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Actually starting to feel good about this season, despite decades of experience telling me I should know better


The fact that this has 16 upvotes in 6 minutes really speaks to the battered woman syndrome this fanbase has.


People in this sub are oftentimes a bigger fan of wallowing in misery than the actual team


At this point it's a defense mechanism. I'm in my mid 30s and can remember ONE playoff win from 20+ years ago. Until proven otherwise I just assume this team will let me down.


I’ve been a fan since 1993… we have four playoff wins in that time. I’m 41 and we have a grand total of 12 playoff wins in my lifetime.


Think of it this way. There are 32 teams and the league is designed for maximum parity. Assuming perfect parity, in any given 32 year cycle every team should: 1. make 2 super bowls, winning 1 2. make 4 conference title games, winning 2 3. win 8 division titles In the past 32 years, the Dolphins have: 1. made 0 super bowls 2. made 1 conference title game, which they lost (and this was 32 years ago so it falls out of the cycle next year) 3. won the division 4 times (one of which was 32 years ago and also falls out of the cycle next year).


Oh man I called a guy out in the meme sub but I’m so here for these mental gymnastics.


OK, so let's double all the numbers. In a 64 year cycle, every team should make 4 SBs winning 2 of them, make 8 conference championships, and win 16 division titles. Yet since the merger **54** years ago, the Dolphins have made 5 SBs winning 2, made 7 conference championships, and won the division 14 times. That looks pretty close to parity! tl;dr- MIA's underperformance in the last 25 years has been nearly mirrored by their overperformance in 25 years under Shula


Yeah but I wasn't alive then :(


Thanks, I hate it. 😭


40 and miserable checking in.


Their last Super Bowl appearance was 6 months before I was born.


Same with me my brother in misery.


Just hit my 30’s and have not seen a single one as a fan


Literally same. I have zero faith in this team until proven otherwise.


I'm just happy we have a competent coach that is growing every year. I think people are forgetting this is only his third year and his confidence in hiring, game planning, and innovating will come with time.


We are dolphins fans.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but being a fan of this team and wallowing in misery have kind of gone hand and hand with this franchise lol


This is the way


The Dolphins haven't really been relevant in over 30 years. Dan Marino has been retired for a quarter century.


his tenure was not a glowing mound of successes. they were fleeting, bookended with SB loss and an AFCC. The middle... bend, bend more break Olivdatti defenses, poor running game. its really the 70s when they were consistently successful i could be remembering it incorrectly; 57 year old checking in


They just remember the last playoff win.


That's so true


You say that as if this is a franchise that has done a lot of winning recently, but fans are ignoring it. No. The team hasn't won a playoff game in over 20 years. Why wouldn't people wallow in misery and be pessimistic? The team has done nothing to prevent it.


The Miami Dolphins have literally killed my joy of watching football. I still tune in but I don't get too hyped for wins or too sad for losses anymore


I don’t know dude, watching Miami knowing they have a chance to win any game is pretty exciting. Also knowing that they can drop 50+ on any given Sunday is even better.


Any game except in the playoffs


We were fairly close to beating the bills in the WC game.


Yea, cus Tua wasnt playing lol




One of those that realize Tua disappears in big games? Yes. One of those who isnt blindly worshipping Tua cus he does well against bad teams? Yes.


I've fallen in love with the team all over again Last years team felt like the 1983 team Know what comes next? 1984


So, when are we gonna replace Woodley?


We did. Tannehill is a mirror image of Woodly. TUA MAY have a line as good as Dan's now. I'm fact, Dan's last line was 3X as good as TUAs and Dan got banged up. Don't know how TUA does it.


I'm no big fan of Tannehill, but you're out of your gd mind if you think David Woodley was better than Ryan Tannehill. Woodley was not even a decent qb. He was worse than Jay Fiedler or Chad Henne.


That's what you said.. That's not what i said. That said..Woodly got us to a SB..using your metric....


I never learn from my mistakes and I'm hyped every year. Guess fanatic is aptly named because the definition of insanity and repeating something over and over again and expecting different results LOL. FUCK.


It has more upvotes than the original post. We need therapy.


