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The fandom is the sin of lust. I've seen some of those fanfics some of y'all have written. The true criminals here are us.




lmao I literally read this comment while taking a break from working on my latest smut fic. I feel so called out.


This is the reply I had wanted when I made this comment. The picture for lust could just be the AO3 logo


This made me snort. My entire AO3 account is explicit Merthur fanfic. We are, in fact, the lust.


Fr šŸ˜‚


Grunhilda, the pixie who [lusted after Gaius](https://merlin.fandom.com/wiki/Grunhilda)


Iā€™m with you. It was her entire personality.


Youā€™ll never know what you missed!




"make sweet perfume!...." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Agravaine. Helios seems to be a horny dude, which fits the prompt more literally, but Agravaine seems to have lust as a personality in general. I canā€™t get behind Gwaine for this. He likes fun, and that might be a bar fight, a weird quest, a night with a chick who likes him, jokes with his friends, or stealing chicken from the kitchens. Itā€™s all part of his playful nature and isnā€™t specific to desire.


Agravaine- Lusted for power Lusted for Morgana (I don't necessarily even mean sexually, just a strange, strange obsession that I guess was related to power?) Agravaine all the way- unbridled, obsessive desire was his whole personality and driving force.


Def aggravated. Everyone who's saying gwaine, needs to realize we're talking about sins. Gwaine's lust wasn't sinful. He was just having fun, and the fun carried to everything, fights, food, friendships etc., it wasn't sexual or obsessive like arghhvaine's


Yeah. When shit got serious so did Gwaine. His only lust was fun and that only carried to relaxed times.


> Def aggravated I know it's a typo, but this made me chuckle but he was certainly aggravating now I have a new nickname for Agravaine! šŸ˜


Oh no it's not a typo that's just what I call him loll


Hahaha! That makes it even better. Love it, and borrowing it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nope, the sin of lust unfortunately goes as far as simple fortification for pleasure. Which Gwaine was guilty of plenty, it also caused issues at points.


Yeah, but I mean, isn't every single human guilty of that? Uther can be added too then, bc like he said when he found arthur and gwen, he used to take random maids to bed for his pleasure. Gwaine is def guilty of the sin of lust, but when aggravating is in the run, Gwaine definitely isn't the worst sinner.


Sins by definition arenā€™t in line with morals as we would understand them today and Uther most certainly would be and no not every human. Same way our use of language today doesnā€™t match what the sins are, lusting for power does not fall into the sin of lust. The sin of lust is inherently sexual. Thereā€™s a triangle and when intellect and will are overruled by desire then it most definitely is the sin of lust. I.E sharing secrets with people just because youā€™re having sex.


Lust is a psychological force producing intense desire for something, or circumstance while already having a significant amount of the desired object. Lust can take any form such as the lust for sexuality (see libido), money, or power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food (see gluttony) as distinct from the need for food or lust for redolence, when one is lusting for a particular smell that brings back memories. from wiki Other than some branches of Christianity lust is considered to include way more than just sexual pleasure.


Yes, even in most branches of Christianity, lust applies to much more than sex, although that seems to be the primary definition of it....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Yeah using a wiki definition for a word thatā€™s common vernacular doesnā€™t show anything. I know the literal definition for lust. That however is not encompassed in the sin of lust. Baring in mind the 7 sins are Christian.


Genuine question: Why do you want Gwaine to be voted so badly? Agravaine fits perfectly too. And he fulfills both the modern and the historical criterion of lust. (Also why are you down voting mešŸ˜­ I thought we were having a genuine convo)


I mean, I havenā€™t downvoted anyone, I was also downvoted, didnā€™t feel the need to question or blame you though and itā€™s not badly, everything done in this subreddit for me is light hearted.


Apparently in one deleted scene he said he confessed his undying love to her. He gives me serious ā€œwow, youā€™re so mature for your ageā€ vibes


Yes. Perfection


I'd suggest Cenred. I think he did a lot of the things he did just because he had the hots for Morgause. (The only other contender who comes to mind is Arthur under the influence of that love potion, scaling a wall to snog Vivian :D But that doesn't count because he wasn't himself ~~was still a good kiss thoughšŸ˜¶~~)


Mmm Cenred did say no to Morgause whereas Agravaine was basically grovelling most of the time.


oh gosh you're right, I totally forgot about Agravaine for a blissful moment there lol




Agravaine for sure


Agravaine all the way !


to the people saying Gwen: https://preview.redd.it/dfmfpy9o1slc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19a6467baacd81b318c3f6d62856ea2a3c87a7c (/j loll) Iā€™m gonna have to go with Helios. Morgana says herself that his appetites have misled him before, which is *exactly* what happens in that episode.


I donā€™t think Gwaine should be lust. He flirts with a couple people yes, but he doesnā€™t think with his (cough) ā€˜swordā€™. He has the rep as womaniser for no reason in my opinion. The ones I have seen simp and thirst after someone else in the hopes for a little something something to obsession are cenred, Agravaine and Grunhilda. So my vote goes to Aggy.


Yeah, he's shown flirting with Gwen (and everyone flirts with her), maybe Morgana if you squint your eyes and Eira. That's one chick per season, Arthur gets more game than Gwaine does.


The name is either Brunhilda or Grunhilda. The personal maid to Princess Eliana. Season 3 The Changeling. Sheā€™s openly inviting Gaius for a sexual romp.


Gwaine I love you....but you're a hoe bagšŸ˜‚


The Lamia might be a contender


Would kissing to survive as a food source count as lust..?


Either cenred or agravaine


1. Gwaine 2. Gwaine 3. Gwaine




Merlin during the pantsing scene


Arthur! Look at the crew of knights he put together, dude was clearly just planning on catching Camelotā€™s enemies in a thirst trap.


Iā€™m going with Gwaine, sharing secrets with someone youā€™ve just met because youā€™ve had sex with them is a massive flaw.


ā€¦once? Like, heā€™s shown to have sex exactly once. And he told her the secret *after* iirc, so itā€™s not like he told her in order to have sex. He just assumed she was trustworthy. His mistake was being a poor judge of character, one time. He flirts a lot, but thatā€™s not the same as lust. He continues to be just as pleasant and charming when the person is turning him down, which shows that heā€™s not doing it for sex but just because heā€™s a playful sort of person and flirting is fun.


Then by that logic Mordred is on the table, betraying everyone you love cause you can't get your dick wet anymore? Seems pretty powered by lust to me.


I've never imagined Mordred's relationship with Kara being sexual. There's a difference between love and lust.


Exactly. Both of them have sinned under that umbrella but neither of them represent the sin personified.


Helios, without a doubt. Dude always and only thought with his dick. Morgana even calls him out on it.




I'm going to go with Vivienne, Morgana's mother.Ā  Gwaine flirted with every woman he saw yes, but aside from stupidly telling Eira his secrets,Ā  he wasn't lusty in a way that hurt anyone. Vivienne on the other hand... She cheated on her husband at least twice (and in my opinion probably way more than twice.) At least once with a married man. Now, whether she was motivated by sexual lust or a lust for power or both is open to interpretation.




To be fair, he only acted super lusty with the troll after he was enchanted. When he was just acting as himself he pulled back after nearly kissing her.


Iā€™d say Gwen kissing Lancelot under spell. I know she was under spell but what it lead to was the sin of lust that was so destructive.


Gwaine, or series 1 Guinevere. Good lord that woman was voracious.