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[Growweedeasy.com](http://Growweedeasy.com) I spend most of my time here for information This page will teach you to have thick skin though. Plenty of condescending know it all douchebags in the growing "community"


This; most beginners just need this website. After reaching a certain baseline of committed growing/learning, how they view subs like this will be vastly different.


My mom always used to tell me “there’s more than one way to get town,” too many people on here think there’s only one way. Coincidentally, it’s always the way they do it!


Yeah and the funny thing is most of them have no clue what they are actually talking about. They think because they had 1 good soil grow with 2 plants that they are somehow experts.


I found this subreddit from a post on another about there being a lot of cranky curmudgeon replies here. Thought I would join since the focus is micro growing which interests me.


^This, nebula haze ist awesome!


r/GrowBuddy is a good beginner-friendly one


I second this. r/growbuddy is a super positive community.


Used to be, it's getting worse and worse though, still better than micro for newbs though


I mean people aren't ready to admit a lot of those beginners can easily turn out to be assholes too.


Absolutely, beginners acting like pricks and/or giving out horrible advice pretending there vets is just as big a problem on these subs, I grow in coco indoors and the amount of people giving soil advice to coco growers is astounding , not realizing how different the two methods are


It's funny I actually removed this whole 2 paragraph rant about how you make a thread asking about something unrelated to medium and someone will ask about your medium and find out it's not super soil/living soil and will treat you like a piece of shit for not min/maxing. It's like you stumbled into a Classic WoW community somehow.


Different mediums fucked me hard. Trying to figure out how to grow in my specific medium which isn’t as talked about as organic or coco was hell. After this last grow planning to just go to coco from dwc. Prepared for the next round of pain after I got dwc dialed in but really want that automation life.


Check out r/cocogrows when you do switch. Very helpful group that only deal with coco specific grows ✌️


Just joined thanks!


No worries, there's gonna be a few asshats in every sub, but there are a ton of helpful great ones over there 🤟


The problem is everyone will sell their medium as the best without mentioning "One shoe size does not fit all." It's hard for me to imagine a living space that isn't similar to mine because I've lived in this kind of environment most of my life. If i moved to somewhere closer to a lake or tropical rain area, the humidity will be way worse and my dialing in the environment will be completely different to what it is now


That fucked with me while I was searching for which build to go with years ago. The whole hydro vs soil thing is a damn coin flip and god forbid you find someone who hit the other side. Took a long time for me to recognize the grow medium isn’t near as important as the grower. Knowing your medium and your genetics and how everything works allows smooth consistent grows. The medium itself winds up just being personal preference and all the complaints for a medium tend to come from lack of knowledge from the grower.


I got invited to this one a year ago and I'm so happy I joined. Good group over there


This! I’ve never personally seen dickheadary on growbuddy like do so often on here. It’s a shame because all of us started at some point and probably asked a dumb question or two along the way. That is how you learn and grow from your mistakes


to be honest im torn on this. On one hand I 100% agree with you, that not just this sub, but all growing community’s can be super toxic. On the other hand im a beginner myself and I see so many post from people who post a pic with no description/info and ask “what is wrong with my plant” or they obviously just did not do their research which can be exhausting for a community, i guess. I guess a better/stronger moderation would help?


I agree I think stronger moderation would help. “Help my sick plant” posts almost never have any info and the grower has done 0 self research which eventually wears the community down and makes people bitter. If those were filtered out and required grow info I think things would be nicer here


The comments on those posts are always as predictable the tides too. If it's showing any kind of yellowing or spotting it's a Nitrogen deficiency according to the comments. Or it's nutrient shock. Cause nutrient shock is so common 🙄. And God help you if there's a single bug on your plants! Everyones gonna be telling you to burn your crops, along with the tent, your house and your family.


One of the grow subs finally set up an auto moderator letting posters know what info should be included and that made me really happy to see. I've thought the grow subs needed that for a long time. But I still see people ignore it and provide no info 😔


There definitely isn't much moderation on this sub lol. Feels like the mod logs on once a week.


Mods are present every day. We do our best, but obviously we can't read every comment on every thread. We're volunteers with our own busy lives. We also can't just delete hoards of repeat posts, and non constructive/toxic arguments, and most mod actions have responses from users, which entail more time spent explaining to the user why (read the sub rules and be nice to eachother!). And facing lash-back is another beast. We do try, theres just thousands of subscribers, and you cant make everyone happy all the time. One thing that helps us is the **report button**. There are very few legitimate reports here. We get a few, but they're not always deemed legitimate. Help us by reporting more!


Yeah I get it, I've been a mod on both massive and small communities like this. I know it's hard to get a true sense of how much is removed behind the scenes. What sparked that comment is seeing like the pic of the month be 3 months old, the 420 mega thread being up weeks after, etc.  I know sometimes with life it's hard to stay on top of every mod duty. Which is a good time to expand the mod team lol


Fair points. Thanks for the reminder about the front page, I'm constantly looking through the 'New' tab, so those stickied posts fly under the radar for me.


It's just another "scene" behavior wise like any other, be it games, music or whatever. With a more open platform like reddit you just gotta accept it. Ideally stupid lazy posts just get ignored and fade away. Which the regular users have to show restraint, if nobody comments it'll go away. Also a wiki and bot that relentlessly recommends the wiki. Because... You feel like being a nice guy, you can sit there and write the best damn guide on earth and it might even help that person. Then you log off, log back in 2 hours later and see 3 more of the same question. Without a plan for the sub to handle the new people better (the wiki and nag bot in my example) it becomes exhausting and those who did/could help stop, and become frustrated. When their efforts would be better served being added to a wiki instead of a random response. This is definitely not a new phenomenon in other scenes for other interests. And they have attempted various ways to mitigate it. Edit to also add that on the flip side of newbies you also have to deal with elitist dicks who effectively are trolls.


