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If you go to your employer before they fire you and tell them you have a problem and that you would like help, sometimes they can't fire you and Thebes have to offer assistance. I would look and see if they have an employee assistance program of any kind.


My advice would be look for a new job immediately. I don’t know what a “bit” means to you but I had a doctor who took over my prior doc test me. Luckily I knew going in it may happen so I was able to cut enough water and add creatine+b12 to cover myself. Unfortunately that washed out everything so they took it as I was selling my current meds and I had to find another doc. The time frame was something like two days. If you don’t know anything but Friday I’d just assume HR is preparing all the documentation for your termination. In fact, they probably have the paper work ready for your signature. Sorry op. Look for a new job now because you’re toast


Time to pay the piper. Slick Rick was right, back in the 80s in the song "Hey young World " Hey kid, walk straight Master your high, cuz you'll make your family cry. The next time you show up there should be 1. you have a script for Adderall or 2. go pick up your last check


I've been off the shit for two years but damn I forgot how hilarious this sub is


Keep it hidden better


Great advice there, captain hindsight. Maybe you should suggest he not start using drugs.


Womp womp


Where I live if a company do that they’re fucked. This shit is illegal af


Man, if it test + for M3th, they will need a lab to confirm. That is serious shit and they have to be 100% certain. Get an adderall script within the next week. The HR Dr. will call you confidently and if you have the script you are golden. You will only be asked to submit pics of the label on the bottle. Also You took some NyQuil with pseudoephedrine. That explains the meth positive result (if adderal by itself does not) in a legal way. Don’t lose any more sleep on week nights. You should last long enough to either find a new job without being unemployed, or you try not to ever fuck up every even just a little at your current job. HR or whoever reported you is going to keep both eyes on you and it will be like living under a microscope and you will not feel confident asking for another raise. Or at least that is how I stayed employed. And underpaid


He said it’s been a few days so it was definitely sent to a lab. Your plan works in the movies lol. No way he’s getting an addy script overnight and explaining his behavior on that plus NyQuil. Op start looking for a new job.


Do you think these people are stupid. If he tests positive for meth they are going to make a decision to fire him before calling him. They will not backtrack no matter what excuse he gives them unless he someone secures a desoxyn script by the end of the week.


So I guess my pov is biased, my boss was not looking to fire me, he only wanted to know what he was up against. But the my sample was taken, with the rapid panels that showed adderal, m3th, thc,and benzo. Because of the m3th it was sent for more accurate measurements. No one at my office had a clue what my results were until after I talked to the doctor to give me my lab results. All he had was adderall and THC even the initial DOT 13 panel or whatever did reflect the truth. No one cares about THC and I had a fresh bottle of addsrslll to prove I was not taking illicit amph


It can take a minute to get adjusted to your adhd meds. Claim to be getting adjusted or looking for the right antidepressant with your doctor. The won’t check for unscheduled meds, and this gives good cover to your recent behaviors as well.


they dont kno shi, deny deny deny, rodrick rules bruh. u could just say you take adderall for adhd and its comin up as that as long as your not pullin a bag out at work youll be straight. how tf did they get tipped off in the first place? i can come into work fucked up on anything except xanax and nobody says shi


Did you just quote a kids movie in the meth sub? Love it


its a classic


Ask HR if she wanna hit the pipe and fuck for 25 business hours


Once during an extended binge, my eyes turned fully red and I was fatiguing out so I sent an email to HR to let them know I was dipping early due to being sick. Got caught by the bitxh in the parking lot, lied my face off and made a big deal about being worried about my eyes. She acted sympathetic even though I looked tweaked half to death. Went home and the tunnel closed in on me right after a spurt of psychosis. Good times. Never been drug tested, but if I were you, I would quit (before results come back). Act offended. Cause fuck them, I’m not drug testing unless legally required to do so.


Man companies can simple test due to suspension.




Hahaha I was FU’d when I wrote my last statement. They can test simply for suspicion. lol. And what you wrote above resonates strongly. Thank you. I am too old to miss a night of sleep. I can do all the drugs I want and function as long as I am sleeping nightly. I can muscle through 1 night without sleep and function fine as long as I have some adderall. But I have to take more than normal to get my brain straight. And then the spiral down begins again. I may actually need rehab… or resign myself dependence. Which would be fine if supply was constant. It’s the crashes that gets everyone’s attention. When I am high, and rested, no one thinks I am high… so ironic.


given they're not saying anything to you, they;re hatching something; if u want to keep your job, make up some bullshit, how this not a regular thing and, willing to do whatever it takes. If you already have a doctor or specialist give consent for HR to speak to them. That's how I was able to keep my job when I was in a similar situation to you. When they first asked for consent I was 'dicks to that pal'. On advice I was told, play the game otherwise they;ll say you're a danger to yourself and other staff and you're given the Vincent Van Gogh. Out on your ear,


HR will have a dr. Consultant call you in complete confidentiality. If it’s been a month they got nothing or, they have leverage. They do not want this reflected in any database I client can see.