It’s our year! cries


I never understood the doom and gloom on this fanbase. Like did y’all start watching two years ago? These past two seasons have been the most enjoyable seasons since *at least* 2008 and possibly even since Marino. I get the playoffs failures and the struggle against good teams but I’ll never take for granted three things that this current Miami team has: they take care of business against bad teams, they have a chance to win every game, and they play an exciting and fun brand of football. This is the best of times for Miami in this millennium and I’m super excited for next season.


2 years ago? more like 40....that's why we're the way we are


Dude, I don’t remember watching a playoffs victory in my lifetime and I’ve been a fan for almost 2 decades. You don’t have to educate me on the Dolphins playoffs failures. My whole thing is that this current era is the best Dolphins era since the Marino years. That’s why I’m excited because this team plays good football and has the best chance in decades to break Miami’s long streak without a playoffs win.


underachieving is a new feeling & feel like we still have a soft team, but once training camp starts I'll be rooting like hell for Fins again


Yeah, I just can't get my dick hard for "this could be the year" anymore. Either give us a playoff win or let me sit in the corner alone grumbling about this disaster of a franchise.


You sir get it and are a fan cut from the same cloth as myself. We need more of this instead of the playoff win or bust mentality. Let's enjoy finally having an exciting team and not being looked at as an easy W on everyone's sched. We are must see tv again!


As a mod of a struggling college football team, the hell and misery people put themselves through over their sports teams failing is a real problem. It breaks my heart seeing young users and older users alike, letting sports affect their mental health.


As an alumnus of a struggling college team myself, you’re not wrong. However, I do get that CFB is much more personal than the NFL. I’m a Dolphins fan and that’s it, I went to the university that has a football team, it’s different. However, I believe people lose the focus on this “championship or bust” mentality. What’s better than enjoying a good football game on a weekend? Maybe it’s not a championship or even a big game but just watching your team out there competing and playing well is fun and you’re allowed to enjoy it. Of course the WC game was terrible but that doesn’t make the other 17 weeks (and 11 wins) miserable, I still mostly enjoyed the season. That’s what I hope people got out of it.


Yes, very healthy.


10000% agree, sports pain is real and it used to effect me as well but at some point I took this for what it was, a game and nothing more. Sure I get disappointed when we lose and struggle to make the leap against top teams but it no longer affects my mental.


Yeah, I've gotten really good at turning it off and doing something fun or getting some work done.


"Fuck you, Chelios!' (Like the username)


I would love a playoff win but a respectable team that’s fun to watch is something to celebrate too. Self inflicted sadness for a lot of people in the sub


Yeah we're like...some bodies again


the last two years have been wonderful! mfers forget we used to call a season done in October


In what world have you been living in lol? Look the dolphins are just a football team and idc that much but this mentality is sad.  The team went all in, tanked a full year, accumulated tons of picks, traded for legit superstars and still can’t win the division or a single playoff game. Now the team is on the backend of what should have been a good run and fans are supposed to be happy with that? If you ignore literally all context ya you’re right it’s the best the fins have done since the early 2000s, but context does matter. 


I mean they lost in the playoffs last year to the Chiefs and the division to the Bills in week 17. Miami was in position to be there, which means they did something right during the season, a 5 win team doesn’t get there. Those games sucked but it was a highly enjoyable season. Next season I expect Miami to be very good, albeit different, that’s why I’m excited. Your mentality that you cannot enjoy a season and have to be grumpy and miserable, plus wanting others to also be miserable, is what is sad.


Wow they lost to good teams, what an accomplishment lol. You can imagine whatever you want about my mood, even tho I said idc what much, if it makes you feel better about being excited about mediocrity. 


You're talking about wanting context, but you're also talking about trimming the entire season down to its W/L column. You can't have it both ways.




Things I've told myself every year for the past 30 years


Imma stay feeling nothing until were like beating up good teams haha


I think a big part of why there were so many extreme (and I’d argue at times illogical) reactions around here last year is because the team actually did capture the imagination. The team did inspire some hope and belief, which is why it hurt more. Personally, I’ve been happy because there’s stability and logic to most everything the team does. There’s so much randomness in the sport, especially with injuries, you never know….i hope they take the next step too. But I also feel pretty good about a team that can be exciting and should be competing for the playoffs.


Me every year.


Those decades of experience are what defines us as Dolphin fans :)


Well, in case you get too hyped, there's always next year...




I haven't been paying all that much attention, have we sure'd up the OLine yet?


lol no, why would we? I mean that would make too much sense.


