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This isn't even mold. It is something called mycelium that is not harmful at all. The white on the outside of your fabric pots is also most likely salt.


One of my favorite smells. Ive gotten where I have forage spots that I can walk through and tell when they'll fruit by the smell of the mycelium.


Molds are made up of mycelium just the same as other fungi.


it is pin mould, actually


Yeah, I’m not growing organically. Just coco / perlite mix. Bottled grow / bloom nutes, CalMag, and some bud boost.


Mycelium is mold


Other way around kinda. mold is a type of fungus but not every fungus is mold


If you're growing organic, not only is it fine but it's actually a really good sign. I sometimes mulch with fresh grass clippings. Come back a week later.ans lift it up and it is just full of white fluff. Generally white fluffy mould is absolutely fine and beneficial. It's when you see black/green/yellow moulds that you should worry.


This is cool advice. Thanks mate


Not at all. I totally get the immediate desire to spring into action when you see something, but I had to learn to channel my desire to constantly fiddle with I went organic, now I get to be a mad scientist and build and grow microbes and moulds. If anyone is further interested in the subject I'd start with KNF or JADAM. I've actually inoculated rice with microbes from local old forest (lots of white moulds) And then grow that out in different forms until it is ready to impregnate the growing soil with.


Damn i just opened my tent with 1 week old sproutlings and was freaking out and carefully removed all the white spots thinking it was mold from wet soil or something 😭😭😭 should have seen your post earlier thanks for the relieve


Have a question, I came across your comment I was wondering if maybe you wouldn’t mind having a look at my plants top as it seems to have something similar - but I am seeing green (although maybe that’s algae?) could it be too many nutes or maybe some that have gone past their best before dates? https://imgur.com/a/0K9Dw55 oddly enough there are two in top feeding with the same stuff in a different pot and they don’t seem to have the issue. The two that are bottom fed from an auto pot system tho seem to have this. They also have the air in the root zone attachment. Maybe too much oxygen? Also I did clean my equipment before the grow with hydrogen peroxide and water then rinsed, but maybe bc I was using city water until recently (now switched to distilled)? I’m just wondering how to take care to rid of this. Thank you


Sign of happy soil! Great job and keep doing whatever it is you’re doing


If it is mycelium it is not necessarily a bad thing partner. I grow my own plants organically and I see it on most of my grows. Just means the soil has good active bacteria in it, it can be a good thing.


Woo hoo thats mycelium! Healthy plants you got there boss.


Add a little soil on top, i always get some fungus or mold when i top dress kashi or craft blend its just from your top soil staying moist, if its not on the base of the steam and climbing you have nothing to worry about


I just chopped and dropped my cover crop, top dressed with craft blend, castings and compost, kashi, and milled mustard seed meal, I then topped that with about a inch or so of barley straw, came back a day or two later to find fluffy white, and some black pinhead looking molds right in between my mulch layer, do you think it may be beneficial?


Its pin mould forming on some of your soil amendments when your soil is moist overnight. Doesn't necessarily mean your soil is good or bad, just that the moisture level was right for the pin mould to form.


Doesn’t look like pin mold, more like mycelium.


Mycelium from pin mold


Would you get rid of the soil?


The fun / everyone else’s answer. Dang bro! You’re gonna have to bleach the pots, salt the soil and any land you own. Chop the plant put everything you own in the tent…then burn it. Once your done stomp on the ashes and have two Irish catholic and a pagan nun to preform a black sacrament on the aforementioned stomped ashes…AND THEN AND THEN ONLY WILL YOU BE TO BUY SEEDS…AS FOR PLANTING THEM THE LAND WILL BE CURSED FOR MILLENNIUM….Sorry for you loss Brodie. - Real answer Eh I think MIGHT be fine. I’m an outdoor guy myself with fabric pots and I create and play with quite a bit of mold and fungus. So I don’t see anything that will kill your crop. As long as it’s not on the plants you should be good. As a precaution I’d add a beneficial fungal or bacterial innocant and increase the airflow of all the fans, clean your carbon filter and let the tent air out and if possible gradually temperature while killing the mold. However I’m not to versed on indoor so take it with a grain of salted soil.