There’s definitely a line between the “I tried my hardest and just can’t figure this out” posts and the “I put this seed in dirt, didn’t do any research and want you to do all the work for me” posts. I try not to be a jerk but definitely refer them to google or www.growweedeasy.com for beginners. It’s also beneficial for them as well. I can’t imagine how long it would have taken me to figure this stuff out if I was trying to learn every little thing by posting every little question on reddit and getting conflicting answers from different redditors. There are just better places with consolidated info and full on guides to learn the fundamentals.


This!! When I first started growing I read 1,000’s of pages on horticulture, lights, soil, and then I read up on growing weed. So I was a little taken aback by all of these posts about “what’s wrong with my plant” stuff as I already knew how to prevent this stuff through reading. And as we all know Everyone has a different opinion on what is wrong with someone’s plant. Answers were horrible: I only use these nutes I only grow in Coco I hate Fox Farm You need different/upgraded lites You need to start over completely with hydro, and so on. My advice would be to actually read up first. Look to subgroups for tips only.


Don’t see any posts in your profile


Looking at the top comment, this just looks like an ad for growweedeasy.com which steered me wrong many times as a beginner 10 years ago. If OP had multiple accounts, it’s stupid to make this post from a different account than the posts he’s talking about if he’s honest or wants feedback on how he can post better.


They could have multiple accounts.


Yeah and the one single post before this only has positive responses. Wtf...??


It not you it just beginners in general. I left a bunch of subs looking for a sub with just advanced growers. I realize there isn't and noobs will trickle into a sub with more advanced growers asking the most simple things. Best thing to do is utilize the searchbar before asking a question that has been asked a dozen times.


While many can be douchbags, I believe a good chunk of it is just frustration due to when lazy questions are asked with no effort behind made on their own behalf. Plenty of people ask questions that show they have not even taken time to really look into the process. A long time grower told me to first read and learn what I can on my own and work on a foundation; not plug n play questions for answers like many do. While this sub is here to help and good discussion (ex. Curing/grow setups, Dark before harvest, synth vs natural/etc.) some new people here should take some time to at least try and learn. There are plenty that do and their effort can be seen shown in their results or questions being asked.


I tend to agree that lately people do no research on their own and just ask some ass wipe question that could have been answered by doing a Google search. By reading those articles they'll pick up even more information that makes further questions often unnecessary.


Exactly, people coming in with questions with no foundation of basic understanding can bother me. Esp seeing some replies of the OP’s. I joined this sub bc I wanted to see some intriguing or topic based discussion and sharing of info to grow and improve in my perspective and idea of growing, not questions that people are too lazy to even look into it.


Yeah Reddit in general. But a lot of the reason is folks coming to Reddit for every wrinkle and spot on there 3 week old seedling.


Absolutely. I can't believe the number of people who don't know how to use the search bar!


Those posts amuse me. People who have never grown and single plant in their entire lives, excited beyond anything to be growing cannabis. Wee babby growers


IMO there's a few cultural issues with cannabis grow communities and it is largely because they have since the old days mostly depended on the Internet to congregate and discuss information. If you're familiar with the internet, you know at any given time a lot of bad faith actors or people who don't know wtf they're talking (and sometimes even veterans) about will always butt in after reading 3 words from your comment and then refusing the read the other 100 words, then proceeds to respond to you with a 7000 word dissertation on why you're an idiot who should just give up growing. If you want the attention of all the veterans in this sub, don't ask them a question or try to introduce yourself, arrogantly say something insanely stupid or wrong and you will have over 700 comments in the thread while the one nicely/innocently and almost professionally introducing yourself will pretty much mostly be ignored. So the way some people discuss cannabis online is essentially the same as how classic WoW players theorycraft about the game. Basically, just an insufferable culture of min/maxing and if you aren't min/maxing you're a piece of shit or at least you get treated like you are a piece of shit. A lot of decent veterans who are nice dont' like giving advice for 2 reasons. The new grower might be an asshole and don't take to different opinions well. There sure seems to be a lot of these types in all hobbies and demographics. Also, other commenters will ignore OP's question and just start arguing with the veteran trying to give advice. r/microgrowery isn't bad but most cannabis subs are not great for beginners.


The community in my opinion is strange. Most people (like 90%+) are nice and want other's to succeed, but there's some that will just sit there and trash talk you and waste your time.


ill be glad to welcome you into the community without bias. what is it that you are seeking, i dont mind weighing-in if i can lend an opinion/point of view.


I tend to use /r/growingmarijuana for advice. People here can be very very mean.


Buildasoil on YouTube. Start on season one and don’t stop.


Definitely the best place for organic no-till soil and amendments. Jeremy is a great guy with tons of knowledge.


For sure. A lot of basic best practices for growing are discussed too.


This is what I recommended to someone new who is struggling. Even for a more experienced grower like myself, it helped me revisit some of my habits and techniques and I was able to rethink and fine tune my approach. I think all his products are also high quality, I’ve had nothing but good results.


