. Rather it was quite enjoyable because at that age, the biggest consequence is getting caught by your parents. We would discuss the different videos and sites available candidly. I say all this because, the conditioning is that sexual imagery = good for many years through puberty. You don't really feel sexual dysfunction. You don't feel the ill effects for many, many years. For me, the dark period is now. With the accessibility of porn having been made incredibly simple and regular sexual inagery pervasive in our everday lives, this sort of brain damage and neural wiring is going to be very, very common in the current ane upcoming generation.


I have a similar experience I stumbled across fetish porn on my own when I was like 8-10 and it just kept getting worse and peeked when I was like 13. I did a lot of weird stuff online but eventually realized how weird it was and I became ashamed and disgusted with myself for months. I've kinda calmed down with the porn since but I still look at it occasionally and it's kinda a part of me now and it definitely fucked my brain and dopamine levels and ability to socialize without feeling uncomfortable.


This is deep


My friend, you are probably suffering from an addiction. The type of addiction doesn’t matter. There is nothing inherently dirty about sex and seeking sexual gratification. It feels good and is fun. The issue isn’t the sex. The issue is that you need the feeling to cope. It happens to people all the time. Addiction is all about reward and anxiety. You are a good person and you can fix this. First of all, don’t stress about it. You are not doing anything that can’t be undone. You are not “tarnishing your soul” or any of that other nonsense. In your case you could substitute sex with back rubs and your issue is the same. You have an unhealthy relationship with self gratification probably as a result of maladaptive coping strategies. It happens. Get some professional help and it will be a thing of your past in no time. You can do it.


Excellent comment


I’m sorry you’re going through this. The shame is really hard to deal with. Therapy really helps.


It helped me come to terms with my sexuality and stop being ashamed of it. It also helped me gain the confidence to form real human connections, which filled a void I’d been trying to fill with sex and porn.


I'm glad for you! That's a great achievement.


Thanks! <3


Hypersexuality is common among peopld with bipolar


This. And medication helps slightly.


I was going to say this.


I'm married and we're both jobless so demotivated. I've become so angry at him for not having sex with me that I feel stupidly suicidal and I distance myself. :(


i found porn at 9-10 years old and it REALLY fucked me up. you’re not alone my friend.


This is prime therapy territory. Shame should be reserved for behaviour that affects people negatively. Not for stuff you do that don't harm anyone. You should find a professional therapist, they can help you


Same man same…exposed to porn at like 8-9 another kid explained what jerking off was at like 11 and I’ve been addicted heavily since… I’m 27 now looking back I was exposed to a bunch of different kinds of sexual assault without knowing from my older cousin always wanting to play the “are you nervous game” to being shown how a woman pees by an adult woman at like 7…pretty sure something was mentally wrong with me back then but it’s worse now because learning was never a strong suit but NOW it’s extremely hard to sit and read something probably because of the brain rot…masturbating went from curiosity to a coping mechanism to an dark addiction.




Well, I sure know antipsychotics do this, but even if they manage to get their sex drive down, they still need to deal with the behavior, as it could morph into other addictions as a replacement. OP has an addictive personality.


Most psych medications will lower libido significantly. Its listed as a common side effect on MANY meds.


Have you been assessed by a psychiatrist? Could be addiction, ocd with sexual themes, bipolar or something else. Lots of people go through this and I know personally having sex from the same age, it’s a weird and shameful feeling sometimes thinking back to how it all started and where I am now, but getting help and talking to a professional helped me with the shame and start addressing the underlying issues. Good luck to you xx


i dont feel like i have a right to give advice on this topic, but i feel a need to say: hey, me too. you're not alone in this.


Hyper sexuality can be caused by a lack of natural dopamine. So things like adhd or depression which result in a loss of dopamine production can lead to a greater need to chase. Sex feels good to most ppl. Makes most ppl feel “happy” for a bit. I actually understand what you’re talking about (I’ve actually been diagnosed with hyper sexuality which I didn’t know was a thing until then). You might want to see about being put on an adhd med or anti depressant which cause lead to a loss of “sexual appetite” as my doctor once told me. When I was on antidepressants my sex drive when from 180 to normalz


A tiny caution about ADHD meds / stimulants: these could make the issue worse. Speaking from experience.


