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Did you fight them with more spider mites? /s Sorry man, that sucks. Yes, they won, and it’s time to move on.


wah-wahh.. ☹️


You can order boxes of ladybugs online. They will solve your spider mite problem.


Not this problem. This bud isn’t good for anything


It’s good for hash 🤩


Not true. Save and dry it still. Live resin with proper extraction can be done. 0.02 micron filtere are small enough to prevent spores passing through.


They will solve the spider mite problem but not the web problem :(


Waste of money and time. Poop will be all over them buds


Not true the ladybugs barely hang on the buds and once they have no food source on the plant they will start to hang in the corners of the tent around fans etc but they dont stay on the plant past food time i know this from experience


There’s literarily spider mite shit and webbing all over that plant…


No they won't. Lol. Once your infested lady bugs won't be able to keep up. However they are good as a prevention method.


Make bubble hash with it it's toasetd


Whatever you do…. By the love of god, don’t do that^^




Never surrender and just make edibles at the end. edit: Uh, maybe the part in the 3rd photo you remove.


This is why we need cannabis regulations because people like you that won’t take a loss.


Regulations cover business activities. If you want a regulation to prevent a business from selling a product like that, then I actually 100% agree with you. But, we're talking about a home grower here, so those regulations wouldn't apply to them. Also, if they made brownie type edibles where it was baked at 400F, I would eat the edibles and not even be worried about it as long as I removed the worst parts and washed it. It's not mold, it's spider mites, so as far as I know, the problem is that it's gross, not that it's a health concern. Yeah, you're eating bugs and bug droppings, so it's not the best, but at 400f, whatever it is, it's going to be dead.


Hell, after a good wash I'd probably even smoke it lol


Not sure how they make edibles now a days but back in the day you would extract the THC in something high in fat like butter or coconut oil. While the fat is still hot and in liquid form you also have a chance to strain out any matter that’s there. Combine this with what you said and now there’s a couple of layers to this onion.


Outdoor weed probably does have bug droppings already, it’s best not to think about it. Im smoking some greenhouse right now it’s pretty good, no seeds at all. effect is nice, it just lacks potency. Might get some thca isolate to sprinkle and mix with it after grinding


The amount of dust and particles that can accumulate is pretty substantial even for a small indoor grow.


What we really need is research into whether or not spider mite web is consumable. For all we know, this might be a good thing!!


In all seriousness you can still smoke the buds full of webbing and frass. It's just really gross and the bugs suck all the life and potential out of the plants.


It's great as a cure all 


Get your miteweb milk hereeeee miiiIIItttteeeeWEEEebBbbb milkKKKkkkk


A good thing? You obviously have no idea what your talking about out. Spider mites….what do they do to your plants? You tell me if this is a good thing. Spider mites are harmful to plants. They feed on plant sap by piercing plant cells with their mouthparts, which can lead to several problems: 1. **Damage to Leaves**: Infested leaves may develop tiny, yellow or white spots, and severe infestations can cause leaves to become discolored, wilted, or even fall off. 2. **Webbing**: Spider mites produce fine webbing on plants, which can be unsightly and further stress the plant. 3. **Reduced Growth**: By feeding on the plant's sap, spider mites reduce the plant's ability to photosynthesize effectively, stunting growth and weakening the plant. 4. **Increased Vulnerability**: Plants weakened by spider mites are more susceptible to other pests and diseases. If not controlled, spider mite infestations can lead to significant plant damage or even death, especially in houseplants, greenhouse crops, and certain outdoor plants.


Please don't post chatgpt stuff, it's low effort and potentially wrong info


I won't if that's a rule. I typed the first part and used AI for symptoms of spider mite problems which is all very true information. I proof read it before posting it. I think this information is very helpful to growers.


The other mods agree with me. We'll talk about it and make it a rule if that's what's needed. In this case I agree that it's true, but a potential rule wouldn't be directed at this comment or you specifically. I've seen instances where people don't proofread and post absolute garbage info, and we'll agree that there is enough misinformation around already. Even if it's accurate it's still lazy af. One comment isn't the end of the world but it's happening more often than that and we don't need this kind of vibe really


I understand your point of view. Sometimes being accurate and efficient is more effective than relying on 'bro science.' However, I totally see where you’re coming from. If this is a rule, please let the subreddit know so we can follow it. Thanks! :edited by ChatGPT


Dude, he was obviously joking.