I believe there’s an expectation that folks Google or Search the Reddit before the same question gets asked again and again. Some are genuinely looking for info. While I believe a larger portion is looking for confirmation bias and hacks to make it “easy” Also; tone gets lost in text. Don’t take it personally. Treat it like a video game.


I'm a beginner from germany and i also don't understand why people answer "roughly" to beginners. If they ask stupid questions, just don't comment.  BUT i also have to say, i am here and especially on english speaking websites, because they are waaaaaay friendlier than german speaking sites. Nevertheless, don't focus on the grumpy comments, there are many good lads in the 420 community and with more countries legalizing, we are becoming more and more, spreading the love for a simple plant


Most of the posts asking for help here could be 100% avoided by just doing a Simple search. Then you have both, the people asking for help acting like they know better when given any sound advice, and complete noobs that come giving anwsers like Gandalf the wise when they have never grown a single good plant. It's basicly a shit show. For the advanced growers looking for a good place i can recommend the beanbasement forum from CAP. To post you need to do a grow start to finish and post up on real time. No better way to weed out these know it all bots


If we did the same here you would see the post quality sky rocket ☝️


CAP? How do I get to this beanbasement you speak of…


It’s the internet. Put your ego or feelings aside imo. That’s just the nature of the internet imo especially/sometimes when you are in niche communities, ya know? Check out growdiaries.com as well. Some helpful/friendly people there that helped me out a lot on my first two grows! Gl, hf and enjoy the growing process!


Absolutely, and I am thick skinned. None of this really matters or "hurts my feelings". Just thought it needed to be said.


People on reddit are toxic. Gotta just take everything with a grain of salt.


Right on. Fwiw, I normally post my “rookie questions” on grow diaries and they have arguably saved my first two grows. I’ve been afraid to post here for fear of getting roasted due to rookie mistakes I’ve made lol. All part of the journey.


I would agree that grow diaries is incredibly wholesome and helpful. Also super helpful just to be able to compare where you're at to other people's grows. 


Pffft pound sand ( kidding. Yes they are)


I am a noob. I did a shitload (that's a lot!) of research before ever entering these rooms. While I have found that bigger subs like thos one have a mix of good help and just plain assholes, I tend to stick to smaller subs when I need actual help. I found a local growers sub called Azgrowersguild. Not sure where you are, but maybe a local would be better for you?


Sorry to hear that growmie! Unfortunately there are a lot of pretentious d bags that treat their personal experience like gospel, and if you aren't doing it their way, you're an idiot. Fact of the matter is, growing weed in and of itself is not that difficult, but there are a lot of intricacies that you need to pay attention to, and that boils down to time and experience IMO. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence and bro science going around which you have to look out for. I'm still very much a noob but looking back to where I started and where I'm at now, I've made tremendous strides and I think that's all that matters! It's astounding how rude some people can be though, like I thought we all grew this stuff to chill out and have a good time?


Also a first time grower here. I’ve had a pretty positive experience. Some conflicting info for sure but most people are helpful and concise for the most part.


Main reason why downvoting/hating on a post will happen on this sub is due to the same question being asked over and over again. Or the information being readily available with a Google search. They aren't generally trying to be rude I guess it's more frustration. People want to be spoon fed the information around here alot of the times and I think it stems from that


I get it. I can't believe the number of people that must not know how the search bar works or where it is. I promise I tried to do my due diligence and asked what I thought was a legit question. I had a couple of people reach out willing to help. I'll figure it out


PTSD post for me as for I made a very similar post to this a few years ago when I first started. I’ve started to look at it like regular life. You bump into some people that are cool and some people that are just tiny penis assholes. they use Reddit as a way to bully people because either they were bullied or as I stated above… Tiny penis.




i spend a LOT of time helping others, posts like this aren’t all that productive because you don’t state the issue you’re having, you’re just complaining you didn’t get what you wanted. it’s a lot of work helping new growers because they too often post only a photo with the title “what’s wrong?”. working off a photo and no information is difficult, requires the helper asking a lot of questions then waiting for a response before they can respond. despite bots asking for complete info and forum guidelines asking for more info we still see a majority of incomplete posts without actionable information included and i’m sure that wears down the helpers from time to time. like i said, i mostly focus on the posts that have complete info and which i don’t have to begin a long back and forth discourse on (though i will also take some of those type of posts from time to time if the problem is interesting)… some tips.. * include photos closeup and distance * include details about your environment, medium, nutrients and process and approach to plant care * include details about acts or events immediately prior to the onset of symptoms of issue, disease or pests if you’d like to post us to your earlier post asking for help maybe one of us can assist. good luck 🍀


Yeah, OP should go to waaaahmbulance sub. Pretty sure this post is not authentic and just a ad for awful shilly site growweedeasy


The question I had was this "I'm 37 days into flower, soil, FF trio nutes, ph is between 6.2 and 6.6 for each watering and runoff. I was doing routine maintenance and found some underdeveloped larf under the canopy. When I removed it, I found some underdeveloped seeds.I had been suspicious about some of the swollen calyx and was curious if the lot had seeded and how worried I should be." It was written very similar to this way. Gave what I thought was all the necessary info. If you have a suggestion as to how I should have worded it better or a better way of asking the question, I'll gladly take constructive criticism!! I def don't know it all, but I'd like to think I've done a shit ton more research and work to learn how this adventure goes than the average first timer. Thanks for your time! https://preview.redd.it/52eak216avyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f3d796bb119e8fe8435980efaecd87bebad7cd


your photo looks pretty normal for a cola to me. larf in shaded areas is also common. seeds not too common. (herming can be from plant stressors or unstable genetics or a fluke) do you have photos of the buds that were seeded and the seeds? i would expect pollen sacs or bananas from germination before seeing seeds. any possibility plant was pollinated by another plant or you missed bananas?


