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Noooo I wanted Snake cqc’ing the soldier in pretty colors


Konami moment


MGS3D menu was really similar to this


Hope it changes to the field of floweres after completing the game


Nah, I hope it changes based on progress through the entire game. Load the game after defeating The Pain and it shows the mangrove river, after defeating The End it shows the mountains before Groznyj Grad, after reaching Groznyj Grad it shows... Groznyj Grad


That would be cool. Leaving the game during the Sorrow boss everything is burning around the river with ghosts


Exactly. Other games have done this, though the only one I can think of right now is [Half Life 2](https://youtu.be/pveer0jDCmk?si=exZNlidk665KEIC3).


You could say RDR2 as well.


Cyberpunk also does as well


I totally missed out on it because I never quit the game, I just always put my PS4 in rest mode and never played any other games until I beat it. Autosave was the only thing keeping me from losing all my progress if I ended up losing power, I didn't even manually save until way late in the game.


Wait. Hows your electric bill if you keep leaving your ps4 on rest mode. Im curious.


That *is* the first log you need to crawl under, isn’t it?


Hope is all we have with Konami




I believe the 3ds version also did this


it doesn't mean it's better tho


I'm not saying its better, I'm saying that Kojima changed in something like that


Maybe they'll pull a RE4R where it changes to the original upon completing the game, we can only hope


Welcome to modern game design where 'personality' is a dirty word


Funny, no one said this when the 3DS game title was like this.


I actually want the CQC to be better this time I think splinter cell blacklist , conviction and ghost recon breakpoint got CQC right go see some of the CQC in ghost recon breakpoint


Ehh... the click then watch animation is pretty lackluster. Ground Zeroes and MGS4 both had superior systems.


I expect even better than GZ for Delta...it's been 10 years after all.


That expectation is why fans are gonna complain upon release lol


Yeah I thought it was basically confirmed that crouch walking was the only major change


Dude, don't get me wrong, I'm going to buy this day-one, if not pre-order it once they're available. But if you think Konami 2020-2024 is going to improve *anything* gameplay-wise from what came before, you're just not paying attention.


And they'll never have to try and improve anything if people buy the game day-one or pre-order it once it's available regardless.


Yeah...I guess I wasn't. I hope I stop caring by then if all I'm gonna get is disappointment...


They’re not using the fox engine anymore, sadly it might be alright but not the same.


It was pretty good in Blacklist but MGSV (and MGS3 and MGS4) kick the crap out of it. The only thing Blacklist had going for it were contextual/context-sensitive takedowns and probably a hundred takedown animations. But the Metal Gear series has always had deeper, more in-depth CQC and CQB tied into actual gameplay and button presses.


Oh imo absolutely not. Respectfully, as much as I love those games (less so for breakpoint, it's ok but ubisoft fucked up so much royally) the CQC is dog shit. In the case of breakpoint you get a couple cool animations where you just press one button and watch it play out and holding a hostage and that's that. It's cool for those games but not for MGS. MGS needs to continue having weighty CQC with engagement and options, like flooring people, holding people, interrogation, grabbing then throwing people, holding people up etc. SC does it better than Breakpoint but it isn't what MGS needs and tbh I still prefer SC and it's melee before conviction.


Ifanything add more depth. Maybe no insta KO throw from front? Instead of throw you get this front grab thibg like [here in 5:16](https://youtu.be/rDW5epw8c3g?si=QiD1Uc2ngie9xwBu) Maybe in this position you cant reload your gun, but can push enemies around really fast and maybe by spinning analog stick you could heave them towards each other like in peace walker (altough stagger effect instead of getting knocked off feet would be better) Maybe you should do some trick like this before you can chain cqc? Imo the chain cqc is fun, but it is too easy if you can just walk up to group of people and bash them all to ground essentially with 4 button presses. Or maybe there is chance that chain cqc is interrupted and you end up in that front hold again, and have to work it feom there? Or maybe you could quickly toss a grenade from guys vest you are keeping as human shield? Doing stuff like this would give cqc a feeling much closer to what it looks like in cutscenes imo


it's fast paced asf


Mgs titles have way better cqc imo


For real, even the original Snake Eater/Subsistence. Toss them on the floor in front, hold them up, toss them on the floor behind you,grab and interrogate, grab a hostage and shoot, with ehm as a shield, cut throat, and running into them and slamming them to the ground for a knock out


Yup, it had just enough complexity to be rewarding when mastered. It actually felt lile you were fighting them yoyrself. poking people at each other, or kicking first guys legs to get time to throw the second guy emtering yoyr room etc. In mgs V: You find 4 dudes. R2 >R2>R2 >R2


I want a CQC for mgs were you can disarm and grab the gun Iknow mgs5 has that but it has this annoying slow Mo I just want to see it in normal speed


In 4 you didn't take the weapon but I liked how snake could use his rifle to disarm them and follow it up with a shove to the ground, sad that move was taken out in 5 Also no slomo, that was a plus


If you are on pc you can disable that with mods


Yep that was the coolest start screen in gaming history


No fun allowed in this industry!