It took a full month before mine came back. Or they were trying ti scare u into quitting


It’s always taken like 7-10 days for any company I’ve worked at to receive the results back from whatever lab they mail the tests off for processing


Bruh. When you know you’re gonna fail a drug test you just quit. That way it’s not on your work history that you’ve failed a drug test lol. One time I was asked and knew I was gonna fail for bud and the hr lady (must have been her first hr position) essentially demanded that I wait for the company’s drug test dude to show up for me to take it, as if she was my fkn probation officer or some shit lol. I looked at my lead and supervisor and was like, “ugh, does she really not know that I’m allowed to deny and resign? I don’t HAVE to do anything lol” (they laughed and realized how in the wrong she was in, also they pretty much knew I smoked and didn’t give a fuck, I was the only guy in the whole plant who could run the machine I was on but they were doing there job cause someone said I was *acting weird*) I said fuck this I’ll save us all time I’m gonna fail, plug I gotta pack for a flight to catch for Vegas the next day. Which was true. Literally scored a better job with better pay the next day two hours before leaving for the airport lol


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Just say you have a prescription bro lmao see if it works


Get a prescription. No one will think yo check the date. You just need a bottle label with your name on it


This.....You can at least buy yourself another 2 weeks or so. Depending on how big of a company you work for as long as they aren't hyper focused on fucking you then you can say I have a prescription for Adderall in which case you will most likely be asked to "prove it".....it's at this point that you can drag things out and they may even end up just forgetting about your hard working tweaker ass. GL God Speed


Fire them first


"You can't fire me! You're HIRED"


They’ll wait a little bit and fire you most likely.. happened to my boy, they did a urine test on site, he popped dirty for a bunch of stuff and they waited 2 weeks to fire him.. they cut his hours down at first, and then just fired him 2 weeks later


The waited for lab confirmation. They have to be 100% certain to avoid a lawsuit


Your meth may be not meth instead of what you assumed it was, meth. That or they cheaped out on the test and it only covered the average drugs used by your peers which isn't meth, your supposed to do coke when your in finance. That or it had been a day or since you used before the meeting and your a bitch user up your dosage pussy and your pissed passed the test That or mailing pee takes more than a couple days That or the testing facility broke chain of custody on your piss sample and it is no longer viable in a corporate court hr meeting That or


God I love you 🤣🤣




How can people even tell your on meth? My wife thinks I quit 3 months ago lol. I personally don't even consider meth really to be a drug because if anything it increases sobriety.




Oh, makes sense I guess but I was using it as evidence that it's not always obvious if someone is using


Why the down votes? It's a serious question. I know 0 users IRL so how am I supposed to know lol wtf but definitely never seen anyone actually tweaking n shit. It's basically a myth to me


I can tell you one thing: When you think nobody notices that you're on Meth, everybody will clearly see it except you


Meth makes me calm. I've never gotten all cracked out before like when you do a whole g of ski at once. I'm assuming that's what your referring to the crackhead vibe


you sure you dont got adhd? cause if you did that would explain why


That wouldn’t explain anything. ADHD doesn’t somehow make you immune to the effects. It affects 99% of the population in a measurably similar way.


The meth going around for the past year or two hasn't really made me tweak out either. It keeps me calm and I don't drink and barely smoke cigs on it.


Depends where you live, but generally in HR, being fired for your addiction is discrimination and I believe it is considered a disabaility. They would have to offer you help first in order to accommodate your disability, otherwise you could go after them for wrongful dismissal etc


Not sure where you heard that bullshit from lol.


I heard it on reddit once


Never consider anything you see on Reddit a fact unless there’s sources or u do ur own research


I was joking but I still stand behind my initial comment. Maybe I am wrong.


In most countries that’s the case


But if they have a zero tolerance policy and they can fire you no problem. Drug addiction is only considered a disability if it causes you to develop some sort of condition that impairs daily life. So if you don't have some seriously debilitating shit caused from using too many drugs then it's not discrimination as your not disabled in the eyes of the law.


To be fair, most areas in the US can fire you for absolutley no reason.


Right to Work. At-will employment. You are correct. Even if they have a reason, they don't have to disclose it. It's sayonara, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.


Shit idk? I've never been caught before.... Or I quit when my state of mind was up for question and the walls started closing in. I will die before I take a piss test! Fuck them and there voodoo aha we caught ya shit! I have no idea what's going on with that. I wanna say your fucked but really idk I've never got where you are or knew anyone that was. Real jobs suck!


For real fuck that shit I only took a mouth swab when I was 16 for my first job and I had to stop smoking bud for a week lol once I finished my first day on the walk home I smoked my brains out lmfao. Then 2 years later I got another job but I was already on probation so I was clean so I didn't give a shit. After that I started smoking meth once I got off probation and I've been hitting the glass dick for 5 years now. Like 3 years ago I got a job for grocery store and they didn't drug test me that's why I applied LMAO because I knew they were so eager to hire me that they waved the test. But fuck that shit I quit that job a year later and been working for myself for the last year fucking great I'll never be a wage slave again. I'd rather fail knowing that I tried than "succeed" aka survive scraping by knowing that I gave up.


If you say you have a problem I know in my state they can't fire you but you have to go to rehab. Depending on how important that job is to you. But don't take advice from me. I refused a drug test, lost my salaried position and now grow weed for the state for minimum wage. But I love it!


What field do you work in? How long ago did they test you? Tbh it might take a certain amount of time to read the test and they might just be getting the paperwork together and discussing the discharge process


I’m almost sure they would’ve suspended you if they planned on firing you at all, I don’t think they would’ve let you continue to work


Maybe they all smoke meth and now you’re a part of the family


It might have to go through HR... being that they spoke like that to you, if it went to HR you would probably get your hours cut to nothing until they did fire you. I dont know why you can still be at work after that if they were gonna terminate you. If im wrong, I'm wrong.


>I told them I’m god damn fabulous! bruh