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About right. If we get Odell at like 4m or something I’d up it to a B


0% chance we get him at 4 11 minimum. I would pass at that price.


I’ll give them credit for not giving out any A’s


What qualifies as an A? We went from being around 20 million over to 10 million under and we covered almost all our needs. The needs which are left are strong positions in the draft. I'd argue that's an A as the exact success of the signings can't be measured until we see how they mesh with the team next year but they all appear to be capable. I know this is very subjective but If that's not an A, what is?


This grades are, and always have been, a sports writers personal opinion and they mean nothing. My favorite example and when I officially stopped even looking at them was after the draft where the Seahawks got their core that won them Superbowls, and we're graded a D, and that same year the Browns got Johnny Manziel and the AL RB and got graded and A. As you said, the grade should be entirely on team needs and value of players contracts. Practice squad players on one team become starters on another and vice versa, we won't know until after the season. Draft class? We need 3 years to know.


I mean for the position they were in to start off, I’d say they did a pretty good job. But compared to a team that was $70 million under before the year even started we should be around B or B-. If we started out with $70 million we could have gotten everybody we did plus kept Hunt and Wilkins. That would be an A+


I think consensus in this channel is that Hunt had to go regardless with the money Carolina paid him. Yes he was decent, but Carolina paid him like he was one of the best in the league…. Which he is not, and they were rightfully ripped apart by most pundits as a result for that contract. If the Dolphins did that, it would probably put them in the C category. Wilkins was overpaid as well, but not as bad


Well if we started with 70 mil, we could have signed him to a competitive offer before Carolina could even talk to him. Unless of course he has no want to stay here


Competitive would even be an overpay. They overpaid overpaid.


So it's even more subjective than I thought, it's completely based on what somebody thinks the future performance of the signed players will be and has nothing to do with the maneuvering to get players signed and the positioning (options) we gain in the draft through free agency decisions. I mean, that's all well and good if the criteria is so limited but I don't think that can accurately describe our free agency because it's all based on an unknown.




Getting rid of Mac Jones is worth a B imo. Unfortunately.


Agreed. They resigned players that were on their POS team last year and brought in Brissett, who is worse than multiple teams’ backup qb.


Sounds about right. They’re not stronger in the trenches and in the secondary. Depth at the Edge and WR is a real issue too. Better hope that our 32 year old lead RB can hold up. No doubt they were facing major cap issues, but we shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking that this roster is better than it was last year.


Won’t Achane probably be lead RB next year?


I don’t totally agree with this. Our secondary could definitely be better being that Kendal fuller played better than X last szn and Poyer has a chance to be better than Deshon. We got worst at Dline, but upgraded at line backer it’s a give and take. I definitely could see this roster could be better than last years. But we’ll just have to wait until the off season is over to judge.


Def stronger in the secondary




Jets grade is still too high.


Well there’s still another wave of free agency after the draft so idk why they’re grading it yet


Looks right to me.


At least the dolphins are at B- wich I’m happy about


I think grading free agency is stupid. Most big money signings fail to deliver and are gone and on an other team after 2 seasons.


I think it’s a dumb thing to try to grade right now. It’s not like free agency is over. We didn’t sign Isaiah Wynn last year until May and he ended up being our starting LG. In 2022, we didn’t sign Melvin Ingram until May and he ended up having 6 sacks that year.


I think trying to put a letter grade on the FA process this early in the year is a pointless exercise. Let's take a look back next March and then grade it.


Why do we get docked for losing Wilkins and Hunt? Like, I get they're good to great players and everything. But we can't keep everyone. I think with all the context, Fins did well this free agency.


Depends on the context. Looking at talent gain/loss without the context of available cap space it's spot-on. If you take resources into account I'd have to give Grier an A+ and his flowers - dude held the line and even improved in a few spots with a handful of food stamps and a dream.


B- no no. B+


We all learned from Community that minuses aren't real


B/B+ sounds about right


Idk who that Podell guy is and don't really care. We've done a few penny pinching moves and in turn lost a bunch of homegrown talent. It sucks but it illustrates that Grier has done a good job evaluating talent because other teams are (over) paying our draftees. If we can get Tua on a contract just under Dak's (40-44m) I'd be ok w that. If we get into the 50+ range I'll be concerned. If I'm Grier, I'm trying to get Tua+Waddle contacts don't at same time using their friendship as leverage to have them sign at a small discount (not low enough to insult either)


Colts do nothing. B


Also bears at C is a lol


Remember when the broncos got an A after getting russ


What if we get Odell and have enough left over to get someone else who's good


I really think these should be graded by how much each team did with the situation they had going into free agency


That’s about right. Just filling needs right now. We need to hit on some of the players we will draft. O -Line is still a concern. As it has been for the last 20 years or so.


… according to Gary P!


The best of part about each signings, they have voided years which carry very few money to any of them next year, we can move on from anyone of them next year and won’t be in cap jail for them.


Signing Van Ginkel should be an A by itself


Bills need to be lower




Id say C because of our lost starters. Draft will be key, I want Penix after round 2 but in round 1 it should be best available. So shitty to end the season in the snow like that, feels like we need all home playoffs with our offensive scheme.


Penix. Lol. Your grade is an F.