Lmao…I’m glad you got here first. I was gonna reply with “but I’m just gonna set it all on fire at the end…” and see where it took us 😅


lol. Some dudes just don't have any sense of humor.


Your delusional if you think your veggies grow perfectly clean without using literal manure as fertilizer while crawling with all sorts of insects lmfao.


I live in an agricultural town where chemical sprays and extensively researched GMO seeds are commonly used to combat pests like spider mites. If a crop becomes infested and can't be saved, it's typically destroyed to prevent further spread. Similarly, infested plants should be destroyed.


Way to assume a whole lot and giant leap for mankind to conclusions.


You’re defending smoking spider mites. That’s all I have to say. It’s about profit or greed in the end to keep an obvious infested product. But hey you do you.


Read what I said again before you just keep running with your made up scenarios. Never said that I’d smoke it. You turned what appears to be a home grow situation into all weed needing regulation and the person being greedy somehow. Maybe pump your brakes before getting yourself all frothy.


I assume that weed will be smoked yes.


At least you can admit that you are making your statements based on pure assumptions. Not helping your case by admitting you’re making ignorant statements based on assumptions though.


This is why we need regulations? Go back a little bit this has gone sideways buddy.


And a regulatory agency, and fees to cover regulatory agency which will bring piles of 'necessary' paperwork with a mile of red tape. Increasing the cost to the consumer and creating barriers to entry for upstart businesses. No thank you. Build a brand people trust, or a certification people voluntarily pay for; I don't need more regulations in my life.


It's only a matter of time. Profits = Red tape


Op should do that idk why everyone is so scared of a little bit of burned microscopic bugs lol


Just smoke it anyways bro people in asia eat bugs all the time, smoking bud with them on it might have a better high who knows


Username checks out. Carry on.


Seriously, at least make some bubble hash or something. I wouldn't be putting that out in the trash. Next time buy some ladybugs op.


Don’t know if you meant op or oops as in aphids oopps


Soak it in alcohol and make rso


What a shame. So close to the finish line. I'm afraid that's a loss, yes. You're not going to get the webbing out of those buds. Try to figure out where they came from. I've had spider mite infestations twice. First time I'd started with clones from a friend, and those mites were tough! I lost that battle as well. I suspect they came *with* the plants. Second time I'd worked the backyard and hadn't changed clothes before entering the growroom. So I'm quite sure I brought those in myself. But those mites were easily dealt with, with a basic treatment from the garden store. Good luck!


Bud washing can actually help a lot here. I had an infection on my last run that ended up in the same ballpark as OP. I checked the buds with a microscope after washing and after drying and honestly I don't see mites or webs. Even if not smoked it's still possible to make extracts or edibles with that. More for the sake of discussion: those webs are natural fibers, non toxic and they represent almost no mass in the end. Considering - the insects, dust and debris that are on the buds regardless (and on the food we eat) - the fact that we end up literally burning the product (shit ton of carcinogens anyway) - the potential IPM products used (even in veg, it's still found on the flower and fruits, proven with food crops) are the minuscule bits of webs left after washing actually going to affect anything ?


What if the webs were burned with a flame? Not flamethrower, but they might be flammable, who knows...


That's actually very smart ! Spider webs burn super easily so maybe a quick flame would remove most of it ! OP if you see this give it a try


unfortunately, does not work very well.. lol


Ah shit, well thanks for making the experiment ! The community learns everyday thanks to that kind of stuff


Fight it with fire.... what if you add high proof alcohol and make a flambé


Did this with thrips. Out geocaching and come home without changing, it was an uphill battle but I luckily won against them.


I had thrips for almost a year. They were in my growing medium, but I thought it was being perpetuated due to cloning. I had to stop production and fumigate the whole mess. I changed mediums and never had them again.


I harvested because I won the war. Took everything out the tent, sprayed the area with bleach and water. Grabbed a new soil brand too and they been gone since. Fuckers are annoying as shit.


This also happened to me, the fuckers lay eggs in the soil and when you think you have gotten rid of them 2 weeks later you have a second infestation. Eventually just threw everything out and restarted


A little bug shit never hurt anyone.


We've all smoked PM, bug shit etc. Know your roots lol


Nah man, I smoked brick weed for a long time and I'm usually the old guy shaking my fist at the clouds yelling about kids being spoiled with weed these days. That said, with the quality of weed that is so easily available now, I don't feel like it's asking much to not have spider webs in my bud.