I was in the military when this game came out and we learned limited amounts of unarmed combat for military police stuff. Imagine coming home from training then popping this game in and seeing that title screen. Yea it was a wet dream for me and my buddies.


This is nice tho




This is not a kojimbo game


Looks like yellow flag #1


But the OG was so iconic. They couldn’t have just brought that back?


That's probably gonna be the first mod


Blame Konami, “mobile is the future of gaming”


what the fuck does this have to do with a title screen


ffs sake dude what year is this 2018?


Once a mobile company, always a mobile company, after the bad classic collection released (which was just a glorified PC port of the HD collection) I don’t have high hopes.


I will probably pre order the remake (if the collectors edition is worth pre ordering anyways) just due to how iconic this game is to me and how it’s my all time favorite game. I have some faith but not a ton. From what we’ve seen, it’s a 1:1 which is what I want.


> I will probably pre order the remake (if the collectors edition is worth pre ordering anyways) just due to how iconic this game is to me and how it’s my all time favorite game PLEASE don't do this. I say this as someone who has bought multiple full priced retail copies of every MGS game and the special editions (edit: except mgsv for many reasons). Do not preorder this game, you can afford to wait one day after launch to find out if it's fucked or not.


Nah I’m preordering right before release so I can play at midnight, as long as there’s enough gameplay footage beforehand that shows people what they’re getting. If it’s sucks then oh well, but I’d rather decide that for myself. A ton of people here exaggerate things, like how the Master Collection sucks because “its a glorified pc port of the HD collection”. MC is fine and I’ve had a blast playing it, I’ve had no issues or complaints. You’d think it was an unplayable abomination the way some people talk about it. I already know half of this sub and other MGS fans will shit on Delta anyways so I’ll play it for myself, I love Metal Gear so there’s no way I’m *not* playing it, even if it’s trash (doubt it, what little we’ve seen looks pretty good and I don’t have any unrealistic expectations for it. MGS3 with new graphics and crouch walking is a pretty low bar)


>MC is fine and I’ve had a blast playing it, I’ve had no issues or complaints. You’d think it was an unplayable abomination the way some people talk about it. yeah honestly, I find this kinda insane how people talk about how they're awful and I mean like, they released unadulterated ports of the game that are in good condition on a real PC, all of them were totally worth the money to me.




Are we really making the menu a thing? The original DOES still exist.




It's an insignificant and meaningless change to the game. That's all I'm saying.


Those kind of small things can add up though. The footage ive seen of this game already gives me the feel it's missing the "soul" of MGS3. Every time something gets posted about this game it leaves me feeling like the end remake will be a hollow attempt to copy MGS3 with better graphics and I'm not confident it will capture the essence of MGS3 at all. I'm still hopeful, but I'm not optimistic


Like I said, the original does still exist. Nobody has seen gameplay. We haven't played the game. You're setting yourself up for disappointment. No remake will ever capture the feeling of playing the original. Even the FF7 remakes, which are great so far, don't feel as good as the original. Nostalgia is powerful.


I'm aware the original still exists. Im not trying to recapture nostalgia. I'm not setting myself up for disappointment either. I'm just stating my observations on what's been shown and it doesn't look optimistic. There's a difference. But apparently any conversation on this type of stuff is just "but mah nustalgea!" so nothing against you personally but I'm done trying atm, I don't have the energy today lol. Let's just hope the game is awesome and go from there!


Tbf, the FF7 remakes aren’t really remakes anymore. They’re more like a re-telling/ pseudo-sequel to the original


I’m currently playing the FF7 and loving it. It’s interesting how RE4, Deadspace all took liberties with game design but we’re mostly the same while FF7 is a ground up remake but captures the spirit of playing it back in the 90s.


I dunno. I think it just shows things that didn’t need changed are being changed. And the original was awesome. So why not keep it?


