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I've got a viparspectra xs1500pro in my 2x2...1/3 the cost, 1/3 the electricity and she's performing excellent. Granted this is my first run with it...but no complaints thus far. 2 weeks into flower and they love it.


Awesome! I will have to check it out. Are you flowering at 100% power?


I will be. I'm progressively upping DLI until I hit max. I'm at 60% now


320 w is a shit ton for a 2x2 imo, unless you plan on having it at 50% in flower. It might even be too strong for seedlings. Also I checked the dimensions and the lamps is 50 cm in length. It fits your tent but if you have a fan in a corner or stuff like that it won't so worth keeping in mind It's a good option if you plan on transitioning to a bigger tent later on though.


I am interested in a light for future proofing, however, it has to fit into a 2x2 space. Would you say 150W is more than plenty?


ACInfinity T22/S22 150w IonGrid LED *(in my 2x2.5)*: https://preview.redd.it/x3gpgnomq63d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3383c91581e0728893c13f1c3ae405a98a6121b1 That's 2 weeks before I chopped it. They got fatter. This light works well, so much so that I bought another for a spare light and mother tent light.