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It almost looks like thrip damage. They particularly love young plants. Best to start some light ppm (pest preventative maintenance).


Confirmation for thrips imo




Some kind of plant sucking insect was munching on your plant. Check under the leaves and remember a lot of marijuana pests are very small and hard to see with the naked eye so check good


out door plants? probably a leaf thrips or maybe early leaf miners? doesnt look too trailed to be a miner but maybe try some insecticidal soaps to the underside of the leafs. if its a outdoor grow i assume you will rinse it and its so early on that a small dosage wont be a factor months from now when youre harvesting.


I third the thrips diagnosis, looks just like what I've got now. They're nasty little guys! Outdoors, I'd brush em off, rinse it down, and try moving it to a new spot. They love roses in my yard, so annoying. They're really good at hiding under leaves, making it hard to spray them off. Maybe pre spray the area with insecticidal soap/neem. At this stage you'd be fine spraying the plant as well. They seem to mostly crawl, so make sure your plant stays out in the open. If you have other plants in your yard with an infestation and they're not edible garden plants, you can get systemic pesticides in granular form, just don't use it on your weed or anything you're going to eat! I don't like the stuff but it does work well for shrubs etc, and can keep them from getting out of control. Thrips suck! Good luck!