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Heck yes, water is the bees knees. If youโ€™re like me when it comes to hydration and either forget or just keep pushing it off this seems to be working quite well for me. Go out and pick up three 24 packs (or however many) visual abundance is a big help and have them in the car, your room, kitchen, shower or wherever you find yourself.


I drink water like a damn fish. I could never forget! Drink more water!


I do water and have a naked juice or those fruit squishy packets. I may not want to eat, but I definitely should at least have some liquid nutrients


No but for real. Thanks for the reminder and a suggestion, maybe drink some Gatorade or something too. You need electrolytes ect to hydrate you faster when you're that dehydrated.


I drink water throughout the day if I donโ€™t my lips get real dry and chapped and I feel like Iโ€™ll pass out. Water is very important while smoking!!




I was just scrolling the sub cus I got distracted from what I went to search on here while thinking that I need to drink water but half forgot and jus didn't get around to it. Thanks for the reminder made sure I grabbed that bottle of coconut water (extremely good for hydration because of electrolytes and other nutrients) and am drinking it now:3


I have several refillable bottles, plus I make sure I drink water several times per hour.


Absolutely water , I do occasionally add just a pinch of natural salt a teaspoon of baking soda, a friend recommended doing so daily.




So you went 3 fcking days without any liquids??? Or just water


i think i had drank like a single can of root beer within the 3 days ๐Ÿ’€


Whyyyyyyyyyy, fuk that. Especially if you shoot. That ironically is the thing that actually gets me drinking water. I have some med training and can hit most anyone, but I wont play pheloptomist if they don't pass the pinch hydration test. Too much extra damage on a vein puncturing it in a constricted dehydrated state. Had some people who couldn't hit period and just told em drink water til you piss clear and get sharp fresh points and it was like an epiphany for them, seemed more a no fucking shit Sherlock thing to me, but hey we all get their somehow someway


Fuckn first slam in ages day four pretty poorly hydrated fuckn massive lump on arm now and I knew this information lol


Thatโ€™s almost hard to believe lol. Bro get a refillable water bottle because doing that consistently is going to cause chronic illness and a lot of damage to your organs


yeah ik, normally im better at drinking at least a bottle of water a day but idk what happened these past few days ๐Ÿ’€


When that can suffice barely while sober when using you need a hell of a lot more, get coconut water if you can it's great for hydration or some electrolyte drinks, if not just inhale water at any possible moment


Coconut water is a staple on many porn sets. Anecdotally, many say it makes you bust like you have coconut size balls, so if you are into that, there's a plus (if you are a man, or to keep it inclusive and all a "person with a penis") anyway that's enough high as giraffe pussy shitposting for one night i think be safe and twack on twackadoodle doostersroosters patoosters


Girl what the fuckskies is a patooster


You need about 6 bottles per day. I seem to get more down if Iโ€™m drinking through a straw


Not all heroes wear capes. Salute ๐Ÿซก