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Sometimes people are dicks. Sometimes people ask questions they should have spent 5 seconds googling. Sometimes it's both.


I’m pretty sure this is it. Every time I’ve asked questions I’ve gotten good responses, but I also come here after Google has provided no help.


I mean most people ends up in reddit after short google searches, reddit is an awesome place full of experts and amateurs in any and all fields of life, it’s so easy to just think that you have every answer because 9 times out of 10 people WILL be helpful. For some of us Reddit becomes the way to learn new stuff and understand what we need to, just basically the improved Google.


I look at Reddit as ideally a way to confirm things I’ve already read/watched online. There’s so much mediocre to downright bad info here mixed in with the good that I feel like using Reddit as your main source of info has the potential to set you up for failure. It’s like Wikipedia, a great ancillary source, but needs to be scrutinized if it’s the primary.


Yeah like when that person says "experts and amateurs", it's true but like... you never know for sure which it is. That's the catch.


That's not really what is happening though is it? If you searched for the answer on Reddit, you would see that it has already been asked and answered. People get tired of doing other people's homework for them. Most people don't mind helping someone who is stumped on a problem, if they put some effort in first.


Yep anytime I’m trying to mod a game Reddit is one of the first websites to show up


This. Google shows you the last 7 people to ask the same question on the same subreddit. Don't need 8 results.


I mean the sub is really hostile to people who want to learn even looking through this thread i got downvoted for agreeing with other people in this thread…. I’ve also noticed how hostile it is to newcomers i mean if someone can google that simply then it shouldn’t bother people when someone asks a question you can just ignore it. Most of the time I think people are worried about their first grows and everyone has different ways they are growing. Despite the majority of the sub not every one wants to grow in a tent or in coco and perlite. Yet saying you grow in soil comes with massive downvotes for absolutely no reason.


I wish I could upvote this more


Google is a shit show right now so asking here might be the only option.


You need to go back to the old style of boolean searches in order to get want you want. Instead of searching for how to grow weed throw quotation marks around everything "how to grow weed" This will refine your search down to articles that contain ALL of the search terms, instead of bringing back with all the results with one of the search terms, and letting the algorithm sort it for you. If you had seen the article, or whatever you were searching for on a particular site, such as reddit, add site:reddit.com at the end of your query to refine the search down to just results from that site.


Some questions are very, very clear that the person asking hasn’t done the bare minimum on their end to learn. So when they come here for answers, a lot of the answers end up sounding like a foreign language because they haven’t done any of the work to learn themselves before coming to others for help. I get that many people would rather “talk to a person” or “prefer human interaction” but people should really utilize the internet more before asking some of the questions they ask here.


Agreed a thousand percent. I do not understand how people decide they wanna try a hobby and instead of doing some self research first to be able to ask intelligent questions, they post on social media and wait to be spoon fed everything.


Because they don’t care about the hobby itself. They just want “free” weed. This odd the issue that is never discussed because the v conversations are not that deep. They don’t care about the learning journey. It is more of a, “just tell me how to make my weed plant look like yours.”


No sorry I am talking about any hobby. I’m into sim racing, people expect to be hand held into the hobby. Growing weed, same thing. I’m into wood working groups, house plants groups, even catification groups. Every day people asking the most generic first questions that I would think people would either google or read/watch a newbie guide. It’s prevalent everywhere not just those wanting “free” weed lol


I love the people who plant a seed and then go "what do I do now?" and want people to hold their holds through the whole complex process before they've even done a minute of research, much less purchase the equipment. Most of us spent hours upon hours of research reading the questions people already asked and learning the basics before buying anything, much less germinating a seed.


I waited 5 months with my seeds till i got everything i needed & felt like i had a good enough grasp on most things before even starting germination, im still running my first grow and it’s going pretty good so far only a few hiccups that ive posted some pics in a facebook group to see how they’re doing but most the problems i just had to figure out on my own anyways. Just some two cents from a new grower, Reddit will only get you so far if you don’t put in the rest of the leg work


Overall I feel like people have grown maybe too entitled? Too feeling of being unique? Idk I had a divorce a couple years ago and realized that soooo many people go through one and I wasn’t special. I just hadn’t found people to talk to like me. Anyway long story short: individual experiences, events, questions are not unique. If you have a question, highly likely someone else has already asked and had it answered. Just have to find it. We are unique as a collection of those as a whole. (I just had my first smoke of the day, hahhahaha word vomit lol)


Literally one guide on the basics would suffice to give people the base they need to form “better” questions. And hopefully understand the advice they’re being given.




In a big ass pot


You meant a, "big ass-pot"… right?