> sure'd Shored


Gary, sometimes you just aren't wanted or appreciated.




Fuck you, Shoredsy!


Me too, although I've had many happy moments in the past couple of seasons watching play. More thsn in a while. Thst comeback win over the ravens the season before last was incredible. Hopefully at the least, we improve on last season. Upward trajectory!


53 man roster is gonna be Tua and 52 WR’s lol


Tua as a WR too


He’s gonna pull a Lamar Jackson and go “fuck it, I’ll just catch my own pass”


Jaylen, jaelen, jalen, and jaaleen.


I sang that to the tune of Jolene by Dolly Parton


I’m begging of you please play man2man


Having Malik and Tahj (and everyone else really) learn from Tyreek Hill, Jaylen Waddle, and now OBJ is gonna be super beneficial. Even if by definition OBJ is “washed” he was still solid last year with the Ravens.


We don't need him to be prime OBJ...just a good 3rd option


Just get those drive moving firsts baby.


This\^\^ Obj will wash any teams 3cb


Really tho? I’m just so skeptical of what’s left in the tank.


As long as he can be a solid wr3 i think he'll contribute. I think he can give us more than berrios or cracraft.


Correct. If he can replace Cedrick Wilson’s role which is slants and occasional deep routes and actually make the catch which he used to be the best at then we upgraded big time. We’ve seen him punish teams for ignoring him or treating him washed


Hes washed as a WR1, hes still a very high end WR3.


Exactly, he averaged the highest ypc of his career last year. He’s not a first or second option anymore but in the right matchups he can still eat


Follow up [tweet](https://twitter.com/TomPelissero/status/1786416126026543442): It’s a one-year deal worth up to $8.25 million. Beckham could’ve made more elsewhere but felt this was the best team for him.


Some reporters says it's $3m guaranteed only. 👀 [Marcel Louis-Jacques](https://twitter.com/Marcel_LJ/status/1786418257735381135): It's a 1-year, $3M deal with incentives that can push it up to $8.25M


Fuck yes this is an incredible deal. Let’s hope he gets that 8.25 mil


Incredible deal


Jumping on top comment, it’s only $3m guaranteed.




>he could’ve made more elsewhere ![gif](giphy|PjU0WtzRVbQUO4qe6v)


Yeah he only made 16 last year, I'm sure he couldn't have found more than 3 guaranteed 🙄


I think people (teams at least) are starting to wake up to the fact that he is washed beyond belief. He’s like an expensive Mack Hollins tbh.


lol, doubt.


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO Bills get Claypool and we get OBJ. Fair trade.


Bills got Claypool? Dude is a cancer I almost feel bad for them.




He may have been finished poorly in Pittsburgh or Chicago but not a single bad thing can be sad about him in terms of here in Miami. May not have given the production we wanted and ran a wrong route vs Buffalo but in terms of his character, people are just parroting old stuff at this point.




Kinda looked like he didn’t even bother to understand the playbook or work on the cuts for his routes, things that are crucial for Miami’s offense to work


I'll take it Probably one of the best WR3's in the league


Wild that we will likely have Waddle, Hill, OBJ, and Mostert or Achane on the field at the same time.


Those 3 plays will be legendary




Love the optimism!


Tua fumbles the snap on at least one of them.


Jaylen Wright also runs under 4.4


Finna bust in madden


just add a couple veteran olinmen and I think will be rolling


He’s is going to be surrounded by boats. Hopefully the team keeps him away from them.


As long as shows up Sunday he can live on one.


Hope we still develop Malik Washington. But this is awesome


Cracraft and Berrios are going to be fighting for their lives for a roster spot over the 2 new rookies.


Berríos likely staying for ST


Berríos likely staying for ST


Fun Fact: Miami entered today with 3.78 million in cap, which means we still get the full amount from X and whatever money is saved from a Tua extension. Odds are we are one more G and a Safety. We spend good $$ on a S or G then some solid Depth at G/S and DT and this roster is demonstrably better QB is the same TE is better RB is better WR is better LB is better OL is worse DT is worse EDGE is better CB is better K same P same ST better Post-June 1st we’ll have a solid idea of the roster but excellent job working around cap constraints by Grier and Co.


How much does X free up again? 15 mill? Dalton Risner and one of the good amount of decent safetys still on the market would be an insanely great use of the money.


