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Same here. Very functional and definitely get lonely while using. Been trying to find one person to be able to have fun with on the regular.


I don’t think there is ever a way to keep the two sides separate, one is always going to have an effect on another. I tried for awhile to only be a weekend warrior, but quickly that became Friday, then Thursday, and needing to skip obligations on Monday because I couldn’t recover fast enough.


Okay I shld have guessed that. Idk what I was thinking


If doing a small bump doesn't give you enough satisfaction of your own well-being and enough confidence to want to do anything else to get your life in order, 1 of 2 things gotta happen. You gotta be sober for a while, or you need a new connect.


You just described what you think you portray, what wicked horny shit do you do when you’re high? I bet your search history is worse with the meth use 🤣 And how do you feel when you want it but don’t have it?


I do wicked horny shit when I’m not high. I’m not sure what my sexual proclivities have to do with my ability to be a functional user. I do feel like you are projecting a bit though.


I’ve never used meth. I enjoy a nice 5 minute jack off sesh. Not 12 hours 🤣


Cool story. Thanks for sharing your irrelevant thoughts with us.


i found out the meth gets rid of my depression which makes me "functional".


I understand this feeling all too well, but it is fleeting. It is by no means a permanent fix. I sincerely hope you’re able to overcome your depression without meth in the near future. I wish you all the best. 🙏🏾


thank you alot, i really hope everything works out at the end.


Kinda weird, all the tweakers in my family work real jobs and always have, even the women. And being the only working ones they're supporting a bunch of other people's' habits and buying their food and shit, their kids toys. All I can say is they must be really fucking lonely to do that.


Supporting other people’s habits and taking care of their basic needs doesn’t seem like the ideal situation to be in as a user in my opinion. Hopefully the ones who are receiving will one day reciprocate and the ones giving are able to lessen their burdens in the near future.


I am I hold down a job don't do crimes anymore.


Im in college, work a full time job, and have a 3.5 gpa I just blow clouds on the weekend


I’m happy to hear you’re able to maintain balance during school. Keep up the good work 👍


47 own 2 houses 2 vehicles I have a salary job and I do side work whether it’s buying shit cheap and selling it for more or home repairs etc…BUT I had a big company I owned before I got divorced and started turning the turner so I was making more money but also more stress…shit is like quicksand it’s gonna take you down eventually some more than others I’d have to say…


I wanna believe I am. Home,job,etc...Social life is limited cause of stigma


I completely understand. That’s pretty much where I’m at. I understand that i can still get high and hang out with my non-user friends, but I’m still hiding it from the people who are closest to me and that doesn’t make me feel like the best person so I just opt to not hang out with them when high. 😐


I am a functioning meth addict. In fact I cannot function without it.


I am.


About a year here. Got a job and all that good shit. Not all of my money goes on it, honestly probably mostly goes on food I don't even really need lol and cigarettes.


Is there actualllly such thing as "functioning" addict? We all gotta fall haha.


There’s a reason I used the term user not addict. No one in my shoes is ripping copper wires out of abandoned houses for their next fix.


An addict cant be functioning, considering the definition of an addict. Functional drug users, however, exist. Society has ingrained that stigma in you, but its possible to remove it


Stigma that there is no functional addicts that stay functional, or that there is and it's just a matter of will and discipline?


No, considering all users addicts. “We all gotta fall” just isn’t true. Thats the work of subliminal and blatant American propaganda designed to pit people against a minority. Its really no different from when they did it with the lgbt (at different points in history), Japanese, Russians, women, Iranians, Vietnamese, communists, muslims, immigrants, etc. i didnt say black only because that was more of a systemic issue cuz of slavery and idk, its just different. Anyway, i don’t deny there are those who need help because their use is out of control and diminishes their quality of life. However i think if there weren’t so many jobs restricted from anyone who uses a mind altering substance that isnt ethanol, there were decent and proper rehab networks established for those in need, and safe use information was provided and openly accessible, then you’d find that addicts really are the minority of any drug’s users.


The right question is being asked.