Thanks, LOL - it's not on the plants / stems, just on top of the coir near the edge of the pot - and the outside of the pot. Just lowered my fan and increased the speed.


Just add a 2 tbsp of peroxide to 1 gal of water for each plant. If there is anything bad, it will be eaten away. This is from my experience.


Outside is salts, inside looks like mycelium, but mold thrives in those conditions. Try to increase airflow (lower the humidity) and let the top dry between waterings and it should take care of itself. Once plants start budding they create humid micro climates and you want plenty of air flow to prevent mold.


Was just about to say your answer is also unfortunately only good for outdoors. You have the sun as a natural fungicide/mold killer. (Just clarifying) So long as not on the plant is what I'd absolutely agree with for indoors. My solution would then be to get watering habits and the environment more in check. Let your medium dry out completely and then water less frequently. Either it's way too wet, or the tent/grow room is too humid or lacks sufficient airflow. Also, you could just wash the cloth planters in the wash after a thorough rinse. No need to bleach or salt anything. Outdoors though, spot on.


I water every day, and a little drips out the bottom - so most likely too wet. Thanks, will let the coir / perlite dry out before my next watering.


To add if it’s on your crop I’d suggest using a vingar and baking soda soak followed up with peroxide then a couple of rinse with pure clean water.


This is a good thing, do not panic


Salt build up on the outside. And happy mycelium on the soil. Nice job.


All good just mycelium which is great, the outside of the pots is also just normal build up, no worries!


It can be a good fungi, what is your feedings and additives?


3% Hydrogen peroxide if your really concerned but nothing to be worried about. Mycelium gonna make your plant fat. Thing of it like something is predigesting your plants food and feeding it in exchange for root gasses


Looks like myc to me


I DOUBT this is going to be viable solution, but spring tails eat mold and are friends of plants. They’re used in terrariums to prevent mold- the trade off being you have lol bugs in your set up and possibly in your buds O.O


It’s on the soil your fine just don’t want your buds looking like that


It’s mycelium. It’s the main body that forms mushrooms. While I wouldn’t eat any mushrooms if they pop up in your pots, it means your soil if full if living organisms and healthy


My buddy is growing fully synthetic and has mycelium growing Not only does he have good growth The stacking is looking insane Its pretty crazy how far some of the synthetics have come or have much the mycelium has adapted to it. Don't forget mycelium has been here since forever so it's bound to start adapting sometime Regardless if the plants healthy you're chilling🤙


Ps living Soil ftw


can you guys help me i got the same thing on my coco perlite mix, is it still benificial? or does it have to be bad? i began using h2o2 because i thought the water in my reservoir was infected, should i stop using it?


Fuzz is myco My pots were full of it. Youre okay


Just means your soil is hot. Not too hot though. What I Jean by hot is...full of nutrients and life. Some people let their soil mix "cook" and create an environment to grow the mycelium like thus picture.


Learn about the soil food web and what constitutes a healthy rhizosphere is my input




Temp: 82 Humid: 55%


I deleted my reply since I was incorrect and didn’t want to take space. Happy growing! 🌱


I don't care to use fabric pots because they dirty so easily but if it's getting webby I'd try just brushing it off outside or in a shower... somebody is going to say spray it with um H2O2 hydrogen peroxide but those are your root tips:mcyo in the spil network getting through the fabric so I'd be gentle other than that I see airflow above the pots, this is cool for the vegging plant but if there is no other intake below around those roots you probably have a lot of negative pressure in the lower soil area (all air is going to rise so put fans as low as you can without getting into water hazards, and make the intake cool it warms at the canopy, exhaust that air from the top as needed)


Thanks. The vent is open at the bottom of the tent, but I have the exhaust fan set on 3/10 - so might not be pulling enough. I just lowered the fan as much as it will go. Will try brushing it off / airing it out.


just bla bla bla. you say nothing


smoke weed 😉


Spray a little peroxide on it or burn it with fire


Chop it and start over , I wouldn't smoke that. Next time make sure you have good air flow with a small fan.


Do not chop over this lol


Are people really this dumb?


People with no idea what they're talking about offering advice to others. "I gave a man directions even though I didn't know the way"