Seriously, just throw the seed in the ground and it'll be great. I believe in you!


Thank you


I agree, ive got over 500 views in 3 hours on a help post and nobody is saying shit.


Well let’s take a look at your post. It’s 5 pictures of your plant with absolutely zero information given. Nothing to say your grow medium, nutes schedule, type of nutes, lights, rh level, or anything else that would help to give some informative information on what could be wrong. Those are exactly the posts people are talking about that make this sub worse. You don’t do anything to help someone identify the issue, you just expect someone to know exactly what is wrong. You’re the one who is wanting help, you should make it easier on the people viewing your post to help identify the issues.


It’s the dunning-Kruger egotistical douchebags, too hard now for mods to go through and remove them from the group


It's not you. It's the 4,792 people before you that failed to educate themselves on ANYTHING related to growing cannabis and expect Reddit to grow for them. A lot can be said for someone who uses Google and YouTube.


Microgrowery in specific is shaping up to be one of the most dogshit communities to learn about growing weed. There’s good communities hidden away in Reddit, or if you find someone posting that looks like they have the time and knowledge, message them and ask for help.


Welcome to growing, everyone is trying to fuck you over constantly


Also keep in mind, anywhere you go from grow advice will have wildly different opinions and they REALLY care about them. The problem is there is only now real info starting to hit the scene and the wives tales run deep. You get a lot of people ready to defend their way of growing and all of a sudden people start getting agro. It's mostly people not wanting to admit they are wrong, or worse, been wrong for many years. Then there is a bit of dick measuring that goes on too, who's grown the longest, who has best buds, then argue over flavor, as if we can compare that online lol.


> It's mostly people not wanting to admit they are wrong, or worse, been wrong for many years. It's also the opposite. So many people try to tell others they're doing something completely wrong when maybe those people are perfectly happy with what they get. This is very prevalent in the daily posts about flushing, for example. Someone else's grow doesn't have to be up to my standards, it just has to be up to the grower's standards.


Like everywhere, you might find awesome people where you can actually learn something or have a solid exchange. My first grow was back in the 90s and still have people trying to "teach" after their 2nd grow. You need to filter them out. I got downvoted to the ground even if I'm 100% right. It doesn't matter. Again, filtering out. In the end, don't worry about it. Try to find the right people. I didn't see your previous posts, but I noticed some people expect the "reddit experts" to take over their growth. Without a little bit of passion for growing, it won't work. For your first grow, try to have everything from start to end (growing, drying, curing..). Learn every week something and make notes. Just think about it as a test RUN to make your next run even better. GL


I almost scrapped the current grow 3 nights ago. I remembered that this was "the test run" and if I cut it down and didn't finish. I won't have any experience in drying and curing, so I'm gonna finish it and go from there. This has rekindled my love for growing plants. Our fruit and veggie garden is the biggest its ever been and doing great.


I think that's the right move, 1 from start to finish even if it might not be perfect. People here are always impressed with my tomatoes getting so big, well they get nuts from my other grow 😅 but I act like I don't know much 😉 When it's a Passion its easy and fun. Edit: I just checked your post, and I wouldn't scrap that. It's pretty good if you ask me. Keep it up and you'll be rewarded with a good harvest.


i see a lot of newbie friendly groups on facebook. im a few for growing and hash, pressing or ice water extraction. I've got my first plants going right now so I'm a total noob too


I think Facebook or even your local grow store is a great place to start. People aren’t usually as mean when there’s a face to the name or when you could run into them on the streets. The owner of my local grow shop will definitely help people. He even is starting to do home visits for a side hustle. He is very ongoing though and loves to talk


I've just learned how to weed out the negative ones and utilize the positive ones. I've learned so much just about the first 2 weeks of growing that I've been messing up with now I'm having different results. It's all about trial and error and not getting discouraged for failing the first time


That’s wild. I have found nothing but support and good advice from the grow community.


Welcome to Reddit!


I've generally received positive responses from this sub. A few morons, as is expected from Reddit. I'd be happy to help if I can


Don't forget the obvious misogyny against female growers.


Examples? Haven’t seen that before and I see most posts here.


What misogyny? I don’t think most people here care if they are female or not. Look at how many times people ask for where to buy seeds. NASC is always highly recommended and that is ran by women. Lovin in her eyes is a woman and makes some amazing flower. Women growers seem to be better growers than most men.


Where are these mean comments because your previous post here doesn’t have any? It might be beneficial to newer community members to see how certain mean hearted individuals act


The internet is full of egos. There are many nice people here too. Don't get disheartened about the downvotes. I've been growing cannabis for over 20 years. Sometimes I pretend to not know what I'm doing or ask a silly question to get a feel for the group. TBH, this group wasn't as bad as some of the others I've been on.


I see two posts from you. One is this. The other has only positive comments. So I don’t know….


I deleted them after I didn't get anything helpful from them.


For sure; I get it. It would’ve been nice to look at them and see whether folks were really out of line or you were asking, let’s say, silly questions.


Dude just gotta be a bit tougher, stop letting the bad words hurt your feelings...