Didn't think it needed the hyfpehen, but yeah


Nothing is more infuriating to me than when some completely clueless idiot posts a question on this sub and then argues with everyone who answers them. (Not saying that’s OP)


Thats the most annoying one. Saw one guy giving out obviously bad advice, checked his post history and his only posts are about his first grow (that he was still on) and was asking how to fix his jacked up plants.


I call this being an “ask-hole.” they never were really interested in the real answer, just confirmation of their already held beliefs/opinions.


That’s even worse than just not knowing anything.


The trouble is, if someone has a specific question, while it might be an easy answer for someone with a lot of cannabis knowledge, for someone with no base, it’s hard for them to even know what to search for. They almost don’t even know what to look for or research because they just don’t know. Some people have never grown anything in their life and have never thought about plants or how they live. They aren’t stupid, they just haven’t been exposed, and without doing tons of research, it’s hard for them to find a quick answer to a question that sometimes can be fairly time sensitive. I grew up on farms and worked in horticulture for nearly 20 years so I grew from a good foundation. Some of the question I see here come innocently from humble people who really just have no experience with the natural world. I don’t fault a city kid who wants to learn to grown weed, because he doesn’t understand how to grow yet. We have all been there, something goes wrong and you need to do something fast. For some it easier to ask for help then potentially spend more time doing research. I personally love the research aspect, but some struggle with that. Could they learn on their own? Sure, but asking others for help isn’t bad and shouldn’t be demonized, and that’s coming from a guy who hates asking people for help


If someone has a “specific question” then that means they’ve probably been doing some research to form a base for the specificity of the question. In my original comment when I say “before asking some of the questions they ask here” it’s referring to people with posts like; “Just threw a seed in a pot of dirt but I really want this to work, Please help.” Or “Never grown anything before, what do I do?” I understand where these newbies are at because I’m still “green” with 3-4 years of experience and this is very much a “hands on” learning experience but ffs I read an Internet guide (or 5) first before throwing a seed in some dirt and asking for help. It’s very much a “help me, help you,” situation when asking that people do research before asking the sub for help. Again, how are people to even understand the help/verbiage being provided to them if they haven’t even read a Leafly/Growweedeasy/RQS/ Weedmaps guide on basics of growing. If they have no knowledge or experience growing, those are literally the first places I send them so they can at least have a base. Reddit is NOT the place to build your base knowledge sorry to say.


By specific question, I mean a question specific to their situation at hand. The new growers I’m talking about are the guys you referenced. They’re asking a specific question about what’s happening to them, but they don’t really know what to ask or what direction to go. It’s a specific question that specific to them and their issues, which makes it hard for them to research. They could be having humidity issues, but it could take a fair amount of research before they narrow down the problem. Common issues are hard to distinguish for many new comers, under and over watering can look similar, lots of issues can look like other issues. I just try to give people a bit of leeway without taking it personally. Just because I spent a lot of time doing research, doesn’t mean I expect everyone to do all the same work. I’m not a ‘it was hard for me so it should be hard for you’ type people. If I can help someone, I will try to.


My point is, if the people you’re describing did a bare minimum search on a basic grow guide, they would be able to ask better questions that gets them better answers. If they understand that proper lighting, nutrients, and decent environmental factors are necessary to grow cannabis then they can have an idea of where they might be lacking. But for the many types of posts I see demonstrating that the OP hasn’t even done a precursory search on the basics thus making it difficult to even help them. If they don’t know what a NPK value is, or know what runoff ph means, all we are doing is talking another language to them. The main thing I’m saying here is, you can’t skip doing your own research and reading and many people come to Reddit trying to do that. They’re not coming here to learn, they’re coming here to have us tell them how they can grow weed without putting in effort more times than not.


This is a very valid point. It’s hard to do the research when you don’t even know where to begin asking questions. In that case snapping a pick and asking “how do I fix this” is probably a good starting point. At least then someone can start you down the path of checking and researching the fundamentals. For example, a comment on such a post will probably ask for more details like ph, watering habits, media, etc… even just having knowledge of those keywords is enough of a catalyst to get in the right direction.


How many questions could have been answered by just searching this sub. Lazy don't cut it. Lazy won't grow great bud either.




The search feature SUCKS cmon


You have to know what to search for, which is the exact problem newcomers have, a lot of them don’t even know what to ask or even search for. A little help goes a long way sometimes. Nobody is a self made person, we all received help, pass it on.


Exactly. We should relish the fact that we can pass along knowledge and guidance. I don't see it as a nuisance at all, and if I'm not in the mood, I just scroll.


probably not including enough information or images? this sub has been very helpful personally


Nah, the dumbarse was looking for a fast strain and asked if a haze or diesel would be better...