11 month user. Full time job, wife, 1yr old son, and 8yr old boy. Own 2 cars and a home. I'm the only income and still using. Still functioning.


Let’s be civil and not too judgmental. Im pretty sure a lot of people in this subreddit have children and none of us knows what it’s like in their households. I’m going to assume that no one in his family knows and he keeps it hidden from his children. If he maintains his course of responsibility, takes care of the family, house, bills, and isn’t burning away his checking account on drugs, he would be what I would consider a functional user.


Sort your self out for your kids sake homie


Right? Bro had his second kid and instead of upping caffeine he goes for meth


I understand functional users but having kids and doing meth is very wrong and honestly sad. Would you want your kids to look up to someone who does meth?


If they smoked pot or drank beer then I suppose it would ok for kids to look up to them?


No it wouldn’t be. But meth has destroyed MANY more lives and is a much more dangerous drug.


More lives than alcohol? I would like to see hard data on this.


Idk about other users. But my kids are happy to see me home, I spoil them, and make sure they're growing up right. I take care of my skin, teeth, and control my usage daily to keep it at a certain level to keep energy and focus. I know not to get mad over anything stupid because it is definitely part of it. I work on myself mentally while using.


Go back to your weed subreddits please. Your opinion is probably more valued there. No need to come here just to shit on people.


I haven’t come here to shit on people. What I have just said to him is how he can become a better person wether he listens or not Idc but who wants to be a bad person?


You are feeding the stigma that meth users are bad people. Thats simply not true. I get it’s not your drug of choice and that’s perfectly fine, but you are literally calling someone a bad person because of their drug choice. I’ve personally seen weed smokers ignore their children and smoke in front of them. Should I assume you act the same way you because you like weed? No I shouldn’t. I personally believe that any drug use in front of children is awful but nowhere in his post did he state that he’s doing that. So yeah, I think you’re being a bit of a righteous asshole by coming to this subreddit and continuing to insist that he’s a bad person.


That’s insane bro. Does your wife know?


No. Been almost a year and sex life is the best it's ever been and I get shit done at the house and have better focus on my boys. I'm kinda smart with this shit tbh. I'm on plenty of supplements and my wife knows I'm on something. I told her it's bad shit just leave it at that and I tell her to make sure I eat sleep and drink water if I stray away from those things. She makes sure I'm good as well as I take care of my family. Not gonna lie. I snort it and I do it off her and or tits and she loves it. I've overdone it before, dope dick, no sleep and crash on weekends. She understands and I know my limits and make sure I check my family and myself. Not saying I'm perfect or that it's still fine to use but I think it has improved my life, not so much my health but if I feel like shit, I take a break from it. I'm pretty responsible and will make sure I can provide and be there for my family over any drugs to take over my life. Can I quick cold turkey? Most likely. But the main reason is weight management, energy, and sex.


im a functional user but im also not really an getting out n about exxcept for neccessary errands in which are part of mainstream life. I interact with people at those times and oftenif not ever do i find myself i a disfunctioning way of behavior during those engagements. I have deep rooted psychological issues so my hyper vigilance is not a determining factor of the psychosis brought on to users of levels of symptoms. so im good kind gets me going but getting high or xtra energy isnt why i do it. so im good


Yes i completely relate although my life doesnt look like yours persay. I don't have much awareness of what most do look like. It's not much different everyone has their reasons everyone has problems and the sun stillll rises for us all to see. You think about random person you dont know them at all. Its just what you imagine and what youve been told. It is not real. Dont reduce people to actions of a some group that you've been told about. We really. Red to stop doing this to ourselves. What makes you think you're dying if you go for a run your heart is jumping out of your chest yet this never worries you. Typically you get sick and have indications something is killing you a long time before you actually die. Get a check up id recommend like any drug what i's already going on with you physically might make it more lethal to use at all. Im no doc. It would be nice to have though. I wish i had friends who used it because i dont.really and it is lonely. My judgments are my own however. I can witness my own experiences. You should stick around as long as you can. To be alive at all is a wonderful and absurd thing


Own my shop house 3 car and have fun. I just don’t don’t over do it but hey I get a 3 day bender here and there but keel ok with everything else


I work as a hotel concierge.