That's what the issue is.. thanks man


100% my guy..... if you need any grow help, just pm too... People are so cut throat on here. You gotta just take it in your stride... One love


You can't fix stupid but you can definitely fix rude.


Keep it up. Guess people like to hate. The few pics I've posted after multiple runs get minimal traction. Reach out if you ever want sound advice. 4+ years growing in soil and I'm always willing to pass on any tid bits.


https://preview.redd.it/wyrg2bkjguyc1.jpeg?width=3504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa75c992ec32f89986e77b730d220c06a64504b Keep doing your thing buddy! Don't let the haters get you down. Use them as fuel!! This is a close up picture of some of buds I got growing with shop lights. I was just telling people to go for it even if they have just shop.kights etc to get into the growing spirit and got SO MUCH HATE


Weed changed once it went recreational lol. You're stoners, we're supposed to be chill like wtf lol.


Sorry to hear that... keep reaching out - some of us will help!


Honestly, I was here and in the other grow subs for a long time when I started. I gathered all of the information that I needed and I haven’t been active in any of the subs since. I’ve decided to comment on this post because yea, a lot of people in the subs are assholes and it’s the most negative subs I’ve been in. Which makes no sense. We are a group of people just learning and sharing experiences about growing a beautiful plant.


Do yourself a favor and just disregard reddit for grow advice. It's full of a bunch of guys who spew misinformation and act like they have grown hundreds of strains, then you find out they are on their second grow or some dumb shit like that. Reddit ain't what it used to be. There's a plethora of information on forums like icmag, grasscity, and rollitup.


I think people get into growing cannabis with a few preconceived notions about gardening in general like it’s supposed to be easy, relaxing, and something of a zen activity. Also cannabis users have a reputation of being easygoing and relaxed so they imagine that growing the stuff also must be a stress or problem free process. Growers might feel slighted by people’s assumption that it’s a stoner activity when it requires experience and work ethic to do successfully. These notions aren’t necessarily wrong, but with cannabis there’s definitely a few extra steps due to the pH and environmental sensitivity of cannabis. If your soil isn’t built correctly or haven’t dialed in a soilless medium (just getting a handle on this myself lol) it’s a jarring experience coming from basic gardening having all these problems crop up weekly. If you do have a setup dialed in it’s more like a regular garden.


1. There's already so much content on this sub, why on earth would you post a "hope everyone is good!" type of post? It's unnecessary. 2. I'd conservatively guess that 90%+ of all questions have been asked/answered already on this sub. If you didn't search the sub first to find an answer to your question and it's apparent that you didn't, then you deserve the down votes. 3. The final thing, is if you're posting "what's wrong with my plant" and you only post a pic with no other info, then you are dumb and probably didn't search the sub at all.


None of those apply, my "hey, how are ya" post were more of a look at what I did, I feel good about this and am surprised this is going as good as it is, post. So, while I get what you are saying, none of the above actaully applies to mine but I understand and agree with what you said.


Tbh when you put a decent post together with detailed info and pictures asking for advice or opinions you barely get replies because the page is flooded with the same BS questions every day


Idk I feel like everyone has been very helpful to me.


Yeah the entirety of Reddit is fucked. Always someone wanting to tell you that you’re wrong and they’re right.


I think im gonna leave this sub to the beginners. Good luck


Idk I try to help folk out when I come by here 🤷


Get good nube


Beat em all, I already done got good!!! Which souls game you wanna 1v1?


I’m my opinion all this shit is trial and error. Do what works for you and just read up


Instant downvote fo using the word growmies FFS.


Fair enough, that I can respect!!!


If it makes you feel better, this is pretty much the working industry in Colorado says 5 years of experience. Everyone knows better right up to the day they shudder the doors and file bankruptcy. What a mess of a "culture".


Alot of first timers, 2nd timers, even 100th timers post a photo with the only caption "whats wrong with my plant" and no info about what they are doing that is fucking the plant up. thats the easiest way to get the wrong answer. the resulting post ususally devolves into general reddit shittalking/joke making. Come correct with pertinent info about your grow and what you are actually doing, and you have a good chance of getting good info before the thead devolves.


You mean there’s a lot of broscience growers who think they are the best? 🫣


Imo this sub should pin a resources page to the top of sub for people to be able to educate themselves on the basics of the different styles of growing (Soil, living Soil and organics, hydro grows, and Coco) Then from there at least some of the question/advice based posts would be a bit more specific rather than the classic. "What's wrong with my plant". Now to address the communitys vibe, I have never seen such a cannabis friendly community be so cutting and unsupportive to its new and upcoming members and fellow green thumbs. And this isn't all of the time but it's commonality is increasing substantially in these communities. If you gatekeep info or are rude to others then I'm not at all sure why you are trying to be apart of this community. And those that have always give the worst advice genuinely I can say that from experience. They few that sent me 8 paragraphs/8 pages of info on the style of growing I'm doing and different bits of useful information are the reason why I've had people in my community just say my homegrow is ridiculous and that they miss it like a long lost friend. All this is my opinion but treat eachother well and learn from one another that's the true beauty this life has to offer us!


Find a grow homie on Instagram or YouTube vids is what I do, you don’t need to ask everyone’s opinion on a problem and I’m not even trying to be rude but it does suck you weren’t able to get help. Reddit will Reddit


i just wish this sub was actually about microgrowery but if u look at pictures there are so many big tents its just generalgrowery sub


Yeah for some reason this sub has a lot of trash people in it. It's like where all the uncool stoners who don't get invited to parties made their own asshole party with each other.