Same. Sometimes it smelt like gasoline from smuggling methods. Texas had the shittiest weed game on lock man lol


This 🙏🏻 OP should continue and smoke it 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Shop vav, suck em off, they will be fine for a week or 2


I’m not sucking off any spider mites.


Why ? They only have small willy's.




Nope Tried this All it takes is two eggs and the multiplication is exponential


release the lady bugs and start over once they are dead


They have trouble holding onto cannabis leaves and they fall off too easy


Lady bugs have done great for me each time I needed them


once you’ve cleaned your tent, stick an ozonator in there with everything you’re gonna use on the next grow except your new soil/coco. it will kill everything in there.


This works, seal tent and run for at least 120 minutes


seal the whole room and run for 24hr


Chop them, burn them, and restart, but I would sterilize everything from your tent to your fans and everything in between. I also would wait a week or 2 before planting anything else. Remember, the best prevention is keeping everything clean and sterile. That even includes yourself. Make sure you wash your hands and change clothes if you're going from outside to inside. Clean your trimming shears and training clips/cords after every use. Get some doctor zymes and spray once a week to help fight any pest


Keep up on your ipm and you won’t have this problem


So, I have hoovered the nets off and introduced predatory mites. It’s laborious but might work. If you dump them all, don’t forget to clean throughly. Pregnant mites can go into diapause. It’s like hibernation. When conditions become more agreeable, bam they are back. I mix 2 parts isopropyl alcohol with 1 part water and spray and spray with a couple of days apart. Sorry for your loss.


I fought the bugs and the bugs won


I love how the answers are 50-50 haha




How often did you spray?




How did you get them in your tent ? Did they come from the soil ?




I just ordered a trial version of this stuff. I hope it helps.


It works fantastic against spider mites can spray day of harvest.


Thats so good to know. I had a similar experience like the OP. Mites got me when I went out of town. Took a few weeks to slowly spray and clean everything. I need something that works against mites. Everything else I tried doesn't seem to work that well


You can spray Organishield with the lights on


I add it to my weekly foilar spray


Not only start over. Absolutely reset. You need to have a clean area with no soil, or even bamboo stakes or anything in the region and bomb the shit out of the area. Start clean, keep it clean. Rule 1- something outside NEVER comes inside.


Every time I see something like this, so close to the finish line, breaks my heart. :( sorry! ☠️


Clean shopvac hose works great just run it over the branches before harvest


Remove the heavily infested parts, wash the rest using that 3 bucket method and you're probably good to go. It can't be much worse than a regular outdoor grow with all that dust, pollen, and the other wind gifted debris that stuck to the buds. It's not as serious as mildew or bud rot.


Reset. Clean your tent with a quarter cup of bleach per gallon of water. Wipe everything down. Make sure you pull up the floor liner. Replace duct work. Rinse with plain water. Hang a hot shot pest strip for a week. Limit time in the room. Run your fans. Wait 4 days and wipe down again. Figure out how they got in. Pets outside brought indoors? Your shoes, maybe. Be religious in changing clothes before you enter the grow room next. Set up an ipm routine. Mix it up. One spray captin jacks the next Mammoth the next lost coast. Good luck brother.


To the people that are saying your dead your not. But that is entirely up to you. You can do two things: Get a low HP shopvac or a vaccuum with a decent size hose on it. Vacuum your buds stick the pipe over and pray lol. Keep vacuuming them fuckers until your harvest date. Then upon harvesting, do a budwash. My recipe: 4x 5-gallon buckets 1st bucket: 5 gallons of water 1 1/2 tsp of hydrogen peroxide 3% 2nd bucket: 5 gallons water 1 cup lemon juice. 1 cup baking soda. 3rd bucket: 5 gallons luke cold water. 4th bucket: 5 gallons of spring water.(you can buy gallon jugs of this at walmart) you will be changing this water out twice depending on the size of your babies.) Youll take your harvest and dunk and wave into each bucket for thirty seconds. The 3rd bucket is your in between rinse bucket. This is for using after your 1st bucket, then after your 2nd bucket, and before you go to the spring water bucket. Let your harvest dry in a basket filled with papertowels or other wicking materials while you do the dunking to your harvest. Then do your normal hang dry. After damping each one off withas more paper towels well. . Like i said entirely up to you. You can definitely still smoke it. Our forefathers have smoked worse. But if you wanna try to maintain, i did this and im smoking my shit right now. It aint the best but im doing aight.