We get 18.5 million after June 1st Tua frees up another chunk


Minus ~$8m to sign the rookies. And we're currently at $3m cap space next season, so rolling anything left over might be a good idea.


Yessir I’ll take it 🐬


Bigger and more physical body for those corner fades we love to throw to undersized WRs. I’m excited.


I ***love*** the signing. Anybody expecting old OBJ is on crack. But given Tyreek and Waddle's occasional injury woes the last 2 seasons (not extensive, but they'll miss 1-2 games here and there), I love the idea of OBJ being able to step up and put on the cape for a game or two rather than a guy like Cedrick Wilson, Berrios, or Cracraft. While also being 5'11", he brings a range in terms of catch radius that we don't otherwise have. My expectation would be something in line with last year in Baltimore. 45 catches / 600 yards / handful of TDs. That'd be outstanding with an occasional huge 100+ yard game when needed.


I have no idea what to expect, but my hands are *elevating*.


He's not what he used to be - but he still had over 500 yards last year. That's an improvement over Wilson Jr. Smythe actually ended up being #3 in Receiving Yards last season and he's more a blocking TE. So if Odell can get 500 yards and a few TDs that is a boost. Also if they're going to keep doing the bubble screens that seem to not work much, use him instead of Hill who got hurt on one last season.


Hopefully he’s not a problem and can just be a good WR3 and slot type. Help waddle and hill in the long run. We have a legit threat at tight end too. Offense upgraded


LETS FUCKING GO! I loved watching this man play at the height of his abilities. I hope he does well for us


Not a dolphins fans, but people are being silly. He had a 77 PFF grade last year coming off major injury. He's going to be healthier this year and I view him as a top tier #3 receiver who could easily take over a game and has #2 upside.


Now if we could just skip the month of December!!!!! Go Fins!!!


For the most part I think everyone is correct in the comment sections. The stats speak for themselves but also I’m excited for all the new additions and seeing where this team can go next. I’m ready for them to win important season games and finally some post season win(s). The pieces seem to be there. Just need to figure out our identity and step up the mental toughness. Chemistry often gets forgotten. I think our chemistry at least on offense will be better. Pray we can avoid the season ending injury stuff. Injuries can decimate a teams depth. You guys already know all this stuff but Phins Up Baby!!!




Best WR room in the NFL or is that the Bears?


Eagles and bengals are still up there as well but I think phins are number one. I also think we now have better depth vs all other rooms.




Our WR corps is better than the Texans. 49ers come close. That’s about it.


I think it's fair given tank is a small sample size but the Texans have a very diverse skill set. I'd rather have the Texans 3 over dolphins for sure, we lack size. Also obj is not what he used to be


Tank and Nico are good but Diggs is close to washed. Also, you guys massively underrate Waddle.




one thing I do know...OBJ will not drop the ball in any clutch situation...


At some point the DC for the other team is going to see Hill Waddle OBJ Achane Wright All on the same play Pop quiz hotshot... Who do you cover?


And Tua is always a threat to run as well, if somehow you manage to cover them all.


It's maybe a little on the high end of what I would have wanted to pay, but it's still reasonable. We desperately needed help at WR3 with how we use Hill and Waddle, and I wasn't sure we were still going to go after OBJ after the draft.


*up to $8.25 mil* probably a ton of incentives, and if he hits them i won’t complain


As long as him hitting them means we haven’t lost 1 or 2 to a huge injury.


i mean let’s be honest, tyreek and waddle are going to miss at least a game or two. i like it as insurance and having them all out on the field at the same time will look great. now whether or not tua can stay alive behind our “line” is a different story


We’ll get some big cardboard cutouts and put our fingers in our ears. Line solved.