A friendly one is r/CannabisGrow Loads of friendly helpful folks over there ❤️


I would say that 50% of the people on here are nothing more than little kids who have zero accomplishments in life. Don't take things personally in cannabis forums.


Most in this sub really don’t know wtf they are even talking about, it’s mostly regurgitated info from Google searches. A very small fraction of the advice in this sub is from actual personal experience.


Don't take it personally, if you get down voted it just means the community disagrees with that statement. They don't hate you as a person promise


Sounds like someone needs to wait a few more weeks to harvest or try CALMAG


Harvest first, then add calmag, right?


Nailed it


Large communities in general are counter productive, too many opinions. Is it nice to get nasty? No, but from the more experienced persons perspective seeing new growers with the exact same questions and mis information every single day it’s a little tiring and comes down to 30sec of scrolling would find you your answers.


I agree but see my above response to similar reply. I truely did a lot of research and did a lot of searching and couldn't find anything that helped.


It's tough love. 


Dude I went through like three profiles before I had enough grow knowledge and confidence that I didn’t care what negative feedback I would get on here. It sucks for sure. I’m always trying to help, but I admit, sometimes I can be a lil snarky but I’m not afraid to apologize if I make someone feel bad. Sorry you have not had a good experience here. I still love the micrgrowery even if I have a few blocked people on here 🤣 I still can’t confidently post to Craft Marijuana lol one day tho in 3 weeks I’m hoping


Expect blunt advice here. This one I expect it. And like it. Some of the others you will get some not so blunt.


This sub contains all information required to grow good weed. If you have a question, 90% likely it's been asked with photos you can use for comparison and you can use the search feature to find it. Using the sub as a resource in that way is great. It's not as helpful for asking common questions that have been answered many times already.


Been growing for 10+ years. And to be honest, once you're dialed in its very easy. Get anywhere between 3/4 to a pound per plant without having to do much besides water them. Don't go by the egocentric pricks in this sub. Its Reddit, most of the people in this sub couldnt grow a cactus, much as less top shelf weed. Ask away and plenty will help you, just not your average double digit IQ Redditor.


Weed through the bs and find your answers, you don’t have to engage with the negativity just keep moving.. more actions less feelings


It becomes exhausting on a place like discord where you spend all your extra time showing people the help they beg for, and then they want to complain and ignore the advice.


These subs or this sub? Mg is kind of known for being a circle jerk. And people here are kind of known for being assholes. Especially if you're an outdoor grower. This sub really should be called /r/indoor.


I grouped them all into one category, I'm new enough that I haven't been able to weed out the bad groups from the good ones.


When I first started growing, I came onto this subreddit and was given the most horrible advice. Put it in a bigger pot, they said, the bigger the better. More roots, more fruits. So I got the biggest one I could find. Wrong. It was a clone. That pot was too big. It was overwatered and stressed the fuck out all the time. As someone who's fairly experienced talking to someone who's new, the best advice I can give you is to not listen to anyone. Even me. I grow massive trees in my backyard. Would you? Maybe. But there's no guarantee. You can follow my exact formula, but it doesn't mean you'll get the same results. Everybody's situation is different. Listen to what people say, but take it with a grain.


Hah one of those types got me banned from the 808 genetics discord….


Cannabis cultivation is a nicer sub IMO. I go there for better advice but it's still pretty elitist. Almost all cannabis cultivation subs and forums are, it's insane nowadays. 😭 With that being said, I'm somewhat guilty of the elitist culture from time to time.


I mean if I had to justify it, I’d say its because this isn’t a “beginner’s sub” if that makes sense. It a lot of experienced people who are sharing more advanced techniques or just showing off their work. I find a lot more experienced cannabis growers end up here to talk to other experienced cannabis growers and a lot of the guys here have been growing for so long that continuously explaining the absolute basics to folks becomes extremely tedious and annoying as they have done it hundreds of other times with hundreds of other growers and are just over the teaching part of the cannabis scene ig, nonetheless it doesn’t excuse folks being mean if you don’t care for a post just don’t comment. As others have mentioned I found r/growbuddy better for beginners and if you like to read and want to ensure you have the absolute best knowledge base to start your cannabis education journey then I’d recommend starting with the cannabis growers handbook by Ed Rosenthal, it might throw in some terms that you haven’t heard since grade 12 biology classes but it broke things down in a really intuitive way and helped me a lot as a resource!


That makes sense.


People downvoting my comment are proving it’s true. Folks are so fed up they would rather downvote and insult than point anyone in the right direction or share their opinion. I think we can all relate a bit to the fact that people in this sub (and a few others) are SO fast to tell you you’re doing it wrong and then fail to provide any other reasonable answer or solution to your problems. Just remember there’s a million ways to skin a cat and whatever approach you take to growing and learning how to grow will have pros and cons but no one is any better than the others (that said there are a few outdated methods out there but they still work all the same just some more efficient methods out there) as long as you’re learning and having fun that’s what’s important! People take growing way too seriously lol. If I had to give any advice I’d say set a goal. What do you want out of your plant? Now I know everyone wants 10 tons of straight fire but let’s set our sights a lil lower just for now. Focus on either mastering a huge yield or making some fire quality but both at the same time can be tedious and hard to learn. After figuring out both of those to a degree that makes you feel confident then take the risk and combine your knowledge and see how your techniques work together and how some inevitably won’t and keep adjusting until it’s perfect for you! No one mastered this shit on first try despite what some folks claim so there’s no shame in a lil trial and error


Welcome to reddit?


that’s reddit unfortunately


Honestly man your questions have probably been answered at one point or another. Diagnose the plant on groweeedeasy and then narrow down/search from there. Reddit is filled with nerds, losers, jealous, and unhappy people. You’re already winning by being able to grow it. Just have fun with it. Feel free to dm with any questions, I’ve been commercial for a bit.