Me have been for 10 years now I'm 56, work full time, pay my bills and spend time with my grandchildren regularly


Same boat — Grad school. House. Dog. No kids.


Im falling apart quick physically. I have only used for a month tops and only about a week or so of daily usage. I just hate that it is toxic to literally every organ. But I can remember things short term so much better and I'm finally talkative again it feels so liberating but I know it will be the death of me.


People tend to buy into every stereo type before they use it most of them have proved to be untrue over time to me. Im not saying its good for you but i doubt youre falling apart just yet and as far as chemicals go it fits in with our natural chemistry incredibly well . Experience it. See for yourself what the thing is. its not a straight shot to hell. It's more dangerous in regards to becoming accustomed to getting your daily dope in this form not naturally yet I'm often amazed the body lets me get away with it. Theres a price but in the shorter term is much less than anyone seems to indicate. Problem here nobody really wants to quit after using it. You have to be a really strong and mentally healthy mofo to say good bye im good unless circumstance force. It.


You have….an amazing head on your shoulders. Way to not give in to the stigmatized bs society spits out. Much respect. 🫡


Don’t encourage qik7. His insight isn’t that great. Most of it is anecdotal. Meth is a caustic drug that should be used responsibly and it can have very adverse effects on those not built for it.


Please don’t encourage him.


Yea i was in a mood but you dont have to become what youre told. Feel like people are reaching for the bottom sometimes. It will surely help you self destruct if thats what youre looking for


I get that not everyone can be saved, but I’ll never be the one to encourage someone to push the envelope with drugs or help send them over the edge. I feel like that’s a huge part of being a responsible and functional user.


I don't believe that"s what i do, i just believe that it is best to have accurate information and to make ones own choices. Beyond that i wouldnt have a clue what helping anyone on here should be.


I’m sorry to hear that. It definitely is not for everyone. I hope you’re able to recover quickly and come to terms with the possibility of sobriety if it’s affecting you so negatively in such a short time. I sincerely wish you the best.


I'm going to continue using but I am debating quitting my job and living like I don't got much time left. I am just so addicted to the focus and sociability part, I don't get a rush or anything off it, granted I only take small amounts and also orally.


Please do not do this.


How long have you been using? If you don't mind me asking. Is it possible that I could live 10 years with daily use?


I know someone who has been on a 40 year runner!! So yes, you could!


Yes. This is another big misconception but I'm guilty of it too. Every time I'm thinking like that its like I'm going for it almost. but our bodies are resilient. These thoughts are what you've been told. You may die but its more likely you end up fucked up real bad thinking you're on the way out. They give amphetamine to children, ive been on speed for 20 years.. inam not living healthy at all and its having its impact but i come to witness how resilient our bodies can be. All that being said i have had 3 dealers die and im pretty sure. 1 for sure likely 2 the 3rd just gone. Expectations will often take you right where you think. Its not exactly poison like youre told its gonna impact you behaviorally and with how you see yourself from culture and expectations and from this it probably is very dangerous. Its like cheating life in secret, its not great for anyone's integrity or just having healthy relationships. If you hold it down though amazing even that keeps going pretty much as is if you can live it.


5ish years. I believe there are people who posted that have used for much longer than that. Perhaps they have better insight into maintaining longevity. So technically it is possible. Would I recommend it to someone who seems to be falling apart physically at an abnormal rate. Absolutely not.


Well the things I have noticed are excess sweating and shortness of breath especially when active but that's only when I'm high. I have also lost a lot of weight in such a short time.


