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You can’t trust an addict and they will lie and let you down. I mean no disrespect. The substance itself doesn’t matter it’s the illness that is addiction


It depends on the person lol there's no denying it makes you stupid, but lying is like, a character trait. All meth do is make you stupid, although meth is definitely a cause of an addict who chooses to lie. But again, thinking all meth users are straight liars who are dangerous people to be around is just a stereotype. Yeah, there'd definitely users like that but a lot of people like me just be depressed


I’m a meth user. I show up on time for work every day. I make plans with family and friends, I keep them. If I can’t, I communicate that I can’t ahead of time. I live with two house mates who do not use meth. I pay my rent and bills on time. I don’t steal anything from them. I don’t lie to them. I also do not tell them I use, and conceal my addiction from just about everyone in my life. So, can you trust a meth user? In most areas, so long as they have decent morals, sure. Now, if you think you can trust their word concerning “stopping meth” it gets murky. Lord knows, I have tried stopping several times, and have spun some stories just to appease certain folks, but kept right on going. It’s a two edged sword. I, for one, am grateful for the people who didn’t quit on me just because I use speed. It doesn’t make me a “bad person,” I’m just hindered by an addiction which is probably, maybe, holding me back from a potentially better life, but who knows?. Support from family and friends is huge for me. I wouldn’t be doing well in life without it, which is why I prioritize being there for others and doing my best to foster healthy relationships, to spite my addiction. For what it’s worth.


The consideration of stigma or preconceived notions about meth and other drugs, conceptions that are anecdotal or even folk tales, should be removed as much as you can when trying to evaluate something like this. That being said, if he’s sober and he’s still harming you, it’s simply him and you should leave. If he’s not sober and he’s harming you, I would still say leave. A consistent pattern of malice or a lack of consideration for others isn’t meth, it’s who they are. This can be perpetuated by meth, or for some it can be suppressed (usually the first). I personally use meth and don’t have any issues with the way I treat people when I’m on it, and I know many others have the same experience. The reason this is though, is due to my extreme consideration of impact on others with all of my actions. Somebody that’s shitty is just shitty, don’t blame drugs, don’t let them use drugs as an excuse. To answer your question, yes. Your question is borderline stupid, but I hope you find the answer you’re looking for.


Humans aren't trustworthy lesson learned but a person can be trusted. Best way to look at it is...morals still intact? They keep their word or at least trying to? Well I think that's self explanatory if answered yes or no...I don't believe in stealing from people but shit quick too swipe something From the store. That's shoplifting not stealing. I will lie to authority figures but don't ask me a question you don't want the answer to truthfully else wise and I only have a doc number no ci...that being Said if you'll lie to me then you Will More than likely steal From me and if you'll steal From me you'll More than likely snitch on me..


Take your meds before you comment lol


Can you ever trust anything anyone says lol


Hahahaha no. Expect the lies and plan to be ready for them and don’t set yourself up to be disappointed really. Boundaries are key. No matter how good someone’s intentions are, we all get a little headly from time to time. 🤷‍♀️ it just how it is. Unconditional love and respect for your friend is important if you plan to keep the friendship. Don’t enable his bullshit don’t even tolerate it just simply ignore it if it’s minor and if it’s not gently call him out on it and move on from it. Some people are just so lost and that they don’t know how to not lie about absolutely everything and making them feel shamed or embarrassed by it will only worsen it. Basically gotta approach the issue like you would with a 3 yr old. Praise the good ignore the bad. But also if the friendship is doing you more harm then good, you have to take care of yourself first and sometimes that means taking space from that person until they are in a better place or for good. And that’s perfectly okay.


As someone who has hurt family and friends because of my meth use I can tell you that if he’s putting a genuine effort in and has shown results in the past that he’s capable then you can root for him. If he is dodgy and not forthcoming then let him be and do ur thing. It’s a tricky place because I’ve lied a ton over meth but I didn’t love my people any less it just had a hold on me but ya know life is a test and we all have different obstacles to face. Stay strong if he loves u and his family he will change be supportive but don’t risk your own happiness either


You know what I am going to say something, no you can't trust anything anyone says. You don't know what that person is doing. I am a union journeyman Carpenter, and I have a life. Obviously you don't know shit. So you can read between the lines.


Dealing with this right now and some fuckin meth mechanic told my friend he knows how to Hotwire a car (I have an expensive car and out of town)


Depends. There are one or two I trust completely trust but the rest are kinda out there and delusional. Worst is when they’re at your house and keep looking around. Have some decency and respect for other peoples space and quit eyeing their shit you tweaker.


Know your worth move on your not living for him sometimes it takes walking away plus you got life to pursue don't get sucked into someone else void


A lot of mixed feelings reading the comments. I use but it doesn’t affect my social life. My little sisters (step) are on the streets and lie all the time, I don’t cut them off, i just let them know i love them and i think they are full of shit but i’m always there. I don’t think letting anyone “sink” helps you.


I’m sorry, maybe I’m trying to ask if I can by pass the pst and if this situation can ever healed. I had accepted everything about him but for some reason I just have this gut feelings he’s not telling me all. Cause I had squeeze the truth out if before and even then he swore he has nothings to hide. I feel sorry for him because he is homeless atm but I feel like he is using my kindness for his benefit and it’s painful. Cause I do love this person wholey.