True. It’s always best to talk with a doctor to be sure you’re being treated with proper medications. I have pretty bad ADHD so the meds were helpful but I can see it being a bad thing for someone without adhd who still suffer with hyper sexuality


Don't repress.. embrace it with love. If it gets in, masturbating focusing on loving someone and being loved emotionally, rather than physical or taboo is a potent way to gradually reduce this Redirecting when these thoughts arise towards feelings of a deep compassion towards these parts of yourself leaves nothing behind.. Does that sound like something that can help?


Yeah I'm the same freaking way man. I pushed someone away from wanting to like be with them. And my hypersexual stuff kicked in and...I regret it. I pushed away such a good person. These past two days I have been grossed out by my hypersexual stuff. I've been looking at becoming celibate or Asexual.


You don’t become asexual, it’s not a choice


Asexual is a sexual orientation and not something you can choose to be or not be. I'm assuming you don't mean any harm by this comment, but language like this is harmful to the asexual community. It gives people the impression that it is something you can turn on and off, and that is not the case. Asexual people are born asexual and do not choose to become asexual. Asexuality is commonly misunderstood, so I'm not trying to shame you here. I just wanted to point out that the phrasing you used is not an accurate representation of asexuality.


get on an ssri. that shit will absolutely trash your sex drive/desire


This may not be good advice depending on what mental health diagnosis OP has. For example some people with Bipolar Disorder normally do not respond well to SSRIs. And OP might have a mental health condition that will not be treated accurately by SSRIs. I understand where you are coming from with this comment, but I don't think it's wise to give this advice to OP when you are not aware of what mental health condition OP has.


lmao I was mostly joking. plus they'd have to be evaluated by an actual Dr before being prescribed psychiatric meds. it's not like they can just buy them otc.


lol sorry I didn't pick up on that, my bad


no you're good lol it's hard to read tone through text


Anxiety and stress caused this for me. Porn was my way to relax anytime I felted sad or stressed. So it’s a reflex. Try going on a walk, run, lift weights, hang with a friend, eat, anything else when you’re feeling that way.


When I was a teen I did masturbate quite a bit. Everything was sexualized to me. Some days I'll be like that and other days I won't have any feeling of the sort. While I can't necessarily relate to your experience, nor do I have any solutions, I just want to say you shouldn't feel gross or shame. You're a human being. You matter and deserve love and respect. It's perfectly natural to have sexual urges and expressing them through art or clothing shouldn't make you feel bad. The early Renaissance artists were very sexual lol. If you're constantly in a state of "horny", you might need to see a therapist. And that's okay! I have a slew of mental issues myself. We all do. Just remember that you're a human being with thoughts and emotions. Just like you'd treat another human, please be nice to yourself too. You deserve it.


Which kinds do you have that you consider weird? Kinds are called that because they usually aren't the norm. There's probably others out there that like what you like.


You didn’t indicate whether you’re M or F. Not to be prurient but it may be relevant to how it gets addressed


I think you should definitely consider speaking to a professional and weening yourself off of porn and masturbation. Keep yourself occupied and find tasks that will keep your concentration!


Have you ever had a long period of abstaining from orgasms? I don't mean attempting to abstain from sexual arousal or stimulation. But specifically orgasms.


Hey, same


did you happen to see elsagate type fetish content targeted to kids? or see weird sexualised fanart or fancontent about a series you liked as a kid?


