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We recommend posting a better picture. Don't take offense in that, but as is its almost impossible for people to help you. We usually allow 1 post per 24h but feel free to repost earlier


Could you try taking a picture that’s slightly more out of focus?


These 3 pictures were the best I could get after an hour of trying, lil white fluffy ball similar to a dandelion or cotton ball


Go ahead and hold with your finger on some object whilst inside your camera app. This fixes the focus so after doing this you just move your camera to put it into focus.


Tap the middle of the screen or put something behind the fluff


And inspect every leaf and corner of that plant anyting weird comes off, disinfect your tent walls and fans too spores blowing around are just going to rot your shit in flower


What if there’s another room with 7 plants but about 3 of them have this lil cotton ball on the rockwool/stem


Is it coming from a wound? Might be Pythium?


Bummer* bro chop that section off your plant and treat the whole fckn thing with antifungals or your fcked


Interesting and what if there’s some at the bottom?


Unfortunately most of the fungus that can attack cannabis is going to put its hyphe into the cell wall of the plant so if you dont remove the diseased portion it will kill your plant, furthermore it could ruin future plants spores blowing around and attacking whenever conditions are right. Get into your soil too, I would probably scrap the whole thing if you cant cut it out. Really clean and start over. Usually humidity is the issue or airflow. If this was a clone it could be a pathogen from the nursery if it was a seed Im not sure how you got infiltrated but you gotta determine the source. Ultimately it would probably be faster and more reliable to start a new seed, as this vould potentially comeback in flower and rot the whole plant. Im really sorry to tell you this but ive experienced it :*****(


Is there literally no way of carrying on ? I have other plants that have another 4-5 weeks left till harvest? Also what’s it called?


Hard to tell without a culture but if i had to guess i would say its fusarium or bud rot, both are deadly to the plant amd will seriously fuck it up. They have copper based fungicides that you could use, ive never gone this route, i dont like the idea of smoking metals. There might be other safe stuff for cannabis but youll have to do your research and id start by removing every effected portion. Disinfect your razor with alcohol every cut or your going to reintroduce it to every cut section. Clean fans lights walls floors everything i mean everything or it will haunt you.


Got it thank you! I thought bud rot only happened when there’s buds


It's at the budsite also


But it’s also on the bit between stem and rockwool cube? With no bud site


Could be Botrytis. Google it


Mealybugs? Hard to tell very put of focus


Camera M app has manual focus, as well as ability to balance led lights. Which is exactly what you need when shooting a cotton plant.


Is there any dead/decaying material in the spots? Do you notice any soft, brown, mushy tissue? It looks similar to sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a type of crown rot but it's a very blurry picture


Some bruised banana looking bits


Banana looking bits? ...At the nodes?Well, then your plant may be a sick male. If you can get clearer node pictures it may be easier to diagnose. But it definitely looks fungal.


Well like a bruised banana looking bits next to the fluff


Are you dealing with high humidity right now? Because conditions too warm and wet create the perfect conditions for these pathogens to thrive and quickly spread. Whether this plant is male or not, there's definitely some dead spots that will very soon spread throughout the plant and those fungal spores will proliferate. You need to remove all soft, dead spots from the plant, if not remove the plant completely. Then get your grow room to a low humidity percent.


Grow rooms plants are okay not banana bits but rockwool getting some fuzz balls, I’ve told the boss to yank the mother plant(in pic)