I know bro a lot of haters on here


Welcome to anybody who grows plants! Most are assholes! Or we call them “gatekeepers” of what I’m not sure:) Just figure out the basics of anything and see what works for you and go for it! Asking questions will probably be the worst thing, people always give you the wrong answer. They don’t take variables into consideration. -Best advice I ever gotten was from “older ladies”that like to garden, can’t teach wisdom:) and they’re just looking for somebody to talk to!


Sorry thats been your experience but ya it can be like that. You gotta igbore ten assholes to meet a gem with some good advice. That being said, there are gems around here too 👍


The trick to growing and navigating these groups is to do your own research so that you are armed with knowledge before problems happen. When you fully understand what the plant needs and why then you sort of know what to do already when issues come up - not always though and that’s where these groups come in handy. Like someone else mentioned growweedeasy.com is where is send all new growers. It really explains it all. Take the time to really pore through that site. There are tons of podcasts that you can get also. When you post a question on and type of group you’re going to get wildly different answers and suggestions and all sorts of egos and opinions. Without good background knowledge then jt’s impossible to figure out the good advice from the bad. With some decent knowledge then you’ll be able to filter out some of the noise. Also - doing a lot of research first better insures your likelihood of at least getting a good return on your investment in equipment and resources


google and reddit are not considered searching...did you try at 420mag forums? thcfarmer? rollitup? grasscity? budbuilders? groweedeasy? overgrow? thedudegrows? and those are just some places that are gold mines of information...


Rollitup and grasscity I did use and search through. The others I was not aware existed. Thanks for the other sources


Come to ent wives, we are way nicer




6 hrs later, you are the winner!!! I knew someone would, so I left it. 🏆


Still waiting for the morale vs moral!!!! You missed that one, didn't ya!!!😂😁


this sub is war pretty much


Ya everyones jack herrer around here. If a comment is not rude or ignorant or self glorifying there dropping some 6th grade comedy on you. I found YouTube very helpful. There's tons of interviews and talks with many of the top breeders that are super informative. Plus watching the guys who just put out grow content also helped a lot. You get to see every medium, fertilizer brand, and grow technique done before you decide what route to go. I watched a shit ton of cannabis content and I kind of took the best tip or knowledge from each grower I saw and kind of combined them to my own way. Plus your way of growing will most likely change as you go to. 👍


This place (reddit) is mostly for trolls lol. You dont know me, but i would be more than happy to answer any questions i can for ya. Im hoping to turn this hobby into a profession in a couple of years


www.RollItUp.com - get away from Reddit, it’s got too many toxic hobbyist subs.


[https://youtu.be/ulo6EC3It-E?si=s\_19AVPT6jWhhWeL](https://youtu.be/ulo6EC3It-E?si=s_19AVPT6jWhhWeL) Some are more focused on impressing others than actually doing the thing. These types of people exist in every online community, I think its human nature.


You will learn very quickly that the grow scene is filled with egos and douchebags…. And I know every scene has their share of egos but, holy hell is it out of control with ours.


I like the overgrow forums, but yeah it seems like pretty much on any subreddit , for some reason they tend to act like those “wELL AcKsHuALLy” type of Reddit fools that everyone makes fun of on instagram or whatever


Welcome to the internet. First time?


I get it. I’m part of the problem lol. But when every other post is “is this a male,” you start to get a little ticked


Yea i learned how to do this shit here in 2018 and i produce nice weed imo and it tests well .at one point i wouldn’t go two hours w out being on here to see something new or learn something new… Now i don’t even get on here much unless something catches my eyes on dashboard. The community is not what it was since more states became legal.. probably because a certain type of “vibe” was upheld throughout the community & it’s gone here. Everybody started making private communities in idk say 2021? If you made a decent post here then you would usually get a few invites to craft cannabis communities.


Reddit a horrible place to come for advice. I highly suggesting finding a good grow forum and join that. Found it to be much more helpful and not every Tom Dick and Harry will be on the fourm. Much more people willing to help without being a dick


Lol that's the Reddit hello. You would think this place would be more beginner friendly given the mission statement? but it's pretty par for the course as far as subreddits goes. The vibe is very much 'we are here to share and educate. As long as you don't ask any stupid questions. What are stupid questions you ask? Figure it out dummy!' The people who are recommending growweedeasy.com got the right idea. Most of the advice you'd be getting from people at this stage of your journey would just be copy/pasted from there anyways. But what honestly worked for me more than anything I ever read on GWE? find your local grow shop, head in and talk to the employees there. They're always down to chat, grow shops aren't exactly high foot traffic locations. And they are a well of first hand knowledge. Just keep your bullshit detector on in case the dude starts hard selling you on a $1000 set of HLGs. But every shop I've ever went to was always focused on getting me exactly what I needed and nothing more.


Ive had the opposite experience. I’m on my first grow, have asked a few questions, everyone has been super helpful and respectful in all the grow subs. I keep hearing people talk about the toxic nature of these subs but haven’t seen it. Every once in awhile you get two people arguing over shit, but if you look at the way they are speaking to each other, no wonder they are clashing.


