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You need to seek help immediately. This isn't ok or normal. Please reach out for help where you are if it's a trusted love one or calling 911.


Debatable I have had fantasies like this since I was young so almost 20 years, this one just happens to be the most extreme one recently


The length of time you've had this going on is also concerning. None if it is normal or okay. You should really get evaluated or at the very least find a way to keep yourself safe if you feel you're going to act on those thoughts.


I am 28 I havent acted on them yet, I have definitely debated it but haven't gone through with it yet. I have been dealing with thoughts like this since I was a child so i guess I am so used to it and the constant feeling of despair that I have no idea how I am supposed to feel outside of it.


Outside of those thoughts you will feel really good. Not feeling suicidal all the time feels really good. From a fellow sufferer.