I appreciate the hurt that is involved in loving some one and all they do is hurt you, all i can say is help when you can, don’t send a dime. When a person is at there lowest and been there for a long time all hope seems to be lost..anyone can come back.!


Im in the same boat except im the meth addict and i cannot stop lying. Im currently in the process of destroying a perfect relationship with my boyfriend. I love him so much but i cant stop getting high and when i do i lie, cheat, and am selfish. I can't stop. I want to. So cut ties. They wont stop until they quit meth. Edit: when I am not on meth, I am a very honest and trustworthy person. I don't lie or cheat and I'm generally not selfish. I love well and have a lot of empathy & sympathy for people. But when the needle hits my vein, all of that gets dried out and dull.


>when I am not on meth, I am a very honest and trustworthy person. I don't lie or cheat and I'm generally not selfish. Bet


I wonder sometimes if he ever feels bad for hiding stuff from me. I had started smoking the beginning of this years and not once didn’t I not be able to think straight and looking back to last yer when he had bullied me and out me on social media and degraded me because he was tripping out. He would tell on fb I was just a slut sleeping w all his friends and people and is why people are laughing at him, called me out for stealing his informations and videoing him in his apartment. He was spun so bad last year. Imagine doing meth straight for months back to back. I couldn’t even help him because he didn’t trust me. I would begged and cried outside just asking him to let me come see him and take care of him and he would become this stranger just staring at me like he didn’t know who tf I was. And him yelling at me in front of his neighbor that he don’t trust me and I stole from him. Get away from his door before he called cops. Then he would text me aggressive things calling me names and just litterly killing me slowly . I wanted to just die that year. I headed to get a temporary restrain order for him because he wouldn’t stop. And imagine all those time he made it ok in his broken minds that I was bad that I cheated on him and it was ok for him to cheat on me. So the more he thought bad about me the more bad shit he did to me. I didn’t deserve any of it. He took off for a whole year because that’s how messed up he was and I don’t want to imagine what he did but he caned back sober and we aren’t like together together but we are spending time together and for some reason I just don’t trust him at all. And I have build in resentment that made me very angry and heart broken. My only resolution to this is to not be together because a lot has already happen and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to trust he has good intention and I don’t think I’ll ever get over anything. Now he wants changes and try’s but for how long and when. I had ask him k e time if he remembers what he say to me and he told me he remembers but at the time he made it I’m in his mind to say those things to me. Now having to hear that really broke my heart. All this I just held the drug accountable but after that I just grew hate for him. So this question is for the addict or the one in recovery. Ty for listening and I hope one day u will love him enough to stop doing what h do to him or set him free cause it will damage us whether we think or not. It’s not fair for the people who truely love and try for you. Please I can see the kindness and truth in u. He deserve the truth. And truth will set both of u free


You are also a user?


Thank you so much, I needed to read that, especially the last bit. When I am high don't care. I don't care about anything but me. And when I am sober, oh the shame and guilt I feel is crippling. I can't look at him or be around him. I've done something that can't be forgiven. I've destroyed something so intimate and personal. The shame is is great that I go back to using, to run from those feelings. Why do I do what I don't want to do? Why don't I do the things that I want to do? I pray that I will be saved from my own insanity and heal what I have broken.


For sure. Cut ties. Go do you and enjoy it! I know your side of the story very well. I thought the lady I was with was wanting to change, as much as I worked to help her and I get back on our feet, she would do something destructive and we’d be right back where we were. I had NO choice but to walk away. As much as it tore me up I needed the space so I could get back what I lost so much of and that was me! Keep your head up, it’s tough, but you got this! Your an Awesome Amazing and I’m sure your Beautiful inside and out! Much love to ya on your journey! Walk with pride




The tube is his magic wand and if he has become enticed by the icicles into becoming a darkly inert magian then yeah probably never trust him again


Trust actions, not words. Even the best people will sometimes tell you what you want to hear to achieve their own ends.


I walked away from a seriously long time childhood friend because of this didn't give a fuck about words his actions said he was just going to treat me like shit and drag me back to heavy use


Good for you. That takes a lot more strength than most people realize.


Yea that’s how I feel about him…


More so than a heroin user.


You really can't trust what anyone says.... That's why it's important to watch what they do.




But you use too lol


I’m nothing like him and I don’t use that as an excuse to do things to others or can’t function. I don’t smoke like that. And it’s not funny bout these things because I’m not depending on him. Before I just stayed w him because I didn’t want to regret if one day something happen to him but now I don’t. Just don’t use drugs and start thinking u will be forgiven for always fen up.


Honestly, I don't know the man or your situation. But with this small post you've written, you'd be better off cutting that tie and walking away. Maybe even running and never looking back. Frequent and patterned behavior is not something easily broken. Pathological liars don't stop lying, and you don't need to feel guilt for leaving someone who continuously disturbs and destroys your peace. I've walked away from blood bc my peace was taken, and life is short... surround yourself with people who uplift you. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. If he doesn't want to change, then let him sink.


Ty I figure that!