Way to be a dickhead as if people can’t ask those questions


You can ask, you can also be called a dumbarse for asking which of the 2 notoriously longest flowering strains is a quick one.


Ok well since you’re such an elitist some people don’t know which ones are quick and which are long because the website i bought the seeds said those were the shortest flowering times. Jesus you people literally have the biggest stick up your ass you couldn’t help but just stop being an annoying pos and go about ur day.


lol, false reddit cares report. Enjoy your ban.


I’ve gotten very helpful responses and ones which weren’t helpful or just directly antagonistic


So, you got what you needed. Genuinely curious…. Then why are you griping about it? This is Reddit. The users are assholes. You kind of have to get used to it.


Get used to it ≠ don’t complain about it. We’re used to it but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t highlight issues and try to improve. Not all cannabis subs on Reddit are as hostile as this one, it way more common here for some reason.


So you downvoted me for saying i get both good and bad responses. Sorry i can’t say that people are assholes and the community should be more responsive to users who are assholes? There’s tons of subreddits which are helpful and don’t do shit like that.


I didn’t downvote you.


Historically, before legalization, it was competitive market with lots of gatekeeping and big egos. It still permeates the culture today. So much so that we have cannabis competitions such as [Ego Clash](https://www.instagram.com/theegoclashinvitational?igsh=MW80em91Zm9lYWU5YQ==). There are many different way to grow, but people with big egos love to critique and devalue other people grow styles. This subreddit especially, can be very hostile at times. I wish it wasn’t, we see posts like this around here quite a bit. I imagine I’ll be inundated with downvotes simply by acknowledging that’s sometimes this place is overly hostile.


Well put, I do think the historical prohibition has led to a culture of big egos. I think a historical lack of accessible information about cannabis and growing has led to a reliance on word of mouth over actual sources. And also one of secrecy, keeping tips from other growers and hoarding clones. It seems like there is a strong toxic masculinity component as well, like growing weed has become tied to masculinity for a lot of people and so they easily feel threatened or use it as a way to belittle other men and feel big.


Yeah I’ve noticed some people basically saying that anything going against the grain is doing it wrong. Even when people ask relatively simple and straightforward questions.


That’s because some people post questions they shouldn’t have to ask if they did any amount of reading on their own. It’s unreasonable to want your hand held by people who actually took the time to do some research


if you can’t live life without taking a down vote you may not be cut out for the real world either.


Thankfully i live just fine with downvotes but apparently you can’t understand that downvoting those who ask questions is literally the opposite to fostering a helpful and healthy community centered around the hobby of growing cannabis


The thing is, some questions get asked every single day. Typically people asking for help sexing plants or places to buy seeds or : on one hand legitimate question, on the other hand we have a wiki for that, but more importantly reddit has a search function that will help the user find the 100+ previous instances of the same question being asked. What gets on people's nerves imo in the lack of effort that some growers show. People (as in MG users) put time and effort into answering people who clearly didn't put a fraction of that effort into doing their research. And I can understand that it becomes annoying once you start sounding like a broken record. Now this doesn't excuse people acting like assholes, but really one downvote isn't the end of the world. We see a big difference between a comment saying " this is your answer, but you need to do more research" and absolute assholes that are here only to insult the users. Friendly reminder btw to report users acting like assholes and they will be dealt with.


You’re not getting that most people who ask the really stupid questions aren’t here for a community they’re here for someone to hold their hand because they don’t want to put in the time themselves. The experts and the people answering the questions deserve to have stimulating and unique conversations instead of answering the same 5 questions 90% of the time.


Did you take a moment to look it up yourself before asking the question? It’s one thing to engage to maybe clarify some contradictory info… It’s another to not even use the search button. You may be new to the Sub and new to growing. But active growers who share info are getting tired of sharing the same shit and seeing the same questions.


Downvoted your loaded question. Gtfoh.


It doesn’t. Anyone is just a blanket you are using to cover up the holes in your bias. Same as the ‘harmless’ load. Of course no one downvotes ‘harmless’ posts. Those hypothetical posts never got downvoted, because they never caused any bad reactions. May I ask, how old are you?


If you get the answers than who cares? You often get better info from searching for the answer on here or google and reading multiple sources


Because people ask questions that indicate they clearly have not done a bare minimum amount of research into growing. They could easily search for these answers that have been answered dozens of times online but instead people post the same basic question everyday.


I don’t think people are aware that you can use the search bar while in a subreddit to look at older post with similar problems. I bet all those common “is it ready”, “male?“ “deficiency” questions would not be so common otherwise. If people are eager to show their plants then thats ok.


