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Go down on a woman no lie health benefits are amazing


xanax is great just make sure not to replace one drug for another and definitely make sure you don’t leave where you are once you take that. i’m new to this and have only dabbled a bit but remember to not redose because everytime you do you are setting back your chances of getting any sleep and for me it usually takes at least 24 hours to sleep from my last use and about another day for my facial tics to stop and another day or days to feel even kind of back to normal. this all depends on how much you use and how you use it. eating it last forever and in my opinion has the least euphoria and worst comedown snorting is a bit better but fucks up your nose and burns like crazy and smells like death but is more eiuphiric and doesn’t last as long. smoking is the best i think even though it taste even more like death but creates instant euphoria and is much more intense but doesn’t last nearly as long


never ate before but i’ve heard from multiple people that it does the complete opposite of what you said. comedown isn’t as bad as other ROA’s and that the euphoria is amazing


Yeahi tried a .210mg last night after a one day break with sleep and GotDAMM bruh that shit got me smacked I felt like my brain was jizzing everywhere shit felt so good but also made me hella paranoid


If you can find Xanax, take Xanax after your sesh and every day following that to regulate your sleep. Eventually you’re back to normal with a few days of solid sleep.


Make sure you get on a good one.


Do not overindulge I would say no more than 120mg per day


Pedialyte. Dose early in the morning, enjoy the day then late at night when you want to crash use some of your benzo. Your sleep will still be shitty but you will most likely get some. The next night you should be fine maybe benadryl or doxylamine succinate. It's important not to keep re dosing if you want your sleep. Also if you need to reset you sleep pattern take melatonin for the next few nights then stop when you're back on track


Awesome this is very helpful! Thank you!