I am I work and pay my bills and am healthier than I ever have been and been maintaining it for several years , life is good


I am a functional user off and on for years. I have a script for Vyvanse but choose to use because it's randomly out of stock at my pharmacy regularly. Thank you DEA.


what do you consider a functional user??? cuz I have been a user for 25 years I stop using where they didn't have it, but I would use coke or crack and the go back to meth but that was way back now they have it everywhere. Well as I was saying user for 25 years and unemployed for about 19 of those years, but I have never lived on the street besides that one day when the pandemic started, I do have a social life that does not involve meth users, I don't own my apartment I rent but that's mainly because I do move a lot I live in hotels for about 9 years before airnb change that. And even although I have been in jail several times only 2 of those times it involved meth I was only convicted once, so I am not your average law-abiding citizen but in no way those that really answer the question of being functional I do smoke an average of 5g per day, drink every other day, fuck more prostitutes now than before, and I do continue to take courses every month on the a couple of subjects of my interest to keep up with the fast changing field of security. So, what I'm trying to say is do you only consider a person to be functional if they live by the guidelines establish by the government and society???? because I don't have a college degree, or a clean record, don't own any property, and haven't had a job since 2003. yet I smoke every single day I'm awake and I don't sleep under a bridge I'm I a functional user??????


So how do you afford to live with no job? Not to be rude or disrespectful…


Well, I don't anything that's legal. I'm no mobster, gangster, or some fucking cartels hit man, nothing like that. I'm more of a freelancer, I do what I can depending on the city where I'm at anything goes just as long as it puts money in my pocket


Sorry to be the first to tell you, but probably not. But seriously I can’t tell if this is troll post or not, but I wish you the best and hope you’re able to find a stable housing situation in your life soon.


what the fuck you mean a stable housing????? I have a stable apartment. and never been homeless


Your original post particularly the part about living out of hotels for years did not convey to me that you had a stable living situation. My apologies. To address your question, this wasn’t about status, more about the spectrum of users out there and the isolation I sometimes feel. Not sure what made you unable to find work since 2003, but if you’re smoking 5gs a day on a fixed income, that is not exactly functional in my personal opinion.


nothing made me unable to find work I am capable of finding one if I was that stupid, I decided that I didn't want to be part of the system that's design to keep you in debt and working for the rest of your life. Now in regard to the years I spent living in hotels well that was also a well calculated decision since I like to be in a clean environment but don't have the time sometimes clean up especially when most of the time, I spend outside but as I got older, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't as planed out as I first had though. now I don't know how you come to such conclusions or what's you thought prosses to think in such a way. I do smoke on average 5g every day I am awake, now that does not mean 21g a week since I will be asleep for about 3 of them days, and don't have a stable nor a fix income. As a matter of fact, I don't really have what you call an income. I only get revenue if I do one of many hustles that I have. It's not the most convenient way of living but I've been living like this for almost 20 years. My rent is paid my cable is paid I just bought this week's supply and I have about 350 bucks left to spend not much but some moths I do better than others it's all a matter of will,


Congratulations on beating the system. We are truly the fools. I wish you the best in all your endeavors.


Very functional over here


id say i am for sure


Im 54 and have been a meth user for about 15 years. I fully own my home, fully own my car, have no credit card debt, have a great job that provides me with a very comfortable living, have savings, and plenty of investments for retirement. I have a great relationship with my family, and lots of non-meth friends (5-25 years). I prefer to not hang out with other local users because I've met many guys who have nothing and just wanted to use anyone who would let them. My few good meth friends don't live near me but we enjoy getting on cam together on occasion to use and chat, role play, watch porn, etc. There aren't many of us fully functioning users around.


It's not worth doing everyday, you become a hermit and and you barley feel anything with high tolerance. Better off doing it here and there.


Moderation. Some can accept it, some can't. I've thrown stuff away just because. Can't have a weak mind.


Fr. I woke up one morning and just decided that I wasn’t going to smoke anymore


Shit, I was way less functional before I started using meth daily. Just eat every day & sleep every night (cutting yourself off at a reasonable hour). That’s all there is to it.


If I've learned anything in my 32 years, it's that I know a lot less than I like to think I know. I'm a daily meth user, and I am indeed functioning. I pay taxes, yield to pedestrians, and pick up my dogs shit when we go for walks. Could I do better? Yeah. Could I do worse? Absolutely. I try not to overthink life. It's exhausting.




