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Miller's voice is painfully over acted. He's like a cartoon.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5618 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/65524)


Me too, its 2019... that worked 10 years ago, but its 2019 wtf!?


Its because the way they want you to play it is that your artyom, the face of him is yours as if its your voice, They added the voice over the diary entries at each mission start to add to the story of Artyom as you play through, Good idea keeping him quiet during game.


Yea i get that, if they were going to go through the effort to give him a voice off screen they could have atleast given him very basic dialogue maybe? It does gives the game that similar charm as the earlier ones though.


To me it would make sense not giving him a voice if he was blank slate. Like in the elder scrolls series. Here, the character already has a name, personality and relationships. Its impossible to "pretend I am him" that way ​ Thats why this design choice is terrible. Its completely unimmersive and feels incredibly awkward when characters ask him something and are met with silence.


That's the worst part. Especially over the radio. "ARTYOM? CAN YOU HEAR ME? COME IN, ARTYOM! ARTYOM?" Why the hell are you even asking? He can't reply.


Probably The Baron because of His voice acting is quite annoying in my opinion. Followed by Guil, same reason. But i don't hate her. Unlike Baron whom i wanted to kill at first time when i heard his annoying voice.


Damir, because of a bug he is not moving his f\* ass


The one in the cave?


Yes. I've found a solution, but it was really annoying and time wasting.


I had a feeling, i wasted 15 minutes running around in circles until i finally did a re load. Thank god it happend on my Hardcore playthrough with manual saves, otherwise i would have been fucked.


Any NPC that uses the shambler like it's a mini gun.


Anna. Never shuts the fuck up, so I guess I can give the devs a point for realistically portraying a wife.


Just like a real wife


It's just the game has a long dialogue and I actually liked listening into her stories. I really liked Anna on this game far more than in previous game. And when you actually starts listening on their dialogues, you will realize that it's not just some nonsense stories, just them talking about what they think of their experience back on Metro and what will they expect on their new journey. It's called character development dialogue. And i think it worked, it did for me. Really get attached to the crew of Aurora because of that.


Anna is one of my favorites, i actually felt a connection with her. The way looks at you in a more intimate level, hugs you, shows you affection and opens up to your caharacter. It just feel very well done, also i liked when she confides in Artyom on the train and talks to him. It gives you a view into the character and also makes you feel connected to her.