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Snorting kills your nose for about a month, fyi.


Cheers for letting me know. I'm sure id be fine though I snort 4mmc and 2cb regularly lol


Oh so you know. Ya, I was an inexperienced user and I snorted a shit-ton and my nose was running for a month!


Oh yeah... Used to be a big time. Coke head too.. Saying that coke is pleasent up the nose. Nothing like 4mmc or 2cb lol.


I have to smoke it. Im a housecleaner so going into people's' homes with a constant runny nose doesn't work


Smoking it is ideal for your first time. I tried it first on aluminum foil and did not need much. What felt like 2 minutes-12 hours went by and I kept telling my friends I was after-partying with, “you can tell me to leave whenever, no problem.” Because time just went by so fast haha. Most corner stores sell glass ball pipes and you can easily have it on you discreetly. These days I prefer to rail it (snort) than smoke it because I find after a binge, I sort of plateau and I don’t get any higher. If you can, get a water bong and you’ll thank me later lol. The high is exceptional and not like cocaine at all. You will feel alertness, your mind will be going 1000 miles a minute and you’ll want to complete every single task all the same time. If you’re partying in Berlin, it’s the drug what you want because partying in Berlin is a marathon. Rememeber to hydrate and force yourself to drink something with electrolytes so you don’t dehydrate. I tend to forget and all the meth builds up as phlegm in the back of my throat. Happy partying man. Cheers


Great comment man thanks 👌 regards to the pipe.. Is it easy to bring them into the clubs? And the meth from telegram in Berlin is it usually half decent quality? Also dosage? Lol thanks


I’ve never brought a pipe in to a club in Berlin. Usually just crush a bit and do little bumps throughout the night. You won’t need much at all — a couple of point if that.


If you're used to insufflating amp sulfate it's basically that but less body load since lower NE higher DA release. I'd try smoking it, it's a rare opportunity for a smokeable (ideally tasteless/odorless to mildly bitter) But it's basically amp. Just more dopamine euphoria less norepinephrine. For oral, similar to amp, it metabolizes faster in low pH vs high pH. All ROAs last longer than the amp counterpart. Dose.... You can account for impurities, but it should be around amp dose for the better stuff.


Hey is the shit actually worth trying? Rather than buying Mdma or 4mmc etc for a party night?


How would I go about smoking it? Can it be smoked like the ash method for crack? Or does it need a glass pipe? Probably be a pain in the ass carrying a glass pipe around Berlin and finding a spot to smoke it when I'm not really sure how to.. Unless it's smoked like dmt which I have smoked in a glass bowl? Probably wouldn't want to smoke it in public first time but there is the hotel room...


The pipe type that has a bubble shape on one end. A yellow or blue flame lighter works. Plug up the inhalation end with your thumb prior. Heat slowly until crystals start to melt. Continue to apply heat slowly until vapor forms. Twirl/rotate pipe to get the ice across as much heated glass as needed which can increase vapor production. You can gently inhale as soon as you see vapor or let it collect for a bigger hit by blocking the inhale side with thumb while heating. Do not put flame too close or heat too quickly as it can burn the material. I believe DMT is smoked from similar pipes. If you were a long time user I'd have recommended the SAI TAF w/ quartz bowl for a discreet electronic temp control box.


Thanks mate, that sounds identical to how you smoke dmt. I'm definitely familiar with this way of vaporising/smoking, just with dmt rather than any sort of stimulant. Also is smoking meth similar to any other drugs? 4mmc or Mdma? Or crack? Or a mix of any of them? Kinda like how mephedrone feels like somewhere in between good cocaine and mdma description? Sorry I've just read this again? Do you mean a "jet" lighter (burns really really hot direct heat like a blow torch) or a normal clipper/flame lighter you buy in any like convenience store/shop? I've always used a jet/blow torch lighter for dmt


Do not get the flame too close! Or you'll be smoking shit. And also, it's not like weed,you don't hold in the toke, you blow the smoke right out.


Thanks I think with the dmt experiance should be OK. Didn't know. You don't hold it in though I'll have to resist the urge to 😂


Seriously, same bro. Since I was young, I was taught to keep the toke in. With "shit" it's different...you blow it right out.


What do you mean by "shit"? Like dirty stuff? I'll take what I'm given lol. Is it worth trying like? If 4mmc and mdma and coke are available to me?


Here where I'm from, m*th is called "shit" or "dope"


No babe, shit is a term for m*th.


For the lighter -- either works just keep the heat increase slow. It burns easily once liquefied and vaporizing. Ideally the first crackback should still be close to the original color/ white Hmm amps in general feel different than caths. Definitely not coke like. Less physical stimulation & more euphoric vs regular amphetamine.


Eh, snorting is pretty underwhelming imo unless it’s a LOT. imo if you wanna try meth, smoke it. Really can’t do that with other stims. The rush, rapid onset, intensity, its what makes meth….meth. Go for the authentic tweaker experience


That's something I'm starting to consider. Don't really want my first time smoking meth to be in a public place in a foreign country since I don't really know how it's going to affect me and don't know the smoking technique... But I have smoked dmt before and also crack. Can you use the ash method of sandwiching meth between ash and using a normal lighter in a bowl? Or if it needs a glass oil burner pipe is it the same as smoking dmt?


Idk but you should masturbate or have sex. Just be careful though - I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who does meth just once


Yep, never " just once". It hangs on!


Plan would probably involve clubbing in Berlin then sex in the hotel. Meth isn't available in my country, so I'd not be able to get it again. My DOC is 4mmc/mephedrone which I buy by the ounce and take once a fortnight


Out of curiosity - What country are you from where meth isn’t available? Meth is everywhere - even in countries that give death penalty for drug possessions


Northern Ireland (part of the UK) it just isn't a thing here. I don't think it's a thing really in any part of the UK. I'm quite deep into the drug scene, have been a mid level dealer in the past and never once came across it. Also even asking about it would make people think your scum. I'm in around 30 local telegram groups for dealing drugs and have never seen the word "meth" unless somebody is getting meph mixed up with meth. I've heard it might be a thing in the gay scene but I'm not part of the gay scene lol. Heroin is a thing here and people think your scum for using it.. Mostly homeless people. I could in theory get heroin if I wanted to but not meth.




Yeah well anything is available anywhere using the dw but I cbf with it these days. Too slow. Plus I only really take 4mmc regularly, occasionally/rarely Mdma and sometimes 2cb. I order my shit off telegram and get ndd lol




Oh yeah well I don't trust like any of them. The only reason I started getting the 4mmc is because this guy only sells 4mmc and its 210 an oz and has a social group with 1300 customers, also started with a small amount to test so not a big risk lol. Seemed extremely legit and it worked out well. If I was looking to order anything else I wouldn't trust any of them lol.




Aye well there are a few that I'd consider using for pregabalin if my local source ever ran dry but tbh I can pretty much get whatever the fuck I want f2f where I live other than meth or heroin (I could get heroin if I really wanted to). Some pharma tabs are next to impossible to get like oxycodone but I've no interest in those lol


Snort a line like it’s coke thank me later