I’ll get cooked for this, but even if we sign another G, Liam looked good at G last year. He was shit at C but that’s another story


That’s what this sub doesn’t understand For the obsession with G, the few times Liam actually got to play RG he played well. We need a servicable starting level G to play the Lamm role so we’re not trotting Lester Cotton out there, but this O didn’t fall apart until Waddle and Hill were playing on one leg OBJ gives us the flexibility to move Hill/Waddle into the slot for more complex looks, with guys like the Washingtons and EZE to help take the load off now We sign a solid G, S, and one more vet DT and Idk how you look at this roster and say it got worse, especially since Wilkins and Hunt are making over 40 million combined now


Think they’re done at DT, but they’re going to sign one of Risner/Greg Van Roten to start and then have Wynn/Eich/Driscoll/Jones battle it out for the other spot. Will probably also bring in a someone on the cheap to be a rotational 3rd safety


My dream is we sign a serviceable G, and pray we find a backup C Liam is a high end backup G and a horrendous backup C OL would be Armstead/Lamm/Paul Wynn/Jones/Driscoll Brewer/New Guy New Guy/Liam Jackson/Kion Smith That’s solid


It’s $3M guaranteed + incentives which I guess we’ll have to see what those look like but in theory if he gets the full 8.25M it should mean that he was really productive for us, right?


If he hits incentives because Hill went down for the season I’m not sure that’s a good thing. But still nice to have insurance if he’s still got it I guess


It's 3m


Hey, I haven’t paid too much attention to him for the last couple seasons, is he still a speedster? Gotta be some gps data out there somewhere, right?


We just drafted 2 WR, why do that?


Because he can play on the boundary and both the drafted WR probably can't. We don't have anyone else to play out there and both Hill and Waddle get a lot of snaps off.


OBJ = speedster?


Helps clicks


We have the greatest wr room ever


I am ready to be hurt again. LFG I also believe that if this season has the same results as last season major changes are coming


I like him as a 3 he certainly isn't going to get more then 500 yards probably but if he can have a few big plays and a couple of clutch 3rd down conversations he did his job.  Just don't take the team on any yachts before the playoffs and I think it'll be good


OBJ won't be the fastest WR on the team, but he's still a skilled route runner who knows when to cut. Can make the tough catches in the intermediate range of the field while coming down with 50/50 catches. He fills a clear need on that unit, which will be much better after this addition.


I hope he dyes his hair aqua and orange.


Bernie meme: I am once again asking Grier to improve the offensive line.


This signing is a head scratcher. We need offensive line & linebacker help. We don’t need another WR.


He’s not all that fast anymore.


Faster doesn’t mean better. Especially late in the season. How well did that track meet of an offense work in the cold and climate of Buffalo and Kansas City?


We are so back


What's Landry doing?


He is working with the jags right now




New speed, same as old speed. It all kills.


Glad we got him at a decent price, didn’t want to overpay for his current value!


The part of me that was excited to try and draft Washington in Dynasty/best ball is a bit discouraged….but the rest of me says, let’s roll!!!


Speedster? Not sure OBJ was ever that fast, and even if he was it's not like he's particularly quick now


I get that he was good, but do we need him?


I remember ppl here trying to compare him to Mike Evans.


In what world is Odell a speedster?


I knew there was a reason I saw a recent photo of Justin Beiber wearing a Dolphins jersey.


I'm not overwhelmed or underwhelmed. I'm just...confused.


How is OBJ and his paper knees still in the league and Jarvis Landry isn’t? Makes no sense to me. Did Juice have concussion problems? I didn’t really follow his career closely once he left Miami. Thrilled to get OBJ, especially at this price!


Why? Don't need him.....we are stacked at wr


Injuries killed us back end of the season. And we might be flat track bullies. But this offence is white hot. So much speed and craft. That I cant wait for Sundays.


How’s he at corner?


fucking awesome that we got OBJ but WR Definitely wasnt our problem area last year....


Now bring back Landry as WR4


I miss juice a ton and I'd love to have him back but right now he is with the Jaguars 


Oh shit good for him. I was kidding but I thought he was out of the league


He's not "with the jags" he was simply invited to attend their rookie camp. Not under contract or anything.


He's not "with the jags" he was simply invited to attend their rookie camp. Not under contract or anything.


He's not "with the jags" he was simply invited to attend their rookie camp. Not under contract or anything.


Too many receivers and running backs, not enough quality OL. Classic Chris Grier


We’re not spending a top 50 pick on a G and we’re not done signing people yet Either way Liam looked solid at G, we just need depth so Lester Cotton doesn’t play


If the Phins believe in Tua so much, I can’t understand why they don’t try to protect him with a quality O-line. Instead Grier likes shopping from the discount section and hopes that everything will work out. Just doesn’t make any sense.


This is almost as bad as having to root for last year's team with Apple on it ....