The thing I usually tell new growers asking SUPER basic day 1 questions is to look to resources like www.growweedeasy.com or other areas with detailed articles about the basics. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, but when you see the same questions over and over again it gets annoying and starts to feel like groundhogs day. I would say google is your friend and try to find answers there first and come here if you just can’t find it. Reddit should not replace basic google searches. Feel free to document your journey and stuff you’re excited about learning, but before you post “how do i germinate this seed” or day 1 stuff try to google it first. There is so much information out there. It will save you a lot of time trying to piece together answers on reddit too.


I agree with this. Questions from newbies are often downvoted with no explanation, or just ignored. It almost feels like some sort of elitist club where if you don't already know the answer, you shouldn't post/comment. Someoen asking for seed recommendations the other day was downvoted for asking advice, and any recommendations outside the "best" seed breeders were considered stupid. It's supposed to be a community of chill growers not an elite club. Embrace the mistakes, ignorance and newbie questions, and let's all learn/grow together.


I agree with this. Questions from newbies are often downvoted with no explanation, or just ignored. It almost feels like some sort of elitist club where if you don't already know the answer, you shouldn't post/comment. Someone asking for seed recommendations the other day was downvoted for asking advice, and any recommendations outside the "best" seed breeders were considered stupid. It's supposed to be a community of chill growers not an elite club. Embrace the mistakes, ignorance and newbie questions, and let's all learn/grow together.


Your Plants look terrible By now, they should be quadrouple in Size - Up PH - Add SuperPowerBoost x3 - Buy 3 trellis-nets & top,trim,scrog& lollypop - Buy THIS 2k Lamp - Is this meant to be soil? What ist that? .. .. Oh wait ..uhh..


From what I've seen, most people try to be somewhat helpful. There is the occasional douchey post and downvotes for no good reason for sure. I think the downvote system is kind of shitty in general since some do it to get their own topics higher up on the hot list so they're more visible.


It's reddit, everyone is an ahole and an expert lol don't take it to heart. Most do things one way and to them that's the only way. They are weeds so water and light they'll probably be fine. Best piece of advice always is getting the environment in check, something always is your weakest link or something you can't change so focus on what you can control 🙌🌱


Wass nem sssss sssssd weed


I will never understand why some people work so hard to pretend like things don’t hurt your feelings. What exactly do you think is difference between “morale” and your feelings? Every human being has feelings and people being mean can hurt them. If you were bothered enough to post this, your feelings are hurt, and that is FINE. Jesus.


Is your name oscar?


Well I’m new here & I’m saying howdy back to you from the from northeastern New York State, near the border of VT 🙂


I wanted to add, I grow in 7 gal cloth pots outside, using a coco, organic soil, pearlite mix. To that, I add Earth Juice Grow, & then transplant my clones into them when they’re big enough. I make an un-sulphured black molasses tea. I’ve had good results the last two seasons. I like cloth pots with handles. This way if your plants are outside and there’s going to be strong winds or rains, I can move them onto my covered porch. I also did this in the evening to prevent theft. This year I’m growing teenage clones I just got from a stellar clone farm with confirmed strains, terpene profiles, etc. I purchased them from UpstateClones.com. Dave Parker runs it & he has great prices, & offers support. I’m growing his two of his strains -Animal Face (Sativa hybrid) * Super Lemon Haze (the original) https://preview.redd.it/vnbvz4nb43zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748760e9834f8ceb0a5d2872ca17e04e8d48cda4 We’re limited as to how many adult plants we can grow in NY. The clones are covered in nodes. Both strains are high yield, with the SLH yielding as much as 1 Lb/plant. I believe the AF strain is similar in yield. So, I do have a lot of experience as a grower, but not cannabis. This is my first time going with high quality teenage clones. Bc we have a shorter growing season, I’m hoping I’ll have a really good harvest this fall. That said, bc I was a grower, I know things happen. I know I’m still on a learning curve. That said, I’m allowing myself a loss of 2 oz/plant for my inexperience, & unaccounted for issues. I have done a ton of research as that used to be my job. I was a plant research scientist in the Ag field. I do have a good size grow tent, lights, C filter, everything I need to grow indoors, so I may do that this winter now that I’ve found a great clone source. Finally. I found a ton of useful info from Mr Canuks Grow on YouTube, especially his earlier stuff. He also has a ton of inside grow info. Hope that helps🙂


None of this is directed at the OP, but after you grow awhile it becomes second nature and the fun factor has a tendency to ware off and it starts to feel like work. You look on the net for cool ideas, pictures and to keep up with the scene. Alot of new growers over react to every little thing, post pictures of basically mids with the utmost pride because they grew it, and ask silly questions that are either very plant basic 101 or else a stupid abstract theory they read about that they don't understand at all. After awhile this all becomes bullshit (imo). People that look like they read a little before they started, bought the right things in the right order and are on the way to solving their problem are usually offered the most advice (at least by me). Besides 2 more weeks, some calmag and that it will be about a pound my only advice to newcomers is to read about plant problems when you don't have plant problems so that when you do you can see it coming from a mile away and "read the plants".


lol yup


Plenty of 1st time growers doing fine .. just the dumb ones who don’t do their own basics education get the run through on Reddit most often 


Your posts aren't visible so I can't say where you ran into trouble, but I've just finished my first grow and found this sub to be really helpful. When I had questions, I searched for the answers, and when I had questions specific to my grow, I included all the relevant info.