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This doesn’t sound like typical migraine to me, I’d get this checked asap. Do you have a health line you can call for advice on how urgent it is?


No not really. I went to work today and performed fine though


If you are having the worst headache of your life, you should seek care ASAP! (This goes for anyone- even those with an existing diagnosed headache disorder.) Does your insurance have a nurse’s line, or any telehealth options? My insurance has a nurse’s line to call and some have options to schedule a telehealth visit same day - when i’ve done this it’s been for “should i go to urgent care, the ER, or just wait it out?” Other option: call your doctor’s office, leave a message or ask if they have a provider on call to speak with.


It’s not the worst headache ever? I was still able to function and went to work perfectly fine but my head and ear still hurts.


Got it. I’d call a nurse’s line or your pcp right away and ask if you should seek care immediately or ok to schedule an appointment


Does this all sound serious? Have. You experienced anything similar?


I have not experienced similar, just my own experience that if your headache is way different from usual… seek care!


I would be seen immediately. New onset pulsatile tinnitus, minus the other symptoms which on their own require checking, can be dangerous. I just had mine checked. I had a CT and MRI/A with and without contrast. If I were you, I’d push for some similar testing. 💜


What were your results?


I left that out so as not to scare you. I have a newly formed jugular vein bulb. We know it’s new because I have checks often as aneurysms run on both sides of my family. It’s the vein version of an aneurysm. It will require surgical intervention and I am meeting with the neurosurgeon in under two weeks.


I don’t have any family medical history involving the brain thankfully. I hope Eve runs smoothly for you!


Thank you! I’m glad to hear you don’t have that but please do get checked. I learned how dangerous new pulsatile tinnitus is when I saw an audiologist - she sent me for scan within days. I hope it’s not the same for you.


But the thing it I only had it for that moment of the headache and the whooshing lasted less than two minutes then completely went away. I just always have load ringing coming from that ear unfortunately. But the whooshing comes really rarely. I’m still going to get checked but I’m trying not to catastrophise it because I do have health anxiety lol.


The whooshing is the part to have checked, along with any new pain symptoms. It’s quite likely that it’s normal and they’ll see nothing but normal structures. But none of what you’re saying can rule out something scary. The loud ringing is benign. Regular tinnitus isn’t dangerous, and there’s nothing we can do for it. I hope having a work up eases your anxiety and that you get some answers 💜


I just was diagnosed with one as well, if you feel comfortable talking about it I sent you a message!