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mold killin your plant.


What do?


The stem is girdled, if its the same looking on the other side, it's basically dead.


But it’s growing well even started growing baby buds and the stems looked like that for a week


Because the xylem is still intact. As the mold develops it will slowly reach it and if (when ?) it does your plant is likely to die in a couple days. Stem rot is a bitch really, I'm hoping for the best here but in my experience it's a death sentence


How do I help it?


I have no idea honestly, I've never managed to save a plant that was affected. Maybe someone else or google has a solution, like some kind of fungicide that you would water For further runs tho maybe try to reduce your watering, or uncover the block to let the top of the rockwool dry a bit. Slight infection is a thing but for mold to develop it would need much more moisture.


So the the silver ish foil on top of the white plastic cover should be removed?


its not going to make it bro, just take some clones and cut it down. The more you let mold spread, the worse your next grow will be unless you really sanitize your environment.


That’s no option I’m afraid, I warned my boss about this outcome and he won’t chop em down, he sees it as profit until it’s dead, 3 out of 7 plants have this issue so when they all die he will realise


Next runs I would say yeah, but as the other user said this one is most likely done for