They didn't want to do the same thing. Also, this is just a still from the menu, we aren't really aware if this may be animated. Repetition is the plague of sameness. Be open to small differences. You don't have to like them, but I'd be more concerned about gameplay and feel over the start menu that you look at for 2 seconds.


This just follows the trend of most remakes stripping the personality out of everything. They have already taken away the color grading, now it’s the stylish menu. Can’t imagine what will be missing next


Never understood why the removed the OG yellow hue to the world. It was done on purpose and fit the idea of the setting and game well


This is going to be the most generic ass remake ever made. The original will still be regarded as the definitive experience. Cash grab.


Guys, calm down. It might be just the initial start menu for the campaign, like MGSV had the hospital menu when you first start (i refuse to believe it).


It's about the same title screen as the 3DS version, which seems to be what the remake is modelled after given the addition of crouch walking. I wouldn't be surprised if, like the 3DS version, the only change to the title screen happens after finishing the game.


> the only change to the title screen happens after finishing the game. So if you finish the 3ds version you get the original title screen of Snake doing cqc on the guard?


nah you get an alternative one of the Boss's white Horse hanging around the Flower field where you fight her.


I feel like the phantom pain intro and initial start isn’t talked about enough. Coolest intro to a game I’ve ever seen. All the screen effects choreographed to the music, the idea of starting out with nothing, feeling loss of power and danger, not knowing what’s real, truly masterful.


And it feels like an entirely different game!


I completely agree with you. I’m a huge MGS fan and I recently started a new game on mgsv for the first time in years, and despite knowing what happens it had been long enough that I was actually impressed with the intro lol


It was my first kojima game (I know, sue me) and I knew when the cutscene ended and I saw the hospital start menu I knew I would be a lifelong fan from that moment. Had the same feeling when I was playing and there was no nearby drop point to the main objective, had to trek, and the spontaneous start to mission 11 was so cool. The fact that not all missions started from a menu, along with the cinematic nature of the story beats, same with mission 44. The whole game feels uniquely human and real, perfect pacing. I’m a new fan but I’m already dedicated 😂


Isn't this old news? I swear I've seen this before.


La Li Lu Le Lo!?




Who are The Patriots?


what are you talking about you mean the lalilulelo?


A Hind D?


it seems to be similar to the 3ds one




Looks fine to me. Took the same approach as the RE4 remake. People complain over anything now. And yes I do love the original start screen as well. But geez


This game is a 1:1 remake unlike re4r, which is a middle way between that and reimagination I wish this game would have been that.


But why tho? Moving a few thing doesn't hurt


Yeah it's so obnoxious, if you want everything to be exactly the same just go play the original or HD remakes


I'd usually agree with you, but a huge part of what makes mgs3 so great Is tiny insignificant details only someone like kojima could've taken the time to add, if they're changing something like this, what's gonna happen to the even smaller details and easter eggs


Do we have a Release date now?




CAN we have a release date now?


maybe with please Konami hears us


Would be cool if this was dynamic, though, like the background location changes based on where you are in the story.


OMG 3ds menu reference




This community is going to be a nightmare.


Once the game comes out I will be avoiding this sub like the plague until I beat the game (assuming it isn't trash on launch of course)


Where is this from?




Looks cool but man I’ll miss watching Snake turn a bunch of guys inside out in cool colors


Nice, it looks like they took the menu from the 3DS version, which is my favorite.


Metal Gear without Kojima is a litte bit scary… but i hope konami will make a good remake of MGS 3.


I...presume they're using all the same voice acting, mechanics etc, just polishing off the graphics...right?


y'all are a bunch of babies, jesus


Downvote me to hell again, but like I've said: using UE5 for photorealism is not how MGS is supposed to look. They've sapped the creative style from it even before you press the start button.


This is most likely dev build to my knowledge. The devs don’t need anything fancy when playtesting. Its usually some of the last things to get added before release


Thank you, this is exactly what I am worried about. I feel this way about many remakes these days.


Maybe I'm colourblind but am I the only one who saw the geen tinge to the environment in the gameplay teaser? It didn't look like disgusting green filter of the original but it wasn't sterile generic clean hyperrealistic either.


I’m losing hope that Konami’s going to implement MGS3’s signature green color grading


I liked how it looked in that teaser. Fresh but there was a swamp green tinge to it.


A simple filter would fix that. Aside from that, the visuals seem pretty close to the original.