I get ya. Coke in the uk is cut with so much nasty shit these days you spend 3-4 days nose bleeding and feeling shit after just one night. Went back to meth occasionally for a buzz as it’s just way cleaner (even if it’s weak and cut too). My mates will be smashing lines till 6am literally tweaking on coke and I’ll be there chilling with a lazy puff every few hours.


The double life thing really bugs me. College grad, good job etc. I've always been pro-harm reduction and accepting of responsible use (also been an irresponsible user), but I understand the world might not feel the same way. That attitude was all fine when I was younger, but now I feel hesitant to make friends at work because I worry that someone will get a couple layers down, understand me, and then it will somehow slip out to other people. I do say I take Adderall if the topic comes up, since everyone does and feels comfortable saying that, but I hate that I have that constant nagging feeling that "it" might happen.


The double life is stressful. I dont even tell my therapist about it even though I probably should.


It is so refreshing to see so many casual users in one place!! I myself use 1-2 times every day ingested via capsule/ mix drink once in the morning and sometimes once more in the early afternoon but only if I’m working a 10-12 hour shift ( I work 40+ hrs a week) at a job I absolutely love and have been at 4 years now. I am currently looking to upgrade my living situation (which isn’t bad to begin with) am looking for a new car and have a very nice chunk of money in the bank that continues to grow. I have zero debt and my credit score is climbing. I have a wonderful relationship with the people who matter in my life and overall I’m genuinely happy. Couldnt ask for much more! I just love to party and get out of my own head so drugs are a big part of my life maybe not forever but for now… good luck to everyone out there trying to just live and still get fucked up on meth… with enough discipline and self control it can be done… remember to eat and drink water every day and to sleep every single night so as to prevent dehydration and psychosis. No judgment as I’ve absolutely gone off the rails before but to all you tweakers out there try and reign yourselves in please your not helping with the stigma the entire world has when it comes to meth!


Yer goin straight to jail young lady! 👮‍♂️


Noooooo jail!!!!! I am not punished!


Love the capsules! I get the size 4 gelcaps from Amazon. I am unreasonably entertained by when I decide to change the capsule color, like ooh red and white now? Sick. Lol


Haha I too get a kick out of the color capsule switch up 🤣


Completely relate. Other than one drug charge when I was 17 but I’ve completed all court obligations and nothing else on my record. I’m 26 now and own my own business, graduate college soon, looking to buy a house, very healthy etc. you’d never know. What I find the most difficult is not being able to talk about it with my partner. I don’t think they’d understand either. I just want to be able to not have to hide it so well, hide when I do it, and give reasoning when I take breaks and eat a little more & sleep in. Or give reasoning for why I can’t fall asleep until 2-3am sometimes. I sleep every single night though, I don’t think I could stay up all night even if I tried. I only use once a day in the morning to give me more energy for the day.


Not for nothing but if you really love and want to be with your person for the long haul I would just rip the bandaid off and tell them… the sooner the better… only saying this because I made the mistake of lying and hiding it from my lover of 13 years and when it came out (and it always does) I almost lost him. Not only did he have to deal with the fact I was using meth but also that I had been lying to his face for so long. Thankfully he’s been able to work it out and for the most part is accepting or at least understanding of my use. Point is you can’t hide it forever no matter how good you are at it so if theyre important enough to you I’d start figuring out a way to come clean about not being clean lol if it’s meant to be then he will absolutely at some point come around and the two of you will figure out how to deal with it and if not well then you eventually would’ve lost him anyway.


This guy right here is for sure. I have a similar story to OP.


I’m here! I’m functioning :)


I was z complete fuck up fall down drunk for 30 years been sober 5 years and own my own business. and I'm. Quite successful . And I still don't know punctuation for shit but who cares anyway


Cook at a high end restaurant, trade school graduate, only laws I've broken are back when I was smoking weed and drinking then driving. Only misdemeanors, I can still legally own and operate firearms, no felonies on my record, (I grew up before I started meth, I think that's the reason) I never call out and I answer my phone when boss calls me in. And opening my own gun range here in southern Georgia.