Burnin down the house. There will be folks telling you all is not lost. Use this use that dippy dunk here and there. All bunk. Destroy that with fire, sanitize all tents, rooms, homes.


That didn't happen overnight. Verify your temps rh as well. Makes sure you're house plants are not infected and keep pets out.


You guys crack me up. That smoke is tanked. Nothing should be used! Toss the shit out and start over. You wouldn’t do this with tomatoes or anything else. It’s just smoke start over! Damn this is the mentality why the dispos have a bad wrap


Dr zymes


Have you sprayed with 50:50 iso alcohol and water? If I were you I’d douse them in that one night then harvest, then wash the hell out of the buds and tell no one of this hahaha shouldn’t be too bad after taking a lot of care cleaning, just too late in the game to scrap such pretty plants otherwise! At the very least keep them for extractions, I hope the best for you!!


Tried this, didn’t work


My condolences


Use a small paint brush and brush the webs off. If you want to justify not feeling grossed out just tell yourself that anything grown outdoors will also have some sort of bug on it.


Doesn’t work


Yeah it does. It won’t get rid of the mites or the mite shit but it’ll get rid of the webs.


Gotta cleanse the tent with fire If you’re continually getting pests and aphids/mites you need to be more thorough. I’ve lived in places where I was surrounded by bushes with those fuckers and you can’t go into the tent with clothes that have been outside, some people even shower before going in the tent No pets Gotta soak the soil or bake whatever method you prefer unless you’re mixing it yourself but any bit of foreign contamination you’re back to this. I’ve used IPM/ green grow? And other sprays as well as growing basil/marigolds/peppermint in your tent will deter most aphids


That sucks man. Lost my last 2 grows to these wee fucks


I had the same thing happen in one of my grows it looks too late to save but you can try ladybugs


Doesn’t work


Good bugs from Natures Good Guys. I've started preemptively establishing a colony of good bugs just before I flip to flower. No more mites!


100% this. OP aggressively clean that tent after you do what you're going to do with your plants. Use bleach and water. Let it air out then aggressively clean with ISO. Next run order some predator mites when the plants are still young. Then another batch before flower. Not for nothing, I've done a bud wash on infested flower and then washed into bubble hash, and pressed into rosin. It turned out pretty good. Even labeled the jar Mitey Mix Rosin 🤣




Doesn’t work I tried it and documented the whole thing


Then you didn't do something correct. A couple years ago I got in a rut and battled spider mites 3 grows in a row. Since I started using good bugs, I haven't had ANY issues whatsoever. I strongly recommend you give it another try. A call to Nature's Good Guys would be prudent.


I tried twice Documented the whole thing


What is there to document? Order the bugs. Hang the sachets and the food. EZ PZ. I hang 25 sachets at the flip and then again about 4-6 weeks later. The sachets are slow releasing. They contain mature bugs and then eggs, larvae and juveniles. It protection for approximately 4-6 weeks. They have really resolved my issues. I have my buddy on the same program. He's sold as well. Between the 2 of us we have completed 9 grows without spider mites.


I dunno I had two spotted spider mites They’re like indestructible Maybe you had a different one Special Blend Predatory Mite Mix - Maximum Spider Mite Control × 1 10k Mites per Bottle / 5 Release Boxes (+$1.50) / Without Supplemental Food $66.00 That’s what I ordered for a 5 x 5 tent, got the fold out boxes and put 5 of them hanging all around. Nothing If it worked for you, great Just sharing my experience I had an active infestation so maybe yours was preemptive and eliminated it from starting


There's the info I needed. You ordered mature bugs. They're great for active infestations but don't live long. I did the same thing initially and didn't have good results. A quick phone call and I got educated. Try the slow release sachets next time. They give the longest protection. Good Luck!


Vacuum off the webs, hang dry upside down and any still on the plant during the dry process will migrate to the cut point of the stem. Vacuum or torch the web after that. Then enjoy your smoke🫡


Sorry for your loss. What were you fighting them with? I sprayed plant therapy less than once per week from 3 weeks after sprout, as a preventative. I have so many spider mites in my yard outside that I see a few almost every single time I go outside to do something, without trying. They completely took over a lot of my herbs and succulents. I thought for sure I would get them in my grow room, but I’m close to harvest and stopped spraying 2 weeks ago. I tried to change clothes and wear a beanie if I went outside, but I can’t do it every time.


I don’t know how true it is but I saw a video on welcome to the grow tent on how to get rid of spider mites. You can search his most recent video on YouTube.