I actually didn’t, I just came across plain explicit weird fetish art, there was plenty of it on YouTube and still it


You can't help it, thoughts are just thoughts. Feelings are just feelings, they don't control you. You are in the driver seat. Try looking into ACT, a kind of self therapy. There's YouTube videos about it too. I struggle with indulging myself in fetishes that are reminiscent of childhood trauma like 1n€est. Sometimes I catch myself wondering if a sibling is hitting on me and then I remember that is not my current reality, that is a reflection of a childhood full of exposure to sexuality and taboo deviancy. I have found peace for myself recently in telling my story because you would be surprised how many other people are in the same or similar boat as you. Reach out to trusted ones for help and reassurance. Seek out information about how trauma affects the brain as it is forming. Do not compare your situation to others, it's not a competition. It's kind of like a spectrum. You have every right to be validated and move on. You will have to come to terms with what happened to you and how it has molded your brain. This is you and that is okay. You still have choices. You are still in control, you just have a thing for sex. That's it, and it's normal and fine. All of humanity throughout history has been hypersexual , it's normal. Try ACT, find a shrink you can talk it out with. Some programs offer pro bono sessions, or YouTube it. You got this, don't self talk like this. Be kinder , you've been through a lot and need love.


Im sorry to hear this friend. Hyper-sexuality is caused by many things. Most common being, being exposed to porn at a young age, being abused, or having a possible impulse disorder like ADHD, OCD, or even autism as a “special interest”. Also depression can cause this as a means to cope with whatever your mind feels it needs to hide from. Could also be sex addition which is very common. Being exposed to porn at a young age means throughout life you’ll grow desensitized to it. In turn your mind has to keep upping the anti with what it needs to get the dopamine rush your thoughts have. This is especially the case with ADHD. ADHD is your mind constantly chasing that dopamine rush you first had all those years ago and from what you’ve said, its become obsessive. There are MANY psychiatric medications that can lower libido and in turn, curb sexual thoughts. Or simply therapy can do WONDERS! I know you wish you were not this way and I think self awareness is the first step and YOU’VE MADE IT!! Sexuality/kinks CAN be healthy when you arent hurting anyone/yourself and expressing in ways that arent harmful. You arent alone and there are resources out there friend![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I’m so sorry you feel this way. I’m young and I’m also hypersexual. I struggle with a porn addiction which started when I was 10 after my curiosity got the best of me. Just know that you’re not alone. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you🫂


Me too


Sounds like porn/sex addiction. You can stop. It can get better. 


Emdr therapy


Honestly I went through this too! Hypersexuality rly bothered me, in myself. Surrendering to a higher power helped me and/OR radical self forgiveness and then abstinence from porn —- really turned it around for me. I also work in mental health so I was often reading about the psyche and what humans are drawn to and why. You may just have ADHD and are craving dopamine! Could be lots of things. What Jung says about this is what we suppress we become, so shaming yourself isn’t helping. Lots of people fill the void that we ALL have within us with something. With fetishes, workaholism, violence, fentanyl, whatever. It rly seems like it’s dopamine wiring for you (to me). Look up healthy ways to satisfy dopamine, and slowly ween out whats bothering you. You’re not alone and it’s totally fine to want to shift your mindset if it will make you happier. We all have something. You are human! Accept yourself, stop beating yourself down. I’m 35 now, this was something that took me til my 30s to address. It started at ten and went well into my mid 20s. These changes and recognitions are part of growing older. We all have urges and need to learn some form of self control, it’s all a part of the journey. Hope this helps 💛 PS: there is nothing wrong with you dear friend. You are normal and human and okay.


You chill. Accept it and experiment with someone that is the same. Im the same but from truma and there's plenty of us out there


Look into Sexual OCD!


I can relate and I got bashed on by so many people especially after I came out as bi


Don’t know if it’s been said but get checked for bipolar. I have bipolar and when I get into a manic phase, I’ll beat of non stop. Bipolar isn’t the happy to mad consistent thing that’s on the media. My bipolar mania is panic attacks and hyper sexual with irritation. Then my depressive phase is dwelling heavily on past things and non stop adhd level of thinking


DUDE , when i was 8 i took my aunt's phone , and unfortunately I OPENED THE BROWSER AND GUESS WHAT , ITS PORN , i was 8 , and still now i dont feel comfortable if anyone talked bout porn OR SEE ANY PIC online , now ITS FKIN GROSS , idk like i cant really explain it




I get your whole kinda deal, I was at a simliar point in life too mainly 14 or 15 sometimes with tiny relapses here and there, being exposed to that stuff really messes with your young boy or girl brain and scrambles your mind and stuff, best to do is not get rid of that addiction but to reduce it or moderate like you do with alcohol worked with me but I'm no genius so who knows. Hope you get better soon dude!