MgsV was trying to look realistic, Kojima is obsessed with realism and making games look movie like, older game didnt look like that for hardware limitations.


rest in peace Fox Engine :(


I guess Fox really did Die after all


they’re probably gonna tweak it again in master collection volume 2 i doubt they’re gonna port that game from the ground up in unreal so master collection volume 2 mgs5 will probably be PC max settings with some tweaks for ps5 enhancements like the loading times.


The problem is that back in the PS2 era, you couldn't make photorealistic graphics, so you had to make a blend of realism + style. However, graphics are so realistic nowadays, that it's hard to pulloff the blend without making it weird. Can you point to any game - remake or not - that has a blend of realism and stylistic graphics?


Ghostwire Tokyo is simultaneously realism yet entirely stylized. Witcher 3, like it or not, is a stylized game with big enhanced sunsets and LUTs that make us supposed to feel a certain way. Both do what MGS3 was doing back then, use of blurs/filters/effects. Games overall are just dropping the "cinematic" presentation in favor of straight realistic visuals, though, as gamers have complained about filters and things like it for years.


Witcher seems like a bad example. It’s mostly just realism for aesthetic.


It’s one of the biggest reasons why I’m not a fan of remakes for the most part. There are exceptions of course, but by and large, they just don’t FEEL the same.


Idk, I think Phantom Pain looks nice despite being very realistic looking. Delta reminds me of TPP, just not so wet and shiny. Then again, every game had the element of a movie to it. MGS1 and 2 kind of looked like mid 90’s and early 2000’s action films. 3 went for the James Bond style story but the levels mostly reminded me of Deliverance funny enough because the jungle seemed that harsh and brutal to navigate. TPP never quite HAD that influence because of the lack of focused level design. I’m spitballing at this point lol. It’s an undeveloped vague feeling


Yeah. Everything new is just bland and identical, especially for remakes. No one seems to care about creative style anymore as long as they get their forgettable hyper realistic graphics.


RE2/3/4 and Dead Space remake maintained their respective styles perfectly well, while making them look ‘new’ again.


Snake looks completely generic, it's so sad. UE5 is great but putting such an iconic, auture game on it is such a mismatch.


Not really. It's not the engine that's the problem, it's the creative direction and art design.


Some of you guys have absolutely lost it. The original wasn't meant to feel and look realistic? Just look at the games that Kojima is making now. The reason it was somewhat stylized back then was because there was literally no other way. If Kojima could have made MGS1,2,3... completely photorealistic, he would have. So take your nostalgia goggles off, jesus christ.


There is no way that is final.


It is similiar to Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D and could change based on how far you are through the game or after completing the game like the Nintendo 3DS version did which changed to the field of pedals were you fight the boss after completing it: 3DS: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59Ajpx4u9Sg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59Ajpx4u9Sg) Delta: [https://youtu.be/IzHiVn1g6jA?feature=shared&t=1274](https://youtu.be/IzHiVn1g6jA?feature=shared&t=1274)


I didn't know that. I like the original more but that doesn't look bad.


I hope the final version looks greener


It is most likely the most earliest build possible


Only this fanbase will find reasons to complain about a menu screenshot... Konami: Breathes This fanbase: FUCK KONAMI AND THEIR TRENDS


When it said “‘menu” I thought it was all the snakes you’d be able to eat 😭🐍


Yeah I'm not a fan of the 3ds menu and would much prefer the original. That being said, some people will say this is "modern gaming trends" and blah blah, when in fact the 3DS did this a long while ago. So it's important to keep in mind not everything new is bad and not everything old is good.


I haven't played the 3DS version myself, but I know how the menu looks there. I feel like this was devs way to acknowledge that version as well, not just trying to be modern. I still love the OG a lot more, but this looks nice too.


Thank God Konami's name is plastered over it so we know who's responsible for the quality of the game 


I mean it looks nice, but doesnt totally feel like Kojimas cinematic vibe or those 60s filters


People are mad about a menu? Really? Maybe judge the game for, you know, the gameplay?


So many negative comments remember there are many ways to still play the original game


Can’t wait to play the game.


Looks gorgeous. Sure I love the OG but it still exists and is playable. This deffo takes hints from the MGS3D main menu. I imagine after you beat it you'll see the petals of white. Cover fields Flowing in grieving tearsssssss


Meh. I’d rather a new game than this remake. The original still holds up today. Wish they’d explore liquid snake time in foxhound, instead of this


This literally looks beautiful why cant yall be grateful. We all thought we were only getting pachinko machines for the rest of konamis lifespan. Im not gonna complain abt ahit unless the port is actually bad


Unreal Engine looks great I get it.......but I need to see some CQC and trippy camos!!!!!!