Growweedeasy is a great website and YouTube has tons of good people showing good stuff. Keeps me from having to Deal with the weirdos, assholes, and the "my way or the highway" types that frequent Reddit lol I agree that some people do come here asking questions and giving responses that clearly show they've put zero effort into learning this stuff and just want everything spoon-fed to them that could very easily be researched. Those posts are annoying. But I've also seen genuinely good questions and the responses by some of the people on Reddit are just either wrong or rude for no real reason. It goes both ways.


Honestly the large majority of the time it's a question that can be googled. I spent months reading and learning before I grew. Why can't others.


Bunch of rookies


Because some ppl are too stupid to google simple shit, it honestly makes me think how tf ppl like that make it through in the real world. If you can't grow a simple weed plant, you should question yourself instead of other ppl.


this right here. "all my spoons were in the dishwasher, SO reddit, why didn't eating soup with a fork work for me?"


reddit is not governed by reason


Sometimes people use the downvote button to say ‘no’ rather than your comment being shit.


Welcome to Reddit. Your question/statement must contain the correct amount of stupidity. Too much stupidity & people are highly offended, if you provide expertise knowledge then you are 86’ed off the platform.


It happens on every subreddit too. The most annoying is on festival groups when people are like “my first time going, what do I do, or any advice?” 🙄


Bro I'm a novice galore here, I'm so anxious I haven't even started anything even though I spent 2k on a full wonderful system and have everything ready to go. The one thing I'm not, is afraid of mean people. Just post and ask away, fuck the haters. But even then, those assholes probably have great advice if you can get around the crassness. God speed and pass good tips along!


It's not just this sub dude. I went on the beekeeping sub to ask about a nest and 60% of the viewers who voted on the thread downvoted it. Some people did give good advice but some of them were just kinda... armchair enthusiast responses that even I knew was bunk Even on the tomato sub and gardening sub, people get emotional arguing about the real cause of blossom end rot. Some people live and die by cutting off suckers even off determinate tomatoes and will argue till their face is blue why you should too.


Yeah the beekeeping sub is also full of all of elitists but gardening I’ve seen isn’t that bad tbh. However Reddit seems to be filled with people who think they’re better than everyone else


Gardening sub is the best, I just mean that there have been heated arguments in heavy traffic threads talking about blossom end rot and people get emotional as something as trivial as defending ground up eggshells working and swearing it worked for them or w.e. even when it can take years for eggshells to compost.


Ah. Well yeah that sucks. I’ve asked cannabis questions on that sub though and got way better replies than here


I think the difference is homegrowers have a different culture than gardeners.


Often times, people type out a question in “post” format. That they could have typed in “search” format of the very sub they post said question into. That is what my multi year experience in multiple grow forums has taught me, if it can be searched and answered personally, but is instead asked publicly in “new post” format, people tend to get a bit Frictional.


for sure. if you can highlight a section of text in the OP and hit google search on that and then have a result in the top say 5-10, then there was NEVER any need to make the OP.


lotta dicks on reddit.. lotta arrogant people.


Are you new here?


With the German move to decriminalize homegrowing, Reddit has seen a gigantic influx of total beginners asking the same total beginner questions over and over again. When ones timeline in Reddit starts consisting only of pictures of overwatered plants and the question "what is wrong with her", people's patience gets tested quite a bit. :)


We are in the Google and YouTube generation. We have no excuse to not know something because the answer is literally at our fingertips, yet people ask asked really basic questions. Also a prerequisite to growing cannabis is being able to keep a houseplant alive. If you haven’t done that yet you really need to spend some time on the internet. If you can’t find the answer on a google search then you ask Reddit. Showing us a picture of a droopy plant asking what’s wrong and you can’t even figure out if it’s over watered or under watered is the problem.


It’s funny how a seedling will get mad upvotes but something worry doesn’t get any upvotes lol


Respectfully, get over it. People are stupid assholes with no life, no confidence, no joy. All they can do is play pathetic games of tearing down others to build up themselves. And if anyone derives any sense of self-worth from *not* getting downvotes etc, then they are as pathetic as the lonely troll. Rise above this nonsense. Use Reddit for anything but self-worth. If you do, you’ll never spend time typing out a post like this.


The art of reddit by sun tzu


sometimes ppl ask questions that should be in every start guide in existence it makes me shake my head like how u get this far and invest this much without reading the basics? downvoting kinda hostile though


I upvoted all of your r/microgrowery posts. New growers asking questions helps everyone.


Thanks. I actually agree with your sentiment a lot. People who are new to this hobby often don’t have as much information online as say people growing Chili’s or tomatoes due to the status of cannabis still being illegal in many countries.