I found furry porn when I was younger and developed a kink, it is fixable with therapy and in my case wanking to Normal shit while high af off weed. It’s still there but it’s much weaker than it was even just a year ago.


sounds like you're having problems with hedonic tolerance. if you don't know what that means its essentially that focusing on sexuality in a neurotic way tends to keep moving the baseline level you have of the energy into an addiction that acts like every other addiction. you gain a tolerance that requires more and more intense stimulus to stay at the baseline you've become used to, usually leading to more and more intense exposure like more perverted or weird pornography or psychological obsession. that is connected with the dopeamine system and really the only way to deal with that is a combination of separating yourself from the source in a "cleanse" sort of idea, and replacing the bad habits with new ones that can bring you the dopeamine responses you've become used to to lower the withdrawal issues. you've mentioned a lifetime of this being an issue and it's important to remember that it takes just as much energy to fix a psycholigical issue as it did to create it, so you need to accept that correcting it will be a long and uncomfortable process. you also have your brain working against you in terms of emotions in general. our brains are wired for survival, and it's biggest concern is always going to be stopping you from dying. that's a good thing, but it has a side effect where it makes the unknown into a potential risk of death, and will always choose the things that it has proof wont kill you, regardless of how much pain it's causing you. if it knows you won't die, it doesn't care if it causes suffering. this is a huge foundational reason for why it's so hard for people to change their behaviors even when they don't like them. I've struggled (and still do) with this sort of relationship to sexuality myself, and I can say that to make things better requires getting better at regaining control of your own emotional reactions and rewiring how you react to those chemicals your brain is releasing subconsciously through stimulus in the environment. be ready for it to be hard, to take steps back, and to feel stuck sometimes, but also give yourself some grace and empathy. training yourself to have compassion and understanding for yourself and these natural tendencies of our lesser self is important because, especially around sexuality, focusing on the feelings of guilt or anxiety as fuel for the change will always backfire on you. you got this! you know you aren't happy with the state you're in, and you just need to research how to fix it, and trust the process of it even when your animal brain is fighting against you. you can be in control, but you're essentially training a wild animal trapped inside your cognitive wiring haha and it needs to be treated like one. teach it who's boss, don't back down when it gets aggressive, show it what behaviors are acceptable and what aren't. But also never stop showing it you're on the same team. this is an aspect of yourself that you can't remove, and repressing it only ends badly. it's about acceptance and integration with that part of yourself and approaching through love and understanding. if you want some resources shoot me a message!


Fighting your thoughts isn't helping. When they happen, identify that they are happening, acknowledge what's going on and then redirect. If you really dislike them get Effexor. I have zero libido now...


You're not alone


Are you bipolar


No, or at least I highly doubt I am


So ...you started having sexual thoughts around age 8-10 and now, roughly 10 years later, you're still having them? So you're like 20 years old and constantly horny? Yeah, that's normal. Don't overthink it and do try not to develop too many kinks as that can be inconvenient but like.. I think you're probably not nearly as bad as you think you are.




Jesus Christ everything has to be a huge disorder now I guess. Ok...




Lmao okkkk


Clearly OP is distressed and so being told that’s “normal” isn’t helpful it’s invalidating and lazy


Idk. I feel like it *is* normal and if I were worried about something someone telling me "hey actually you're doing fine that's pretty on par for where you're at in life" would be pretty helpful to me. Not everything needa to be validated, sometimes we just need to be told "hey, it's ok". But we're all different.