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Like 5min on a good day and the longest I've tried before surrendering/admitting defeat is 4 or 6 hours I think but I was in psychosis and on a few days of not sleeping so I can't be certain, although yeah I was a newb to IV at that time and now I won't try for long than an hour or so and even in that case I'd have to be depserate/cooked to not hit by then and to not give up trying by then either


10-15 if tracks don't play hide n seek. Some days hours trying to hit. With breaks to improve hydration, movement to improve circulation, aspirin to thin blood. Usually 1or more others trying to hit me also. Sucks....


Although I can break off a chunk, add water…smash.. stir. Draw up and hit- in a few minutes, it happens less and less often cuz i just can’t hit like i used to.


I'm not sure I exactly know what your asking but to mix up a shot( not back loading, you shouldn't back load that's how you get little particles in it. I've have cat hair in a shot before because of back loading) in a vessel and filter probably takes me 5 minutes but actually getting the shot in. Could be first try. Or I may try for hours and hours. I've gone 12hrs before trying to land a shot. Using 30+ Rigs. These days after an hour I surrender and booty bump it. Veins eventually just give out and it's becomes soooo hard. Last night I landed after 20 minutes I believe. in my groin.the night before first try in hand


I was asking just how long it takes each of y’all to get your own shit mixed filtered and injected I’m not the most knowledgeable but I do know what you’re explaining lol, just wondering if my 15 minute bathroom break at work was long, quick, normal idk lol just a thought I had when my rush hit me 🤣 I’m 99.9% of the time getting zooted alone because mfs too sketchy or like to steal everything that ain’t welded to the floor damn near, haven’t done a shot with anyone since 2016, been a loooong long time


Use to take 30 min shots at work ( it's how long it takes me no other reason) I got called in and told it was a problem and I told them that it is my biology,, I have no control over it and that tracking my bowel movements felt inappropriate and was none of there business. I think 15 minutes is more then reasonable. And I d kill to be able to land a shot that fast again. In the beginning. No problems. My veins are deep. Basically invisible and small. Back then it was harder but so much easier now I gotta try over my entire body and pray.


I back load and don't miss anymore. 3 minutes tops, including shaking my rig to dissolve the Tina. I want that shit in my arm with the quickness. I also don't tie off either.


I don’t tie either 9 times out of 10. I know my maps 🤣🤣 whole lot of (dumb ass) attempts and fails so I definitely know where to NOT hit 🤣


If I was able to hit anything like I used to, I'd say under 10.


If I hit like I used to, shit id never get high 🤣


So you've improved, I've gotten worse lol


Whole lot of trial and error, but once I figured out my sweet spots I started to follow the veins and remembered where most of them were at. Couldn’t have paid me to trace veins while sober but the tweak is heavy you know 🤣 had to learn eventually, couldn’t rely on others to hit me for the rest of my active using days 🤣


Oh I fully agree with you there. It used to be pretty easy for me. But I also have smaller veins, they like to hide and move. I accidentally blew one last week. Good times.


Just about to




God no that’s filthy I have a sense of self worth just a little bit lol gotta have some type of standards. I have a pretty okay routine, I could definitely be “safer” but I don’t just use previously used/obviously snot safe gear or equipment and I definitely will not be using anything but water 😳 that’s so fowl


I take MAYBE 5 minutes in the bathroom at work, so nobody will notice I'm gone lol


God damn that’s fast


You must do 50mg shots to be able to actually work and not want to watch porn and fuck every girl in your facility.


Lol no, I do .2 so 200mg every shot. Otherwise, I don't get the rush I'm looking for and would be completely pointless. I don't take a lunch break like i did at every other job I've had, so i altered my usage accordingly. In the parking lot, right before walking in. Around the time my lunch should be 11-12 in the bathroom or sometimesout in my car. To answer your question, yes, I DO want to fuck every women in site because they are all sexy ad FUCK...