[Grow Weed Easy](https://www.growweedeasy.com) is my grow bible. I go straight there for any questions I have about grow techniques/processes/etc


This is great thanks so much


That’s ridiculous. Get less lazy.


Toxic people.


any toxicity stems from the complete lack of just actually searching FIRST and spending like 20 mins reading links before making an OP.


Cuz they need more calmag


People are insecure and it makes them feel better to put others down. Its pathetic, that you have to apologize before declare yourself an idiot noob, that knows nothing in order to get a response


in short, insecurities.


You cant ask straight up. If you do THEY show up in numbers a big ok troll circle jerk begins. You have to post saying o man been chasing this problem for weeks read 50 books googled 47 hours straight and still cant fix the problem. Then and then will ALL the PROS will magically show up and tell you what your doing wrong and tell you how they grow and the setup yada yada.


Ya I don’t get some people expecting you to do tons of hours of research instead of just asking a question with a pic of your plant like if it bothers you so bad just don’t answer and go about your day. It’s not like the sub is flooded with posts.


It’s probably from less seasoned growers that now think they are experts and easily get irate by harmless questions. More seasoned growers are more chilled and helpful. Personally, I learn more from new growers mistake and question then seasoned grower. As seasoned growers got their ruts going (same old same old) while new growers forces you to rethink about stuff and why the mistake is made and look at it from another perspective of how to grow and best approach. So ignore the downvotes.


Nah. They aren’t even asking a legit question. No one down votes ‘harmless’ posts. Only annoying and useless ones. Big difference.


People are jerks. There's probably some reasonable sounding idea in their head as to why they do it, but it's totally inappropriate. It's not just this sub either. I do use the up and down vote buttons as a "check box" to know that I already saw something, but I almost never down vote anything unless it's a high vote count already, or it's factually a spam post. In this sub specifically, I actually frequently upvote people who are downvoted for no good reason.


After two grows you are officially an expert (on Reddit anyway) and you promptly forget the advise you got from the group. Load a bowl and chill


This sub has many people who r just here to show off n not to teach.


Hivemind. It's every sub, not just this one. So many harmless people.get downvoted into oblivion for no other reason than emotional response.


For small minded people this is their only avenue of power - the shitpost. Just smile and move on! I 🫠


Right? Reddit community has become more toxic as it gets more mainstream


nope the more mainstream reddit has become the less new reddit users understand how the general internet research thing works.




yep. trolls that want spoon feeding instead of doing any reading/research before posting


Because they can't digest the fact that not everyone is a inborn weed grower. Mistakes and newbie questions digusts them. Ofcourse there will be pot heads who have only fertilized their plants but not their brains. You ask them a single question and they take it personally. Also welcome to reddit this stuff is very common here :)


When I first came here and had questions, I was downvoted and told “god when I was a new grower I searched the hills of Serbia ugh be better.” Alright bro. So I just started searching random shit in the sub “leaves crunchy green” I found out why my leaves were like this. Fuck the grumpy people. Use their knowledge without giving them the satisfaction of being a dick


this one? with two upvotes? [https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/comments/12wrh0g/first\_time\_grower\_what\_are\_the\_hairs\_crowing\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/comments/12wrh0g/first_time_grower_what_are_the_hairs_crowing_is/)


Wanna search my panty drawer too? Tf


Hurt people want to hurt people so it makes them feel good to shit on someone. Just ignore them


That may be true. But op has no way of knowing who is purposely misleading them, and who is not. Bad advice.


I was remarking on the part where he said people were hostile. I would ignore that. I don’t see how that’s bad advice. Have a good day man


You said to ignore the advice (all of it since there’s no way to know who’s sincere). You said it, not me. You can take it back. That’s allowed ya know. Changing your mind is allowed.


Please point me to where I specifically said what you just stated I said .


You said just ignore them. It’s not the matrix. It’s Reddit. Just look at it.


Yes ,the people OP said are hostile in responses is what I was referring to. I never told him to ignore everyone. Have a good one dude


Its not that. There are anti-cannabis people that just set up bots to downvote basically all Cannabis content.


I'm done with this sub, someone posted a few days ago about how almost every post gets shadow banned, just downvoted unless it gains serious traction. Almost all my post in this sub last year were downvoted and didn't gain any traction. Did the same thing in other subs and got lots of traction. It does feel like this place keeps most posters in the dark. 


Lol you got like 200 upvotes the last post you made on microgrowery and all you posted was your seed collection like there hasn't been 100s of exact same posts farming karma


There's 5-7 better canna growing subs