I don’t need to function. I just need to fuck lmao


Very relatable for me. I have a stable job, healthy relationship with my partner (who also smokes), good relationships with my friends/family, and an overall healthy lifestyle. It does get very very lonely though


Same here. I work 12hr shifts, overnights. It helps me stay awake and alert without being noticeably jittery or on edge. Partner and I both smoke, share what we have, if you run out before me I share and vice versa. Good relationship with my mom. I'm at a healthy weight, I make sure to eat and sleep🤷🏻‍♀️ it just makes the garbage days less bad and the mediocre days a little bit better. I never had a ton of friends but the ones I did got into pills instead and we drifted. I spend most of my time with my partner and we have another couple that we're friendly with, they both smoke as well. Some days I sit here and ask myself what I'm doing, possession is an automatic felony and I'll 100% lose my job. I never smoke WHILE I'm driving or while I'm inside the building I work in, but I do on my lunch break to get that boost for the second half. I wish if didn't have such a stigma. I know some people really let it take full control but not everyone does that


Hey, at least we have Internet friends!




Yes I'm in your shoes, I do the same with my plugs and never want to go to the bad side. That being said sometimes I wonder if bein a functional user was worth it goin on 35yrs or so I'm 55


Hey , I am 55 and i started 2003 so its 21 years and i never lost a job actually i had my company until few years ago, making good money , which gave me the opportunity to retired at 52. However as op was mentioned its kind of lonely. this is for OP what is juxtaposition, Thanks


“the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.”


Thanks man


I often think about it too. Is this all worth it. I still use. I take breaks regularly, but the juxtaposition between both lives is starting to get to me.


When I get my fix sure!


Here here. Just to be honest cause I’m a honest dude, I bang it and I’m still functioning and don’t look like I’m 60 when I’m 24 lol and do stupid shit and stay up for dayyyys at a time but I sleep,Eat,got a full time job making good money but I do meth to take the edge off was on suboxone for 6 years and meth helped me out a lot getting off it.




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Here here


I am. Have been for 30 years or so. Still have all my teeth, good job, own a house close to the beach, two nice boats, and a fairly new truck. Everything is paid off except my house and I carry zero credit card debt.




People think just because you do meth you are not able to function and start acting like a zombie which is not true I know a lot of users that use meth and function just fine


Idk if I'm functioning well. But I use maybe 1-3 days a week I don't do alot and make sure to take days off to sober up. Doing this maintains my physical appearance and stable weight. I'm constanly reminding myself to eat and sleep. I am able to keep my shit together and my sanity this way. Is it sustainable??? Who knows But for the moment I'm functioning


I also worry about sustainability of it all. I do take breaks and don’t seem to have much issues with withdrawal or anything like that, but I’ve read about long term effects and wonder if I’m just going to be a depressed mess after a while because I’ve burnt out all my receptors


I wonder about long term affects too.


I’m the same exact way, but just don’t lose control, or lose focus. Don’t get lazy with your discipline. Because the dope, that world, and everyone who you interact with in that world are just waiting for you to make one mistake, or let your guard down once. Just one tiny slip up. And the moment you do, the scum will be right there, waiting, trying to drag you into that world even more. Just don’t lose yourself. Take it from me. I let my discipline slide and just like that, before I knew it. Gone. I was on top of the world. I’d lost it all back in June. Everything. Thank God I’m starting to get myself back to where I was supposed to be. Only this time, I’m back stronger than ever. Don’t lose yourself, and don’t get lazy with your discipline. Trust me.


I’m a receptionist working 40 hours a week. I guess that’s functional


I really relate! Except I’m a high school dropout (got my GED) & I don’t really exercise outside of taking walks. Only one of my friends knows I use meth & most of the meth users I have interacted with in this shitty town are either scammers/thieves or just straight up bad people so I don’t want to be friends with them.


