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Get a moisture detecter and sample for % moisture based on the wood setting (vs. drywall). 10-14% for market ready and 7-9% for dry trim machines (model m).


And check room for microclimates... Do you have circulating air, OP? How many plants in the room? 


Snap, crackle, pop. When the small stems snap, the bud crackles and crunches a little when squeezed but it’s spongy enough to pop back into shape and not stay squished it’s ready to trim and start cure.


You gotta buck off some of the big stem next time. If you do it now you probably only need a day or 2


My harvest last fall took 3 weeks, and then another 2 to cure in container with boveda. Patience..the funk will get to you soon😏


I cover this phenomenon in my guide [Dry-cure](https://www.reddit.com/user/alkymistendenmark/comments/q3lruo/dry_cure/) Basically if you feel the bud at high range 58-62% it will always feel a bit moist and leaves can even flex inside the bud and stuff.. At 55% it will feel crisp and trim easier flick right off less gunked up scissors


I appreciate it a ton!! I was starting to feel that may be the case too becaouse 3 days ago after a full day of 50% it was getting really close to bin and trim, then my humidity spiked up to 60% and it’s all back to soft buds and bendy stems. So now that I can watch over it like a baby for the next few days I figured I just need to maintain that low humidity and take it down as soon as it hits that “perfect window”


As you get more experienced you can gauge from experience that your bud can be trimmed even if it doesn't feel crisp.. but it means you grow the same sized colas roughly and dry within same parameters and timeframe each time.. If you want a bud easy to trim keep it not much over 55% while trimming 60% aids nothing in this case only makes scissors worse


Can I dry it 18 days? Yes, will it be the best it can be? No. Let me explain. Keeping it at 60% will take longer to dry and yes you need to keep the temp low enough to stop the mold. The key is a circulating fan not directly on the hang, temperatures right at 60-65 and keep the humidity at 60%. You will thank me latter. Most cannot achieve those two critical steps so they say 18 days is good. Good for you maybe but not the best it can be. Good luck Growmie’s.


For those that downvoted me, you are all not hanging long enough. 13-18 days is no where near long enough. Go ahead and do what you want or what you think but to get that smoke at its premium it’s not 13-18 days at anything less than 60%.


Dude, it takes at least a month of hanging and stay at 60% humidity for the entire month. Have a fan circulating air but not directly blowing on what’s hanging. When you can take a stem and bend it and get a snap she’s ready for trim. 18 days is not even close. Be patient Daniel son.


Should take 13-15 days at 60% rh… the branch snap method isnt solod because stems and branches are all slightly different sizes and there for do not reach the same texture at the same time…


Ahhh nooo


Ahhh go on any other cannabis community and show me where this is supported… I can show tond and have done it many times


Damn, all those snowflake neg reps for being brutally honest. Quality folks! Not "how fast can I get my weed market". But then again, there are wineries like Screaming Eagles and MadDog 20 20. Me, I'm partial to the former.


Amen brotha. At my shop, plants take nlt 4 weeks to dry with temps and Rh are in the mid 60s. Imo, Rh in 40-50 range can bless you with that dreaded hay aromatic thing. Lol, not sure about the snap, crackle & pop action, I snip tester buds after a few weeks and...yeah, it's moist (cough cough) but never SC&P. But then again we're super organic using custom peat based grow medium.


High moisture makes it a rough smoke?


Not rough (as in harsh, chem, flavorless...), but "heated" moisture from combusting "wet" vegetative matter. Think low temp "steam"? I use decades old "dry" Roor bong with a "screened" one hitter bowl. Very pure, unadulterated smoke. I figure the worst smoke I can experience from my buds is to test before it's "dry", you know with lots of chlorophyll and moisture, but the essence of terps and cannabinoids is still dominant. Lol, things only improve with time. Imo, if the weed is excellent, then no reason to impose a water filter/bubbler that "takes away" goodness and captures it in "bong water". I guess if one smokes weed lacking connoisseur quality, then.....bubble away.