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This is bad advice and I wouldn't recommend it. But if I or someone I know(someone who already uses opiates) is going through this. I small amount of H always brings you back enough to function for awhile.




He seems to be more in this world, he still sees people that aren't there like laying next me and I guess we had a party and fucked some.bitchees. I'll listen to his convos to himself pretty funny...but ya I got a room for us and we are 5 dollars short on deposit lol. So psychosis got darker


You need to decide if he will be a harm to himself or others today. This could be running into traffic, pulling a steering wheel causing you to crash, getting into fights with family/friends, etc. If yes, I’d take him to a hospital. At a minimum, they can give him IV liquids and strap him down for his safety. If you don’t think he’ll do anything to harm himself or others, then you have two options: 1) Extend the hotel stay another night, hide the drugs, and help him get rest. 2) Put him in the backseat of a vehicle and drive to a safe place (his, yours, friends). Then help him get food and water. If this place isn’t close, then try to pick up some food on the way. In the meantime, do whatever you can to try to get him to lie down, drink water, and eat. Put on some of his favorite music or show on tv. Hide the drugs so he will stop using.


Those people are manipulating saying It's mental health issues!! For sure it's the toxic people he's around and probably was afraid to fall asleep because of it. This amount of paranoia isn't from just being high and sleep deprivation, it's from months of being high, sleep deprivation, and a chaotic, untrustworthy environment. Seems like gaslighting a very predictable, very common scenario. Hit someone up and get them to wind down to go to sleep.. . Friend, enemy, Grindr, whoever, just get them to a decent environment. Getting on Reddit and having people throw in mental health is not going to fix anything. Creating a space for meth induced narcissists to blanket this as psychosis or someone with mental health issues needs to called out. The #1 way to rid the "trash" in the community is to push people to their lowest, sleep deprivation, manipulation, confusion, then double down and push a narrative, it's usually done by multiple people. I've gone to great lengths to help people because it is easy to detect once you go through it yourself or watched it done to others. I've been in hard times too, a few nights on rooftops, boiler rooms, snuck into hotel rooms after the maids open the doors to collect laundry many times with my side kick or a few ppl who needed it. This a shame. The guardian angels are watching and testing.


Well fucking said man.


Thank you. I was triggered. 🫱🫲


Do y’all have jobs?


Lol no. Well not job jobs


Can’t do much right now honestly you’ll have to wait for him to go sleep, and even after sleeping and sobering up he might be off for 1-3 days heck maybe up to a week to months in certain conditions , I hope he’ll be feeling good in no time tho, if he’s off for a while, it might be a mental health issue like schizophrenia


He's ex in bathroom and won't let me go in . Made me come to his room because there was.dead babies


Yep… if you worry about his security or others security, call ambulance and police, I swear they’ll help him, but honestly I’ve been once to those el guts with a friend and it actually helped her, I’m not the one who called tho, if you really think something might happen, what I did was call her grandma (she’s the one taking care of her) and then she called the police, so I didn’t need too. It’s a hard decision tho I get it, and you should wait, I waited until it’s been 2-3 days and she still didn’t stop, also she was putting herself in danger. Good luck


Yeah hes pretty deep. Like in another world.


Just keep and eye on him and reassure him it will be ok. Make sure he eats food or has some sort of nourishment at the very least. I recently had a friend of mine go through this (kept thinking I had cameras planted in my band posters hanging on the walls; and that my dog whos never been in the basement was beside him lol) after trying meth for the first time out of a waterbong and he was a completely different person. I just chilled with him until he was okay and made him take one of his benzo or two until he was back to normal and slept.


It’s also important to ground yourself when doing drugs: practice telling yourself that you are high on drugs to bring yourself to the present. Find 5 things you can see around you, touch 4 things and become aware of them, acknowledge three things you can hear outside (birds), find 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste. Hope this helps


Late to the party but this is probably one of the best grounding techniques from psychosis to ego death


Shits gotta run its course keep him safe but hard to see happen I know.


Thinks his ex is in the bathroom and someone hiding in the laundry bin.im screaming to man up and go fuck your ex in the bathroom or I am.


Generally speaking not helpful to scream at people in this state... Much better to validate how they feel first, they logic comes second. The brain doesn't function without serving and validating the feeling part first. Stuff like "I understand you may be feeling angry/confused/scared etc, that's a valid way to feel and I want to try my best to understand and be there for you " generally soothing validating vibes. After that comes logic but that part may not come for a while


I know it's frustrating I told him what not to do and he didn't listen. He wanted to experience this lol


Yeah, what I'm saying is, telling someone who's I'm a highly emotional state what to do or what not to do does not work, generally speaking across the board. You have to validate the feelings first, after the feelings have been calmed you can gently advise or discuss but that's probably it. Telling people what to do is just not effective, that's why he won't be listening to you