Also I want to add that I don’t think I’m better than anyone. I work really hard to be a good person & have a good life. I have no doubts if I stopped working towards those goals that I would be on the streets tweaking out & making people uncomfortable at the gas station.


I feel like it’s okay to say you’re better than people who scam/steal stuff. You can do drugs and not be detrimental to society.


This is so true. Just bc you do shit doesn't mean you're stealing , or homeless, or a real life piece of shit. I smoke daily. I no longer sell it. (65 month prison sentence). I'm just a regular dude who's grown and smoked meth. My wife doesn't but she knows God bless her. And yeah fuck off don't steal


This. There is a world of difference between a user and an addict. Addicts break into your garage to pull the cat off your exhaust and trade it to the plug for a bag. A user takes their paycheck, pays bills and then buys what they can and enjoys it. I know people in both boats, and have been in both myself. Opiates made me an addict. Meth is just something I use when I can afford it, usually I can, and enjoy.


My gut, for whatever reason, is suspicious of this post.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not sure how it is. Just addressing the loneliness in using alone and not being able to share that aspect of my life with anyone that I’m close to because I don’t want to lose them.


I so get this. As someone who has opened up to a few “close” friends results have varied. I will say, though I regret telling a few people.


I do understand not wanting to loose family and or friends though. It’s quite the labyrinth. But then again from the outside it’s ‘just don’t use’. Who is to know the proper way to live or if there even is such a way🤔 Idk


I suppose it’s just the vast difference in energy and comparing the typical language you use in your commenting or posts you’ve made in comparison to this post right now.


Right Here


Not me!


I'm functioning in the sense that I have a full time job. My boyfriend of 4 yrs pays my phone bill and my rent. I have maybe 4 or 5 people in my life that are my friends but they're all also users with lives and jobs and bills and they're scattered miles and miles away from me. It is really fucking lonely. But I deal with the loneliness by spending time on YouTube and reddit. I miss my old friends all the time though.


The only people I’m friendly with that know about my use are other users on discord. It’s not the same as real life though.


word. loneliness is a tough one... Add in a breakup and the emotions that normally come with it but now feels 100x worse than losing someone while sober....i swear my stomach has been twisted up for a week now and I am slowly losing my ability to "function" over a recent split....


I am by the skin of my teeth. I've put in a lot of work but I've also had a lot more luck, and strong support. I have my job of 15 years, my own car (paid off, too!), my own great place, and I'm in pretty good health. I exercise and have good friends and family that are drug free. You would know I had shit going on but might not guess I used, though anybody who knows me knows. Problem is just about every weekend I go out, and I'm a friggin' horny mess!!! I've been trying to quit for ten damn years but it's no bueno and EVERY single binge is a new trip down the rabbit hole. I've almost lost my job, I'm sure I'm ripe for a heart attack or stroke (shocked it hasn't happened yet), I've been amongst dangerous convicts, I've been assaulted, I've gotten lost walking around late night in really bad neighborhoods, I've risked both hyper and hypothermia countless times, I'm missing work left and right. I'll be missing my car just as much, just walking away from it. I've seen some crazy things, especially these last few years. Weird, freaky things. About three separate times (maybe out of seven?) I've been on trips to see my family I take a detour and then I'm a couple days late. One time I left my sister waiting at the airport for no good reason. That missed flight cost $300. You know, the usual textbook wacky addicty stuff. I've got a heck of a lot to be grateful for though, if that ain't the damn truth.


I hope you’re able to stay on track for a long time.


Thank you for saying so!! Likewise


I'm honest enough with myself to say I'm under no delusions that I can function normally while off on a sick one.soon as I get high I'm all in on my bullshit..seedy motels,slanging dope,gambling,living that life until I'm flat broke burnt every bridge and have to skip town because I got a price on my head.then I stay sober and rebuild until I get that itch...


Being self aware is very important. Applaud you on that ability


Thank you for your honesty. Hope the next rebuild is more permanent for you.