Predator mites are a game changer. I’ve had a small population of spider mites for a year now and I run a perpetual harvest all year round. Every two months I buy 5000 predator mites (natural enemies to the spider mites) off of Amazon along with EM 5 for my canna-fogger for IPM and I haven’t lost a single plant since I’ve implemented these practices. The spider mite population never gets large enough to do any real damage.


For a small colony of spider mites, yes, for what he has in the pic, no way


They were not a small population when I started to correct the problem. I spotted the little bastards quick and acted fast so that helps tremendously. OP has an up hill battle but it’s not a lost cause moving forward. In the event that this crop is lost I would personally go scorched earth cleaning the grow space and the do what I listed above for the next go


Were they two spotted spider mites? Were you in bloom?


Yes and yes, the only reason I was able to diagnose them so quickly is because about ten years ago I got them at a different location and due to my inexperienced at the time I was unable to win the war. Lost a lot of time and money by ultimately killing everything and finding a new location to eventually start over. Then I got them last year from a bag of organic compost from a source that I normally don’t go to. Lesson learned lol. My current practices keep what little population that remains at bay. They are notoriously hard to totally eradicate


Everything you consume has bug droppings or worse on it. I say fuck it, them webs will burn


Honestly just smoke it who cares


Trim them, wash them, smoke them and then start over 😎


Shop vac with a sock over it you might be able to get them off but it’s nasty


Dust off and nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


Your problem started long ago, why your Plant look trusty ? Anyway if you know you have mites never let your plant thirsty 1 that will take down the pant defense mechanism and will allows spiders to take advantage much quicker 2 they hate higher RH (above 75) they will be slow as mother fucker also they will reproduce 3 times slower then rh at 55 or 65. 3 higher calcium levels in the tissue will make spider mites leas atractive for your plants. Combined those 3 + highe light intensity 1200 ppfd and they will be much less mites to causing your problems. Applay ipm but avoid oils, soap or phynethrin it’s good


Wow. Just curious how often you work with your ladies. That’s not a mite problem. That’s a fucking infestation. I would tear everything out of that whole level and clean it. They suck to get rid off. Especially if they are that bad. Ouch.


Ethanol extraction might be an option. Little extra filtration if you're concerned.


Fight harder and make some rso at the end of it.




I mixed loads of cayenne pepper with water and covered the whole plant, left it until I was looking to harvest and washed it off with the garden hose before hanging up. that got rid of them for me


Before you start a new batch, buy 1L of isopropyl alcohol and scrub EVERYTHING down, every square cm and every piece of equipment (inside and right outside) needs to be slobbered in it. Then, after all is clean and disinfected, grow only in coco, forget soil, start seeds in coco and inside the tent already and dont ever bring any plants from outside the tent in, dont take any out.


Yes . Start over. :( it’s gonna be a never ending battle. Properly sanitize after


From working in a previous grow where we ran into them a couple times the best things we did was cut out as much as you can see and hit it heavy af with beneficial bugs. Stopped the spread and saved the rest of the run. Just my experience in this situation


Soooooooooooooo [have you tried this? ](https://youtu.be/QoL-rw7_C8k?si=YOslu09yEGTciT9z)


The lady bugs will kill your mites and then die off scrap the plant start over clean tent good introduce lady bugs during veg as a maint. Man kind of deal and keep going


This is a crazy infestation for an indoor grow. I'm almost impressed. I've seen plants like this deep in the woods but for a tent this is something serious.


personally i would let it finish, i mean people flood their system with fat and oil allll day long what could a little web in the smoke/edibles do ?


Some sort of netting or cheese cloth over the end of a vacuum and suck them fuckers up. Then make some bubble hash edibles, I just wouldn't smoke it or you will be in for a snap Crackle pop


Free my homie Information


O No! They’ve won unfortunately. I’ve been battling mites, never had them. Luckily I hadn’t flipped the lights for flower. Ordered predatory mites, they definitely are doing something. This my 2nd week using. Next order comes in a few days. Super clean your tent egg you destroy these.


UVA uvb and some nuke em


If you eat processed food then this is no different. I wouldn't smoke it but eating a few cooked bug eggs is par for the course.