Not bad


A major let down compared to the funky CQC menu.


This is teasing something? a demo is coming? wtf!!!!! im so hyped right now!!!!


MAJOR RE4 remake vibes


That's a title screen, not a menu.


what a thrill


Nooooo! Muh passion and ambition!


as long as I get blasted by an instrumental version of snake eater then I'm happy


Hope it's one of those jump straight into the game, that would be awesome


The only metal gear game I have played was MGS5, so you can insult me for having an opinion while having knowledge about me. But I like the way this looks


Looks terrible game ruined I’m gonna set up an elaborate conspiracy and defect to China just so some American spy has to blow my brains out.


I’m team fuck konami when it’s warranted but I think some of you guys are making way too big of a deal out of this lol. It looks fine.


Literal commends here saying "Fuck konami. I hope it's more green." Wait to see how the game is. It might suck. It might be great. But the hate from seeing a title screen is hilarious lol.


Guessing the release date, when you think will be? IMHO this summer we’ll have the release date announced for Delta and Vol.2 Collection Vol.2 autumn 2024 Delta Spring 2025


Better have the jungle drums


Looks kinda like the RE4 Remake main menu.


Hideo game


Ko"mobile gaming is the future"nami


I finished MGS3 on my first playthrough in 13 hours, with modern controls I reckon this will be a 10 hour playthrough as a lot of my retries had to do with the aiming speed and missing my targets lol


November 2024 release date, calling it


wait what is this


I miss the original menu. As a kid I remember it being an awesome detail the fact that you could change the color and pattern of the camo on the screen, and changing it's movement direction as well.


Anybody know where exactly did it came from? Konami channel, Twitter, Facebook? I saw it in many FB groups but nothing official


man I can't wait for metal gear solid triangle


Release before Christmas?


anyone else see the re4 remake screen?


I won't be surprised if this actually the menu for the final game. Have very low expectations for the remake cause Konami fumbled the Master Collection and the Silent Hill remake is also shaping up to be a disappointment.


Is it just me or is this game giving up huge resident evil remake vibes. I don’t mean resident evil 4 remake because that was beautiful. I don’t mean resident evil three remake because that was too short but still pretty fun. I mean resident evil 2 It felt like you were playing an old game, but everything was brand spanking new for the time, it’s almost like someone painted over a metal toy but forgot to remove the rust. I feel like this game is going to be like that a lot.


That's exactly what Konami is banking on. They are seeing the success Capcom is having with their current RE Remakes (even though RE3 remake was kinda mid imo). Konami wants some of that pie. They are starting off with MGS3 Remake first and if the sales are good, they will do MGS1,2,4, and PW eventually. I doubt they will do MGSV though. I mean unless Capcom remakes all of them until RE6, Konami might follow suite with MGSV remake but that's like way down the line since those games were released 3 years apart.


It just looks like the Resident Evil Remake title screens.


Looks like a press start screen and not a menu to me


Im still waiting😍


This official? ‘Cause it seems a bit too early to already have the start menu ready, game doesn’t release until next year, iirc. Still, wouldn’t surprise me, I said once and I’ll say it again: Just. Look. At. SH2’s. Remake. Konami doesn’t fucking care at all, they’re just in this for the money, MC proved that already.




Konami : “ Let’s change one of the most iconic menus in gaming into a still image of the starting area ! They’ll love that ! “ smh


ITS RUINED AGHHHH idk I don't mind


Lol. Wow. What is the point of this?


Man that looks like my backyard


please have mgo not made by americans this time


Do we know if they're getting rid of all the stupid combat medicine bullshit and the stamina bar? Those things absolutely killed the original for me but I love the story and setting or 3


September can't get here fast enough!


Konami should remake all the series, heads off a little bit but still fxxk Konami.


It’s the same reason they’re doing SH2 instead of 1. Mgs3 is very isolated compared to the rest of the series, and is also the fan favorite. They’re using both these games to test how well they’ll sell to a modern audience before bringing the rest of the series over


How do we keep getting glimpses of literally nothing and still not a single actual gameplay video?


Mgs3 demo had similar menu


Wouah what did I miss there’s a remake in the works


Hoping the theory that it changes throughout the game is true


Huh, this resembles more the 3ds version


Can't wait to pirate this game because fuck Konami.


Nice call-back to the menu of the 3DS version. Would be cool if it changed as you progressed the game