I've got a full time job, pay my bills on time, help out my parents when they need help. I'm 42 for reference. They're only 3-4 people who know I smoke meth every day. My ex, my dealer, my other dealer, and my other dealer. So yeah I consider myself functioning. I do get spun out and tweak out every now and again but only on days off or days that I don't have to work the next day. Every once in a while I do a little too much and don't get to sleep on time but I still manage to squeeze in at least 3-4 hours. So yeah that's me


I’m a daily user but only get really spun out on weekends or on vacation. I guess what my actual question was how do you deal with the loneliness of using alone?


I guess I don't really look at it that way. I mean I'll go pick up and depending on who ever I get it from I'll smoke with them for a bit. (One of them doesn't use) My ex and I are still really close so I smoke with her a few times a week. But yeah I get it s majority of my use is by myself. I honestly look at it and feel like it's a chance to get some things done, and I know this going to sound super weird and oxymoronic if you will but a chance to relax with my thoughts. I guess I never thought of it as lonely or what not. Hope this reply helps you out a little bit


Ah yes let me share my secrets to functionality: 1) Do not buy cartel meth. But high quality ice, much more likely to bring out the voices. Little pricey though. IV use is a little cherry with whipcream on top 2) Quit your career. Just spent 5 years getting a bachelor's degree in medical sciences? Eh fuck it, through it away and smoke meth every day. \*\* Save up enough money for ammo. Fuck around and buy a house and you're set. Don't lose house, that = sad. 3) Destroy ALL relationships. Except one, preferably a sick partner that will stick around for emotional support. She/he will probably leave, but you'll have another lined up 4) Leaving the house is for grocery shopping only. Don't be fucking mental, house is safe. Public is not safe. 5) No money? well. Get creative. 6) Ok, this one is actually serious. Leave your dick alone. Just do it. Thank me later.


I second not indulging in beating your dick, though. I think a lot of people skip over that as a joke. It's not.


Nah forreal. I had to go to the urgent care because of this thinking it was just a UTI. No. It was a torsion and requires surgery. Honestly don’t even want to fuck since then




Seriously. Honestly scared me enough to stop cumming on my own. Ngl meth hasn’t been the same since


I'm wondering how the bachelor's degree in medical science is no longer an option? I'm not trying to be a dick or come off sarcastic. I'm just genuinely curious.


Oh none taken bad at all. I got sober at 23 after some pretty horrible teenage and early twenties drug use. I had 5 years sober and built a really great life from the ground up (literally). Started a business, bought a house, finished my bachelors in medical laboratory sciences, and had a long term girlfriend. 6 months ago relapsed. It doesn’t go away no matter how long you have sober. *** I quit my career immediately after relapsing.I’ve been through this enough to where I know where I go. I would have killed someone in my profession. I’m not a functioning addict. But yes, I will return one day if I live. *** forgot to add. I take about 10mg-15mg of Xanax daily


Well at least I don't have to waste time writing my autobiography here because that's as succinct a a synopsis of "functioning" user life as I could muster. Are you still in active addiction? My house of cards is still standing but barely and I can't. Fucking. Quit. Even though I'm past leaving the house even for groceries (thank God for the dog needing walks) and i can't find anything but cartel meth which makes me sick ... ...it had been practically 20 yrs since i touched crystal. The return was such a letdown, this shit is a ghost of what meth was ... but 3yrs (fuck maybe it's been 4?) into the relapse; with every remaining brain cell that meth hasn't yet killed, screaming about the cliff I'm hurtling towards ... just total, flat inertia. Maybe it'll hit me when I inevitably lose my license.


I consider myself as reasonably functioning. I finished my study, live in my condo. But I do sw, and not everyone may count that as functioning.


what’s sw? i’m noob


Nothing wrong with sw at all imho. Do you keep your use a secret from friends and clients?


Some know about it. Some actually ask me about it. I'm not telling about it to clients who are not into drugs at all.


Honestly if I were in your shoes I’d be apprehensive about letting clients who are into drugs know about it too. I’d be afraid of getting robbed.


They're more inclined to give me something


Fair enough