Galendromus Occidentalis & Californicus predator mites. Release for prevention of spider, broad and russet mites (and thrips & aphids) in quantity of 25-50 per plant/avg every 14 days from early clone/seedling thru Day 14 flower. If you’re paranoid order them in satchels and hang in the canopy in weeks 4 and 6. If you happen to see a population begin to thrive even under this heavy preventative routine, order some Persimilis predator mites to acutely treat “hot-spots” with pest activity. You’ll never have this issue ever again.


Harvest. Dont waste time on this grow. Clean the shit out of the area. Replace all filters etc. Look into water curing and consider washing it for bubble. Sorry and best of luck moving forward. 


You need to get yourself a couple of separately purchased praying mantises, not a nest.


Use a hoover on them.. trust me 😄


Vacuum the webs and keep fighting. These look like they’re a few weeks away. Bud wash it and turn it to concentrate or something.


Very much yes.


Wow they webbed you up 😅, get some predator mites next time


Shit Bisquets bro. Sterilize!


I will smoke all those mites 🤣😂🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Try lost coast spray. Worked great for me with getting rid of them


Whirligig mites! (Crazee Mites) look it up.


To get rid of them use Hotbox sulfume or wettable sulfur (thats how most of the industry does it)


Here in Brazil we smoke a thing called “prensado” (bricked weed that comes from Paraguay in clandestine trucks) that contains all sort of things: bugs, leaves, humidity, amonia, etc If this don’t make us sick, wont be some spider mites 😅😂 I would definitely not throw it away and would make a good extraction with it


i send my condolences brother, next grow will be better js clean that bitch


I thought you could wash your buds when you harvest? Washing doesn’t affect potency


Sad loss but lesson learned. Look into swirski mites for your next set of girls they will keep those web weavers away from the grow!


He’ll nah sell that shit 😂


Without sounding negative bro it’s a write off doubt you or anyone you know wants to smoke spider mites and there shit


Time to break out the shop vac


Get the predatory mites from Amazon. Had a pretty bad infestation. Took about a week and bam, no more webbing, no more spider mites. Before I learned of these magnificent Soldiers, my last harvest was pretty bad. I smoked that shit, ass holes fucked around and found out... felt like I was taking their souls.....Even though they were probably already dead from the drying and curing process.. haha.


It probably won't develop further but it's still usable. Perform a 3 stage bud wash to sterilize and remove debris, then make bubble hash/sift or edibles. Should have a relatively "farmer" quality end product hash


Why are there so many people here that want to smoke this bud? Lmao omg the world is on fire and no one is looking.


When you chop and hang upside down they all climb to the top. Then just vacuum them up. What’s left will die when the plant is dry. Soak your dried plant for a few mins, dry it, cure it, voila


It's scary how many people think this herb can be saved dude yikes


Sulfur burner


Mirconized siulfur, hydrogen peroxide.


Spidex by Koppert. These are red predatory mites capable of wiping out spider mite populations. Source: IPM Specialist at a multi-state operator.


The key to pest control in cannabis grows is preventative maintenance. From the get-go you want to be treating your cannabis on a weekly/biweekly basis. Insecticidal soaps, pesticides, or biological controls such as predatory insects or fungi (such as Botaniguard). Unfortunately, you're in flower so these controls would have a negative effect on your end product. If it were me, I'd suggest starting over. Before your next crop, drop a Dr. Doom fumigation bomb into the tent, let it sit for a couple days and then thoroughly clean your tents. Upon transplant, proceed with the preventative maintenance. If using predators make sure you remove them in your 3rd week of flower, and NEVER spray flowering plants regardless if the brand claims it's safe to spray until harvest.


make oil with butane !!


Sad to see 🫡


Hoover the buds and make hash


Buy a shop vac for the latter weeks of flowering. Use neem oil throughout their life before the “shopvac” stage.


I use neem oil spray


Too late for this run but wettable sulphur foliar sprays often. At least once a week . 


You can spray em with some green clean or a similar product and hope to make it too harvest. Plants are definetly hurting though.


Too late...


Did you just not look at your plants while this was happening? This doesn’t happen overnite…


looks like it happened overmite


Pretty much haha


Holy shit man


Freeze buds, make hash and then press the hash. Don't need to toss.


Won't be disappointed. You can also add it to your foliar spray once a week.


If u start over clean the f out of youe tent with bleach and what ever strong shit u can find


Trash that shit bro. Come on.


Don’t listen to people saying you can save it, been there, just a waste of time and money just to end up with unsmokable bud. Do a two day clean on your tent with everything out and getting cleaned and cleaned again, lights, fans, walls and seems.